399 research outputs found

    Aggregating and Deploying Network Access Control Policies

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    The existence of errors or inconsistencies in the configuration of security components, such as filtering routers and/or firewalls, may lead to weak access control policies -- potentially easy to be evaded by unauthorized parties. We present in this paper a proposal to create, manage, and deploy consistent policies in those components in an efficient way. To do so, we combine two main approaches. The first approach is the use of an aggregation mechanism that yields consistent configurations or signals inconsistencies. Through this mechanism we can fold existing policies of a given system and create a consistent and global set of access control rules -- easy to maintain and manage by using a single syntax. The second approach is the use of a refinement mechanism that guarantees the proper deployment of such a global set of rules into the system, yet free of inconsistencies.Comment: 9 page

    Evaluation of Anonymized ONS Queries

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    Electronic Product Code (EPC) is the basis of a pervasive infrastructure for the automatic identification of objects on supply chain applications (e.g., pharmaceutical or military applications). This infrastructure relies on the use of the (1) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to tag objects in motion and (2) distributed services providing information about objects via the Internet. A lookup service, called the Object Name Service (ONS) and based on the use of the Domain Name System (DNS), can be publicly accessed by EPC applications looking for information associated with tagged objects. Privacy issues may affect corporate infrastructures based on EPC technologies if their lookup service is not properly protected. A possible solution to mitigate these issues is the use of online anonymity. We present an evaluation experiment that compares the of use of Tor (The second generation Onion Router) on a global ONS/DNS setup, with respect to benefits, limitations, and latency.Comment: 14 page

    Management of stateful firewall misconfiguration

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    First-Order Models for Configuration Analysis

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    Our world teems with networked devices. Their configuration exerts an ever-expanding influence on our daily lives. Yet correctly configuring systems, networks, and access-control policies is notoriously difficult, even for trained professionals. Automated static analysis techniques provide a way to both verify a configuration\u27s correctness and explore its implications. One such approach is scenario-finding: showing concrete scenarios that illustrate potential (mis-)behavior. Scenarios even have a benefit to users without technical expertise, as concrete examples can both trigger and improve users\u27 intuition about their system. This thesis describes a concerted research effort toward improving scenario-finding tools for configuration analysis. We developed Margrave, a scenario-finding tool with special features designed for security policies and configurations. Margrave is not tied to any one specific policy language; rather, it provides an intermediate input language as expressive as first-order logic. This flexibility allows Margrave to reason about many different types of policy. We show Margrave in action on Cisco IOS, a common language for configuring firewalls, demonstrating that scenario-finding with Margrave is useful for debugging and validating real-world configurations. This thesis also presents a theorem showing that, for a restricted subclass of first-order logic, if a sentence is satisfiable then there must exist a satisfying scenario no larger than a computable bound. For such sentences scenario-finding is complete: one can be certain that no scenarios are missed by the analysis, provided that one checks up to the computed bound. We demonstrate that many common configurations fall into this subclass and give algorithmic tests for both sentence membership and counting. We have implemented both in Margrave. Aluminum is a tool that eliminates superfluous information in scenarios and allows users\u27 goals to guide which scenarios are displayed. We quantitatively show that our methods of scenario-reduction and exploration are effective and quite efficient in practice. Our work on Aluminum is making its way into other scenario-finding tools. Finally, we describe FlowLog, a language for network programming that we created with analysis in mind. We show that FlowLog can express many common network programs, yet demonstrate that automated analysis and bug-finding for FlowLog are both feasible as well as complete

    Streaming the Web: Reasoning over dynamic data.

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    In the last few years a new research area, called stream reasoning, emerged to bridge the gap between reasoning and stream processing. While current reasoning approaches are designed to work on mainly static data, the Web is, on the other hand, extremely dynamic: information is frequently changed and updated, and new data is continuously generated from a huge number of sources, often at high rate. In other words, fresh information is constantly made available in the form of streams of new data and updates. Despite some promising investigations in the area, stream reasoning is still in its infancy, both from the perspective of models and theories development, and from the perspective of systems and tools design and implementation. The aim of this paper is threefold: (i) we identify the requirements coming from different application scenarios, and we isolate the problems they pose; (ii) we survey existing approaches and proposals in the area of stream reasoning, highlighting their strengths and limitations; (iii) we draw a research agenda to guide the future research and development of stream reasoning. In doing so, we also analyze related research fields to extract algorithms, models, techniques, and solutions that could be useful in the area of stream reasoning. © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Steps towards adaptive situation and context-aware access: a contribution to the extension of access control mechanisms within pervasive information systems

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    L'évolution des systèmes pervasives a ouvert de nouveaux horizons aux systèmes d'information classiques qui ont intégré des nouvelles technologies et des services qui assurent la transparence d'accès aux resources d'information à n'importe quand, n'importe où et n'importe comment. En même temps, cette évolution a relevé des nouveaux défis à la sécurité de données et à la modélisation du contrôle d'accès. Afin de confronter ces challenges, differents travaux de recherche se sont dirigés vers l'extension des modèles de contrôles d'accès (en particulier le modèle RBAC) afin de prendre en compte la sensibilité au contexte dans le processus de prise de décision. Mais la liaison d'une décision d'accès aux contraintes contextuelles dynamiques d'un utilisateur mobile va non seulement ajouter plus de complexité au processus de prise de décision mais pourra aussi augmenter les possibilités de refus d'accès. Sachant que l'accessibilité est un élément clé dans les systèmes pervasifs et prenant en compte l'importance d'assurer l'accéssibilité en situations du temps réel, nombreux travaux de recherche ont proposé d'appliquer des mécanismes flexibles de contrôle d'accès avec des solutions parfois extrêmes qui depassent les frontières de sécurité telle que l'option de "Bris-de-Glace". Dans cette thèse, nous introduisons une solution modérée qui se positionne entre la rigidité des modèles de contrôle d'accès et la flexibilité qui expose des risques appliquées pendant des situations du temps réel. Notre contribution comprend deux volets : au niveau de conception, nous proposons PS-RBAC - un modèle RBAC sensible au contexte et à la situation. Le modèle réalise des attributions des permissions adaptatives et de solution de rechange à base de prise de décision basée sur la similarité face à une situation importanteÀ la phase d'exécution, nous introduisons PSQRS - un système de réécriture des requêtes sensible au contexte et à la situation et qui confronte les refus d'accès en reformulant la requête XACML de l'utilisateur et en lui proposant une liste des resources alternatives similaires qu'il peut accéder. L'objectif est de fournir un niveau de sécurité adaptative qui répond aux besoins de l'utilisateur tout en prenant en compte son rôle, ses contraintes contextuelles (localisation, réseau, dispositif, etc.) et sa situation. Notre proposition a été validé dans trois domaines d'application qui sont riches des contextes pervasifs et des scénarii du temps réel: (i) les Équipes Mobiles Gériatriques, (ii) les systèmes avioniques et (iii) les systèmes de vidéo surveillance.The evolution of pervasive computing has opened new horizons to classical information systems by integrating new technologies and services that enable seamless access to information sources at anytime, anyhow and anywhere. Meanwhile this evolution has opened new threats to information security and new challenges to access control modeling. In order to meet these challenges, many research works went towards extending traditional access control models (especially the RBAC model) in order to add context awareness within the decision-making process. Meanwhile, tying access decisions to the dynamic contextual constraints of mobile users would not only add more complexity to decision-making but could also increase the possibilities of access denial. Knowing that accessibility is a key feature for pervasive systems and taking into account the importance of providing access within real-time situations, many research works have proposed applying flexible access control mechanisms with sometimes extreme solutions that depass security boundaries such as the Break-Glass option. In this thesis, we introduce a moderate solution that stands between the rigidity of access control models and the riskful flexibility applied during real-time situations. Our contribution is twofold: on the design phase, we propose PS-RBAC - a Pervasive Situation-aware RBAC model that realizes adaptive permission assignments and alternative-based decision-making based on similarity when facing an important situation. On the implementation phase, we introduce PSQRS - a Pervasive Situation-aware Query Rewriting System architecture that confronts access denials by reformulating the user's XACML access request and proposing to him a list of alternative similar solutions that he can access. The objective is to provide a level of adaptive security that would meet the user needs while taking into consideration his role, contextual constraints (location, network, device, etc.) and his situation. Our proposal has been validated in three application domains that are rich in pervasive contexts and real-time scenarios: (i) Mobile Geriatric Teams, (ii) Avionic Systems and (iii) Video Surveillance Systems