113 research outputs found

    Investigation of Modelling of Dynamic Business Processes

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    A folyamat fogalma a szervezetek Ă©s vĂĄllalkozĂĄsok mindennapi Ă©letĂ©nek alapvetƑ eszközĂ©vĂ© vĂĄlt. SegĂ­t a szervezeti cĂ©lok elĂ©rĂ©sĂ©ben Ă©s meghatĂĄrozza az informĂĄciĂłs rendszerek (IS) kezelĂ©sĂ©t. Az az informĂĄciĂłs rendszerek kutatĂĄsĂĄnak egyik fontos problĂ©mĂĄja az, hogy hogyan lehet a vĂĄllalati/szervezeti környezet, az ĂŒgyfĂ©l igĂ©nyeinek Ă©s követelmĂ©nyeinek vĂĄltozĂĄsĂĄhoz igazĂ­tani, illeszteni az informĂĄciĂłs rendszerek folyamatait. Az illesztĂ©si folyamatot mĂĄr rĂ©gen hosszĂș idƑre integrĂĄlĂłdik több terĂŒleten az adott cĂ©lok Ă©s a kĂ­vĂĄnt eredmĂ©nyek elĂ©rĂ©se Ă©rdekĂ©ben. Amikor egy folyamat cĂ©lja kapcsolĂłdik a vĂĄllalat cĂ©ljaihoz, a folyamatot ĂŒzleti folyamatnak (BP) hĂ­vjĂĄk . A BP-k egymĂĄssal összefĂŒggĂ©sben vannak, tekintettle azok szerkezetĂ©re Ă©s funkciĂłira, amelyek meghatĂĄrozzĂĄk statikus Ă©s dinamikus oldalaikat. A legtöbb kutatĂĄsi erƑfeszĂ­tĂ©s a statikus BP problĂ©mĂĄkra összpontosĂ­tott, vagyis a folyamat szerkezetĂ©re. Azonban a mai IS-ben a BP megvalĂłsĂ­tĂĄsĂĄhoz alkalmazott hagyomĂĄnyos megközelĂ­tĂ©s mĂĄr nem fedi le a dinamikusan vĂĄltozĂł ĂŒzleti környezetet, amelyhez törtĂ©nƑ alkalmazkodĂĄs a vĂĄllalkozĂĄs tĂ©nyleges igĂ©nye. Emiatt ez a Ph.D. a disszertĂĄciĂł a BP-szekkel kapcsolatos kĂ©rdĂ©seket szĂ©les körben kĂ­vĂĄnja lefedni, kĂŒlönös figyelmet fordĂ­tva annak dinamikus aspektusĂĄra, amely egy korszerƱ Ă©s Ășj perspektĂ­vĂĄt vezet be azĂ©rt, hogy szabatosan meghatĂĄrozza a javasolt megközelĂ­tĂ©st. KorĂĄbbi tanulmĂĄnyok csak megemlĂ­tettĂ©k a folyamatok dinamikus aspektusĂĄnak fogalmĂĄt, Ă©s nĂ©hĂĄny kapcsolĂłdĂł fogalmi terĂŒlettel foglalkoztak, anĂ©lkĂŒl, hogy pontosan definiĂĄltĂĄk volna; ugyanannak a terĂŒletnek a kutatĂłi sem hatĂĄroztĂĄk meg a kĂŒlönbözƑ elemeket, amelyek hatĂĄssal vannak a folyamatok dinamikus viselkedĂ©sĂ©re Ă©s folyamatok olyan összetevƑire, amelyek a BP vĂ©grehajtĂĄsa sorĂĄn ( futĂĄsi idƑben) lĂ©nyegesek. VizsgĂĄlatunk hozzĂĄjĂĄrul a BP terĂŒletĂ©hez azĂĄltal, hogy vilĂĄgos Ă©s ĂĄtfogĂł meghatĂĄrozĂĄst nyĂșjt a dinamikus viselkedĂ©ssel kapcsolatos fogalmakra, Ă©s a folyamatok dinamikus aspektusĂĄt fogalmilag megragadja. Ez utĂłbbi segĂ­t megismerni a BP funkciĂłit futĂĄs közben. TovĂĄbbĂĄ megvizsgĂĄltuk az a dinamikus viselkedĂ©st befolyĂĄsolĂł tĂ©nyezƑket Ă©s azok vĂĄltozĂĄsĂĄt, valamint a vĂĄltozĂĄsok ĂĄltal Ă©rintett elemeket vagy komponenseket is. MĂ­g egyes kutatĂłk a szerkezetre koncentrĂĄltak, bĂĄr elhanyagoltĂĄk azt, amikor a BP elemei megvĂĄltoztak Ă©s hogyan mĂłdosultak. Emiatt alaposan megvizsgĂĄltuk ezt a terĂŒletet, azonosĂ­tottuk azokat a kĂŒlönfĂ©le elemeket (komponenseket), amelyekre a vĂĄltozĂĄs tĂ©nyezƑi hatĂĄssal lehetnek, Ă©s hogy a folyamat hogyan alkalmazkodik ehhez a hatĂĄshoz. 3 A BP-modellezĂ©s leĂ­rja a folyamat mƱködĂ©sĂ©t, Ă©s meghatĂĄrozza a BP-modell összes tevĂ©kenysĂ©gĂ©t a megĂ©rtĂ©s Ă©rdekĂ©ben. A dolgozat taxonĂłmiĂĄt hatĂĄroz meg a meglĂ©vƑ BP modellek negatĂ­v Ă©s pozitĂ­v tulajdonsĂĄgaira (elƑnyeire Ă©s hĂĄtrĂĄnyaira) vonatkozĂłan. Ezek a hasonlĂłsĂĄgok segĂ­tettek megtalĂĄlni az ĂĄbrĂĄzolĂĄsi kĂłdokban Ă©s a funkcionalitĂĄsokban olyan szintaktikai kĂłdelemeket, amelyek hasznosnak bizonyultak a modellek közötti ĂĄtalakĂ­tĂĄsokban. A modellek közötti ĂĄtalakĂ­tĂĄsok terĂŒlete hatalmas terĂŒlet, Ă©s sok konverziĂłs mĂłdszert Ă­rtak le, de soha nem vĂĄlasztottak az ĂĄltalunk alkalmazott modelleket (BP Execution Language (BPEL) Ă©s Finite State Machines (FSM)), valamint (FSM Ă©s Hypergraph). A modellek közötti összehasonlĂ­tĂĄs a kĂŒlönbözƑ modellek alkalmas összekapcsolĂĄsĂĄhoz Ă©s integrĂĄlĂĄsĂĄhoz is vezethet azĂ©rt, hogy megtalĂĄljĂĄk a formĂĄlisan jĂłvĂĄ nem hagyott modellek ellenƑrzĂ©sĂ©nek mĂłdjĂĄt. BevezettĂŒk a hipergrĂĄf koncepciĂłt e modellezĂ©si terĂŒleten, amely lehetƑvĂ© teszi a grĂĄf algoritmusok, a lineĂĄris algebra Ă©s a legfrissebb adattudomĂĄnyi mĂłdszerek felhasznĂĄlĂĄsĂĄt. Ez az operacionalizĂĄlt modell tĂĄmogatja a modellellenƑrzĂ©st, akkor is, amikor mĂĄr beĂ©pĂ­tettĂ©k a vĂĄltozĂĄsokat a dinamikus folyamatok futĂł pĂ©ldĂĄnyaiba. NĂ©hĂĄny, ezzel a koncepciĂłval foglalkozĂł reprezentĂĄciĂłt kĂŒlönbözƑ mĂĄtrixokkal Ă©s grĂĄf ĂĄbrĂĄzolĂĄsi formĂĄkkal valĂłsĂ­tottunk meg. JövƑbeni munkĂĄinkban felhasznĂĄlhatjuk a hipergrĂĄfot Ă©s annak modelljeit akĂĄr a folyamatok kĂŒlönbözƑ modelljeinek, akĂĄr a dinamikusan megvĂĄltozott folyamatok helyessĂ©gĂ©nek ellenƑrzĂ©sĂ©re szĂĄmos Ășj ellenƑrzĂ©si mĂłdszer vezetve be erre a terĂŒletre. MegközelĂ­tĂ©sĂŒnk megvalĂłsĂ­tĂĄsa szĂĄmos eszköz hasznĂĄlatĂĄt segĂ­ti a folyamat Ă©s egyes tulajdonsĂĄgok ellenƑrzĂ©sĂ©ben a hipergrĂĄf ĂĄbrĂĄzolĂĄs kihasznĂĄlĂĄsĂĄval

    Formal approach to modeling of modern Information Systems

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    Most recently, the concept of business documents has started to play double role. On one hand, a business document (word processing text or calculation sheet) can be used as specification tool, on the other hand the business document is an immanent constituent of business processes, thereby essential component of business Information Systems. The recent tendency is that the majority of documents and their contents within business Information Systems remain in semi-structured format and a lesser part of documents is transformed into schemas of structured databases. In order to keep the emerging situation in hand, we suggest the creation (1) a theoretical framework for modeling business Information Systems; (2) and a design method for practical application based on the theoretical model that provides the structuring principles. The modeling approach that focuses on documents and their interrelationships with business processes assists in perceiving the activities of modern Information Systems

    Enterprise Architecture: Enabling Digital Transformation for Operational Business Process during COVID-19

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    The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the global response to contain its spread and deaths have been unprecedented, according to UNICEF research on COVID-19 released in 2021. Many steps had been taken by countries worldwide, particularly those in South Asia. As of May 17th, 2020, Indonesia reported a total of 17,514 daily positive cases. It has been confirmed that the majority of cases throughout the archipelago occur primarily on Java, particularly in the Greater Jakarta, Greater Bandung, Semarang, Solo, and Greater Surabaya areas. The research object of this paper is a system integrator company located in, Central Jakarta. The company's business is badly impacted by this pandemic. The company provides nearly all ICT solutions, yet improving their internal systems is an issue that has never been brought up. Due to physical distance regulations, leading workers to work from home. To keep the business running, the company began using email as their only tool to run the whole system, which is not effective and causing a crisis for the company. The purpose of this paper is to propose a digital transformation plan as a solution and to support business continuity by utilizing TOGAF ADM. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2023-04-01-01 Full Text: PD

    Computer-aided exploration of architectural design spaces: a digital sketchbook

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    Het ontwerpproces van architecten vormt vaak geen lineair pad van ontwerpopgave tot eindresultaat, maar wordt veeleer gekenmerkt door exploratie of het doorzoeken van meerdere alternatieven in een (conceptuele) ontwerpruimte. Dit proces wordt in de praktijk vaak ondersteund door manueel schetsen, waarbij de ontwerpers schetsboek kan gelezen worden als een reeks exploraties. Dit soort interactie met de ontwerpruimte wordt in veel mindere mate ondersteund door hedendaagse computerondersteunde ontwerpsystemen. De metafoor van een digitaal schetsboek, waarbij menselijke exploratie wordt versterkt door de (reken)kracht van een computer, is het centrale onderzoeksthema van dit proefschrift. Hoewel het opzet van een ontwerpruimte op het eerste gezicht schatplichtig lijkt aan het onderzoeksveld van de artificiĂ«le intelligentie (AI), wordt het ontwerpen hier ruimer geĂŻnterpreteerd dan het oplossen van problemen. Als onderzoeksmethodologie worden vormengrammatica’s ingezet, die enerzijds nauw aanleunen bij de AI en een formeel raamwerk bieden voor de exploratie van ontwerpruimtes, maar tegelijkertijd ook weerstand bieden tegen de AI en een vorm van visueel denken en ambiguĂŻteit toelaten. De twee bijhorende onderzoeksvragen zijn hoe deze vormengrammatica’s digitaal kunnen worden gerepresenteerd, en op welke manier de ontwerper-computer interactie kan gebeuren. De resultaten van deze twee onderzoeksvragen vormen de basis van een nieuw hulpmiddel voor architecten: het digitaal schetsboek

    Proceedings of the 1994 Monterey Workshop, Increasing the Practical Impact of Formal Methods for Computer-Aided Software Development: Evolution Control for Large Software Systems Techniques for Integrating Software Development Environments

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    Office of Naval Research, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Army Research Office, Naval Postgraduate School, National Science Foundatio

    Proceedings of the ECCS 2005 satellite workshop: embracing complexity in design - Paris 17 November 2005

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    Embracing complexity in design is one of the critical issues and challenges of the 21st century. As the realization grows that design activities and artefacts display properties associated with complex adaptive systems, so grows the need to use complexity concepts and methods to understand these properties and inform the design of better artifacts. It is a great challenge because complexity science represents an epistemological and methodological swift that promises a holistic approach in the understanding and operational support of design. But design is also a major contributor in complexity research. Design science is concerned with problems that are fundamental in the sciences in general and complexity sciences in particular. For instance, design has been perceived and studied as a ubiquitous activity inherent in every human activity, as the art of generating hypotheses, as a type of experiment, or as a creative co-evolutionary process. Design science and its established approaches and practices can be a great source for advancement and innovation in complexity science. These proceedings are the result of a workshop organized as part of the activities of a UK government AHRB/EPSRC funded research cluster called Embracing Complexity in Design (www.complexityanddesign.net) and the European Conference in Complex Systems (complexsystems.lri.fr). Embracing complexity in design is one of the critical issues and challenges of the 21st century. As the realization grows that design activities and artefacts display properties associated with complex adaptive systems, so grows the need to use complexity concepts and methods to understand these properties and inform the design of better artifacts. It is a great challenge because complexity science represents an epistemological and methodological swift that promises a holistic approach in the understanding and operational support of design. But design is also a major contributor in complexity research. Design science is concerned with problems that are fundamental in the sciences in general and complexity sciences in particular. For instance, design has been perceived and studied as a ubiquitous activity inherent in every human activity, as the art of generating hypotheses, as a type of experiment, or as a creative co-evolutionary process. Design science and its established approaches and practices can be a great source for advancement and innovation in complexity science. These proceedings are the result of a workshop organized as part of the activities of a UK government AHRB/EPSRC funded research cluster called Embracing Complexity in Design (www.complexityanddesign.net) and the European Conference in Complex Systems (complexsystems.lri.fr)

    Knowledge hypergraph based-approach for multi-source data integration and querying : Application for Earth Observation domain

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    Early warning against natural disasters to save lives and decrease damages has drawn increasing interest to develop systems that observe, monitor, and assess the changes in the environment. Over the last years, numerous environmental monitoring systems and Earth Observation (EO) programs were implemented. Nevertheless, these systems generate a large amount of EO data while using different vocabularies and different conceptual schemas. Accordingly, data resides in many siloed systems and are mainly untapped for integrated operations, insights, and decision making situations. To overcome the insufficient exploitation of EO data, a data integration system is crucial to break down data silos and create a common information space where data will be semantically linked. Within this context, we propose a semantic data integration and querying approach, which aims to semantically integrate EO data and provide an enhanced query processing in terms of accuracy, completeness, and semantic richness of response. . To do so, we defined three main objectives. The first objective is to capture the knowledge of the environmental monitoring domain. To do so, we propose MEMOn, a domain ontology that provides a common vocabulary of the environmental monitoring domain in order to support the semantic interoperability of heterogeneous EO data. While creating MEMOn, we adopted a development methodology, including three fundamental principles. First, we used a modularization approach. The idea is to create separate modules, one for each context of the environment domain in order to ensure the clarity of the global ontology’s structure and guarantee the reusability of each module separately. Second, we used the upper-level ontology Basic Formal Ontology and the mid-level ontologies, the Common Core ontologies, to facilitate the integration of the ontological modules in order to build the global one. Third, we reused existing domain ontologies such as ENVO and SSN, to avoid creating the ontology from scratch, and this can improve its quality since the reused components have already been evaluated. MEMOn is then evaluated using real use case studies, according to the Sahara and Sahel Observatory experts’ requirements. The second objective of this work is to break down the data silos and provide a common environmental information space. Accordingly, we propose a knowledge hypergraphbased data integration approach to provide experts and software agents with a virtual integrated and linked view of data. This approach generates RML mappings between the developed ontology and metadata and then creates a knowledge hypergraph that semantically links these mappings to identify more complex relationships across data sources. One of the strengths of the proposed approach is it goes beyond the process of combining data retrieved from multiple and independent sources and allows the virtual data integration in a highly semantic and expressive way, using hypergraphs. The third objective of this thesis concerns the enhancement of query processing in terms of accuracy, completeness, and semantic richness of response in order to adapt the returned results and make them more relevant and richer in terms of relationships. Accordingly, we propose a knowledge-hypergraph based query processing that improves the selection of sources contributing to the final result of an input query. Indeed, the proposed approach moves beyond the discovery of simple one-to-one equivalence matches and relies on the identification of more complex relationships across data sources by referring to the knowledge hypergraph. This enhancement significantly showcases the increasing of answer completeness and semantic richness. The proposed approach was implemented in an open-source tool and has proved its effectiveness through a real use case in the environmental monitoring domain
