46 research outputs found

    Designing an experience sampling method for smartphone based emotion detection

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    Smartphones provide the capability to perform in-situ sampling of human behavior using Experience Sampling Method (ESM). Designing an ESM schedule involves probing the user repeatedly at suitable moments to collect self-reports. Timely probe generation to collect high fidelity user responses while keeping probing rate low is challenging. In mobile-based ESM, timeliness of the probe is also impacted by user's availability to respond to self-report request. Thus,


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    Interruptions occur frequently in healthcare work systems. Hands-free Communication Devices (HCDs) were implemented in healthcare work systems to support the interruption process. However, from a sociotechnical systems perspective, HCDs may introduce new complications and unintended consequences to the work system. Research gaps exist in investigating the complexity of HCD interruptions in the real-world context. This dissertation aims to understand HCD interruption dynamics in the nursing work systems, using qualitative research methods. The first study examined the major differences between face-to-face and HCD-mediated interruptions, based on 30 hours of field observations in the acute care setting. Three major differences included: (1) The available cues to understand interruptee’s interruptibility, (2) The delivery of interruption content, and (3) The options to manage interruptions. The results uncovered facilitators and barriers that appeared to influence nursing work in the interruption process. The second study explored HCD interruption dynamics in more depth. It examined which system factors impact the interruption dynamics and how they influence nurses’ decisions and performance regarding the use of HCDs, based on 15 hours of field observations and 15 in-depth interviews with registered nurses in the pediatric intensive care units. This study was framed by the meso-ergonomics paradigm and activity theory. A descriptive model of HCD interruption dynamics was developed, comprising of five proximal system factors, 17 indicator and moderator system factors, and four distal system factors. These system factors interact and create integrated causal chains to impact interruption dynamics and influence the nurses’ decisions and performance regarding the use of HCDs. Specifically, the proximal system factors immediately impact interruption dynamics, the indicator or moderator system factors provide partial inputs and contextual circumstances of the proximal system factors, and the distal system factors are further down the causal chain. The results of the dissertation provided the basis for improving the design of interruption-mediating tools as well as the nursing work system, to better support the HCD-mediated interruption process, which may ultimately enhance the quality and safety of healthcare work systems

    A web-based tool for user experience studies

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaIn a ubicomp environment it is important to evaluate the user experience in interaction with technology and how this technology affects users in several dimensions. To assess those dimensions, what affects them and what causes them to impact users in one way or another, researchers conduct user studies and these aid researchers to answer their questions. While there are several user study techniques, these techniques are mostly not attuned to the specificities of ubicomp settings. This is where experience sampling proves to be a valuable technique, as it’s impromptu and in-situ nature caters to the specificities of ubicomp scenarios. This work focuses on studying user study techniques, with particular attention to experience sampling and, on the design and evaluation of the platform that we created to empower researchers with a flexible and general purpose user study tool. This tool allows them to easily create and manage studies and, to collect rich contextual data. From the study participants’ perspective, the tool strives to be minimally intrusive and to not impose unwanted costs (energetic or monetary). Evaluation results show that we were successful in achieving our goals in terms of internal validity but the sample size of the test study limits us in achieving generalizability (external validity) for our results.Num ambiente de computação ubíqua é importante avaliar a experiência dos utilizadores na sua interacção com a tecnologia e também, a forma como esta tecnologia afecta os utilizadores em várias dimensões. Para avaliar essas dimensões, o que as afecta e o que faz com que elas afectem os utilizadores, de uma forma ou de outra, os investigadores realizam estudos de experiência e estes, auxiliam no esclarecimento das suas questões de investigação. Embora haja várias técnicas para a realização de estudos de experiência, maioritariamente dá-se o caso de a técnica escolhida não estar calibrada para lidar com as especificidades de um cenário tecnológico como o da computação ubíqua. Este é um aspecto em que o experience sampling se revela como uma técnica valiosa, pois a sua natureza impromptu e in-situ, faz com que esta se adeqúe a estas especificidades. Este trabalho foca-se no estudo de técnicas de avaliação para estudos de experiência, com particular atenção para a técnica de experience sampling e, no desenho e avaliação da plataforma que criamos, com o intuito de empossar investigadores com uma ferramenta de estudos flexível e de âmbito geral. Esta ferramenta permite de forma fácil, a criação e gestão dos estudos e, permite a recolha de dados contextualmente ricos. Da perspectiva dos participantes em estudos a ferramenta visa ser minimamente intrusiva e não impor custos indesejados (energéticos ou monetários). Os resultados da avaliação mostram que atingimos os nossos objectivos em termos de validade interna mas, o tamanho da amostra da população do estudo de teste, limita-nos na possibilidade de obter resultados generalizáveis (validação externa)

    Peripheral interaction

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    In our everyday life we carry out a multitude of activities in parallel without focusing our attention explicitly on them. We drink a cup of tea while reading a book, we signal a colleague passing by with a hand gesture, that we are concentrated right now and that he should wait one moment, or we walk a few steps backwards while taking photos. Many of these interactions - like drinking, sending signals via gestures or walking - are rather complex by themselves. By means of learning and training, however, these interactions become part of our routines and habits and therefore only consume little or no attentional resources. In contrast, when interacting with digital devices, we are often asked for our full attention. To carry out - even small and marginal tasks - we are regularly forced to switch windows, do precise interactions (e.g., pointing with the mouse) and thereby these systems trigger context and focus switches, disrupting us in our main focus and task. Peripheral interaction aims at making use of human capabilities and senses like divided attention, spatial memory and proprioception to support interaction with digital devices in the periphery of the attention, consequently quasi-parallel to another primary task. In this thesis we investigate peripheral interaction in the context of a standard desktop computer environment. We explore three interaction styles for peripheral interaction: graspable interaction, touch input and freehand gestures. StaTube investigates graspable interaction in the domain of instant messaging, while the Appointment Projection uses simple wiping gestures to access information about upcoming appointments. These two explorations focus on one interaction style each and offer first insights into the general benefits of peripheral interaction. In the following we carried out two studies comparing all three interaction styles (graspable, touch, freehand) for audio player control and for dealing with notifications. We found that all three interaction styles are generally fit for peripheral interaction but come with different advantages and disadvantages. The last set of explorative studies deals with the ability to recall spatial locations in 2D as well as 3D. The Unadorned Desk makes use of the physical space around the desktop computer and thereby offers an extended interaction space to store and retrieve virtual items such as commands, applications or tools. Finally, evaluation of peripheral interaction is not straightforward as the systems are designed to blend into the environment and not draw attention on them. We propose an additional evaluation method for the lab to complement the current evaluation practice in the field. The main contributions of this thesis are (1) an exhaustive classification and a more detailed look at manual peripheral interaction for tangible, touch and freehand interaction. Based on these exploration with all three interaction styles, we offer (2) implications in terms of overall benefits of peripheral interaction, learnability and habituation, visual and mental attention, feedback and handedness for future peripheral interaction design. Finally, derived from a diverse set of user studies, we assess (3) evaluation strategies enriching the design process for peripheral interaction.In unserem täglichen Leben führen wir eine große Anzahl an Aktivitäten parallel aus ohne uns explizit darauf zu konzentrieren. Wir trinken Tee während wir ein Buch lesen, wir signalisieren einem Kollegen durch eine Handgeste, dass wir gerade konzentriert sind und er einen Moment warten soll oder wir gehen ein paar Schritte rückwärts während wir fotografieren. Viele dieser Aktivitäten - wie beispielsweise Trinken, Gestikulieren und Laufen - sind an sich komplex. Durch Training werden diese Tätigkeiten allerdings Teil unserer Routinen und Gewohnheiten, und beanspruchen daher nur noch wenig oder sogar keine Aufmerksamkeit. Im Gegensatz dazu, verlangen digitale Geräte meist unsere volle Aufmerksamkeit während der Interaktion. Um - oftmals nur kleine - Aufgaben durchzuführen, müssen wir Fenster wechseln, präzise Aktionen durchführen (z.B. mit dem Mauszeiger zielen) und werden dabei durch die Systeme zu einem Kontext- und Fokuswechsel gezwungen. Periphere Interaktion hingegen macht sich menschliche Fähigkeiten wie geteilte Aufmerksamkeit, das räumliche Gedächtnis und Propriozeption zu Nutze um Interaktion mit digitalen Geräten am Rande der Aufmerksamkeit also der Peripherie zu ermöglichen -- quasi-parallel zu einem anderen Primärtask. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir Periphere Interaktion am Computerarbeitsplatz. Dabei betrachten wir drei verschiedene Interaktionsstile: Begreifbare Interaktion (graspable), Touch Eingabe und Freiraum Gestik (freehand). StaTube untersucht Begreifbare Interaktion am Beispiel von Instant Messaging, während die Appointment Projection einfache Wischgesten nutzt, um Informationen nahender Termine verfügbar zu machen. Diese beiden Untersuchungen betrachten jeweils einen Interaktionsstil und beleuchten erste Vorteile, die durch Periphere Interaktion erzielt werden können. Aufbauend darauf führen wir zwei vergleichende Studien zwischen allen drei Interaktionsstilen durch. Als Anwendungsszenarien dienen Musiksteuerung und der Umgang mit Benachrichtigungsfenstern. Alle drei Interaktionsstile können erfolgreich für Periphere Interaktion eingesetzt werden, haben aber verschiedene Vor- und Nachteile. Die letzte Gruppe von Studien befasst sich mit dem räumlichen Gedächtnis in 2D und 3D. Das Unadorned Desk nutzt den physikalischen Raum neben dem Desktop Computer um virtuelle Objekte, beispielsweise Funktionen, Anwendungen oder Werkzeuge, zu lagern. Darüber hinaus ist die Evaluation von Peripherer Interaktion anspruchsvoll, da sich die Systeme in die Umwelt integrieren und gerade keine Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen sollen. Wir schlagen eine Evaluationsmethode für das Labor vor, um die derzeitig vorherrschenden Evaluationsmethoden in diesem Forschungsfeld zu ergänzen. Die Kernbeiträge dieser Arbeit sind eine (1) umfassende Klassifizierung und ein detaillierter Blick auf manuelle Periphere Interaktion, namentlich Begreifbare Interaktion, Touch Eingabe und Freiraum Gestik. Basierend auf unseren Untersuchungen ziehen wir (2) Schlussfolgerungen, die den generellen Nutzen von Peripherer Interaktion darlegen und Bereiche wie die Erlernbarkeit und Gewöhnung, visuelle und mentale Aufmerksamkeit, Feedback so wie Händigkeit beleuchten um zukünftige Projekte im Bereich der Peripheren Interaktion zu unterstützen. Aufbauend auf den verschiedenen Nutzerstudien, diskutieren wir Evaluationsstrategien um den Entwicklungsprozess Peripherer Interaktion zu unterstützen

    Designing intelligent support for learning from and in everyday contexts

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    Motivation and engagement in learning benefit from a good match of learning settings and materials to individual learner contexts. This includes intrinsic context factors such as prior knowledge and personal interests but also extrinsic factors such as the current environment. Recent developments in adaptive and intelligent technology enable the personalisation of context-aware learning. For example, computer vision algorithms, machine translation, and Augmented Reality make it possible to support the creation of meaningful connections between learners and their context. However, for successful adoption in everyday life, these technologies also need to consider the learner experience. This thesis investigates the design of personalised context-aware learning experiences through the lens of ubiquitous and self-directed language learning as a multi-faceted learning domain. Specifically, it presents and discusses the design, implementation, and evaluation of technology support for learning in and from learners’ everyday contexts with a strong focus on the learner perspective and user experience. The work is guided by four different roles that technology can take on in context-aware ubiquitous learning: For enhancing learning situations, it can (1) sense and (2) trigger in learners’ everyday contexts. For enhancing learning contents, it can (3) augment activities and (4) generate learning material from learner everyday contexts. With regards to the sensing role, the thesis investigates how learners typically use mobile learning apps in everyday contexts. Activity and context logging, combined with experience sampling, confirm that mobile learning sessions spread across the day and occur in different settings. However, they are typically short and frequently interrupted. This indicates that learners may benefit from better integrating learning into everyday contexts, e.g. by supporting task resumption. Subsequently, we explore how this integration could be supported with intelligent triggers linked to opportune moments for learning. We conceptualise and evaluate different trigger types based on interaction patterns and context detection. Our findings show that simple interactions (e.g. plugging in headphones) are promising for capturing both availability and willingness to engage in a learning activity. We discuss how similar interaction triggers could be adapted to match individual habits. In the area of enhancing learning contents, we first investigate how enjoyable everyday activities could be augmented for learning without disrupting these activities. Specifically, we assess the learner experience with interactive grammar support in e-readers and adapted captions for audio-visual media. Participants in our studies felt that the learning augmentations successfully supported their learning process. The information load of the learning support should match the learners’ current needs to maintain the activity flow. Learners may need encouragement to opt for novel concepts optimised for learning (e.g. time-synchronised captions) rather than sticking to habits (e.g. standard captions). Next, the thesis explores learner needs and preferences in generating their own personalised learning material from their context. We design and evaluate automated content generation methods that generate learning opportunities from objects in the learner’s environment. The connection to the learner’s context is established with state-of-the-art technology, such as object detection and Augmented Reality. Through several user studies, we show that learning performance and engagement with auto-generated personalised learning material is comparable to predefined and manually generated content. Findings further indicate that the success of personalisation depends on the effort required to generate content and whether the generation results match the learner’s expectations. Through the different perspectives examined in this thesis, we provide new insights into challenges and opportunities that we synthesise in a framework for context-aware ubiquitous learning technology. The findings also have more general implications for the interaction design of personalised and context-aware intelligent systems. Notably, for the auto-generation of personalised content, it is essential to consider not only correctness from a technological perspective but also how users may perceive the results.Lernmotivation und Engagement profitieren davon, wenn Lernumgebungen und Lernmaterialien auf den individuellen Kontext der Lernenden abgestimmt sind. Dieser umfasst sowohl intrinsische Faktoren wie Vorkenntnisse und persönliche Interessen, aber auch extrinsische Faktoren wie die aktuelle Umgebung. Aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen im Bereich adaptiver und intelligenter Technologien ermöglichen es, Lernen kontextbewusst zu personalisieren. So können mithilfe von Computer-Vision-Algorithmen, maschineller Übersetzung und Augmented Reality sinnvolle Verknüpfungen zwischen Lernenden und ihrem Kontext geschaffen werden. Allerdings müssen diese Technologien für einen erfolgreichen Einsatz im Alltag auch die Lernerfahrung mit einbeziehen. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Gestaltung personalisierter kontextbewusster Lernerfahrungen aus der Perspektive des ubiquitären und self-directed Learning im Sprachenlernen, einem vielseitigen Lernbereich. Insbesondere wird die Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluierung von Technologieunterstützung für das Sprachenlernen in und aus dem Alltagskontext der Lernenden vorgestellt und diskutiert, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Perspektive der Lernenden und der Nutzererfahrung liegt. Die Arbeit orientiert sich an vier verschiedenen Rollen, die Technologie im kontextbewussten Lernen einnehmen kann. Um Lernsituationen anzureichern, kann Technologie im Alltagskontext von Lernenden (1) erfassen und (2) auslösen. Um Lerninhalte anzureichern, kann Technologie aus dem Alltagskontext (3) Aktivitäten augmentieren und (4) Inhalte generieren. Im Hinblick auf die erfassende Rolle von Technologie wird in dieser Arbeit untersucht, wie die Lernenden mobile Lern-Apps in alltäglichen Kontexten nutzen. Die Aufzeichnung von Aktivitäten und Kontexten in Kombination mit Experience Sampling bestätigt, dass Lerneinheiten im mobilen Lernen über den Tag verteilt sind und in verschiedenen Umgebungen stattfinden. Allerdings sind sie in der Regel kurz und werden häufig unterbrochen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass die Lernenden von einer besseren Integration des Lernens in ihren Alltagskontext profitieren könnten, z. B. durch Unterstützung des Wiedereinstiegs nach einer Unterbrechung. Anschließend untersuchen wir, wie diese Integration durch intelligente Trigger unterstützt werden könnte, die mit passenden Lernzeitpunkten verknüpft sind. Wir konzipieren und evaluieren verschiedene Arten von Triggern auf Basis von Interaktionsmustern und Kontexterkennung. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass einfache Interaktionen (z. B. das Einstecken von Kopfhörern) vielversprechend dafür sind, sowohl die Verfügbarkeit als auch die Bereitschaft für eine Lernaktivität zu erfassen. Wir diskutieren, wie ähnliche Interaktionstrigger an individuelle Gewohnheiten angepasst werden können. Im Bereich der Augmentierung von Lerninhalten untersuchen wir zunächst, wie unterhaltsame Alltagsaktivitäten für das Lernen aufbereitet werden können, ohne diese Aktivitäten zu beeinträchtigen. Konkret bewerten wir die Lernerfahrung mit interaktiver Grammatikunterstützung in E-Readern und angepassten Untertiteln für audiovisuelle Medien. Die Teilnehmer:innen unserer Studien fanden, dass die Lernunterstützung ihren Lernprozess erfolgreich förderte. Die Informationslast im Lernsystem sollte auf die aktuellen Bedürfnisse der Lernenden angepasst werden, damit das Flow-Erlebnis nicht beeinträchtigt wird. Die Lernenden brauchen möglicherweise Ermutigung dafür, sich für neuartige, lernoptimierte Konzepte zu entscheiden (z. B. zeitsynchrone Untertitel), anstatt an Gewohnheiten festzuhalten (z. B. Standarduntertitel). Als Nächstes werden in dieser Arbeit die Bedürfnisse und Präferenzen der Lernenden bei der Erstellung ihres eigenen personalisierten Lernmaterials aus ihrem Kontext untersucht. Insbesondere werden Methoden zur automatischen Generierung von Inhalten entwickelt und evaluiert, die Lernmöglichkeiten aus Objekten in der Umgebung des Lernenden generieren. Die Verbindung zum Kontext des Lernenden wird durch aktuelle Technologien wie Objekterkennung und Augmented Reality hergestellt. Wir zeigen anhand mehrerer Nutzerstudien, dass die Lernleistung und das Engagement bei automatisch personalisiertem Lernmaterial mit vordefinierten und manuell erstellten Inhalten vergleichbar sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigen außerdem, dass der Erfolg der Personalisierung vom Aufwand abhängt, der für die Erstellung der Inhalte erforderlich ist, und davon, ob die generierten Materialien den Erwartungen der Lernenden entsprechen. Die verschiedenen Perspektiven, die in dieser Arbeit untersucht werden, bieten neue Einblicke in Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten, die wir in einem Framework für kontextbewusste ubiquitäre Lerntechnologie zusammenfassen. Die Ergebnisse haben auch allgemeinere Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung der Interaktion mit personalisierten und kontextbewussten intelligenten Systemen. Beispielsweise ist es bei der automatischen Generierung personalisierter Inhalte wichtig, nicht nur die Korrektheit aus technologischer Sicht zu berücksichtigen, sondern auch, wie die Nutzer die Ergebnisse wahrnehmen

    Studies on 6-sector-site deployment in downlink LTE

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    Mobile data traffic is expected to increase massively in the following years. Consequently, service operators are induced to increase the capacity of their networks continually to attract more subscribers and maximize their revenues. At the same time, they want to minimize operational costs and capital expenditures. Among the alternatives that aim to increase the network capacity, higher order sectorization, and in particular a six sectorized configuration, is nowadays attracting a lot of attention for LTE macro-cell deployments since a higher number of sectors per site results in improved site capacity and coverage. A six sectorized configuration is attractive for both roll-out phase and growth phase of the network. In the roll-out phase, the radio access network is planned with 6-sector sites instead of 3-sector sites with the advantage that less sites are needed for the same capacity and coverage requirements. In the growth phase, the six sectorized configuration can be used to upgrade existing 3-sector sites where the traffic grows beyond the current sites' capabilities. Therefore, no additional expensive and time consuming contracts need to be signed for the locations of the new sites, while the existing sites are used more efficiently. However, although potentially a 6-sector site can offer a double capacity than a 3-sector site, several factors prevent the capacity from growing proportionately to the number of sectors. Consequently, there is an uncertainty on whether the capacity gain is high enough to justify the extra costs of the additional equipment and, more specifically, whether the 6-sector-site deployment is more economically attractive than a 3-sector-site deployment. The aim of this report is to solve this uncertainty. First, we present the main factors that affect the capacity gain. Next, we quantify the impact of these factors on the capacity gain in downlink LTE with the use of a system level simulator. Finally, we use the results of the simulation study as inputs for an economic study to access the reasons for a possible deployment of 6-sector sites instead of 3-sector sites for LTE

    Quantifying Quality of Life

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    Describes technological methods and tools for objective and quantitative assessment of QoL Appraises technology-enabled methods for incorporating QoL measurements in medicine Highlights the success factors for adoption and scaling of technology-enabled methods This open access book presents the rise of technology-enabled methods and tools for objective, quantitative assessment of Quality of Life (QoL), while following the WHOQOL model. It is an in-depth resource describing and examining state-of-the-art, minimally obtrusive, ubiquitous technologies. Highlighting the required factors for adoption and scaling of technology-enabled methods and tools for QoL assessment, it also describes how these technologies can be leveraged for behavior change, disease prevention, health management and long-term QoL enhancement in populations at large. Quantifying Quality of Life: Incorporating Daily Life into Medicine fills a gap in the field of QoL by providing assessment methods, techniques and tools. These assessments differ from the current methods that are now mostly infrequent, subjective, qualitative, memory-based, context-poor and sparse. Therefore, it is an ideal resource for physicians, physicians in training, software and hardware developers, computer scientists, data scientists, behavioural scientists, entrepreneurs, healthcare leaders and administrators who are seeking an up-to-date resource on this subject