109 research outputs found

    Virtual reality interfaces for seamless interaction with the physical reality

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    In recent years head-mounted displays (HMDs) for virtual reality (VR) have made the transition from research to consumer product, and are increasingly used for productive purposes such as 3D modeling in the automotive industry and teleconferencing. VR allows users to create and experience real-world like models of products; and enables users to have an immersive social interaction with distant colleagues. These solutions are a promising alternative to physical prototypes and meetings, as they require less investment in time and material. VR uses our visual dominance to deliver these experiences, making users believe that they are in another reality. However, while their mind is present in VR their body is in the physical reality. From the user’s perspective, this brings considerable uncertainty to the interaction. Currently, they are forced to take off their HMD in order to, for example, see who is observing them and to understand whether their physical integrity is at risk. This disrupts their interaction in VR, leading to a loss of presence – a main quality measure for the success of VR experiences. In this thesis, I address this uncertainty by developing interfaces that enable users to stay in VR while supporting their awareness of the physical reality. They maintain this awareness without having to take off the headset – which I refer to as seamless interaction with the physical reality. The overarching research vision that guides this thesis is, therefore, to reduce this disconnect between the virtual and physical reality. My research is motivated by a preliminary exploration of user uncertainty towards using VR in co-located, public places. This exploration revealed three main foci: (a) security and privacy, (b) communication with physical collaborators, and (c) managing presence in both the physical and virtual reality. Each theme represents a section in my dissertation, in which I identify central challenges and give directions towards overcoming them as have emerged from the work presented here. First, I investigate security and privacy in co-located situations by revealing to what extent bystanders are able to observe general tasks. In this context, I explicitly investigate the security considerations of authentication mechanisms. I review how existing authentication mechanisms can be transferred to VR and present novel approaches that are more usable and secure than existing solutions from prior work. Second, to support communication between VR users and physical collaborators, I add to the field design implications for VR interactions that enable observers to choose opportune moments to interrupt HMD users. Moreover, I contribute methods for displaying interruptions in VR and discuss their effect on presence and performance. I also found that different virtual presentations of co-located collaborators have an effect on social presence, performance and trust. Third, I close my thesis by investigating methods to manage presence in both the physical and virtual realities. I propose systems and interfaces for transitioning between them that empower users to decide how much they want to be aware of the other reality. Finally, I discuss the opportunity to systematically allocate senses to these two realities: the visual one for VR and the auditory and haptic one for the physical reality. Moreover, I provide specific design guidelines on how to use these findings to alert VR users about physical borders and obstacles.In den letzten Jahren haben Head-Mounted-Displays (HMDs) für virtuelle Realität (VR) den Übergang von der Forschung zum Konsumprodukt vollzogen und werden zunehmend für produktive Zwecke, wie 3D-Modellierung in der Automobilindustrie oder Telekonferenzen, eingesetzt. VR ermöglicht es den Benutzern, schnell und kostengünstig, Prototypen zu erstellen und erlaubt eine immersive soziale Interaktion mit entfernten Kollegen. VR nutzt unsere visuelle Dominanz, um diese Erfahrungen zu vermitteln und gibt Benutzern das Gefühl sich in einer anderen Realität zu befinden. Während der Nutzer jedoch in der virtuellen Realität mental präsent ist, befindet sich der Körper weiterhin in der physischen Realität. Aus der Perspektive des Benutzers bringt dies erhebliche Unsicherheit in die Nutzung von HMDs. Aktuell sind Nutzer gezwungen, ihr HMD abzunehmen, um zu sehen, wer sie beobachtet und zu verstehen, ob ihr körperliches Wohlbefinden gefährdet ist. Dadurch wird ihre Interaktion in der VR gestört, was zu einem Verlust der Präsenz führt - ein Hauptqualitätsmaß für den Erfolg von VR-Erfahrungen. In dieser Arbeit befasse ich mich mit dieser Unsicherheit, indem ich Schnittstellen entwickle, die es den Nutzern ermöglichen, in VR zu bleiben und gleichzeitig unterstützen sie die Wahrnehmung für die physische Realität. Sie behalten diese Wahrnehmung für die physische Realität bei, ohne das Headset abnehmen zu müssen - was ich als nahtlose Interaktion mit der physischen Realität bezeichne. Daher ist eine übergeordenete Vision von meiner Forschung diese Trennung von virtueller und physicher Realität zu reduzieren. Meine Forschung basiert auf einer einleitenden Untersuchung, die sich mit der Unsicherheit der Nutzer gegenüber der Verwendung von VR an öffentlichen, geteilten Orten befasst. Im Kontext meiner Arbeit werden Räume oder Flächen, die mit anderen ortsgleichen Menschen geteilt werden, als geteilte Orte bezeichnet. Diese Untersuchung ergab drei Hauptschwerpunkte: (1) Sicherheit und Privatsphäre, (2) Kommunikation mit physischen Kollaborateuren, und (3) Umgang mit der Präsenz, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen Realität. Jedes Thema stellt einen Fokus in meiner Dissertation dar, in dem ich zentrale Herausforderungen identifiziere und Lösungsansätze vorstelle. Erstens, untersuche ich Sicherheit und Privatsphäre an öffentlichen, geteilten Orten, indem ich aufdecke, inwieweit Umstehende in der Lage sind, allgemeine Aufgaben zu beobachten. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuche ich explizit die Gestaltung von Authentifizierungsmechanismen. Ich untersuche, wie bestehende Authentifizierungsmechanismen auf VR übertragen werden können, und stelle neue Ansätze vor, die nutzbar und sicher sind. Zweitens, um die Kommunikation zwischen HMD-Nutzern und Umstehenden zu unterstützen, erweitere ich das Forschungsfeld um VR-Interaktionen, die es Beobachtern ermöglichen, günstige Momente für die Unterbrechung von HMD-Nutzern zu wählen. Darüber hinaus steuere ich Methoden zur Darstellung von Unterbrechungen in VR bei und diskutiere ihre Auswirkungen auf Präsenz und Leistung von Nutzern. Meine Arbeit brachte auch hervor, dass verschiedene virtuelle Präsentationen von ortsgleichen Kollaborateuren einen Effekt auf die soziale Präsenz, Leistung und Vertrauen haben. Drittens, schließe ich meine Dissertation mit der Untersuchung von Methoden zur Verwaltung der Präsenz, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen Realität ab. Ich schlage Systeme und Schnittstellen für den Übergang zwischen den Realitäten vor, die die Benutzer in die Lage versetzen zu entscheiden, inwieweit sie sich der anderen Realität bewusst sein wollen. Schließlich diskutiere ich die Möglichkeit, diesen beiden Realitäten systematisch Sinne zuzuordnen: die visuelle für VR und die auditive und haptische für die physische Realität. Darüber hinaus stelle ich spezifische Design-Richtlinien zur Verfügung, wie diese Erkenntnisse genutzt werden können, um VR-Anwender auf physische Grenzen und Hindernisse aufmerksam zu machen

    Virtual reality interfaces for seamless interaction with the physical reality

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    In recent years head-mounted displays (HMDs) for virtual reality (VR) have made the transition from research to consumer product, and are increasingly used for productive purposes such as 3D modeling in the automotive industry and teleconferencing. VR allows users to create and experience real-world like models of products; and enables users to have an immersive social interaction with distant colleagues. These solutions are a promising alternative to physical prototypes and meetings, as they require less investment in time and material. VR uses our visual dominance to deliver these experiences, making users believe that they are in another reality. However, while their mind is present in VR their body is in the physical reality. From the user’s perspective, this brings considerable uncertainty to the interaction. Currently, they are forced to take off their HMD in order to, for example, see who is observing them and to understand whether their physical integrity is at risk. This disrupts their interaction in VR, leading to a loss of presence – a main quality measure for the success of VR experiences. In this thesis, I address this uncertainty by developing interfaces that enable users to stay in VR while supporting their awareness of the physical reality. They maintain this awareness without having to take off the headset – which I refer to as seamless interaction with the physical reality. The overarching research vision that guides this thesis is, therefore, to reduce this disconnect between the virtual and physical reality. My research is motivated by a preliminary exploration of user uncertainty towards using VR in co-located, public places. This exploration revealed three main foci: (a) security and privacy, (b) communication with physical collaborators, and (c) managing presence in both the physical and virtual reality. Each theme represents a section in my dissertation, in which I identify central challenges and give directions towards overcoming them as have emerged from the work presented here. First, I investigate security and privacy in co-located situations by revealing to what extent bystanders are able to observe general tasks. In this context, I explicitly investigate the security considerations of authentication mechanisms. I review how existing authentication mechanisms can be transferred to VR and present novel approaches that are more usable and secure than existing solutions from prior work. Second, to support communication between VR users and physical collaborators, I add to the field design implications for VR interactions that enable observers to choose opportune moments to interrupt HMD users. Moreover, I contribute methods for displaying interruptions in VR and discuss their effect on presence and performance. I also found that different virtual presentations of co-located collaborators have an effect on social presence, performance and trust. Third, I close my thesis by investigating methods to manage presence in both the physical and virtual realities. I propose systems and interfaces for transitioning between them that empower users to decide how much they want to be aware of the other reality. Finally, I discuss the opportunity to systematically allocate senses to these two realities: the visual one for VR and the auditory and haptic one for the physical reality. Moreover, I provide specific design guidelines on how to use these findings to alert VR users about physical borders and obstacles.In den letzten Jahren haben Head-Mounted-Displays (HMDs) für virtuelle Realität (VR) den Übergang von der Forschung zum Konsumprodukt vollzogen und werden zunehmend für produktive Zwecke, wie 3D-Modellierung in der Automobilindustrie oder Telekonferenzen, eingesetzt. VR ermöglicht es den Benutzern, schnell und kostengünstig, Prototypen zu erstellen und erlaubt eine immersive soziale Interaktion mit entfernten Kollegen. VR nutzt unsere visuelle Dominanz, um diese Erfahrungen zu vermitteln und gibt Benutzern das Gefühl sich in einer anderen Realität zu befinden. Während der Nutzer jedoch in der virtuellen Realität mental präsent ist, befindet sich der Körper weiterhin in der physischen Realität. Aus der Perspektive des Benutzers bringt dies erhebliche Unsicherheit in die Nutzung von HMDs. Aktuell sind Nutzer gezwungen, ihr HMD abzunehmen, um zu sehen, wer sie beobachtet und zu verstehen, ob ihr körperliches Wohlbefinden gefährdet ist. Dadurch wird ihre Interaktion in der VR gestört, was zu einem Verlust der Präsenz führt - ein Hauptqualitätsmaß für den Erfolg von VR-Erfahrungen. In dieser Arbeit befasse ich mich mit dieser Unsicherheit, indem ich Schnittstellen entwickle, die es den Nutzern ermöglichen, in VR zu bleiben und gleichzeitig unterstützen sie die Wahrnehmung für die physische Realität. Sie behalten diese Wahrnehmung für die physische Realität bei, ohne das Headset abnehmen zu müssen - was ich als nahtlose Interaktion mit der physischen Realität bezeichne. Daher ist eine übergeordenete Vision von meiner Forschung diese Trennung von virtueller und physicher Realität zu reduzieren. Meine Forschung basiert auf einer einleitenden Untersuchung, die sich mit der Unsicherheit der Nutzer gegenüber der Verwendung von VR an öffentlichen, geteilten Orten befasst. Im Kontext meiner Arbeit werden Räume oder Flächen, die mit anderen ortsgleichen Menschen geteilt werden, als geteilte Orte bezeichnet. Diese Untersuchung ergab drei Hauptschwerpunkte: (1) Sicherheit und Privatsphäre, (2) Kommunikation mit physischen Kollaborateuren, und (3) Umgang mit der Präsenz, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen Realität. Jedes Thema stellt einen Fokus in meiner Dissertation dar, in dem ich zentrale Herausforderungen identifiziere und Lösungsansätze vorstelle. Erstens, untersuche ich Sicherheit und Privatsphäre an öffentlichen, geteilten Orten, indem ich aufdecke, inwieweit Umstehende in der Lage sind, allgemeine Aufgaben zu beobachten. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuche ich explizit die Gestaltung von Authentifizierungsmechanismen. Ich untersuche, wie bestehende Authentifizierungsmechanismen auf VR übertragen werden können, und stelle neue Ansätze vor, die nutzbar und sicher sind. Zweitens, um die Kommunikation zwischen HMD-Nutzern und Umstehenden zu unterstützen, erweitere ich das Forschungsfeld um VR-Interaktionen, die es Beobachtern ermöglichen, günstige Momente für die Unterbrechung von HMD-Nutzern zu wählen. Darüber hinaus steuere ich Methoden zur Darstellung von Unterbrechungen in VR bei und diskutiere ihre Auswirkungen auf Präsenz und Leistung von Nutzern. Meine Arbeit brachte auch hervor, dass verschiedene virtuelle Präsentationen von ortsgleichen Kollaborateuren einen Effekt auf die soziale Präsenz, Leistung und Vertrauen haben. Drittens, schließe ich meine Dissertation mit der Untersuchung von Methoden zur Verwaltung der Präsenz, sowohl in der physischen als auch in der virtuellen Realität ab. Ich schlage Systeme und Schnittstellen für den Übergang zwischen den Realitäten vor, die die Benutzer in die Lage versetzen zu entscheiden, inwieweit sie sich der anderen Realität bewusst sein wollen. Schließlich diskutiere ich die Möglichkeit, diesen beiden Realitäten systematisch Sinne zuzuordnen: die visuelle für VR und die auditive und haptische für die physische Realität. Darüber hinaus stelle ich spezifische Design-Richtlinien zur Verfügung, wie diese Erkenntnisse genutzt werden können, um VR-Anwender auf physische Grenzen und Hindernisse aufmerksam zu machen

    Segurança em ambientes de proximidade

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaA crescente adopção de dispositivos móveis, com cada vez mais capacidades de computação e comunicação, leva inevitavelmente à questão de como podem ser explorados. O objectivo desta dissertação passa por explorar algumas dessas capacidades de forma a melhorar e evoluir a interac ção segura entre o utilizador e os serviços que utilizada no seu dia-a-dia. É particularmente interessante o uso destes dispositivos não apenas como sistemas de armazenamento, mas como peças activas na interacção entre o utilizador e o mundo que o rodeia, um cenário potenciado pelas crescentes capacidades de comunicação em proximidade destes dispositivos. Esta dissertação debruça-se sobre o estudo e possível integração da proximidade física entre um utilizador e os sistemas que usa diariamente como um requisito extra na autenticação e comunicação entre eles, usando o seu dispositivo móvel para interagir com os mesmos. De forma a demonstrar uma possível integração destes elementos num sistema, este trabalho apresenta uma implementação que explora o uso de tecnologias de curto alcance como meio de comunicação e como requisito de autenticação, recorrendo a mecanismos de segurança para estabelecer comunicações privadas sobre redes públicas e garantir e veri car a autencidade da informa ção trocada e armazenada.The increasing adoption of mobile devices with more computing and communication capabilities inevitably raises the question of how to explore them. The goal of this dissertation is to explore some of those capabilities to improve and evolve secure interactions between the user and the services that he uses in his daily life. It is particularly interesting to use these devices not only as storage systems, but also as active elements in the interaction between the user and the world around him: this objective is boosted by the increasing proximity-based communication capabilities of those devices. This dissertation focus on the study and possible integration of the physical proximity between a user and the systems he uses every day as an extra requirement for authentication, using his mobile device to interact with them. To demonstrate a possible integration of these elements into a system, this work presents an implementation that explores the use of short-range wireless technologies as a communication mean and as a requirement for authentication, using security mechanisms to establish private communications through public networks and to ensure and verify the authenticity of the information exchanged and stored

    Reliable Navigation for SUAS in Complex Indoor Environments

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    Indoor environments are a particular challenge for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Effective navigation through these GPS-denied environments require alternative localization systems, as well as methods of sensing and avoiding obstacles while remaining on-task. Additionally, the relatively small clearances and human presence characteristic of indoor spaces necessitates a higher level of precision and adaptability than is common in traditional UAV flight planning and execution. This research blends the optimization of individual technologies, such as state estimation and environmental sensing, with system integration and high-level operational planning. The combination of AprilTag visual markers, multi-camera Visual Odometry, and IMU data can be used to create a robust state estimator that describes position, velocity, and rotation of a multicopter within an indoor environment. However these data sources have unique, nonlinear characteristics that should be understood to effectively plan for their usage in an automated environment. The research described herein begins by analyzing the unique characteristics of these data streams in order to create a highly-accurate, fault-tolerant state estimator. Upon this foundation, the system built, tested, and described herein uses Visual Markers as navigation anchors, visual odometry for motion estimation and control, and then uses depth sensors to maintain an up-to-date map of the UAV\u27s immediate surroundings. It develops and continually refines navigable routes through a novel combination of pre-defined and sensory environmental data. Emphasis is put on the real-world development and testing of the system, through discussion of computational resource management and risk reduction

    Private sound environments in public space: Use of headphones in public parks and public transit

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    The use of headphones is now so commonplace that it is almost second nature for many people to use them. Not only do these people use headphones all the time, but they use them nearly everywhere, including in urban public spaces. In using headphones, people create their own “private sound environments” in public space. This phenomenon merits attention from researchers since the creation of private sound environments may well alter people’s experiences of public space. This study answers five research questions about the use of headphones in parks and on transit: why people use them, when they begin using headphones and when they discontinue using them, what activities they engage in while using headphones, what they listen to, and how using headphones affects their experience. The study was conducted in three New York City parks - Washington, Tompkins, and Madison Square Parks - and on the PATH train that runs between New Jersey and New York City. Four data collection methods were used: focus groups, in-depth interviews, and online and on-site surveys. Findings indicate that the reasons why people use headphones vary depending on how they use them – whether they play audio or wear them without playing audio. People play audio to reminisce and for therapeutic purposes. People wear headphones without audio for insulation in cold weather and to keep their hands free. A majority of respondents begin using headphones when they depart from their homes and discontinue using headphones when they reach their homes or places of employment. While using headphones, people engage in various activities including relaxing, exercising, and observing surroundings. These activities vary depending on whether people are playing audio or not. For the most part, in parks and on transit, the type of audio people play on headphones is music. Respondents reported that the quality of their experiences in parks declines when they listen to audio and improves when they do not. In contrast, the quality of experience on transit improves when they listen to audio and declines when they do not

    Políticas de Copyright de Publicações Científicas em Repositórios Institucionais: O Caso do INESC TEC

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    A progressiva transformação das práticas científicas, impulsionada pelo desenvolvimento das novas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), têm possibilitado aumentar o acesso à informação, caminhando gradualmente para uma abertura do ciclo de pesquisa. Isto permitirá resolver a longo prazo uma adversidade que se tem colocado aos investigadores, que passa pela existência de barreiras que limitam as condições de acesso, sejam estas geográficas ou financeiras. Apesar da produção científica ser dominada, maioritariamente, por grandes editoras comerciais, estando sujeita às regras por estas impostas, o Movimento do Acesso Aberto cuja primeira declaração pública, a Declaração de Budapeste (BOAI), é de 2002, vem propor alterações significativas que beneficiam os autores e os leitores. Este Movimento vem a ganhar importância em Portugal desde 2003, com a constituição do primeiro repositório institucional a nível nacional. Os repositórios institucionais surgiram como uma ferramenta de divulgação da produção científica de uma instituição, com o intuito de permitir abrir aos resultados da investigação, quer antes da publicação e do próprio processo de arbitragem (preprint), quer depois (postprint), e, consequentemente, aumentar a visibilidade do trabalho desenvolvido por um investigador e a respetiva instituição. O estudo apresentado, que passou por uma análise das políticas de copyright das publicações científicas mais relevantes do INESC TEC, permitiu não só perceber que as editoras adotam cada vez mais políticas que possibilitam o auto-arquivo das publicações em repositórios institucionais, como também que existe todo um trabalho de sensibilização a percorrer, não só para os investigadores, como para a instituição e toda a sociedade. A produção de um conjunto de recomendações, que passam pela implementação de uma política institucional que incentive o auto-arquivo das publicações desenvolvidas no âmbito institucional no repositório, serve como mote para uma maior valorização da produção científica do INESC TEC.The progressive transformation of scientific practices, driven by the development of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which made it possible to increase access to information, gradually moving towards an opening of the research cycle. This opening makes it possible to resolve, in the long term, the adversity that has been placed on researchers, which involves the existence of barriers that limit access conditions, whether geographical or financial. Although large commercial publishers predominantly dominate scientific production and subject it to the rules imposed by them, the Open Access movement whose first public declaration, the Budapest Declaration (BOAI), was in 2002, proposes significant changes that benefit the authors and the readers. This Movement has gained importance in Portugal since 2003, with the constitution of the first institutional repository at the national level. Institutional repositories have emerged as a tool for disseminating the scientific production of an institution to open the results of the research, both before publication and the preprint process and postprint, increase the visibility of work done by an investigator and his or her institution. The present study, which underwent an analysis of the copyright policies of INESC TEC most relevant scientific publications, allowed not only to realize that publishers are increasingly adopting policies that make it possible to self-archive publications in institutional repositories, all the work of raising awareness, not only for researchers but also for the institution and the whole society. The production of a set of recommendations, which go through the implementation of an institutional policy that encourages the self-archiving of the publications developed in the institutional scope in the repository, serves as a motto for a greater appreciation of the scientific production of INESC TEC

    Factors Impacting Older Adults\u27 Adoption of Mobile Technology in Emergency Communications

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    An increasing number of older adults must continue working, which requires that they maintain their competencies and work skills, including use of mobile technology (MT). However, little is known about older adult adoption of MT in relation to work. This study used Rogers\u27s diffusion of innovation theory and Davis\u27s technology acceptance model as a framework. The purpose of this exploratory sequential mixed methods study was to examine the experiences of older adults\u27 who adopted MT in the emergency communications (EC) field. Participants came from an emergency services LinkedIn group. Data sources included surveys completed by 85 respondents and interviews of a subset of 10 of the respondents. Phase 1 included survey analysis to develop descriptive statistics on the participants\u27 placement in Rogers\u27s stages of adoption, their perceptions of the usefulness, and the ease of use. Phase 2 included analysis of in-depth interviews, coding for themes and patterns. Survey results indicated that both perceived usefulness and ease of use affect the adoption of MT by older adult users in the EC field. The results of the interviews identified the usefulness and ease of use as factors for the participants. The social implications for employers include a deeper understanding of the specific factors that impact the adoption of MT by older adults. This study provides employers with a deeper understanding of the adoption of MT by older adults so they can develop stronger plans to help their older adults adopt mobile technology

    2009 GREAT Day Program

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    SUNY Geneseo’s Third Annual GREAT Day.https://knightscholar.geneseo.edu/program-2007/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Ultra Wideband Systems with MIMO

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    The influence of olfactory marketing on client's loyalty

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    JEL Classification System: M31Este estudo liga dois grandes temas, o Marketing e o comportamento do consumidor. Mais detalhadamente implica duas vertentes interessantes dos temas anteriores, o Marketing Olfactivo e a lealdade do consumidor, respectivamente. O foco principal que se pretendeu avaliar nesta pesquisa foi perceber se o Marketing Olfactivo no ponto de venda tem influência na lealdade dos clientes. Esta pesquisa procurou recolher respostas para a questão que se apresenta nesta dissertação através da realização de um questionário Online. Toda a investigação teve como base os resultados obtidos através do questionário feito a uma amostra de 390 pessoas. O centro de investigação foi a cadeia de lojas Zara Home que pratica este tipo de Marketing. O requisito principal para responder a este questionário online via página da Zara Home do Facebook, era de o inquirido já ter realizado alguma compra neste grupo de lojas. Como não foi possível obter uma amostra aleatória optou-se por utilizar o processo de amostragem por conveniência. Após a realização do questionário, os resultados obtidos foram analisados chegando-se à conclusão que o Marketing Olfactivo tem influência na lealdade dos consumidores.This study connects two main themes, the Marketing and the Consumer Behaviour. In more detail, it implies two interesting aspects of the previous themes, the Olfactory Marketing and Consumer Loyalty. The main focus intended to evaluate is to understand if Olfactory Marketing at the point of sale can have any influence on the clients’ loyalty. This research tries to collect answers for the question presented on this dissertation through the elaboration of an online survey. All the investigation is based on the results obtained through the online survey made to a sample of 390 people. The investi gation center of this study was the chain of stores Zara Home which practices Olfactory Marketing. The main requirement to answer the online survey through the Zara Home Facebook page was that the respondent should have already made some kind of shopping in this group of stores. As it was not possible to obtain a random sample, the option was to use the Convenience Sampling Process. After the elaboration of the survey and collecting the answers, the results obtained are analysed, leading to the conclusion t hat the Olfactory Marketing has influence on the Customers’ loyalty