472 research outputs found

    New encouraging developments in contact prediction: Assessment of the CASP11 results

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    This article provides a report on the state-of-the-art in the prediction of intra-molecular residue-residue contacts in proteins based on the assessment of the predictions submitted to the CASP11 experiment. The assessment emphasis is placed on the accuracy in predicting long-range contacts. Twenty-nine groups participated in contact prediction in CASP11. At least eight of them used the recently developed evolutionary coupling techniques, with the top group (CONSIP2) reaching precision of 27% on target proteins that could not be modeled by homology. This result indicates a breakthrough in the development of methods based on the correlated mutation approach. Successful prediction of contacts was shown to be practically helpful in modeling three-dimensional structures; in particular target T0806 was modeled exceedingly well with accuracy not yet seen for ab initio targets of this size (>250 residues

    Distance-based Protein Folding Powered by Deep Learning

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    Contact-assisted protein folding has made very good progress, but two challenges remain. One is accurate contact prediction for proteins lack of many sequence homologs and the other is that time-consuming folding simulation is often needed to predict good 3D models from predicted contacts. We show that protein distance matrix can be predicted well by deep learning and then directly used to construct 3D models without folding simulation at all. Using distance geometry to construct 3D models from our predicted distance matrices, we successfully folded 21 of the 37 CASP12 hard targets with a median family size of 58 effective sequence homologs within 4 hours on a Linux computer of 20 CPUs. In contrast, contacts predicted by direct coupling analysis (DCA) cannot fold any of them in the absence of folding simulation and the best CASP12 group folded 11 of them by integrating predicted contacts into complex, fragment-based folding simulation. The rigorous experimental validation on 15 CASP13 targets show that among the 3 hardest targets of new fold our distance-based folding servers successfully folded 2 large ones with <150 sequence homologs while the other servers failed on all three, and that our ab initio folding server also predicted the best, high-quality 3D model for a large homology modeling target. Further experimental validation in CAMEO shows that our ab initio folding server predicted correct fold for a membrane protein of new fold with 200 residues and 229 sequence homologs while all the other servers failed. These results imply that deep learning offers an efficient and accurate solution for ab initio folding on a personal computer

    New Methods for Deep Learning based Real-valued Inter-residue Distance Prediction

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    Background: Much of the recent success in protein structure prediction has been a result of accurate protein contact prediction--a binary classification problem. Dozens of methods, built from various types of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, have been published over the last two decades for predicting contacts. Recently, many groups, including Google DeepMind, have demonstrated that reformulating the problem as a multi-class classification problem is a more promising direction to pursue. As an alternative approach, we recently proposed real-valued distance predictions, formulating the problem as a regression problem. The nuances of protein 3D structures make this formulation appropriate, allowing predictions to reflect inter-residue distances in nature. Despite these promises, the accurate prediction of real-valued distances remains relatively unexplored; possibly due to classification being better suited to machine and deep learning algorithms. Methods: Can regression methods be designed to predict real-valued distances as precise as binary contacts? To investigate this, we propose multiple novel methods of input label engineering, which is different from feature engineering, with the goal of optimizing the distribution of distances to cater to the loss function of the deep-learning model. Since an important utility of predicted contacts or distances is to build three-dimensional models, we also tested if predicted distances can reconstruct more accurate models than contacts. Results: Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that deep learning methods for real-valued protein distance prediction can deliver distances as precise as binary classification methods. When using an optimal distance transformation function on the standard PSICOV dataset consisting of 150 representative proteins, the precision of top-NC long-range contacts improves from 60.9% to 61.4% when predicting real-valued distances instead of contacts. When building three-dimensional models, we observed an average TM-score increase from 0.61 to 0.72, highlighting the advantage of predicting real-valued distances

    Ultrafast end-to-end protein structure prediction enables high-throughput exploration of uncharacterized proteins

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    Deep learning-based prediction of protein structure usually begins by constructing a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) containing homologs of the target protein. The most successful approaches combine large feature sets derived from MSAs, and considerable computational effort is spent deriving these input features. We present a method that greatly reduces the amount of preprocessing required for a target MSA, while producing main chain coordinates as a direct output of a deep neural network. The network makes use of just three recurrent networks and a stack of residual convolutional layers, making the predictor very fast to run, and easy to install and use. Our approach constructs a directly learned representation of the sequences in an MSA, starting from a one-hot encoding of the sequences. When supplemented with an approximate precision matrix, the learned representation can be used to produce structural models of comparable or greater accuracy as compared to our original DMPfold method, while requiring less than a second to produce a typical model. This level of accuracy and speed allows very large-scale three-dimensional modeling of proteins on minimal hardware, and we demonstrate this by producing models for over 1.3 million uncharacterized regions of proteins extracted from the BFD sequence clusters. After constructing an initial set of approximate models, we select a confident subset of over 30,000 models for further refinement and analysis, revealing putative novel protein folds. We also provide updated models for over 5,000 Pfam families studied in the original DMPfold paper

    Mass & secondary structure propensity of amino acids explain their mutability and evolutionary replacements

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    Why is an amino acid replacement in a protein accepted during evolution? The answer given by bioinformatics relies on the frequency of change of each amino acid by another one and the propensity of each to remain unchanged. We propose that these replacement rules are recoverable from the secondary structural trends of amino acids. A distance measure between high-resolution Ramachandran distributions reveals that structurally similar residues coincide with those found in substitution matrices such as BLOSUM: Asn Asp, Phe Tyr, Lys Arg, Gln Glu, Ile Val, Met → Leu; with Ala, Cys, His, Gly, Ser, Pro, and Thr, as structurally idiosyncratic residues. We also found a high average correlation (\overline{R} R = 0.85) between thirty amino acid mutability scales and the mutational inertia (I X ), which measures the energetic cost weighted by the number of observations at the most probable amino acid conformation. These results indicate that amino acid substitutions follow two optimally-efficient principles: (a) amino acids interchangeability privileges their secondary structural similarity, and (b) the amino acid mutability depends directly on its biosynthetic energy cost, and inversely with its frequency. These two principles are the underlying rules governing the observed amino acid substitutions. © 2017 The Author(s)

    DeepCDpred:inter-residue distance and contact prediction for improved prediction of protein structure

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    <div><p>Rapid, accurate prediction of protein structure from amino acid sequence would accelerate fields as diverse as drug discovery, synthetic biology and disease diagnosis. Massively improved prediction of protein structures has been driven by improving the prediction of the amino acid residues that contact in their 3D structure. For an average globular protein, around 92% of all residue pairs are non-contacting, therefore accurate prediction of only a small percentage of inter-amino acid distances could increase the number of constraints to guide structure determination. We have trained deep neural networks to predict inter-residue contacts and distances. Distances are predicted with an accuracy better than most contact prediction techniques. Addition of distance constraints improved <i>de novo</i> structure predictions for test sets of 158 protein structures, as compared to using the best contact prediction methods alone. Importantly, usage of distance predictions allows the selection of better models from the structure pool without a need for an external model assessment tool. The results also indicate how the accuracy of distance prediction methods might be improved further.</p></div

    Enhancing protein interaction prediction using deep learning and protein language models

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    Proteins are large macromolecules that play critical roles in many cellular activities in living organisms. These include catalyzing metabolic reactions, mediating signal transduction, DNA replication, responding to stimuli, and transporting molecules, to name a few. Proteins perform their functions by interacting with other proteins and molecules. As a result, determining the nature of such interactions is critically important in many areas of biology and medicine. The primary structure of a protein refers to its specific sequence of amino acids, while the tertiary structure refers to its unique 3D shape, and the quaternary structure refers to the interaction of multiple protein subunits to form a larger, more complex structure. While the number of experimentally determined tertiary and quaternary structures are limited, databases of protein sequences continue to grow at an unprecedented rate, providing a wealth of information for training and improving sequence-based models. Recent developments in the sequence-based model using machine learning and deep learning has shown significant progress toward solving protein-related problems. Specifically, attention-based transformer models, a recent breakthrough in Natural Language Processing (NLP), has shown that large models trained on unlabeled data are able to learn powerful representations of protein sequences and can lead to significant improvements in understanding protein folding, function, and interactions, as well as in drug discovery and protein engineering. The research in this thesis has pursued two objectives using sequence-based modeling. The first is to use deep learning techniques based on NLP to address an important problem in cellular immune system studies, namely, predicting Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)-Peptide binding. The second is to improve the performance of the Cluspro docking server, a well-known protein-protein docking tool, in three ways: (i) integrating Cluspro with AlphaFold2, a well-known accurate protein structure predictor, for enhanced protein model docking, (ii) predicting distance maps to improve docking accuracy, and (iii) using regression techniques to rank protein clusters for better results

    New evolutionary approaches to protein structure prediction

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    Programa de doctorado en BiotecnologĂ­a y TecnologĂ­a QuĂ­micaThe problem of Protein Structure Prediction (PSP) is one of the principal topics in Bioinformatics. Multiple approaches have been developed in order to predict the protein structure of a protein. Determining the three dimensional structure of proteins is necessary to understand the functions of molecular protein level. An useful, and commonly used, representation for protein 3D structure is the protein contact map, which represents binary proximities (contact or non-contact) between each pair of amino acids of a protein. This thesis work, includes a compilation of the soft computing techniques for the protein structure prediction problem (secondary and tertiary structures). A novel evolutionary secondary structure predictor is also widely described in this work. Results obtained confirm the validity of our proposal. Furthermore, we also propose a multi-objective evolutionary approach for contact map prediction based on physico-chemical properties of amino acids. The evolutionary algorithm produces a set of decision rules that identifies contacts between amino acids. The rules obtained by the algorithm impose a set of conditions based on amino acid properties in order to predict contacts. Results obtained by our approach on four different protein data sets are also presented. Finally, a statistical study was performed to extract valid conclusions from the set of prediction rules generated by our algorithm.Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Centro de Estudios de Postgrad
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