155 research outputs found

    Kadick´s Resolution: Using procedural design for the development of a Web Game

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019This document presents the end-of-degree project for the Bachelor’s Degree in Design and Development of Video Games. The main idea for this project is to develop a videogame for internet browsers. Kadick’s Resolution is a Roguelike game imbued with cyberpunk style in 2D top perspective. Its scenario is generated using automatic generation through procedural design. This game uses Javascript as the main programming language including the Phaser framework to improve and ease the development process. This game is fully localized in English, Spanish and Valencian

    Node-Based Native Solution to Procedural Game Level Generation

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    A Geração Procedural de Conteúdo (PCG) aplicada ao domínio do desenvolvimento de jogos tem se tornado um tópico proeminente, com um número crescente de implementações e aplicações. Soluções de PCG standalone e plugin, regidas por interfaces baseadas em nós e outros modelos de alto nível, enfrentam limitações em termos de integração, interatividade e responsividade quando inseridas no processo de desenvolvimento de jogos. Essas limitações afetam a experiência do utilizador e inibem o verdadeiro potencial que estes sistemas podem oferecer. Adotando uma metodologia de Action-Research, realizou-se um estudo preliminar com entrevistas a especialistas da área. A avaliação da pertinência desta metodologia nativa e da abordagem visual mais adequada para a sua interface foi efetuada através de uma série de protótipos. Posteriormente, foi implementado um protótipo funcional e conduzido um estudo de caso com uma amostra constituída por um grupo de especialistas em PCG e de desenvolvedores de jogos. Os participantes realizaram uma série de exercícios que estavam documentados com os respetivos tutoriais. Após a conclusão dos exercícios propostos, os participantes avaliaram a relevância da solução e da experiência do utilizador através de um questionário. No desenvolvimento de uma metodologia nativa de PCG baseado em nós, integrado no motor de jogo, identificamos limitações e concluímos que existem diversos desafios ainda por superar no que diz respeito a uma implementação completa de um sistema complexo e amplo.Procedural Content Generation (PCG) applied to game development has become a prominent topic with increasing implementations and use cases. However, existing standalone and plugin PCG solutions, which use Node-based interfaces and other high-level approaches, face limitations in integration, interactivity, and responsiveness within the game development pipeline. These limitations hinder the overall user experience and restrain the true potential of PCG systems. Adopting an Action-Research methodology, a preliminary interview was conducted with experts in the field. The relevance assessment of this native methodology and the most suitable visual approach for its interface was carried out through a series of prototypes. Subsequently, a functional prototype was implemented, and a case study was conducted using a sample consisting of a group of PCG experts and game developers. The participants performed a series of exercises documented with the respective tutorials. After completing the exercises, the solution's relevancy and user experience were evaluated through a questionnaire. In developing a native node-based PCG methodology integrated into the game engine, we identified limitations. We concluded that several challenges are yet to be overcome regarding fully implementing a complex and extensive system

    Automatic level generation for platform videogames using genetic algorithms

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    In this document we present an investigation on automatically generating levels for platform videogames. Common approaches for this problem are rhythm based, where input patterns are transformed in a valid geometry, and chunk based, where samples are humanly created and automatically assembled like a puzzle. The proposal hereby presented is to explore this challenge with the usage of Genetic Algorithms, facing it as a search problem, in order to achieve higher expressivity and less linearity than in rhythm based approach and without requiring human creation as it happens with the chunk based approach. With simple heuristics the system is able to generate playable levels in a small amount of time (one level is created in less than a minute) and with considerable diversity, as our results show