291 research outputs found

    The Management of Clinical Incidents in ICT Services Through Mobile Applications

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    Mobile environment has revolutionized the health field. This fact and the rise of mobile technology have led to improve processes of care. In this paper, we present a practical application of BSC (balance scorecard) for Management of clinical incidents in ICT services through mobile devices in health organization. The objective of building of system is to integrate with main system of organization, for management of critical incident in ICT department of hospital and health centre. To do this, we have analysed and evaluated of process to management of incident that allow us to show the management information of way practical and we have applicated a real case. Results suggest that the integration of Balanced Scorecard helps with decision-making tasks because they allow decreasing response times and improving company management. In conclusion, make users satisfaction grow, objective sought by health companie

    A framework for the adoption of bring your own device (BYOD) in the hospital environment

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    The concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – the use of a personally owned device in a working environment – is all over the place, nobody talks about it but many are using it. To find out the state of the art of BYOD in Swiss hospitals, an intense literature research revealed a research gap in the combination of BYOD and healthcare related topics. Six hospitals in Switzerland were examined, were questioned about their IT organization and services as well as their usage of mobile devices with a special focus on BYOD. As the Swiss hospital system is organized in a federalist way – much alike the Swiss state structure – it was to no surprise that the results among the study sites varied quite a bit. BYOD is used in many ways and for a mature implementation of BYOD, an EMM solution is crucial

    Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Risks to Adopters and Users

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    Bring your own device (BYOD) policy refers to a set of regulation broadly adopted by organizations that allows employee-owned mobile devices – like as laptops, smartphones, personal digital assistant and tablets – to the office for use and connection to the organizations IT infrastructure. BYOD offers numerous benefits ranging from plummeting organizational logistic cost, access to information at any time and boosting employee’s productivity. On the contrary, this concept presents various safety issues and challenges because of its characteristic security requirements. This study explored diverse literature databases to identify and classify BYOD policy adoption issues, possible control measures and guidelines that could hypothetically inform organizations and users that adopt and implement BYOD policy. The literature domain search yielded 110 articles, 26 of them were deemed to have met the inclusion standards. In this paper, a list of possible threats/vulnerabilities of BYOD adoption were identified. This investigation also identified and classified the impact of the threats/vulnerabilities on BYOD layered components according to security standards of “FIPS Publication 199” for classification. Finally, a checklist of measures that could be applied by organizations & users to mitigate BYOD vulnerabilities using a set layered approach of data, device, applications, and people were recommended

    Applications of Context-Aware Systems in Enterprise Environments

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    In bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and corporate-owned, personally enabled (COPE) scenarios, employees’ devices store both enterprise and personal data, and have the ability to remotely access a secure enterprise network. While mobile devices enable users to access such resources in a pervasive manner, it also increases the risk of breaches for sensitive enterprise data as users may access the resources under insecure circumstances. That is, access authorizations may depend on the context in which the resources are accessed. In both scenarios, it is vital that the security of accessible enterprise content is preserved. In this work, we explore the use of contextual information to influence access control decisions within context-aware systems to ensure the security of sensitive enterprise data. We propose several context-aware systems that rely on a system of sensors in order to automatically adapt access to resources based on the security of users’ contexts. We investigate various types of mobile devices with varying embedded sensors, and leverage these technologies to extract contextual information from the environment. As a direct consequence, the technologies utilized determine the types of contextual access control policies that the context-aware systems are able to support and enforce. Specifically, the work proposes the use of devices pervaded in enterprise environments such as smartphones or WiFi access points to authenticate user positional information within indoor environments as well as user identities

    A Survey on the applications of IoT: an investigation into existing environments, present challenges and future opportunities

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    In today’s digital environment, devices are able to interconnect and react to contextual data more than ever before: artificial intelligence is beginning to coordinate how data collected from sensors and de-vices within the network is analysed, and device ecosystems are replacing standalone devices to deliver solutions to the user. In this paper, the researcher explores current implementations of IoT that have led to positive outcomes for the user; but also, the challenges that remain in today’s applications. Moreover, ex-ploring these current barriers may be able to infer future applications capable of being deployed on a global scal

    BYOD: Risk considerations in a South African organisation

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    In recent times, while numerous organisations have difficulty keeping abreast with the frequent year-on-year technology changes, their employees on the other hand, continue to bring their personal devices to work to more readily access organisational data. This concept is known as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Studies have demonstrated that the introduction of BYOD commonly has a positive effect on both organisation and employees: increased optimism, job satisfaction and productivity are some of the perceived positive effects. Furthermore, BYOD can improve employees’ opportunities for mobile working and assist with the work flexibility they seek. This phenomenon, however, is still not well understood. In the South African context, this refers particularly to an inadequate understanding of risks associated with the introduction of BYOD into organisations. Some of the risks associated with this phenomenon are, for instance, related to information security, legislation and privacy issues. Hence, the intention of this research was to investigate, determine and assess BYOD risk considerations in a South African organisation. Using the available literature on this subject and an interpretative exploratory case study approach, this research explored various facets of BYOD-related risks (e.g. implementational, technological, legislation, regulation and privacy risks, human aspects and organisational concerns) as well as the impact these risks may have on both employees and an organisation. The organisation under investigation – from this point onward referred to as “Organisation A” – is a South African based information technology (IT) security consulting and service management organisation, which has seen increased expansion in its business and thus an increase in the number of its employees utilising their personal devices at the workplace. Even so, Organisation A was uncertain regarding possible risks that might hinder benefits of BYOD. Hence, this researcher defined the main research question as “What are the risks of introducing the BYOD in the South African organisation and what is an effective approach to address identified risks?”. The main objective was to identify and describe BYOD-related risks and to propose an appropriate model for addressing these risks. To answer the main research question, this researcher reviewed the applicable literature on the BYOD, including the limited South African literature pertaining to the subject. The review elicited the most common BYOD-related risks but also some models, frameworks and standards that may be applied for addressing these risks. Based on these revelations, an applicable BYOD risk management model was created and proposed. The literature review findings were subsequently tested in the empirical setting (in Organisation A) by conducting comprehensive interviews with research participants. This research adopted a qualitative approach in general and a case study methodology in particular. The collected data were analysed using the interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), which aided in providing a comprehensive understanding of the interviewees’ responses regarding the BYOD risks. The interviewees were selected based on a purposeful (pre-defined) sampling. The results of this interpretative research suggest that the interviewees’ responses are closely aligned with the information on BYOD risks collected from the pertinent literature. The results show that successful introduction and usage of BYOD in the studied organisation requires the implementation of mixed risk management measures: technological (e.g. mobile device management and its additional components), non-technological (e.g. IT or BYOD security policies), the usage of general risk management frameworks (e.g. ISO 27001), the development of an organisational security culture and skilling of the human factor (e.g. employee awareness, training and education, for example). Additionally, it was found that participation of employees in the development of BYOD policies is an essential and effective tactic for transforming a fragile BYOD risk link (i.e. employees) into a strong risk prevention mechanism. Furthermore, this research also revealed that in the South African context, it is important that an organisation’s BYOD security policies are sound, preferably meeting the POPI Act requirements and thereby avoiding legislation risks. The contribution of this research is twofold: first academic, and second, practical. The academic contribution is realised by adding to the body of knowledge on the BYOD risks – most particularly in terms of understanding potential risks when introducing BYOD in the South African context. The practical contribution manifests through the provision of detailed risk considerations and mitigation guidelines for organisations wishing to introduce BYOD practices or considering ways to improve their current BYOD risk management strategy. It is acknowledged that this research has some limitations, particularly in regard to the limited generalisation of the findings due to the limited sample provided by only one organisation. Although the results are not necessarily applicable to other South African organisations, these limitations did not impact the relevance and validity of this research

    Tapaustutkimus tunnusten- ja pääsynhallinnasta EU-tasoisessa lääketieteellisessä yrityksessä

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    Today, the world becomes ever more computerized and a growing number of users possess an increasing amount of different identities in this digitalizing world. Nevertheless, users have to be able to run these computerized systems smoothly in this changing environment. In order to do so, digital identities and their access rights have to be properly managed and controlled along the various stages of their life cycle. This so called identity and access management is useful or even essential especially for large organizations with hundreds or thousands of internal and external users. The goal of this thesis was to investigate the possibilities to standardize the identity and access management of a large European company that works closely with pharmaceutical business. The aim was also to get an overview of the level of identity and access management within the member countries of this organization. Carried out as a case study, the research in this work is based on a survey sent to the member countries of this company. The survey was answered by leading experts and decision-makers in these corresponding states. The possibilities for standardization were then analyzed according to the results of the survey. The contents of the diploma work are divided into theory and research parts. The theory part provides fundamental information on identity and access management and gives a glance at the future trends of the field. In addition, readers are briefly introduced to international regulations, which guide not only pharmaceutical business in general, but also the implementation and maintenance of computer systems in this business. The research part explores the identity and access management of the company under study. First, some general information is provided about the target company and the research procedures. After this, the actual results will be presented and analyzed. The questions are divided into several categories, depending on the ways how the results are analyzed. Finally, the conclusions and possible further actions will be summarized.Nykyään maailma teknistyy kasvavassa määrin ja yhä useammalla käyttäjällä on yhä useampia eri identiteettejä tässä digitaalisessa maailmassa. Jotta käyttäjät pystyvät käyttämään eri järjestelmiä sujuvasti, täytyy näitä digitaalisia identiteettejä ja identiteettien pääsyoikeuksia pystyä hallinnoimaan ja valvomaan niiden elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. Tällaiseen identiteetin- ja pääsynhallintaan on tarve etenkin isoilla organisaatioilla, joissa on satoja tai tuhansia sisäisiä ja ulkoisia käyttäjiä. Tavoitteena tässä lopputyössä oli tutkia mahdollisuuksia yhtenäistää ison lääketieteellistä toimialaa sivuavan eurooppalaisen yrityksen identiteetinhallintaa sekä saada yleiskuva sen tasosta yrityksen eri jäsenmaissa. Tämän tapaustutkimuksena suoritetun tutkimuksen varsinaisena pohjana oli jäsenmaihin lähetetty kysely, johon maiden asiantuntijat ja päättäjät saivat vastata. Tutkimuksen tulosten pohjalta työssä analysoidaan edellytyksiä yhtenäistämiselle ja pohditaan myös mahdollisia jatkotoimenpiteitä. Lopputyö jakautuu sisällöltään teoria- sekä tutkimusosiin. Teoriaosuudessa annetaan aluksi pohjatiedot identiteetin- ja pääsynhallinnasta sekä tulevaisuudennäkymistä. Lisäksi lukija tutustutetaan lyhyesti lääketeollisuutta ohjaaviin kansainvälisiin säädöksiin, jotka ohjaavat myös tietojärjestelmien toteutusta ja ylläpitoa. Tutkimusosuudessa syvennytään tutkimuksen kohteena olevan yrityksen identiteetin- ja pääsynhallintaan. Ensin kerrotaan yleistä tietoa kohdeyrityksestä ja tutkimuksen toteutuksesta, minkä jälkeen siirrytään tulosten esittämiseen ja analysointiin. Kysymykset on jaettu eri kategorioihin, joiden mukaan tulokset vastaavasti analysoidaan. Viimeisenä käydään vielä läpi työn lopputulokset ja jatkotoimenpiteet

    Equity research: vmware-transitioning to SAAS

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    VMware (VMW) is a cloud computing and virtualization company, based in the United States of America. The growing enterprises’ preference for hybrid-cloud strategy and subscription-based solutions is fueling the next phase of VMware’s growth. The purpose of this paper is to find the intrinsic value of VMware by applying different valuation methodologies in order to provide an investment recommendation to value investors as of 28-01-2023

    Examining citizens' perceived value of internet of things technologies in facilitating public sector services engagement

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    YesWith the advancement of disruptive new technologies, there has been a considerable focus on personalisation as an important component in nurturing users' engagement. In the context of smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT) offer a unique opportunity to help empower citizens and improve societies' engagement with their governments at both micro and macro levels. This study aims to examine the role of perceived value of IoT in improving citizens' engagement with public services. A survey of 313 citizens in the UK, engaging in various public services, enabled through IoT, found that the perceived value of IoT is strongly influenced by empowerment, perceived usefulness and privacy related issues resulting in significantly affecting their continuous use intentions. The study offers valuable insights into the importance of perceived value of IoT-enabled services, while at the same time, providing an intersectional perspective of UK citizens towards the use of disruptive new technologies in the public sector
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