25,108 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study on Decision making for Quality Requirements

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    [Context] Quality requirements are important for product success yet often handled poorly. The problems with scope decision lead to delayed handling and an unbalanced scope. [Objective] This study characterizes the scope decision process to understand influencing factors and properties affecting the scope decision of quality requirements. [Method] We studied one company's scope decision process over a period of five years. We analyzed the decisions artifacts and interviewed experienced engineers involved in the scope decision process. [Results] Features addressing quality aspects explicitly are a minor part (4.41%) of all features handled. The phase of the product line seems to influence the prevalence and acceptance rate of quality features. Lastly, relying on external stakeholders and upfront analysis seems to lead to long lead-times and an insufficient quality requirements scope. [Conclusions] There is a need to make quality mode explicit in the scope decision process. We propose a scope decision process at a strategic level and a tactical level. The former to address long-term planning and the latter to cater for a speedy process. Furthermore, we believe it is key to balance the stakeholder input with feedback from usage and market in a more direct way than through a long plan-driven process

    A Dynamic Knowledge Management Framework for the High Value Manufacturing Industry

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    Dynamic Knowledge Management (KM) is a combination of cultural and technological factors, including the cultural factors of people and their motivations, technological factors of content and infrastructure and, where these both come together, interface factors. In this paper a Dynamic KM framework is described in the context of employees being motivated to create profit for their company through product development in high value manufacturing. It is reported how the framework was discussed during a meeting of the collaborating company’s (BAE Systems) project stakeholders. Participants agreed the framework would have most benefit at the start of the product lifecycle before key decisions were made. The framework has been designed to support organisational learning and to reward employees that improve the position of the company in the market place

    Perspective study: governance for C2C

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    This perspective study will serve as frame of reference for follow-up activities and exchanges both within and outside the Cradle to Cradle Network (C2CN) and it aims to reflect the current challenges and opportunities associated with implementing a Cradle to Cradle approach. In total, four perspective studies have been written, in the areas on industry, area spatial development, governance and on the build theme

    On Best Practices for Risk Management in Complex Projects

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    Risk management shall be proactive. This is one of the key preliminaries to cope with the challenges of complex projects. An overarching and consistent view on project risks and uncertainties is necessary to follow a holistic approach in project risk management. Uncertainty is inevitable since projects are unique and temporary undertakings based on assumptions and constraints, delivering project results to multiple stakeholders with different requirements. Project management can be seen as an attempt to control this uncertain environment, through the use of structured and disciplined techniques such as estimating, planning, cost control, task allocation, earned value analysis, monitoring, and review meetings. Each of these elements of project management has a role in defining or controlling inherent variability in projects. Project risk management provides approaches by which uncertainty can be understood, assessed, and managed within projects. A number of associations (e.g., Project Management Institute – PMI®, International Project Management Association – IPMA,or Network of Nordic Project Management Associations - NORDNET) work constantly in acquiring, improving, and standardizing best practices in project management.Based on the industrial practice, this paper outlines strategies to identify, prioritize, and mitigate risks for achievement of project’ or organizational objectives.Project Management, Risk Management, Best Practices of Management, Standardization of Management, Maturity of Organizations

    Multiple viewpoint modelling framework enabling integrated product-process design

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    Nowadays, companies have to cope with numerous constraints at organisational and technical levels in order to improve their competitiveness edges such as productivity, efficiency, and flexibility. Integrated product-process design becomes more and more complex to manage because of increasingly customized products related to various stakeholders and concerns geographically distributed. It is still represents a huge challenge, especially in the early phases of product development process. In such a context, the management of information within integrated product-process design highlights needs in a consistent engineering model that enables product lifecycle management (PLM) integration. The paper presents a novel multiple viewpoint framework called multiple viewpoint assembly oriented, considering product design and assembly process domains in the broader context of concurrent engineering and PLM. The proposed framework describes the consistency, the propagation of information change, and mechanisms of views generation among the product lifecycle stages in order to support assembly oriented design philosophy. A new modelling language called System Modeling Language is used to describe the proposed model from a systems engineering point of view. The implementation of the model in a Web-service called PEGASUS as an application for PLM systems is describe

    Co-evolutionary dynamics in strategic alliances : the influence of the industry lifecycle

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    This study examines the application of the co-evolution literature to strategic alliance formation in SME’s in the UK and Australia in two differing industries at different stages of the industry life-cycle. Extending the framework developed by Das and Teng (2002) and that of Wilson and Hynes (2009), it engages with wider industry and environmental characteristics present in these two countries, specifically examining whether different theories of alliance formation are better suited to different stages of an industry life cycle. The issues discussed above are explored and developed through the use of a qualitative case study approach. Findings indicate strong resource-based drivers for alliance formation in both industries, with firms dependent on the co-evolution of their alliances and indeed selected by the results of their alliance participation. However, differences emerged in the strategic use of alliances in these two industries. The influence of the stage of the industry life cycle on this is discussed

    Understanding new venture market application search processes: A propositional model.

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    Technology-based ventures are confronted with complex decisions on how to apply their technology platform in highly uncertain and ambiguous market environments. Based on four case studies, a dynamic decision model is developed in which we highlight the similarities between the search and learning processes in venture development contexts and in new product development contexts. This entrepreneurial search and learning process is understood as consisting of sequences of episodes – characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity - and scripts – i.e. approaches to market application search. The model implies that a venture's adaptability - i.e. its ability to move efficiently and effectively between these episodes and their related scripts - influences its survival.Case studies; Decision; Decisions; Learning; Market; Model; Processes; Product; Product development; Research; Sequences; Similarity; Studies; Technology; Uncertainty;

    Product lifecycle management in degree level teaching with Teamcenter PLM software

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    Despite the situation that product lifecycle management is heavily used in Finnish manufacturing industry, some Finnish educational institutions have not implemented practical PLM system functionalities into educational program. Common situation among educational institutions is that PLM training is mainly theoretical. Even when PLM software is implemented it is mainly used as data storage system. However, PLM system is much more than data storage. The lack of effective product lifecycle management training environment influences negatively to graduated students PLM skills. Increased communication, control of processes and single source of information are main benefits of a PLM system. This research studies the most relevant focus areas in Product lifecycle Management theoretical and practical teaching based on the requirements gathered from Finnish Manufacturing Industry. This research is focusing on the most important theoretical PLM focus areas, but also the most common practical PLM applications, processes and use cases in Finnish manufacturing industry. Based on the requirements of Finnish Manufacturing Industry, Teamcenter PLM software is implemented and configured to support practical degree level teaching. Research clarifies the current PLM knowledge of graduated students and gives recommendations about degree level PLM teaching arrangements. Both theoretical and practical teaching are considered. Based on the findings gathered from 35 Finnish manufacturing companies, relevant PLM use cases, processes and application are implemented to support Product Lifecycle management education with Teamcenter PLM software. Furthermore, the importance of different theoretical PLM topics is clarified based on the opinions of PLM professionals. This study utilizes design science research method to gather empirical data from different manufacturing companies. The foundation of PLM research presented in literature review provides the framework for this study. These studies provide the background information about PLM and how the implementation of PLM system can provide business benefits. This research proposes configured Teamcenter PLM environment for Finnish educational institutions to serve as a foundation of PLM system. Furthermore, the suggested PLM artifact is demonstrated, evaluated and communicated to specified target audience.Tuotteen elinkaaren hallinnan käyttö Suomalaisessa valmistavassa teollisuudessa on lisääntynyt viime vuosina merkittävästi. Käytön laajentumisesta huolimatta Suomen korkeakoulut eivät ole vielä täysin ottaneet käyttöön ohjelmistopohjaista käytännön opetusta. Yleinen tilanne on, että tuotteen elinkaaren hallintaa opetataan vain teoria tasolla, ja vaikka tuotetiedonhallinta ohjelmisto olisikin käyttöönotettu, se toimii pääasiassa datan tallennuspaikkana. Tuotteen elinkaaren hallinta ohjelmiston opetuksen puute vaikuttaa negatiivisesti valmistuvien opiskelijoiden PLM osaamiseen. PLM järjestelmän etuja ovat lisääntynyt kommunikaatio, kontrolloidut prosessit ja yhteinen tiedonlähde. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy löytämään merkityksellisimmät fokus alueet tuotteen elinkaaren hallinnan teoria opetuksessa ja käytännön opetuksessa. Tulokset perustuvat aineistoon joka on kerätty Suomalaisen valmistavan teollisuuden PLM asiantuntijoilta. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy merkittävimpiin ja tärkeimpiin PLM teoria alueisiin, mutta myös Suomen valmistavassa teollisuudessa käytetyimpiin PLM järjestelmän aplikaatioihin, prosesseihin ja käyttötapauksiin. Teamcenter PLM järjestelmä käyttöönotetaan ja konfiguroidaan tukemaan korkeakoulu opetusta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään tämän hetkinen valmistuvien opiskelijoiden tietämys ja annetaan suosituksia kuinka PLM opetus tulisi järjestää Suomen korkeakouluissa. Sekä teoria opetus, että käytännön opetus on huomioitu tukimuksessa. Tärkeimmät Teamcenter PLM järjestelmän ominaisuudet käyttöönotetaan ja konfiguroidaan opetuksen tueksi. Järjestelmän vaatimukset perustuvat 35:een Suomen valmistavassa teollisuudessa toimivan yrityksen vaatimuksiin. Tärkeimmät Teamcenter PLM ohjelmiston ominaisuudet, prosessit ja käyttötapaukset huomioidaan tutkimuksessa. Teoreettisen opetuksen tärkeimmät osa-alueet selvitetään kyselyn avulla Suomen valmistavan teollisuuden PLM asiantuntijoilta. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään Design Science Research metodia. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on kirjallisuus analyysi, joka antaa taustatietoa tukimukselle. Tässä tutkimuksessa annetaan suosituksia PLM opetuksen järjestämisestä Suomen korkeakouluissa, sekä suositellaan Teamcenter PLM ohjelmiston käyttöönottoa ja konfigurointia tukemaan tuotteen elinkaaren hallinnan opetusta