1,455 research outputs found

    Towards Internet of Things for event-driven low-power gas sensing using carbon nanotubes

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    One of most important applications of sensing devices under the Internet of Things paradigm is air quality monitoring, which is particularly useful in urban and industrial environments where air pollution is an increasing public health problem. As these sensing systems are usually battery-powered and gas sensors are power-hungry, energy-efficient design and power management are required to extend the device's lifetime. In this paper, we present a two-stage concept where a novel low-power carbon nanotube is used as a gas detector for an energy-consuming metal-oxide (MOX) semiconductor gas sensor. We propose a design of a heterogeneous sensor node where we exploit the low-power nanotube gas sensor and the more accurate MOX sensor. This work performs energy consumption simulations for three event-driven scenarios to evaluate the power consumption reduction, as well as the limitations of carbon nanotubes. Our results show the benefits of the proposed approach over the scenarios with adaptive duty-cycling with only MOX gas sensors, proved with 20%-35% node lifetime prolongation. The delay introduced due to the nanotube recovery time can be overcome by radio duty-cycled activity for detecting alarm messages from the neighbour nodes

    A Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Nanosensors for Structural Health Monitoring in Bridge Maintenance: Innovations, Challenges, and Future Perspectives

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    This paper presents a thorough review and detailed analysis of nanosensors for structural health monitoring (SHM) in the context of bridge maintenance. With rapid advancements in nanotechnology, nanosensors have emerged as promising tools for detecting and assessing the structural integrity of bridges. The objective of this review is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the various types of nanosensors utilized in bridge maintenance, their operating principles, fabrication techniques, and integration strategies. Furthermore, this paper explores the challenges associated with nanosensor deployment, such as signal processing, power supply, and data interpretation. Finally, the review concludes with an outlook on future developments in the field of nanosensors for SHM in bridge maintenance.publishedVersio

    Energy Harvesting of Deionized Water Droplet Flow over an Epitaxial Graphene Film on a SiC Substrate

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    Abstract: This study investigates energy harvesting by a deionized (DI) water droplet flow on an epitaxial graphene film on a SiC substrate. We obtain an epitaxial single-crystal graphene film by annealing a 4H-SiC substrate. Energy harvesting of the solution droplet flow on the graphene surface has been investigated by using NaCl or HCl solutions. This study validates the voltage generated from the DI water flow on the epitaxial graphene film. The maximum generated voltage was as high as 100 mV, which was a quite large value compared with the previous reports. Furthermore, we measure the dependence of flow direction on electrode configuration. The generated voltages are independent of the electrode configuration, indicating that the DI water flow direction is not influenced by the voltage generation for the single-crystal epitaxial graphene film. Based on these results, the origin of the voltage generation on the epitaxial graphene film is not only an outcome of the fluctuation of the electrical-double layer, resulting in the breaking of the uniform balance of the surface charges, but also other factors such as the charges in the DI water or frictional electrification. In addition, the buffer layer has no effect on the epitaxial graphene film on the SiC substrate

    Redesigning chemical analysis: transducing information from chemical into digital

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    Aquesta tesi planteja que les xarxes distribuïdes de detecció de substàncies químiques serán eines beneficioses per aconseguir millors resultats de salut com a éssers humans, així com per a guiarnes en el nostre paper autodeterminat con a guardians en l'àmbit ecològic. Tot aixo, des de la perspectiva d’introduir elements de disseny en les eines analítiques. El treball comença amb una introducció a la visió de com els sensors químics s'adapten als contextos més grans de la biologia, la història i la tecnologia. El segon capítol ofereix una base de coneixements sobre els mètodes i principis científics i tecnològics subjacents sobre els quals es basa aquest treball. A continuació, es fa una revisió crítica dels avenços acadèmics cap als sensors electroquímics distribuïts, que divideixen el problema en tres aspectes: rendiment adequat, usabilitat intuïtiva i assequibilitat. Entre aquests, la usabilitat s'identifica com el coll d'ampolla principal en l'adopció generalitzada de sensors químics centrats en l'usuari. Els capítols posteriors ofereixen algunes respostes als reptes, en forma de treball experimental original. Encara que aquest treball es basa en l'electroquímica analítica, s'aborda des d’una metodologia de disseny, amb iteracions d'anàlisi i síntesi incrustades en el procés d'ideació. Les declaracions finals reflexionen sobre el treball com una petita part en una creixent revolució de l'edat de la informació química; com una petita esquerda a la presa que contenia una allau de dades químiques de diagnòstic amb conseqüències imprevisibles, però positives i revolucionàries.Esta tesis postula que las redes distribuidas de detección química serán herramientas beneficiosas para alcanzar mejores resultados de salud como seres humanos, así como para guiarnos en nuestro papel autodeterminado como guardianes en la esfera ecológica. Todo esto desde una perspectiva de introducir elementos de diseño en herramientas analíticas. El trabajo comienza con una introducción a la visión de cómo los sensores químicos se ajustan a los contextos más amplios de la biología, la historia y la tecnología. El segundo capítulo proporciona algunos antecedentes de los métodos y principios científicos y tecnológicos subyacentes en los que se basa este trabajo. Esto es seguido por una revisión crítica de los avances académicos hacia sensores electroquímicos distribuidos, que divide el problema en tres aspectos: rendimiento apropiado, usabilidad intuitiva y asequibilidad. Entre estos, la usabilidad se identifica como el cuello de botella principal en la adopción generalizada de sensores químicos centrados en el usuario. Los siguientes capítulos ofrecen algunas respuestas a los desafíos, en forma de trabajo experimental original. Mientras que este trabajo se arraiga en la electroquímica analítica, se aborda desde una metodología de diseño, con iteraciones de análisis y síntesis integradas en el proceso de ideación. Las declaraciones finales reflejan el trabajo como una pequeña parte en una floreciente revolución de la era de la información química; como una pequeña grieta en la presa que contiene una avalancha de datos químicos de diagnóstico con consecuencias imprevisibles, pero positivas y revolucionarias.This thesis posits that distributed chemical sensing networks will be beneficial tools towards our greater health outcomes as humans, as well as in guiding us in our self-determined role as custodians over the ecological sphere. A perspective of infusing design elements and approaches into analytical tools is shared. The work begins with an introduction presenting a vision of how chemical sensors fit within the greater contexts of biology, history, and technology. The second chapter provides some background to the underlying scientific and technological methods and principles on which this work stands. This is followed by a critical review of the academic advances towards distributed electrochemical sensors, which divides the problem into three aspects of appropriate performance, intuitive usability, and affordability. Amongst these, usability is identified as the principal bottleneck in the widespread adoption of user-centered chemical sensors. The subsequent chapters offer some responses to the challenges, in the form of original experimental work. While rooted in analytical electrochemistry, the work is approached with a design methodology, with iterations of analysis and synthesis embedded in the ideation process. Concluding statements reflect on the work as a small part in a burgeoning revolution of the chemical information age; as a minor crack in the dam holding back a flood of diagnostic chemical data with unforeseeable, yet positive and revolutionary consequences

    Advanced photonic and electronic systems - WILGA 2017

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    WILGA annual symposium on advanced photonic and electronic systems has been organized by young scientist for young scientists since two decades. It traditionally gathers more than 350 young researchers and their tutors. Ph.D students and graduates present their recent achievements during well attended oral sessions. Wilga is a very good digest of Ph.D. works carried out at technical universities in electronics and photonics, as well as information sciences throughout Poland and some neighboring countries. Publishing patronage over Wilga keep Elektronika technical journal by SEP, IJET by PAN and Proceedings of SPIE. The latter world editorial series publishes annually more than 200 papers from Wilga. Wilga 2017 was the XL edition of this meeting. The following topical tracks were distinguished: photonics, electronics, information technologies and system research. The article is a digest of some chosen works presented during Wilga 2017 symposium. WILGA 2017 works were published in Proc. SPIE vol.10445

    National Conference on ‘Renewable Energy, Smart Grid and Telecommunication-2023

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    Theme of the Conference: “The challenges and opportunities of integrating renewable energy into the grid” The National Conference on Renewable Energy, Smart Grid, and Telecommunication - 2023 is a platform for industry experts, researchers, and policymakers to come together and explore the latest advancements and challenges in the fields of renewable energy, smart grids, and telecommunication. Conference Highlights: In-depth discussions on renewable energy technologies and innovations. Smart grid integration for a sustainable future. The role of telecommunication in advancing renewable energy solutions. Networking opportunities with industry leaders and experts. Presentation of cutting-edge research papers and case studies. Conference topics: Renewable Energy Technologies and Innovations Smart Grid Development and Implementation Telecommunication for Energy Systems Energy Storage and Grid Balancing Policy, Regulation, and Market Dynamics Environmental and Social Impacts of Renewable Energy Energy Transition and Future Outlook Integration of renewable energy into the grid Microgrids and decentralized energy systems Grid cybersecurity and data analytics IoT and sensor technologies for energy monitoring Data management and analytics in energy sector Battery storage technologies and applicationshttps://www.interscience.in/conf_proc_volumes/1087/thumbnail.jp

    Wearable Nano-Based Gas Sensors for Environmental Monitoring and Encountered Challenges in Optimization

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    With a rising emphasis on public safety and quality of life, there is an urgent need to ensure optimal air quality, both indoors and outdoors. Detecting toxic gaseous compounds plays a pivotal role in shaping our sustainable future. This review aims to elucidate the advancements in smart wearable (nano)sensors for monitoring harmful gaseous pollutants, such as ammonia (NH3), nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N2O), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), sulfur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), hydrocarbons (CxHy), and hydrogen fluoride (HF). Differentiating this review from its predecessors, we shed light on the challenges faced in enhancing sensor performance and offer a deep dive into the evolution of sensing materials, wearable substrates, electrodes, and types of sensors. Noteworthy materials for robust detection systems encompass 2D nanostructures, carbon nanomaterials, conducting polymers, nanohybrids, and metal oxide semiconductors. A dedicated section dissects the significance of circuit integration, miniaturization, real-time sensing, repeatability, reusability, power efficiency, gas-sensitive material deposition, selectivity, sensitivity, stability, and response/recovery time, pinpointing gaps in the current knowledge and offering avenues for further research. To conclude, we provide insights and suggestions for the prospective trajectory of smart wearable nanosensors in addressing the extant challenges

    Quantum Technology: The Second Quantum Revolution

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    We are currently in the midst of a second quantum revolution. The first quantum revolution gave us new rules that govern physical reality. The second quantum revolution will take these rules and use them to develop new technologies. In this review we discuss the principles upon which quantum technology is based and the tools required to develop it. We discuss a number of examples of research programs that could deliver quantum technologies in coming decades including; quantum information technology, quantum electromechanical systems, coherent quantum electronics, quantum optics and coherent matter technology.Comment: 24 pages and 6 figure

    Innovative Technologies and Services for Smart Cities

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    A smart city is a modern technology-driven urban area which uses sensing devices, information, and communication technology connected to the internet of things (IoTs) for the optimum and efficient utilization of infrastructures and services with the goal of improving the living conditions of citizens. Increasing populations, lower budgets, limited resources, and compatibility of the upgraded technologies are some of the few problems affecting the implementation of smart cities. Hence, there is continuous advancement regarding technologies for the implementation of smart cities. The aim of this Special Issue is to report on the design and development of integrated/smart sensors, a universal interfacing platform, along with the IoT framework, extending it to next-generation communication networks for monitoring parameters of interest with the goal of achieving smart cities. The proposed universal interfacing platform with the IoT framework will solve many challenging issues and significantly boost the growth of IoT-related applications, not just in the environmental monitoring domain but in the other key areas, such as smart home, assistive technology for the elderly care, smart city with smart waste management, smart E-metering, smart water supply, intelligent traffic control, smart grid, remote healthcare applications, etc., signifying benefits for all countries

    Advance in Energy Harvesters/Nanogenerators and Self-Powered Sensors

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    This reprint is a collection of the Special Issue "Advance in Energy Harvesters/Nanogenerators and Self-Powered Sensors" published in Nanomaterials, which includes one editorial, six novel research articles and four review articles, showcasing the very recent advances in energy-harvesting and self-powered sensing technologies. With its broad coverage of innovations in transducing/sensing mechanisms, material and structural designs, system integration and applications, as well as the timely reviews of the progress in energy harvesting and self-powered sensing technologies, this reprint could give readers an excellent overview of the challenges, opportunities, advancements and development trends of this rapidly evolving field