405 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale Matrix Sampling and Sublinear-Time PageRank Computation

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    A fundamental problem arising in many applications in Web science and social network analysis is, given an arbitrary approximation factor c>1c>1, to output a set SS of nodes that with high probability contains all nodes of PageRank at least Δ\Delta, and no node of PageRank smaller than Δ/c\Delta/c. We call this problem {\sc SignificantPageRanks}. We develop a nearly optimal, local algorithm for the problem with runtime complexity O~(n/Δ)\tilde{O}(n/\Delta) on networks with nn nodes. We show that any algorithm for solving this problem must have runtime of Ω(n/Δ){\Omega}(n/\Delta), rendering our algorithm optimal up to logarithmic factors. Our algorithm comes with two main technical contributions. The first is a multi-scale sampling scheme for a basic matrix problem that could be of interest on its own. In the abstract matrix problem it is assumed that one can access an unknown {\em right-stochastic matrix} by querying its rows, where the cost of a query and the accuracy of the answers depend on a precision parameter ϵ\epsilon. At a cost propositional to 1/ϵ1/\epsilon, the query will return a list of O(1/ϵ)O(1/\epsilon) entries and their indices that provide an ϵ\epsilon-precision approximation of the row. Our task is to find a set that contains all columns whose sum is at least Δ\Delta, and omits any column whose sum is less than Δ/c\Delta/c. Our multi-scale sampling scheme solves this problem with cost O~(n/Δ)\tilde{O}(n/\Delta), while traditional sampling algorithms would take time Θ((n/Δ)2)\Theta((n/\Delta)^2). Our second main technical contribution is a new local algorithm for approximating personalized PageRank, which is more robust than the earlier ones developed in \cite{JehW03,AndersenCL06} and is highly efficient particularly for networks with large in-degrees or out-degrees. Together with our multiscale sampling scheme we are able to optimally solve the {\sc SignificantPageRanks} problem.Comment: Accepted to Internet Mathematics journal for publication. An extended abstract of this paper appeared in WAW 2012 under the title "A Sublinear Time Algorithm for PageRank Computations

    큰 그래프 상에서의 개인화된 페이지 랭크에 대한 빠른 계산 기법

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2020. 8. 이상구.Computation of Personalized PageRank (PPR) in graphs is an important function that is widely utilized in myriad application domains such as search, recommendation, and knowledge discovery. Because the computation of PPR is an expensive process, a good number of innovative and efficient algorithms for computing PPR have been developed. However, efficient computation of PPR within very large graphs with over millions of nodes is still an open problem. Moreover, previously proposed algorithms cannot handle updates efficiently, thus, severely limiting their capability of handling dynamic graphs. In this paper, we present a fast converging algorithm that guarantees high and controlled precision. We improve the convergence rate of traditional Power Iteration method by adopting successive over-relaxation, and initial guess revision, a vector reuse strategy. The proposed method vastly improves on the traditional Power Iteration in terms of convergence rate and computation time, while retaining its simplicity and strictness. Since it can reuse the previously computed vectors for refreshing PPR vectors, its update performance is also greatly enhanced. Also, since the algorithm halts as soon as it reaches a given error threshold, we can flexibly control the trade-off between accuracy and time, a feature lacking in both sampling-based approximation methods and fully exact methods. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm is at least 20 times faster than the Power Iteration and outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms.그래프 내에서 개인화된 페이지랭크 (P ersonalized P age R ank, PPR 를 계산하는 것은 검색 , 추천 , 지식발견 등 여러 분야에서 광범위하게 활용되는 중요한 작업 이다 . 개인화된 페이지랭크를 계산하는 것은 고비용의 과정이 필요하므로 , 개인화된 페이지랭크를 계산하는 효율적이고 혁신적인 방법들이 다수 개발되어왔다 . 그러나 수백만 이상의 노드를 가진 대용량 그래프에 대한 효율적인 계산은 여전히 해결되지 않은 문제이다 . 그에 더하여 , 기존 제시된 알고리듬들은 그래프 갱신을 효율적으로 다루지 못하여 동적으로 변화하는 그래프를 다루는 데에 한계점이 크다 . 본 연구에서는 높은 정밀도를 보장하고 정밀도를 통제 가능한 , 빠르게 수렴하는 개인화된 페이지랭크 계산 알고리듬을 제시한다 . 전통적인 거듭제곱법 (Power 에 축차가속완화법 (Successive Over Relaxation) 과 초기 추측 값 보정법 (Initial Guess 을 활용한 벡터 재사용 전략을 적용하여 수렴 속도를 개선하였다 . 제시된 방법은 기존 거듭제곱법의 장점인 단순성과 엄밀성을 유지 하면서 도 수렴율과 계산속도를 크게 개선 한다 . 또한 개인화된 페이지랭크 벡터의 갱신을 위하여 이전에 계산 되어 저장된 벡터를 재사용하 여 , 갱신 에 드는 시간이 크게 단축된다 . 본 방법은 주어진 오차 한계에 도달하는 즉시 결과값을 산출하므로 정확도와 계산시간을 유연하게 조절할 수 있으며 이는 표본 기반 추정방법이나 정확한 값을 산출하는 역행렬 기반 방법 이 가지지 못한 특성이다 . 실험 결과 , 본 방법은 거듭제곱법에 비하여 20 배 이상 빠르게 수렴한다는 것이 확인되었으며 , 기 제시된 최고 성능 의 알고리 듬 보다 우수한 성능을 보이는 것 또한 확인되었다1 Introduction 1 2 Preliminaries: Personalized PageRank 4 2.1 Random Walk, PageRank, and Personalized PageRank. 5 2.1.1 Basics on Random Walk 5 2.1.2 PageRank. 6 2.1.3 Personalized PageRank 8 2.2 Characteristics of Personalized PageRank. 9 2.3 Applications of Personalized PageRank. 12 2.4 Previous Work on Personalized PageRank Computation. 17 2.4.1 Basic Algorithms 17 2.4.2 Enhanced Power Iteration 18 2.4.3 Bookmark Coloring Algorithm. 20 2.4.4 Dynamic Programming 21 2.4.5 Monte-Carlo Sampling. 22 2.4.6 Enhanced Direct Solving 24 2.5 Summary 26 3 Personalized PageRank Computation with Initial Guess Revision 30 3.1 Initial Guess Revision and Relaxation 30 3.2 Finding Optimal Weight of Successive Over Relaxation for PPR. 34 3.3 Initial Guess Construction Algorithm for Personalized PageRank. 36 4 Fully Personalized PageRank Algorithm with Initial Guess Revision 42 4.1 FPPR with IGR. 42 4.2 Optimization. 49 4.3 Experiments. 52 5 Personalized PageRank Query Processing with Initial Guess Revision 56 5.1 PPR Query Processing with IGR 56 5.2 Optimization. 64 5.3 Experiments. 67 6 Conclusion 74 Bibliography 77 Appendix 88 Abstract (In Korean) 90Docto

    Efficient Distributed Clustering Algorithms on Star-Schema Heterogeneous Graphs

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    Web3Recommend: Decentralised recommendations with trust and relevance

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    Web3Recommend is a decentralized Social Recommender System implementation that enables Web3 Platforms on Android to generate recommendations that balance trust and relevance. Generating recommendations in decentralized networks is a non-trivial problem because these networks lack a global perspective due to the absence of a central authority. Further, decentralized networks are prone to Sybil Attacks in which a single malicious user can generate multiple fake or Sybil identities. Web3Recommend relies on a novel graph-based content recommendation design inspired by GraphJet, a recommendation system used in Twitter enhanced with MeritRank, a decentralized reputation scheme that provides Sybil-resistance to the system. By adding MeritRank's decay parameters to the vanilla Social Recommender Systems' personalized SALSA graph algorithm, we can provide theoretical guarantees against Sybil Attacks in the generated recommendations. Similar to GraphJet, we focus on generating real-time recommendations by only acting on recent interactions in the social network, allowing us to cater temporally contextual recommendations while keeping a tight bound on the memory usage in resource-constrained devices, allowing for a seamless user experience. As a proof-of-concept, we integrate our system with MusicDAO, an open-source Web3 music-sharing platform, to generate personalized, real-time recommendations. Thus, we provide the first Sybil-resistant Social Recommender System, allowing real-time recommendations beyond classic user-based collaborative filtering. The system is also rigorously tested with extensive unit and integration tests. Further, our experiments demonstrate the trust-relevance balance of recommendations against multiple adversarial strategies in a test network generated using data from real music platforms