2,735 research outputs found

    Testing beat perception without sensory cues to the beat: the Beat-Drop Alignment Test (BDAT)

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    Beat perception can serve as a window into internal time-keeping mechanisms, auditory–motor interactions, and aspects of cognition. One aspect of beat perception is the covert continuation of an internal pulse. Of the several popular tests of beat perception, none provide a satisfying test of this faculty of covert continuation. The current study proposes a new beat-perception test focused on covert pulse continuation: The Beat-Drop Alignment Test (BDAT). In this test, participants must identify the beat in musical excerpts and then judge whether a single probe falls on or off the beat. The probe occurs during a short break in the rhythmic components of the music when no rhythmic events are present, forcing participants to judge beat alignment relative to an internal pulse maintained in the absence of local acoustic timing cues. Here, we present two large (N > 100) tests of the BDAT. In the first, we explore the effect of test item parameters (e.g., probe displacement) on performance. In the second, we correlate scores on an adaptive version of the BDAT with the computerized adaptive Beat Alignment Test (CA-BAT) scores and indices of musical experience. Musical experience indices outperform CA-BAT score as a predictor of BDAT score, suggesting that the BDAT measures a distinct aspect of beat perception that is more experience-dependent and may draw on cognitive resources such as working memory and musical imagery differently than the BAT. The BDAT may prove useful in future behavioral and neural research on beat perception, and all stimuli and code are freely available for download

    Physiological Self Regulation with Biofeedback Games

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    Mental stress is a global epidemic that can have serious health consequences including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Several techniques are available to teach stress self-regulation skills including therapy, meditation, deep breathing, and biofeedback. While effective, these methods suffer from high drop-outs due to the monotonic nature of the exercises and are generally practiced in quiet relaxed environment, which may not transfer to real-world scenarios. To address these issues, this dissertation presents a novel intervention for stress training using games and wearable sensors. The approach consists of monitoring the user’s physiological signals during gameplay, mapping them into estimates of stress levels, and adapting the game in a way that promotes states of low arousal. This approach offers two key advantages. First, it allows users to focus on the gameplay rather than on monitoring their physiological signals, which makes the training far more engaging. More importantly, it teaches users to self-regulate their stress response, while performing a task designed to increase arousal. Within this broad framework, this dissertation studies three specific problems. First, the dissertation evaluates three physiological signals (breathing rate, heart rate variability, and electrodermal activity) that span across the dimensions of degrees of selectivity in measuring arousal and voluntary control in their effectiveness in lowering arousal. This will identify the signal appropriate for game based stress training and the associated bio-signal processing techniques for real-time arousal estimation. Second, this dissertation investigates different methods of biofeedback presentation e.g. visual feedback and game adaptation during gameplay. Selection of appropriate biofeedback mechanism is critical since it provides the necessary information to improve the perception of visceral states (e.g. stress) to the user. Furthermore, these modalities facilitate skill acquisition in distinct ways (i.e., top-down and bottom-up learning) and influence retention of skills. Third, this dissertation studies reinforcement scheduling in a game and its effect on skill learning and retention. A reinforcement schedule determines which occurrences of the target response are reinforced. This study focuses on continuous and partial reinforcement schedules in GBF and their effect on resistance to extinction (i.e. ability to retain learned skills) after the biofeedback is removed. The main contribution of this dissertation is in demonstrating that stress self-regulation training can be embedded in videogames and help individuals develop more adaptive responses to reduce physiological stress encountered both at home and work

    Within-Subject Performance on a Real-Life, Complex Task and Traditional Lab Experiments:Measures of Word Learning, Raven Matrices, Tapping, and CPR

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    In this data report, we describe a three-session experiment spanning six months. Several well-controlled laboratory tasks (Word Learning, Raven Matrices, and Tapping) and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), a complex but well-defined real-world task, were administered. Data are reported from 50 participants for the first session, 40 for the second, and 34 for the third. CPR is a useful domain for studying real-world performance inside the laboratory because clear performance standards can be applied to quantifying learners’ proficiency covering both the first steps that need to be taken prior to the initiation of CPR (declarative knowledge) as well as the compressions and ventilations themselves (procedural skill). This research resulted in a rich dataset with a range of different measures for all participants. For all tasks, the complete set of raw data are made available along with relevant aggregate performance scores (see https://osf.io/m8bxe/). The raw data in particular will enable other researchers to explore potential analyses and modeling beyond the scope of our own. The details of the data collection protocol and available data are documented here to facilitate this process

    Digital game-based learning: effects on students' perceptions and achievements in a business process management course

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    For the Degree of MCom by Dissertation in the Field of Information SystemsThe study aimed to investigate the impact of the introduction of digital game-based learning (DGBL) and its effect on students’ perceptions of competence, usefulness, and enjoyment, as well as their achievement. The context of the study was a third year Business Process Management (BPM) module, within an information systems course at the University of the Witwatersrand. Eight research questions were formulated and ten hypotheses were derived. The study was underpinned by Deci and Ryan (2002)’s self-determination theory (SDT) of human motivation, which included two of the sub-theories of SDT, cognitive evaluation theory (CIT) and organismic interaction theory (OIT), as well as Ryan et al. (2006)’s adaptation of the construct of presence into SDT. The study adopted a single group natural experiment pre-post design and a longitudinal relational design. The study was conducted with a sample of 24 students. Three baseline surveys were used to measure students’ levels of intrinsic motivation, perceived competence and perceived usefulness. This was done prior to the introduction of IBM’s Innov8 2.0, which was the digital learning game used in the study. The baseline surveys were administered one week apart, prior to the introduction of the game. After the game was introduced, an endline survey was used to capture students’ levels of intrinsic motivation, perceived competence, perceived usefulness and presence with the game. Learning achievement was measured through the use of three assessments conducted one week, one month and two months after the end of the BPM course. Hypothesis testing was conducted using t-tests, correlation, and PLS regression techniques. Results confirmed significant effects of the digital game to decrease perceived competence, a positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and achievement, and a positive relationship between presence and intrinsic motivation. As a result of the study, we now know that DGBL effects achievement through intrinsic motivation when in close proximity to the assessments. DGBL can appear to decrease perceived competence as it appears to be a feedback mechanism, which should be seen as a positive rather than negative effect. Certain DGBL characteristics such as presence increase intrinsic motivation perceptions.MT201

    Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Las funciones cognitivas incluyen todos los procesos a través de los cuales un individuo percibe, registra, mantiene, manipula, usa y expresa información que está involucrada en cualquier actividad cotidiana. Las principales herramientas estandarizadas se pueden dividir en tres grupos principales: escalas cortas de pruebas de seguimiento cognitivo: cuestionarios, baterías neuropsicológicas generales y pruebas específicas. Estas herramientas están bien validadas y son confiables, pero, en la última década, varias investigaciones han demostrado que algunos pacientes pueden realizar bien estas pruebas neuropsicológicas, incluso cuando tienen dificultades significativas para adaptar sus comportamientos a las actividades de la vida diaria. De acuerdo con esto, más recientemente, un nuevo enfoque ha aumentado sustancialmente, lo que podría proporcionar una mayor validez ecológica en la evaluación de las capacidades cognitivas funcionales que el enfoque estandarizado: el uso de sistemas tecnológicos avanzados para la evaluación neuropsicológica (STAEN). STAEN se refiere a un conjunto de dispositivos y aplicaciones de software tales como pruebas computarizadas, juegos divertidos e interactivos de fantasía (JS) y / o sistemas de realidad virtual simulada (RV) y / o aumentada (RA) que van más allá de las pruebas de evaluación tradicionales y que Brindar la posibilidad de entregar estímulos controlados y dinámicos, en entornos ecológicamente válidos y seguros. Partiendo de estas premisas, el objetivo principal de la tesis era diseñar, desarrollar y validar un SG 2D no inmersivo versus un JS 3D inmersivo y una actividad de la vida diaria en un entorno 3D RV inmersivo versus un RA para la evaluación de funciones cognitivas, comparando la eficacia y efectividad de ellos. El primer estudio 2D incluyó 354 sujetos sanos y se encontraron correlaciones entre el juego y los métodos tradicionales, lo que sugiere que el juego podría ser una herramienta válida para evaluar las funciones cognitivas en adultos. El segundo estudio, comparó la versión 2D versus una versión 3D STAEN, involucró a 94 sujetos sanos y mostró que la versión 3D fue capaz de generar tiempos más bajos y respuestas correctas más altas que la 2D, lo que sugiere evidencia inicial de la eficacia de un sistema más inmersivo en comparación con un sistema no-inmersivo. Aunque este resultado destaca una posible limitación en el uso de diferentes sistemas tecnológicos debido a las diferencias en los dos métodos de interacción (el sistema 2D aplicó el mouse y el teclado; los controladores de dos manos virtuales 3D) y el registro de datos de latencia de hardware y software. Con respecto a la variabilidad individual en edad, género y educación, los hallazgos mostraron consistencia con la literatura de referencia. Específicamente, los más jóvenes mostraron un mayor rendimiento que los mayores; niveles educativos más altos reflejados en una mejor puntuación y sobre género, los resultados mostraron un panorama más compuesto. Además, para mejorar la validez ecológica de la evaluación, el último estudio de esta tesis comparó el rendimiento conductual y las respuestas fisiológicas, durante una tarea de cocina ecológica, entre un sistema virtual y un sistema aumentado en 50 sujetos sanos. La tarea de cocinar consistió en 4 niveles que aumentaron en dificultad. A medida que el nivel aumentó, aparecieron actividades adicionales. Los resultados de comportamiento mostraron que los tiempos son siempre más bajos en realidad virtual que en RA, aumentando constantemente de acuerdo con la dificultad de las tareas. Con respecto a las respuestas fisiológicas, los hallazgos mostraron que la condición RA produjo más excitación y activación individual que la realidad virtual. Para concluir, STAEN está demostrando ser herramientas confiables y efectivas para la evaluación de las funciones cognitivas en adultos, proporcionando más validez ec[CA] Les funcions cognitives inclouen tots els processos a través dels quals un individu percep, registra, manté, manipula, usa i expressa informació que està involucrada en qualsevol activitat quotidiana. Les principals ferramentes estandarditzades es poden dividir en tres grups principals: escales curtes de proves de seguiment cognitiu: qüestionaris, bateries neuropsicológiques generals i proves específiques. Estes ferramentes estan ben validades i són confiables, però, en l'última dècada, diverses investigacions han demostrat que alguns pacients poden realitzar bé estes proves neuropsicológiques, inclús quan tenen dificultats significatives per a adaptar els seus comportaments a les activitats de la vida diària. D'acord amb açò, més recentment, un nou enfocament ha augmentat substancialment, la qual cosa podria proporcionar una major validesa ecològica en l'avaluació de les capacitats cognitives funcionals que l'enfocament estandarditzat: l'ús de sistemes tecnològics avançats per a l'avaluació neuropsicológica (STAEN). STAEN es referix a un conjunt de dispositius i aplicacions de software com ara proves computaritzades, jocs divertits i interactius de fantasia (JS) i / o sistemes de realitat virtual simulada (RV) i / o augmentada (RA) que van més enllà de les proves d'avaluació tradicionals i que brinden la possibilitat de presentar estímuls controlats i dinàmics, en entorns ecològicament vàlids i segurs. Partint d'estes premisses, l'objectiu principal de la tesi era dissenyar, desenrotllar i validar un SG 2D no inmersiu versus un JS 3D inmersiu i una activitat de la vida diària en un entorn 3D RV inmersiu versus un RA per a l'avaluació de funcions cognitives, comparant l'eficàcia i efectivitat d'ells. El primer estudi 2D va incloure 354 subjectes sans i es van trobar correlacions entre el joc i els mètodes tradicionals, la qual cosa suggerix que el joc podria ser una ferramenta vàlida per a avaluar les funcions cognitives en adults. El segon estudi, va comparar la versió 2D versus una versió 3D STAEN, va involucrar a 94 subjectes sans i va mostrar que la versió 3D va ser capaç de generar temps més baixos i respostes correctes més altes que la 2D, la qual cosa suggerix evidència inicial de l'eficàcia d'un sistema més inmersiu en comparació amb un sistema no-inmersiu. Encara que este resultat destaca una possible limitació en l'ús de diferents sistemes tecnològics a causa de les diferències en els dos mètodes d'interacció (el sistema 2D va aplicar el ratolí i el teclat; els controladors de dos mans virtuals 3D) i el registre de dades de latència de hardware i software. Respecte a la variabilitat individual en edat, gènere i educació, les troballes van mostrar consistència amb la literatura de referència. Específicament, els més jóvens van mostrar un major rendiment que els majors; nivells educatius més alts reflectits en una millor puntuació i sobre gènere, els resultats van mostrar un panorama més compost. A més, per a millorar la validesa ecològica de l'avaluació, l'últim estudi d'esta tesi va comparar el rendiment conductual i les respostes fisiològiques, durant una tasca de cuina ecològica, entre un sistema virtual i un sistema augmentat en 50 subjectes sans. La tasca de cuinar va consistir en 4 nivells que van augmentar en dificultat. A mesura que el nivell va augmentar, van aparéixer activitats addicionals. Els resultats de comportament van mostrar que els temps són sempre més baixos en realitat virtual que en RA, augmentant constantment d'acord amb la dificultat de les tasques. Respecte a les respostes fisiològiques, les troballes van mostrar que la condició RA va produir més excitació i activació individual que la realitat virtual. Per a concloure, STAEN està demostrant ser ferramentes confiables i efectives per a l'avaluació de les funcions cognitives en adults, proporcionant més validesa ecològica i objectivitat que els mètodes tradicio[EN] Cognitive functions include all the processes through which an individual perceives, records, maintains, manipulates, uses and expresses information that are involved in any everyday activity. The main standardized tools can be divided in three main groups: short scales of cognitive tracking tests - questionnaires, general neuropsychological batteries, and specific tests. These tools are well-validated and reliable but, in the last decade, several research have shown that some patients can perform these neuropsychological tests well, even when they have significant difficulties in adapting their behaviours to daily life activities. According to this, more recently, a new approach has substantially increased, potentially providing a higher ecological validity in functional cognitive abilities assessment than standardized approach: the use of advanced technological systems for neuropsychological assessment (ATSNA). ATSNA refer to a set of devices and software applications such as computerized tests, fun and interactive fantasy serious games (SG), and/or simulated virtual (VR) and/or augmented (AR) reality systems that go beyond traditional assessment tests and that supply the possibility to deliver controlled and dynamic stimuli, in ecologically valid, and secure environments. Starting from these premises, the main objective of the thesis was to design, develop, and validate a non-immersive 2D SG versus an immersive 3D SG and a daily life activity in an immersive 3D VR environment versus an AR for the assessment of cognitive functions, comparing the efficacy and effectiveness of them. The first 2D study involved 354 healthy subjects and correlations were found between the game and traditional methods, suggesting that the game could be a valid tool for assessing cognitive functions in adults. The second study, compared 2D versus a 3D ATSNA version, it involved 94 healthy subjects and showed that 3D version was able to generate lower times and higher correct answers that the 2D, suggesting initial evidence of efficacy of a more immersive system compared to a non-immersive system. Although this result highlights a potential limitation on using different technological systems due to the differences on the two interaction methods (the 2D system applied mouse and keyboard; the 3D two virtual hands' controllers) and hardware and software latency data recording. Regarding individual variability on age, gender, and education, the findings showed consistency with the reference literature. Specifically, younger showed higher performance that older; higher educational levels reflected on a better score and about gender, results showed a more composite panorama. Furthermore, to enhance the ecological validity of assessment, the last study of this thesis compared the behavioural performance and physiological responses, during an ecological cooking task, between a virtual and an augmented system on 50 healthy subjects. The cooking task consisted of 4 levels that increased in difficulty. As the level increased, additional activities appeared. The behavioural results showed that times are always lower in VR than in AR, increasing constantly in accordance with the difficulty of the tasks. Regarding physiological responses, the findings showed that AR condition produced more individual excitement and activation than VR. To conclude, ATSNA are proving to be reliable and effective tools for the assessment of cognitive functions in adults, providing more ecological validity and objectivity than traditional methods of assessment.Chicchi Giglioli, IAM. (2020). Novel supports to the assessment of cognitive functions through the combined use of technologies and subjective and objective measurements [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/139075TESISCompendi

    The Use of ICT for the Assessment of Key Competences

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    This report assesses current trends in the area of ICT for learning and assessment in view of their value for supporting the assessment of Key Competences. Based on an extensive review of the literature, it provides an overview of current ICT-enabled assessment practices, with a particular focus on more recent developments that support the holistic assessment of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in Europe. The report presents a number of relevant cases, discusses the potential of emerging technologies, and addresses innovation and policy issues for eAssessment. It considers both summative and formative assessment and considers how ICT can lever the potential of more innovative assessment formats, such as peer-assessment and portfolio assessment and how more recent technological developments, such as Learning Analytics, could, in the future, foster assessment for learning. Reflecting on the use of the different ICT tools and services for each of the eight different Key Competences for Lifelong Learning it derives policy options for further exploiting the potential of ICT for competence-based assessment.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Multi-Label/Multi-Class Deep Learning Classification of Spatiotemporal Data

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    Human senses allow for the detection of simultaneous changes in our environments. An unobstructed field of view allows us to notice concurrent variations in different parts of what we are looking at. For example, when playing a video game, a player, oftentimes, needs to be aware of what is happening in the entire scene. Likewise, our hearing makes us aware of various simultaneous sounds occurring around us. Human perception can be affected by the cognitive ability of the brain and acuity of the senses. This is not a factor with machines. As long as a system is given a signal and instructed how to analyze this signal and extract useful information, it will be able to complete this task repeatedly with enough processing power. Automated and simultaneous detection of activity in machine learning requires the use of multi-labels. In order to detect concurrent occurrences spatially, the labels should represent the regions of interest for a particular application. For example, in this thesis, the regions of interest will be either different quadrants of a parking lot as captured on surveillance videos, four auscultation sites on patients\u27 lungs, or the two sides of the brain\u27s motor cortex (left and right). Since the labels, within the multi-labels, will be used to represent not only certain spatial locations but also different levels or types of occurrences, a multi-class/multi-level schema is necessary. In the first study, each label is appointed one of three levels of activity within the specific quadrant. In the second study, each label is assigned one of four different types of respiratory sounds. In the third study, each label is designated one of three different finger tapping frequencies. This novel multi-labeling/multi-class schema is one part of being able to detect useful information in the data. The other part of the process lies in the machine learning algorithm, the network model. In order to be able to capture the spatiotemporal characteristics of the data, selecting Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory Network-based algorithms as the basis of the network is fitting. The following classifications are described in this thesis: 1. In the first study, one of three different motion densities are identified simultaneously in four quadrants of two sets of surveillance videos. Publicly available video recordings are the spatiotemporal data. 2. In the second study, one of four types of breathing sounds are classified simultaneously in four auscultation sites. The spatiotemporal data are publicly available respiratory sound recordings. 3. In the third study, one of three finger tapping rates are detected simultaneously in two regions of interest, the right and left sides of the brain\u27s motor cortex. The spatiotemporal data are fNIRS channel readings gathered during an index finger tapping experiment. Classification results are based on testing data which is not part of model training and validation. The success of the results is based on measures of Hamming Loss and Subset Accuracy as well Accuracy, F-Score, Sensitivity, and Specificity metrics. In the last study, model explanation is performed using Shapley Additive Explanation (SHAP) values and plotting them on an image-like background, a representation of the fNIRS channel layout used as data input. Overall, promising findings support the use of this approach in classifying spatiotemporal data with the interest of detecting different levels or types of occurrences simultaneously in several regions of interest

    Flight deck automation: Promises and realities

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    Issues of flight deck automation are multifaceted and complex. The rapid introduction of advanced computer-based technology onto the flight deck of transport category aircraft has had considerable impact both on aircraft operations and on the flight crew. As part of NASA's responsibility to facilitate an active exchange of ideas and information among members of the aviation community, a NASA/FAA/Industry workshop devoted to flight deck automation, organized by the Aerospace Human Factors Research Division of NASA Ames Research Center. Participants were invited from industry and from government organizations responsible for design, certification, operation, and accident investigation of transport category, automated aircraft. The goal of the workshop was to clarify the implications of automation, both positive and negative. Workshop panels and working groups identified issues regarding the design, training, and procedural aspects of flight deck automation, as well as the crew's ability to interact and perform effectively with the new technology. The proceedings include the invited papers and the panel and working group reports, as well as the summary and conclusions of the conference

    IT Feature Use over Time and its Impact on Individual Task Performance

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    Although anecdotal evidence in organizations and research studies suggest that the functional potential of installed IT applications is underutilized and that most users apply just a narrow band of features, there is still little understanding about the nature and implications of change in IT feature use (ITFU) over time. Drawing on technology capability broadening-deepening and IT skill acquisition literatures, this study investigates how IT use—conceptualized at the IT feature level—evolves over time and how it affects continual and distal task performance during the initial usage of an IT application. The results of two longitudinal panel studies of 330 and 314 IT users show that, when users start using an IT application for task accomplishment, ITFU increases nonlinearly over time with diminishing growth rates. At early stages of system use, users predominantly extend their ITFU to become more familiar with the system’s feature potential, while, at later stages, when users have increasingly recognized a match between the requirements of a work task and system features, they focus more heavily on leveraging a stable subset of IT features to benefit from task completion. As such, the magnitude in broadening and deepening capabilities in using IT features decreases over time. Moreover, both studies reveal that growth in ITFU has, in and of itself, significant impacts not only on immediate performance perceptions but also on more delayed, objective task performance. Researchers will benefit from the study results by better understanding the dynamics of individual ITFU and their performance implications. Managers striving to encourage users to expand their IT feature repertoire may use the results to conduct experiencebased feature upgrades or training programs
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