12,094 research outputs found

    The Influence of Hospitality Leaders’ Relational Transparency on Followers’ Trust and Deviance Behaviors: Mediating Role of Behavioral Integrity

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    This paper investigates the effect of leader\u27s relational transparency on follower organizational deviance through followers’ perception of leader\u27s behavioral integrity and their trust in leader. Multi-level modeling results from a multisource survey-based field-study with 24 hospitality student project teams (N = 149) show that behavioral integrity mediates the relationship between leader\u27s relational transparency and follower\u27s trust in leader. Furthermore, multi-level path analysis suggests that leader\u27s relational transparency, a team-level construct, exerts a cross-level effect on follower\u27s organizational deviance through the mediating roles of behavioral integrity and follower\u27s trust in leader. The study has yielded theoretical and practical implications that are useful for hospitality leaders. © 201

    Business Trends and Tendencies in Organization Design and Work Design Practice: Identifying Cause-and-Effect Relationships

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    Current global business environment has a strong impact on theory and practice of organizations, as well as on working behavior of their employees. Increased complexity and competitiveness is changing settled ways of organizing and working. The ultimate search for the holy grail of achieving organizational effectiveness through better design solutions is gaining momentum. There are many possible areas and means for improvement. Great opportunities emerge from better understanding of contemporary organizational and work environment. To seize them, the link between organization design and work design tendencies will be emphasized. Through an in-depth theoretical research on current business trends and their impact on the changing nature of work in organizations, potentially very strong patterns between these two different environmental categories and levels of analysis will be identified. By analyzing widespread network of current trends and tendencies in organization design and work design field, useful insights will be provided for business practice, as well as for future scientific research challenges.business trends, organization design, work design, systems approach

    Business Trends and Tendencies in Organization Design and Work Design Practice:Identifying Cause-and-Effect Relationships

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    Current global business environment has a strong impact on theory and practice of organizations, as well as on working behavior of their employees. Increased complexity and competitiveness is changing settled ways of organizing and working. The ultimate search for the holy grail of achieving organizational effectiveness through better design solutions is gaining momentum. There are many possible areas and means for improvement. Great opportunities emerge from better understanding of contemporary organization and work environment. To seize them, the link between organization design and work design tendencies will be emphasized. Through an in-depth theoretical research on current business trends and their impact on the changing nature of work in organizations, potentially very strong patterns between these two different environmental categories and levels of analysis will be identified. Our extensive analysis of current trends and tendencies in organization design and work design field will provide useful insights for business practitioners and researchers.business trends, organization design, work design, systems approach

    Empowerment in project teams: a multi-level examination of the job performance implications

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    An integrative multilevel model of empowerment and job performance behaviours is advanced, building on social cognitive theory (SCT). Empowerment climate is hypothesized as influencing individual and team performance behaviours directly and partially through individual and team (psychological) empowerment. Using survey responses from 380 individuals, nested in 115 project management teams, we tested the direct, indirect and cross-level relationships delineated in the multilevel model, using a combination of OLS regression models and hierarchical linear modelling (HLM). Empowerment climate positively related not only directly to both task and contextual performance behaviours but partially through both individual and team empowerment. At the team level, empowerment climate also positively related directly to taskwork and teamwork behaviours and partially through team empowerment. The results suggest that empowerment climate and psychological empowerment play complementary roles in engendering individual and team performance behaviours and are therefore not mutually exclusive. The findings are also evident of convergence in management practices across cultures as well as different work contexts and further provide concrete targets of manipulation by organisations and leaders desirous of empowering individuals and teams in the project context

    Towards Sustainable Project Governance : A Multisystem and Multilevel Analysis

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    Multilevel assessment has been put forward in this study as a key tool for tackling the challenges of sustainable development. Therefore, in addition to the micro scale, two other important levels are analysed: the meso and macro levels. Through spatial modelling, this research contributes to the context of project portfolio management and presents a gestalt of systems. The study starts from the analysis of macro scale sustainable development within the European context. Four key elements of the model are introduced: innovation, efficiency, co-creation and environment. This approach also presents a solution to the challenge of the paradigm shift that has increased the complexity of project portfolio management. Subsequently, the front-end of the portfolio has been formulated with a sustainable method. Meanwhile, the trend of eco-efficiency in the EU-15 countries is evaluated, and a longitudinal analysis determines the cases that are promoting sustainability. Furthermore, the challenge of sustainability requires a business model that governs the whole system. Thus, the meso scale has been studied through a systematic review of the literature and exploratory case studies of prominent companies in Europe. Consequently, an open innovation model as a mediator of the Agile method is discussed as a framework. The study gradually narrows down towards the micro scale in Finland. Although the efficiency of various cases has been analysed, another layer of analysis is performed in order to explore the reasons behind the efficiency in Finland. The performances of projects in Finland are assessed through decomposition analysis.Tämä tutkimus esittää monitasoista arviointia keskeiseksi välineeksi kestävän kehityksen haasteiden ratkaisemiseen. Sen johdolla on analysoitu mikrotason lisäksi kahta muuta tärkeää tasoa: meso- ja makrotasoa. Spatiaalisen mallinnuksen avulla tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on edistää projektisalkunhallintaa sekä muodostaa systeemien kokonaisuus. Tutkimus on aloitettu kestävän kehityksen makrotason analyysilla eurooppalaisessa kontekstissa. Mallin neljä keskeistä elementtiä ovat innovaatio, tehokkuus, yhteiskehittäminen ja ympäristö. Tämä lähestymistapa tarjoaa myös ratkaisun paradigman muutoksen aiheuttamalle haasteelle, joka on lisännyt projektisalkunhallinnan monimutkaisuutta. Tämän seurauksena projektisalkun alkuvaihe on muodostettu kestävää menetelmää hyödyntäen. Samalla on arvioitu ekotehokkuuden kehitystä EU-15 maissa sekä pitkittäisanalyysin avulla määritetty ne tapaukset, jotka ovat edistyneet kestävästi. Kestävän kehityksen haasteet vaativat myös liiketoimintamallin, jolla voidaan hallita koko järjestelmää. Siten mesotasoa on tarkasteltu sekä systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen että merkittävien eurooppalaisten yritysten avulla. Sen seurauksena viitekehityksenä on käsitelty avointa innovaatiomallia ketterän mallin muuntavana tekijänä. Tutkimus kapenee asteittain kohti mikrotasoa Suomessa. Vaikka monien eri tapauksien tehokkuutta onkin jo analysoitu, tehdään toinen analyysi tehokkuuden syiden selvittämiseksi Suomessa. Projektien suorituskykyä Suomessa on arvioitu dekompositioanalyysillä.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The patchwork governance of ecologically available water: A case study in the Upper Missouri Headwaters, Montana, United States

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    Institutional authority and responsibility for allocating water to ecosystems (“ecologically available water” [EAW]) is spread across local, state, and federal agencies, which operate under a range of statutes, mandates, and planning processes. We use a case study of the Upper Missouri Headwaters Basin in southwestern Montana, United States, to illustrate this fragmented institutional landscape. Our goals are to (a) describe the patchwork of agencies and institutional actors whose intersecting authorities and actions influence the EAW in the study basin; (b) describe the range of governance mechanisms these agencies use, including laws, policies, administrative programs, and planning processes; and (c) assess the extent to which the collective governance regime creates gaps in responsibility. We find the water governance regime includes a range of nested mechanisms that in various ways facilitate or hinder the governance of EAW. We conclude the current multilevel governance regime leaves certain aspects of EAW unaddressed and does not adequately account for the interconnections between water in different parts of the ecosystem, creating integrative gaps. We suggest that more intentional and robust coordination could provide a means to address these gaps

    Business Trends and Tendencies in Organization Design and Work Design Practice: Identifying Cause and Effect Relationships

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    Current global business environment has a strong impact on theory and practice of organizations, as well as on working behavior of their employees. Increased complexity and competitiveness is changing settled ways of organizing and working. The ultimate search for the holy grail of achieving organizational effectiveness through better design solutions is gaining momentum. There are many possible areas and means for improvement. Great opportunities emerge from better understanding of contemporary organization and work environment. To seize them, the link between organization design and work design tendencies will be emphasized. Through an in-depth theoretical research on current business trends and their impact on the changing nature of work in organizations, potentially very strong patterns between these two different environmental categories and levels of analysis will be identified. Our extensive analysis of current trends and tendencies in organization design and work design field will provide useful insights for business practitioners and researchers

    Copenhagen:Fading international star?

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    Unexpected Events in IT Projects: A Conceptual Review and Research Agenda

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    When unexpected events occur, IT project teams need to react appropriately in order to limit the potentially negative, and sometimes disastrous consequences of such events. Yet, while past research has identified unexpected events as being an important aspect to consider when managing projects, the existing literature does not provide a clear conceptualization of this concept which limits the development of new theories and thus the ability to guide practitioners. Based on a literature review and to advance our understanding of unexpected events in IT projects and their effective management, and facilitate future theoretical developments on IT project management, the present paper develops a conceptualization that clearly distinguishes this concept from other closely related ones, as well as proposing a research framework that links it to IT project team responses and their consequences. A detailed research agenda, integrating current advances in different fields, is developed to highlight future research avenues
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