1,089 research outputs found

    Causal Interpretation of Self-Attention in Pre-Trained Transformers

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    We propose a causal interpretation of self-attention in the Transformer neural network architecture. We interpret self-attention as a mechanism that estimates a structural equation model for a given input sequence of symbols (tokens). The structural equation model can be interpreted, in turn, as a causal structure over the input symbols under the specific context of the input sequence. Importantly, this interpretation remains valid in the presence of latent confounders. Following this interpretation, we estimate conditional independence relations between input symbols by calculating partial correlations between their corresponding representations in the deepest attention layer. This enables learning the causal structure over an input sequence using existing constraint-based algorithms. In this sense, existing pre-trained Transformers can be utilized for zero-shot causal-discovery. We demonstrate this method by providing causal explanations for the outcomes of Transformers in two tasks: sentiment classification (NLP) and recommendation.Comment: 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.1062

    Enhancing explainability and scrutability of recommender systems

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    Our increasing reliance on complex algorithms for recommendations calls for models and methods for explainable, scrutable, and trustworthy AI. While explainability is required for understanding the relationships between model inputs and outputs, a scrutable system allows us to modify its behavior as desired. These properties help bridge the gap between our expectations and the algorithm’s behavior and accordingly boost our trust in AI. Aiming to cope with information overload, recommender systems play a crucial role in filtering content (such as products, news, songs, and movies) and shaping a personalized experience for their users. Consequently, there has been a growing demand from the information consumers to receive proper explanations for their personalized recommendations. These explanations aim at helping users understand why certain items are recommended to them and how their previous inputs to the system relate to the generation of such recommendations. Besides, in the event of receiving undesirable content, explanations could possibly contain valuable information as to how the system’s behavior can be modified accordingly. In this thesis, we present our contributions towards explainability and scrutability of recommender systems: • We introduce a user-centric framework, FAIRY, for discovering and ranking post-hoc explanations for the social feeds generated by black-box platforms. These explanations reveal relationships between users’ profiles and their feed items and are extracted from the local interaction graphs of users. FAIRY employs a learning-to-rank (LTR) method to score candidate explanations based on their relevance and surprisal. • We propose a method, PRINCE, to facilitate provider-side explainability in graph-based recommender systems that use personalized PageRank at their core. PRINCE explanations are comprehensible for users, because they present subsets of the user’s prior actions responsible for the received recommendations. PRINCE operates in a counterfactual setup and builds on a polynomial-time algorithm for finding the smallest counterfactual explanations. • We propose a human-in-the-loop framework, ELIXIR, for enhancing scrutability and subsequently the recommendation models by leveraging user feedback on explanations. ELIXIR enables recommender systems to collect user feedback on pairs of recommendations and explanations. The feedback is incorporated into the model by imposing a soft constraint for learning user-specific item representations. We evaluate all proposed models and methods with real user studies and demonstrate their benefits at achieving explainability and scrutability in recommender systems.Unsere zunehmende Abhängigkeit von komplexen Algorithmen für maschinelle Empfehlungen erfordert Modelle und Methoden für erklärbare, nachvollziehbare und vertrauenswürdige KI. Zum Verstehen der Beziehungen zwischen Modellein- und ausgaben muss KI erklärbar sein. Möchten wir das Verhalten des Systems hingegen nach unseren Vorstellungen ändern, muss dessen Entscheidungsprozess nachvollziehbar sein. Erklärbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von KI helfen uns dabei, die Lücke zwischen dem von uns erwarteten und dem tatsächlichen Verhalten der Algorithmen zu schließen und unser Vertrauen in KI-Systeme entsprechend zu stärken. Um ein Übermaß an Informationen zu verhindern, spielen Empfehlungsdienste eine entscheidende Rolle um Inhalte (z.B. Produkten, Nachrichten, Musik und Filmen) zu filtern und deren Benutzern eine personalisierte Erfahrung zu bieten. Infolgedessen erheben immer mehr In- formationskonsumenten Anspruch auf angemessene Erklärungen für deren personalisierte Empfehlungen. Diese Erklärungen sollen den Benutzern helfen zu verstehen, warum ihnen bestimmte Dinge empfohlen wurden und wie sich ihre früheren Eingaben in das System auf die Generierung solcher Empfehlungen auswirken. Außerdem können Erklärungen für den Fall, dass unerwünschte Inhalte empfohlen werden, wertvolle Informationen darüber enthalten, wie das Verhalten des Systems entsprechend geändert werden kann. In dieser Dissertation stellen wir unsere Beiträge zu Erklärbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von Empfehlungsdiensten vor. • Mit FAIRY stellen wir ein benutzerzentriertes Framework vor, mit dem post-hoc Erklärungen für die von Black-Box-Plattformen generierten sozialen Feeds entdeckt und bewertet werden können. Diese Erklärungen zeigen Beziehungen zwischen Benutzerprofilen und deren Feeds auf und werden aus den lokalen Interaktionsgraphen der Benutzer extrahiert. FAIRY verwendet eine LTR-Methode (Learning-to-Rank), um die Erklärungen anhand ihrer Relevanz und ihres Grads unerwarteter Empfehlungen zu bewerten. • Mit der PRINCE-Methode erleichtern wir das anbieterseitige Generieren von Erklärungen für PageRank-basierte Empfehlungsdienste. PRINCE-Erklärungen sind für Benutzer verständlich, da sie Teilmengen früherer Nutzerinteraktionen darstellen, die für die erhaltenen Empfehlungen verantwortlich sind. PRINCE-Erklärungen sind somit kausaler Natur und werden von einem Algorithmus mit polynomieller Laufzeit erzeugt , um präzise Erklärungen zu finden. • Wir präsentieren ein Human-in-the-Loop-Framework, ELIXIR, um die Nachvollziehbarkeit der Empfehlungsmodelle und die Qualität der Empfehlungen zu verbessern. Mit ELIXIR können Empfehlungsdienste Benutzerfeedback zu Empfehlungen und Erklärungen sammeln. Das Feedback wird in das Modell einbezogen, indem benutzerspezifischer Einbettungen von Objekten gelernt werden. Wir evaluieren alle Modelle und Methoden in Benutzerstudien und demonstrieren ihren Nutzen hinsichtlich Erklärbarkeit und Nachvollziehbarkeit von Empfehlungsdiensten

    Discovering Beaten Paths in Collaborative Ontology-Engineering Projects using Markov Chains

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    Biomedical taxonomies, thesauri and ontologies in the form of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) as a taxonomy or the National Cancer Institute Thesaurus as an OWL-based ontology, play a critical role in acquiring, representing and processing information about human health. With increasing adoption and relevance, biomedical ontologies have also significantly increased in size. For example, the 11th revision of the ICD, which is currently under active development by the WHO contains nearly 50,000 classes representing a vast variety of different diseases and causes of death. This evolution in terms of size was accompanied by an evolution in the way ontologies are engineered. Because no single individual has the expertise to develop such large-scale ontologies, ontology-engineering projects have evolved from small-scale efforts involving just a few domain experts to large-scale projects that require effective collaboration between dozens or even hundreds of experts, practitioners and other stakeholders. Understanding how these stakeholders collaborate will enable us to improve editing environments that support such collaborations. We uncover how large ontology-engineering projects, such as the ICD in its 11th revision, unfold by analyzing usage logs of five different biomedical ontology-engineering projects of varying sizes and scopes using Markov chains. We discover intriguing interaction patterns (e.g., which properties users subsequently change) that suggest that large collaborative ontology-engineering projects are governed by a few general principles that determine and drive development. From our analysis, we identify commonalities and differences between different projects that have implications for project managers, ontology editors, developers and contributors working on collaborative ontology-engineering projects and tools in the biomedical domain.Comment: Published in the Journal of Biomedical Informatic

    Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Recommenders

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    Factors Influencing User’s Adoption of Conversational Recommender System Based on Product Functional Requirements

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    Conversational recommender system (CRS) helps customers get products fitted their needs by repeated interaction mechanisms. When customers want to buy products having many and high tech features (e.g., cars, smartphones, notebook, etc.), most users are not familiar with product technical features. The more natural way to elicit customers’ needs is by asking what they really want to use with the product they want (we call as product functional requirements). In this paper, we analyze four factors, e.g., perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust and perceived enjoyment  associated to user’s intention to adopt the interaction model (in CRS) based on product functional requirements. Result of experiment using technology acceptance model (TAM) indicates that, for users who aren’t familiar with technical features, perceives usefulness is a main factor influencing users’ adoption. Meanwhile, perceived enjoyment plays a role on user’s intention to adopt this interaction model, for users who are familiar with technical features of product

    Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Recommenders

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    Understanding why specific items are recommended to users can significantly increase their trust and satisfaction in the system. While neural recommenders have become the state-of-the-art in recent years, the complexity of deep models still makes the generation of tangible explanations for end users a challenging problem. Existing methods are usually based on attention distributions over a variety of features, which are still questionable regarding their suitability as explanations, and rather unwieldy to grasp for an end user. Counterfactual explanations based on a small set of the user's own actions have been shown to be an acceptable solution to the tangibility problem. However, current work on such counterfactuals cannot be readily applied to neural models. In this work, we propose ACCENT, the first general framework for finding counterfactual explanations for neural recommenders. It extends recently-proposed influence functions for identifying training points most relevant to a recommendation, from a single to a pair of items, while deducing a counterfactual set in an iterative process. We use ACCENT to generate counterfactual explanations for two popular neural models, Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) and Relational Collaborative Filtering (RCF), and demonstrate its feasibility on a sample of the popular MovieLens 100K dataset

    A Co-design Study for Multi-Stakeholder Job Recommender System Explanations

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    Recent legislation proposals have significantly increased the demand for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in many businesses, especially in so-called `high-risk' domains, such as recruitment. Within recruitment, AI has become commonplace, mainly in the form of job recommender systems (JRSs), which try to match candidates to vacancies, and vice versa. However, common XAI techniques often fall short in this domain due to the different levels and types of expertise of the individuals involved, making explanations difficult to generalize. To determine the explanation preferences of the different stakeholder types - candidates, recruiters, and companies - we created and validated a semi-structured interview guide. Using grounded theory, we structurally analyzed the results of these interviews and found that different stakeholder types indeed have strongly differing explanation preferences. Candidates indicated a preference for brief, textual explanations that allow them to quickly judge potential matches. On the other hand, hiring managers preferred visual graph-based explanations that provide a more technical and comprehensive overview at a glance. Recruiters found more exhaustive textual explanations preferable, as those provided them with more talking points to convince both parties of the match. Based on these findings, we describe guidelines on how to design an explanation interface that fulfills the requirements of all three stakeholder types. Furthermore, we provide the validated interview guide, which can assist future research in determining the explanation preferences of different stakeholder types

    Beyond accuracy in machine learning.

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    Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are widely used in our daily lives. The need to increase the accuracy of ML models has led to building increasingly powerful and complex algorithms known as black-box models which do not provide any explanations about the reasons behind their output. On the other hand, there are white-box ML models which are inherently interpretable while having lower accuracy compared to black-box models. To have a productive and practical algorithmic decision system, precise predictions may not be sufficient. The system may need to have transparency and be able to provide explanations, especially in applications with safety-critical contexts such as medicine, aerospace, robotics, and self-driving vehicles; or in socially-sensitive domains such as credit scoring and predictive policing. This is because having transparency can help explain why a certain decision was made and this, in turn, could be useful in discovering possible biases that lead to discrimination against any individual or group of people. Fairness and bias are other aspects that need to be considered in evaluating ML models. Therefore, depending on the application domain, accuracy, explainability, and fairness from bias may be necessary in building a practical and effective algorithmic decision system. However, in practice, it is challenging to have a model that optimizes all of these three aspects simultaneously. In this work, we study ML criteria that go beyond accuracy in two different problems: 1) in collaborative filtering recommendation, where we study explainability and bias in addition to accuracy; and 2) in robotic grasp failure prediction, where we study explainability in addition to prediction accuracy
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