1,748 research outputs found

    Towards Psychometrics-based Friend Recommendations in Social Networking Services

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    Two of the defining elements of Social Networking Services are the social profile, containing information about the user, and the social graph, containing information about the connections between users. Social Networking Services are used to connect to known people as well as to discover new contacts. Current friend recommendation mechanisms typically utilize the social graph. In this paper, we argue that psychometrics, the field of measuring personality traits, can help make meaningful friend recommendations based on an extended social profile containing collected smartphone sensor data. This will support the development of highly distributed Social Networking Services without central knowledge of the social graph.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 2017 International Conference on AI & Mobile Services (IEEE AIMS

    Using Blockchain Technology in Smart Life Applications

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    مقدمة: Blockchain هي قاعدة بيانات يتم تخزينها بترتيب زمني بطريقة آمنة ومستقرة. كانت Bitcoin هي التطبيق الأولي لتقنية Blockchain ، ولكن نظرًا لفوائدها من حيث الأمان والخصوصية والتحكم الذاتي ، فقد تم اعتمادها منذ ذلك الحين من قبل مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات. يتم إنشاء تقنية Blockchain عن طريق ربط الكتل معًا بشكل مشفر. نظرًا لأن كل كتلة تحتوي على كلٍ من التجزئة الخاصة بها وتجزئة الكتلة السابقة لها ، فلا يمكن لأي شخص خارجي كسر السلسلة. تُستخدم تقنية Blockchain ضمن مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات ، بما في ذلك الصناعية والتجارية والأمنية وسلسلة التوريد وإنترنت الأشياء وغيرها. هذا لأنه يتميز بمزايا التحكم في البيانات وتنظيمها وتخزينها. الغرض من هذه المقالة هو سرد بعض التطبيقات ومجالات التطوير الخاصة بـ Blockchain.   طرق العمل: في تقنية Blockchain ، يعد الأمان والاستقرار (الثبات) واللامركزية من بين الأشياء المهمة التي تجعل هذه التقنية مفيدة في مختلف مجالات الحياة التي تخدم المستخدم. تم استخدام هذه المزايا لحل العديد من المشكلات التي تواجه الشبكة ، بما في ذلك المشكلات المتعلقة بالإنتاجية ووقت المعالجة وقابلية التوسع. تم استخدام طرق مختلفة في الحل ، بما في ذلك العمل على تغيير هيكل الشبكة ، واختيار عقدة أساسية (المدير) ، والتعدين الموازي ، والتنافس مع عمال المناجم الآخرين. الاستنتاجات: ازداد الميل إلى استخدام تقنية Blockchain في العديد من المجالات ، بما في ذلك المالية والزراعية والتجارية والصحية وإنترنت الأشياء وغيرها ، نظرًا لمزاياها ، بما في ذلك اللامركزية والتوزيع والموثوقية والاستقرار. هناك اتجاهات أخرى عملت على تطوير أداء وكفاءة وأمان نظام Blockchain نفسه في إنترنت الأشياء والرعاية الصحية وسلسلة التوريد والقطاع المصرفي والتسويق الرقمي بالإضافة إلى الدراسات التي تشمل تحسين الكفاءة والأمان وتطوير النظام.Background: Materials and Methods:      In Blockchain technology, security, stability (immutability), and decentralization are among the important things that make this technology useful in various areas of life that serve the user. These advantages were used to solve many problems facing the network, including those of productivity, processing time, and scalability. Various methods were used in the solution, including working on a change in the network structure, choosing a basic node (the manager), parallel mining, and competing with other miners. Results:     Through recent studies, it has been shown that the Blockchain technology has been used in various fields, as it is characterized by many advantages, the most important of which are security, decentralization, and stability. Because of these advantages, it outperforms other technologies. Conclusion:     Due to its advantages, the tendency to use blockchain technology has increased in many fields, including financial, agricultural, commercial, health, the Internet of Things, and others. It includes decentralization, distribution, reliability, and stability. There are other trends that have worked to improve the performance, efficiency, and security of the blockchain system itself, In the Internet of Things, healthcare, supply chain management, the banking sector, and digital marketing In addition to studies that include improving the efficiency, security, and development of the system

    Collaborating with Users in Proximity for Decentralized Mobile Recommender Systems

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    Typically, recommender systems from any domain, be it movies, music, restaurants, etc., are organized in a centralized fashion. The service provider holds all the data, biases in the recommender algorithms are not transparent to the user, and the service providers often create lock-in effects making it inconvenient for the user to switch providers. In this paper, we argue that the user's smartphone already holds a lot of the data that feeds into typical recommender systems for movies, music, or POIs. With the ubiquity of the smartphone and other users in proximity in public places or public transportation, data can be exchanged directly between users in a device-to-device manner. This way, each smartphone can build its own database and calculate its own recommendations. One of the benefits of such a system is that it is not restricted to recommendations for just one user - ad-hoc group recommendations are also possible. While the infrastructure for such a platform already exists - the smartphones already in the palms of the users - there are challenges both with respect to the mobile recommender system platform as well as to its recommender algorithms. In this paper, we present a mobile architecture for the described system - consisting of data collection, data exchange, and recommender system - and highlight its challenges and opportunities.Comment: Accepted for publication at the 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (IEEE UIC 2019

    Crux: Locality-Preserving Distributed Services

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    Distributed systems achieve scalability by distributing load across many machines, but wide-area deployments can introduce worst-case response latencies proportional to the network's diameter. Crux is a general framework to build locality-preserving distributed systems, by transforming an existing scalable distributed algorithm A into a new locality-preserving algorithm ALP, which guarantees for any two clients u and v interacting via ALP that their interactions exhibit worst-case response latencies proportional to the network latency between u and v. Crux builds on compact-routing theory, but generalizes these techniques beyond routing applications. Crux provides weak and strong consistency flavors, and shows latency improvements for localized interactions in both cases, specifically up to several orders of magnitude for weakly-consistent Crux (from roughly 900ms to 1ms). We deployed on PlanetLab locality-preserving versions of a Memcached distributed cache, a Bamboo distributed hash table, and a Redis publish/subscribe. Our results indicate that Crux is effective and applicable to a variety of existing distributed algorithms.Comment: 11 figure