6,391 research outputs found

    Computational Quantum Secret Sharing

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    Quantum secret sharing (QSS) allows a dealer to distribute a secret quantum state among a set of parties in such a way that certain authorized subsets can reconstruct the secret, while unauthorized subsets obtain no information about it. Previous works on QSS for general access structures focused solely on the existence of perfectly secure schemes, and the share size of the known schemes is necessarily exponential even in cases where the access structure is computed by polynomial size monotone circuits. This stands in stark contrast to the classical setting, where polynomial-time computationally-secure secret sharing schemes have been long known for all access structures computed by polynomial-size monotone circuits under standard hardness assumptions, and one can even obtain shares which are much shorter than the secret (which is impossible with perfect security). While QSS was introduced over twenty years ago, previous works only considered information-theoretic privacy. In this work, we initiate the study of computationally-secure QSS and show that computational assumptions help significantly in building QSS schemes, just as in the classical case. We present a simple compiler and use it to obtain a large variety results: We construct polynomial-time computationally-secure QSS schemes under standard hardness assumptions for a rich class of access structures. This includes many access structures for which previous results in QSS necessarily required exponential share size. In fact, we can go even further: We construct QSS schemes for which the size of the quantum shares is significantly smaller than the size of the secret. As in the classical setting, this is impossible with perfect security. We also apply our compiler to obtain results beyond computational QSS. In the information-theoretic setting, we improve the share size of perfect QSS schemes for a large class of n-party access structures to 1.5^{n+o(n)}, improving upon best known schemes and matching the best known result for general access structures in the classical setting. Finally, among other things, we study the class of access structures which can be efficiently implemented when the quantum secret sharing scheme has access to a given number of copies of the secret, including all such functions in ? and NP

    A Lower Bound on the Share Size in Evolving Secret Sharing

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    Secret sharing schemes allow sharing a secret between a set of parties in a way that ensures that only authorized subsets of the parties learn the secret. Evolving secret sharing schemes (Komargodski, Naor, and Yogev [TCC \u2716]) allow achieving this end in a scenario where the parties arrive in an online fashion, and there is no a-priory bound on the number of parties. An important complexity measure of a secret sharing scheme is the share size, which is the maximum number of bits that a party may receive as a share. While there has been a significant progress in recent years, the best constructions for both secret sharing and evolving secret sharing schemes have a share size that is exponential in the number of parties. On the other hand, the best lower bound, by Csirmaz [Eurocrypt \u2795], is sub-linear. In this work, we give a tight lower bound on the share size of evolving secret sharing schemes. Specifically, we show that the sub-linear lower bound of Csirmaz implies an exponential lower bound on evolving secret sharing

    Resettable Zero Knowledge in the Bare Public-Key Model under Standard Assumption

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    In this paper we resolve an open problem regarding resettable zero knowledge in the bare public-key (BPK for short) model: Does there exist constant round resettable zero knowledge argument with concurrent soundness for NP\mathcal{NP} in BPK model without assuming \emph{sub-exponential hardness}? We give a positive answer to this question by presenting such a protocol for any language in NP\mathcal{NP} in the bare public-key model assuming only collision-resistant hash functions against \emph{polynomial-time} adversaries.Comment: 19 pag

    Placing Conditional Disclosure of Secrets in the Communication Complexity Universe

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    In the conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) problem (Gertner et al., J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 2000) Alice and Bob, who hold n-bit inputs x and y respectively, wish to release a common secret z to Carol (who knows both x and y) if and only if the input (x,y) satisfies some predefined predicate f. Alice and Bob are allowed to send a single message to Carol which may depend on their inputs and some shared randomness, and the goal is to minimize the communication complexity while providing information-theoretic security. Despite the growing interest in this model, very few lower-bounds are known. In this paper, we relate the CDS complexity of a predicate f to its communication complexity under various communication games. For several basic predicates our results yield tight, or almost tight, lower-bounds of Omega(n) or Omega(n^{1-epsilon}), providing an exponential improvement over previous logarithmic lower-bounds. We also define new communication complexity classes that correspond to different variants of the CDS model and study the relations between them and their complements. Notably, we show that allowing for imperfect correctness can significantly reduce communication - a seemingly new phenomenon in the context of information-theoretic cryptography. Finally, our results show that proving explicit super-logarithmic lower-bounds for imperfect CDS protocols is a necessary step towards proving explicit lower-bounds against the class AM, or even AM cap coAM - a well known open problem in the theory of communication complexity. Thus imperfect CDS forms a new minimal class which is placed just beyond the boundaries of the "civilized" part of the communication complexity world for which explicit lower-bounds are known

    2-Server PIR with sub-polynomial communication

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    A 2-server Private Information Retrieval (PIR) scheme allows a user to retrieve the iith bit of an nn-bit database replicated among two servers (which do not communicate) while not revealing any information about ii to either server. In this work we construct a 1-round 2-server PIR with total communication cost nO(loglogn/logn)n^{O({\sqrt{\log\log n/\log n}})}. This improves over the currently known 2-server protocols which require O(n1/3)O(n^{1/3}) communication and matches the communication cost of known 3-server PIR schemes. Our improvement comes from reducing the number of servers in existing protocols, based on Matching Vector Codes, from 3 or 4 servers to 2. This is achieved by viewing these protocols in an algebraic way (using polynomial interpolation) and extending them using partial derivatives

    Computational Quantum Secret Sharing

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    Quantum secret sharing (QSS) allows a dealer to distribute a secret quantum state among a set of parties in such a way that certain authorized subsets can reconstruct the secret, while unauthorized subsets obtain no information about it. Previous works on QSS for general access structures focused solely on the existence of perfectly secure schemes, and the share size of the known schemes is necessarily exponential even in cases where the access structure is computed by polynomial size monotone circuits. This stands in stark contrast to the classical setting, where polynomial-time computationally-secure secret sharing schemes have been long known for all access structures computed by polynomial-size monotone circuits under standard hardness assumptions, and one can even obtain shares which are much shorter than the secret (which is impossible with perfect security). While QSS was introduced over twenty years ago, previous works only considered information-theoretic privacy. In this work, we initiate the study of computationally-secure QSS and show that computational assumptions help significantly in building QSS schemes, just as in the classical case. We present a simple compiler and use it to obtain a large variety results: We construct polynomial-time computationally-secure QSS schemes under standard hardness assumptions for a rich class of access structures. This includes many access structures for which previous results in QSS necessarily required exponential share size. In fact, we can go even further: We construct QSS schemes for which the size of the quantum shares is significantly smaller than the size of the secret. As in the classical setting, this is impossible with perfect security. We also apply our compiler to obtain results beyond computational QSS. In the information-theoretic setting, we improve the share size of perfect QSS schemes for a large class of nn-party access structures to 1.5n+o(n)1.5^{n+o(n)}, improving upon best known schemes and matching the best known result for general access structures in the classical setting. Finally, among other things, we study the class of access structures which can be efficiently implemented when the quantum secret sharing scheme has access to a given number of copies of the secret, including all such functions in P\mathsf{P} and NP\mathsf{NP}

    A Lower Bound on the Share Size in Evolving Secret Sharing

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    Secret sharing schemes allow sharing a secret between a set of parties in a way that ensures that only authorized subsets of the parties learn the secret. Evolving secret sharing schemes (Komargodski, Naor, and Yogev [TCC ’16]) allow achieving this end in a scenario where the parties arrive in an online fashion, and there is no a-priory bound on the number of parties. An important complexity measure of a secret sharing scheme is the share size, which is the maximum number of bits that a party may receive as a share. While there has been a significant progress in recent years, the best constructions for both secret sharing and evolving secret sharing schemes have a share size that is exponential in the number of parties. On the other hand, the best lower bound, by Csirmaz [Eurocrypt ’95], is sub-linear. In this work, we give a tight lower bound on the share size of evolving secret sharing schemes. Specifically, we show that the sub-linear lower bound of Csirmaz implies an exponential lower bound on evolving secret sharing

    Access Structure Hiding Secret Sharing from Novel Set Systems and Vector Families

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    Secret sharing provides a means to distribute shares of a secret such that any authorized subset of shares, specified by an access structure, can be pooled together to recompute the secret. The standard secret sharing model requires public access structures, which violates privacy and facilitates the adversary by revealing high-value targets. In this paper, we address this shortcoming by introducing \emph{hidden access structures}, which remain secret until some authorized subset of parties collaborate. The central piece of this work is the construction of a set-system H\mathcal{H} with strictly greater than exp(c1.5(logh)2loglogh)\exp\left(c \dfrac{1.5 (\log h)^2}{\log \log h}\right) subsets of a set of hh elements. Our set-system H\mathcal{H} is defined over Zm\mathbb{Z}_m, where mm is a non-prime-power, such that the size of each set in H\mathcal{H} is divisible by mm but the sizes of their pairwise intersections are not divisible by mm, unless one set is a subset of another. We derive a vector family V\mathcal{V} from H\mathcal{H} such that superset-subset relationships in H\mathcal{H} are represented by inner products in V\mathcal{V}. We use V\mathcal{V} to "encode" the access structures and thereby develop the first \emph{access structure hiding} secret sharing scheme. For a setting with \ell parties, our scheme supports 22/2O(log)+12^{2^{\ell/2 - O(\log \ell) + 1}} out of the 22O(log)2^{2^{\ell - O(\log \ell)}} total monotone access structures, and its maximum share size for any access structures is (1+o(1))2+1π/2(1+ o(1)) \dfrac{2^{\ell+1}}{\sqrt{\pi \ell/2}}. The scheme assumes semi-honest polynomial-time parties, and its security relies on the Generalized Diffie-Hellman assumption.Comment: This is the full version of the paper that appears in D. Kim et al. (Eds.): COCOON 2020 (The 26th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference), LNCS 12273, pp. 246-261. This version contains tighter bounds on the maximum share size, and the total number of access structures supporte

    Secret Sharing, Slice Formulas, and Monotone Real Circuits

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