454 research outputs found

    Considering portfolio as a students’ assessment in learning

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    Portfolio as an alternative authentic assessment is more revealing of the students’ capability to see possibilities for reflection, redirection, and confirmation of the students’ own learning efforts. As it covers various aspects of students’ capability, it might be more preferable for the final evaluation of their achievement in learning. Results of portfolio might also help teachers get feedback in education process they are conducting

    Symmetries, asymmetries and cross-border cooperation on the German–Polish border. Towards a new model of (de)bordering

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    The border between Germany and Poland represents one of the most interesting examples of dynamic political, economic and social transformation one can observe in post-Cold War Europe, being a very successful example of close cooperation. Ongoing debordering logics can be noticed there, but their forms and pace also reveal stagnation, or even regress in some sectors. It is claimed that the dynamic intensification of cross-border cooperation there after the collapse of the communist regimes in this part of Europe resulted from a complex set of interactions on the European, national and local levels. The key objectives there were relatively convergent which contributed to rapid debordering. They started, however, to diverge over time, differently on each of the levels. This process was contextualized in the symmetries and asymmetries existing on the border, which in many cases resulted in rebordering tendencies.La frontera entre Alemanya i Polònia representa un dels exemples més interessants de dinàmica política i transformació econòmica i social que es poden observar en l'Europa posterior a la Guerra Freda, i és un exemple reeixit d'estreta cooperació. Les lògiques desfronteritzadores en curs poden detectar-se aquí; tanmateix, les formes i els ritmes revelen un estancament i, fins i tot, regressió en determinats sectors. S'argumenta que la intensificació de la cooperació transfronterera, després del col·lapse dels règims comunistes en aquesta part d'Europa, va ser el resultat d'un conjunt d'interaccions a escala europea, nacional i local. En aquell moment, els objectius principals eren relativament convergents, la qual cosa va contribuir a una ràpida desfronterització. No obstant això, amb el temps, aquests objectius van començar a divergir entre els diferents nivells. Aquest procés s'ha contextualitzat en el marc de les simetries i asimetries existents en la frontera, que moltes vegades han donat com a resultat tendències refronteritzadores.La frontera entre Alemania y Polonia representa uno de los ejemplos más interesantes de dinámica política y transformación económica y social que pueden observarse en la Europa posterior a la Guerra Fría, y es un exitoso ejemplo de una estrecha cooperación. Las lógicas desfronterizadoras en curso pueden detectarse aquí; no obstante, sus formas y ritmos también revelan un estancamiento e, incluso, regresión en determinados sectores. Se argumenta que la intensificación de la cooperación transfronteriza, después del colapso de los regímenes comunistas en esta parte de Europa, fue el resultado de un conjunto de interacciones a escala europea, nacional y local. En ese momento, los objetivos principales eran relativamente convergentes, lo que contribuyó a una rápida desfronterización. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, dichos objetivos empezaron a divergir entre los diferentes niveles. Este proceso ha sido contextualizado en el marco de las simetrías y asimetrías existentes en la frontera, que en muchos casos han dado como resultado tendencias refronterizadoras.La frontière entre l'Allemagne et la Pologne représente l'un des exemples les plus intéressants de dynamique politique, et de transformation économique et sociale, devenant ainsi un exemple d'une coopération étroite réussie. Les logiques de défrontérisation actuelles sont ici détectables, cependant, leurs formes et leur rythme révèlent aussi une stagnation, et même une régression, dans certains secteurs. Nous soutenons que l'intensification de la coopération transfrontalière qui a eu lieu après l'effondrement des régimes communistes dans cette partie de l'Europe était le résultat d'un ensemble d'interactions au niveau européen, national et local. A cette époque-là, les principaux objectifs étaient relativement convergents, ce qui a aidé à une défrontérisation rapide. Néanmoins, au cours du temps, ces objectifs ont commencé à diverger entre les différents niveaux. Ce processus a été contextualisé dans le cadre des symétries et des asymétries existantes à la frontière, qui dans de nombreux cas ont abouti à des tendances de refrontérisation

    The WTP for property rights for the Giant Panda: can a charismatic species be an instrument for conservation of natural habitat?

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    The paper presents the results from a stated preference study to address issues concerning the potential for using flag-ship species, such as the Giant Panda, to purchase the property rights for the conservation of natural habitat. The study finds, first, that there is clear WTP for acquiring the property rights for panda habitat. The nature of this demand is found both convincing and logically coherent in that it is an increasing function of land (at a diminishing rate). Secondly, the study decomposed the elicited values into genetic stock, animal welfare and implicit biodiversity values. The results show that the latter type of value consist of almost half of total value implying that the Panda is in fact a potential instrument for greater biodiversity conservation. Thirdly, the study shows that these implicit biodiversity values are dependent on the preservation of the flagship species itself, implying that the panda is not only a potential instrument for habitat conservation, but a necessary one. Finally, the extent to which the flagship approach can be capable of contributing to wider biodiversity conservation is discussed

    Bricolage and Growth Hacking: Two Smart Concepts of Creating a Business Lacking Resources

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    The chapter presents two smart concepts of creating a new business without or with only low budget. Thus, it applies particularly e.g., for either students, refugees and/or people from developing countries. “Bricolage” stands for a behaviour in which the actor solves problems using only available resources. Contrary to the resource-creating mentality, only the resources of the repertoire at hand are used. “Growth Hacking” as a new method, using digital approaches in particular, can achieve high sales in a short time. The relevance of data-driven marketing within the framework of a growth strategy. Working primarily with data is a promising strategy for companies that can effectively, efficiently and cost effectively using online tools or online-offline combinations to achieve their growth objectives. Thus, the two concepts are complementing each other by dedication to two different stages of a start-up process. Bricolage for creating the start-up and Growth Hacking for getting it successfully to the market and make it grow sustainably. The Chapter is describing the two concepts and their interdependence by offering a conceptual framework

    Housing Distress in Winnipeg: Implications for Policy Programs and Services

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    report: 59 pp.; ill., digital file.This is the Final Report of the research project “Structural Causes of Housing Distress in Winnipeg: Implications for Policy Programs and Services” undertaken by the Institute of Urban Studies on behalf of the National Secretariat on Homelessness (NS H). This research approaches the issue of homelessness from two interrelated world views: the first is that a person’s problematic relationship with access to shelter should be viewed along a continuum of “housing distress” from being safely housed to being absolutely homeless; and second, that the pathways through this journey be viewed in terms of their structural determinants, rather than personal risk factors. T he focus of this research is, as a result, oriented towards discovering themes that emerge from shared “lived experience” within social and political structures, naming those structures and confirming those themes embedded in the structures. The complexity of this approach is reflected in our review of literature, as well as our revised methodology.National Secretariat on Homelessness (NSH

    Breaking boundaries to creatively generate value : the role of resourcefulness in entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneurial resourcefulness is a concept that resonates with practitioners and scholars alike from a diverse set of theoretical and empirical backgrounds. Despite the prevalence and promise of this concept, the literature on entrepreneurial resourcefulness is fragmented and lacks cohesion in how it is labeled, conceptualized, measured, and deployed. In many cases, it appears that bringing resources to bear for entrepreneurial purposes is taken for granted, which limits theoretical development of if and how ventures emerge and grow. In this editorial, we explore the theoretical underpinnings of resourcefulness, offer a definition, and provide a roadmap for future scholarship. In addition, we introduce the six articles that comprise the Special Issue on entrepreneurial resourcefulness, discuss their contributions, and explore how they relate to our overall perspective on resources and resourcefulness. It is our hope that this Special Issue will mobilize additional scholarship to enhance our knowledge on resourcefulness, which we view as a fundamental part of entrepreneurship

    Micro and Small Enterprises Involvement in Pro-poor Tourism: Evidence from Bangladesh

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    Using qualitative single case study research, this study explores the micro and small enterprises (MSEs) involvement in pro-poor tourism (PPT) in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The findings indicate that MSEs in tourism brings economic and non-economic benefits to the local community. The study also found challenges associated with the participation in MSEs whereby tourism destination stakeholders support revealed to mitigate those challenges in view of PPT advancement

    Re-Reifying Data

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