254 research outputs found


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    This exploratory study provides a means for evaluating and rating Telecare medical information systems in order to provide a more effective security solution. This analysis of existing solutions was conducted via an in-depth study of Telecare security. This is a proposition for current biometric technologies as a new means for secure communication of private information over public channels. Specifically, this research was done in order to provide a means for businesses to evaluate prospective technologies from a 3 dimensional view in order to make am accurate decision on any given biometric security technology. Through identifying key aspects of what makes a security solution the most effective in minimizing risk of a patient’s confidential data being exposed we were then able to create a 3 dimensional rubric to see not only from a business view but also the users such as the patients and doctors that use Telecare medical information systems every day. Finally, we also need to understand the implications of biometric solutions from a technological standpoint

    Anonymity preserving and lightweight multi-medical server authentication protocol for telecare medical information system

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    Electronic health systems, such as Telecare Medical Information System (TMIS), allow patients to exchange their health information with a medical center/doctor for diagnosis in real-time, and across borders. Given the sensitive nature of health information/medical data, ensuring the security of such systems is crucial. In this paper, we revisit Das et al.'s authentication protocol, which is designed to ensure patient anonymity and untraceability. Then, we demonstrate that the security claims are invalid, by showing how both security features (i.e., patient anonymity and untraceability) can be compromised. We also demonstrate that the protocol suffers from smartcard launch attacks. To mitigate such design flaws, we propose a new lightweight authentication protocol using the cryptographic hash function for TMIS. We then analyze the security of the proposed protocol using AVISPA and Scyther, two widely used formal specification tools. The performance analysis demonstrates that our protocol is more efficient than other competing protocols

    Recent Developments in Smart Healthcare

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    Medicine is undergoing a sector-wide transformation thanks to the advances in computing and networking technologies. Healthcare is changing from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive and personalized, from disease focused to well-being centered. In essence, the healthcare systems, as well as fundamental medicine research, are becoming smarter. We anticipate significant improvements in areas ranging from molecular genomics and proteomics to decision support for healthcare professionals through big data analytics, to support behavior changes through technology-enabled self-management, and social and motivational support. Furthermore, with smart technologies, healthcare delivery could also be made more efficient, higher quality, and lower cost. In this special issue, we received a total 45 submissions and accepted 19 outstanding papers that roughly span across several interesting topics on smart healthcare, including public health, health information technology (Health IT), and smart medicine

    A study of System Interface Sets (SIS) for the host, target and integration environments of the Space Station Program (SSP)

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    System interface sets (SIS) for large, complex, non-stop, distributed systems are examined. The SIS of the Space Station Program (SSP) was selected as the focus of this study because an appropriate virtual interface specification of the SIS is believed to have the most potential to free the project from four life cycle tyrannies which are rooted in a dependance on either a proprietary or particular instance of: operating systems, data management systems, communications systems, and instruction set architectures. The static perspective of the common Ada programming support environment interface set (CAIS) and the portable common execution environment (PCEE) activities are discussed. Also, the dynamic perspective of the PCEE is addressed

    Multifactor Authentication Key Management System based Security Model Using Effective Handover Tunnel with IPV6

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    In the current modern world, the way of life style is being completely changed due to the emerging technologies which are reflected in treating the patients too. As there is a tremendous growth in population, the existing e-Healthcare methods are not efficient enough to deal with numerous medical data. There is a delay in caring of patient health as communication networks are poor in quality and moreover smart medical resources are lacking and hence severe causes are experienced in the health of patient. However, authentication is considered as a major challenge ensuring that the illegal participants are not permitted to access the medical data present in cloud. To provide security, the authentication factors required are smart card, password and biometrics. Several approaches based on these are authentication factors are presented for e-Health clouds so far. But mostly serious security defects are experienced with these protocols and even the computation and communication overheads are high. Thus, keeping in mind all these challenges, a novel Multifactor Key management-based authentication by Tunnel IPv6 (MKMA- TIPv6) protocol is introduced for e-Health cloud which prevents main attacks like user anonymity, guessing offline password, impersonation, and stealing smart cards. From the analysis, it is proved that this protocol is effective than the existing ones such as Pair Hand (PH), Linear Combination Authentication Protocol (LCAP), Robust Elliptic Curve Cryptography-based Three factor Authentication (RECCTA) in terms storage cost, Encryption time, Decryption time, computation cost, energy consumption and speed. Hence, the proposed MKMA- TIPv6 achieves 35bits of storage cost, 60sec of encryption time, 50sec decryption time, 45sec computational cost, 50% of energy consumption and 80% speed
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