2 research outputs found


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    This paper reports on the analysis of the characteristics for each position based on shot-scores in curling. We computed average shot-scores for each position from 26 curling game information, and analyzed the correlation between the differences in average shot-scores and the differences in final game scores. The results show that strong correlations appeared for the position of the lead and the fourth, and weak correlations for the second and the third. It indicates that the roles of the lead and the fourth relate to game score directly, but the roles of the second and the third relate to the game progress. We were able to confirm the relationship between the score and each position of the target team

    Tecnologias e sistemas de informação no desporto, uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Desde a sua origem que a tecnologia está intimamente ligada ao desenvolvimento e ao progresso do ser humano ao longo da História. Permitiu que nos adaptássemos a diferentes ambientes, que satisfizéssemos as necessidades mais essenciais e os nossos desejos. O objetivo deste estudo pretende caracterizar os avanços das Tecnologias e dos Sistemas de Informação no Desporto; explicar como o desporto e os atletas convivem com elas no seu dia-a-dia e em qualquer espaço da sua vida; o que elas lhes proporcionam e qual a produtividade na melhoria do rendimento desportivo. Caracterizamos, comparamos e observamos as Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação no desporto e quem as tutela. Faz também parte deste estudo uma amostra considerável da revisão bibliográfica, dos conceitos e da atualidade do desenvolvimento das Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação no Desporto. De acordo com a opinião dos vários autores existem inúmeros campos e disciplinas nos quais se aplicam as T e SI no Desporto, até nos atrevemos a dizer, com bastante êxito. Melhores condições podem ainda vir a ser desenvolvidas, pois não param de evoluir.Technology is closely linked to the development and progress of the human being throughtout History. It has allowed us to adapt to different environments, to fullfill our most essential needs and wishes. The main purpose of this study is to characterize the advance of Technologies and Systems of Information in Sport; to explain how sport and athletes coexist in their daily life and everywhere; what they provide them and which the productivity in the improvement of sports performance is. We characterize, compare and observe the Technologies and Systems of Information in Sport and who tutors them. This study also includes a considerable sample of the bibliographic review, of the concepts and of the current development of the Technologies and Systems of Information in Sport. According to several authors there are countless areas and subjects in which T and SI in Sport can be applied, we dare to say, with great success