234 research outputs found

    Exploring the Potential of Flexible 8-bit Format: Design and Algorithm

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    Neural network quantization is widely used to reduce model inference complexity in real-world deployments. However, traditional integer quantization suffers from accuracy degradation when adapting to various dynamic ranges. Recent research has focused on a new 8-bit format, FP8, with hardware support for both training and inference of neural networks but lacks guidance for hardware design. In this paper, we analyze the benefits of using FP8 quantization and provide a comprehensive comparison of FP8 with INT quantization. Then we propose a flexible mixed-precision quantization framework that supports various number systems, enabling optimal selection of the most appropriate quantization format for different neural network architectures. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework achieves competitive performance compared to full precision on various tasks, including image classification, object detection, segmentation, and natural language understanding. Our work furnishes critical insights into the tangible benefits and feasibility of employing FP8 quantization, paving the way for heightened neural network efficiency in tangible scenarios. Our code is available in the supplementary material

    FireFly: A High-Throughput and Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerator for Spiking Neural Networks

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    Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have been widely used due to their strong biological interpretability and high energy efficiency. With the introduction of the backpropagation algorithm and surrogate gradient, the structure of spiking neural networks has become more complex, and the performance gap with artificial neural networks has gradually decreased. However, most SNN hardware implementations for field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) cannot meet arithmetic or memory efficiency requirements, which significantly restricts the development of SNNs. They do not delve into the arithmetic operations between the binary spikes and synaptic weights or assume unlimited on-chip RAM resources by using overly expensive devices on small tasks. To improve arithmetic efficiency, we analyze the neural dynamics of spiking neurons, generalize the SNN arithmetic operation to the multiplex-accumulate operation, and propose a high-performance implementation of such operation by utilizing the DSP48E2 hard block in Xilinx Ultrascale FPGAs. To improve memory efficiency, we design a memory system to enable efficient synaptic weights and membrane voltage memory access with reasonable on-chip RAM consumption. Combining the above two improvements, we propose an FPGA accelerator that can process spikes generated by the firing neuron on-the-fly (FireFly). FireFly is implemented on several FPGA edge devices with limited resources but still guarantees a peak performance of 5.53TSOP/s at 300MHz. As a lightweight accelerator, FireFly achieves the highest computational density efficiency compared with existing research using large FPGA devices
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