4,897 research outputs found

    Age Progression and Regression with Spatial Attention Modules

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    Age progression and regression refers to aesthetically render-ing a given face image to present effects of face aging and rejuvenation, respectively. Although numerous studies have been conducted in this topic, there are two major problems: 1) multiple models are usually trained to simulate different age mappings, and 2) the photo-realism of generated face images is heavily influenced by the variation of training images in terms of pose, illumination, and background. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a framework based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) to achieve age progression and regression simultaneously. Particularly, since face aging and rejuvenation are largely different in terms of image translation patterns, we model these two processes using two separate generators, each dedicated to one age changing process. In addition, we exploit spatial attention mechanisms to limit image modifications to regions closely related to age changes, so that images with high visual fidelity could be synthesized for in-the-wild cases. Experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate the ability of our model in synthesizing lifelike face images at desired ages with personalized features well preserved, and keeping age-irrelevant regions unchanged

    Aspects of Facial Contrast Decrease with Age and Are Cues for Age Perception

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    Age is a primary social dimension. We behave differently toward people as a function of how old we perceive them to be. Age perception relies on cues that are correlated with age, such as wrinkles. Here we report that aspects of facial contrast–the contrast between facial features and the surrounding skin–decreased with age in a large sample of adult Caucasian females. These same aspects of facial contrast were also significantly correlated with the perceived age of the faces. Individual faces were perceived as younger when these aspects of facial contrast were artificially increased, but older when these aspects of facial contrast were artificially decreased. These findings show that facial contrast plays a role in age perception, and that faces with greater facial contrast look younger. Because facial contrast is increased by typical cosmetics use, we infer that cosmetics function in part by making the face appear younger

    Laser Resources for Facial Rejuvenation and Aestheticisation // Възможности за лазерно подмладяване и естетизиране на кожата на лицето

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    The present dissertation focuses on laser therapy of dermatoses located on the head and neck with a carbon dioxide laser. These include dermatoses that are difficult to respond to therapies or scarring afterwards is aesthetically unacceptable to the patient - acne, multiple seborrheic and solar keratoses, hyperpigmentation, hemangiomas, keloids, scars after burns, trauma and surgical removal, facial removal, and surgery—signs of ageing skin (fine lines, deep wrinkles, elastosis, and melasma). The dissertation aims to optimise, analyse and summarise the therapeutic options for aestheticizing and rejuvenating facial skin with CO2 laser effects with specific techniques and typical clinical cases in anatomical areas of the head - capillary, eyelids, ears, lips, nose, and neck. An author's laser procedure for effective treatment of adulterous and prolonged juvenile acne and erasure of its scars, an author's biophysical model optimising the ablative laser resurfacing procedure results, and a clinical protocol for conducting the procedure of deep ablative laser resurfacing are presented. The contributions are important for clinicians, dermatologists, surgeons, and students of dermatology and surgery, as well as researchers, engineers, and designers of medical laser systems.Настоящият дисертационен труд се фокусира върху лазерна терапия на дерматози, локализирани по главата и шията с лазер на въглероден двуокис. Тук влизат дерматози, които се повлияват трудно от терапевтични методи или цикатризацията след тях е естетично неприемлива за пациента –акне, мултиплени себорейни и соларни кератози, хиперпигментации, хемангиоми, келоиди, цикатрикси след изгаряния, както и отстраняване от лицето на признаците на стареещата кожа (фини линии, дълбоки бръчки, еластоза и мелазма). Целта на дисертационния труд е да се оптимизират, анализират и обобщят терапевтичните възможности за естетизиране и подмладяване кожата на лицето със СО2 лазерни въздействия с конкретни техники и типични клинични случаи в анатомични зони на главата – капилициум, клепачи, уши, устни, нос и шия. Очертани са терапевтичен диапазон и ефективност при отстраняването на редица дерматози, компрометиращи естетиката на лицето. За реализиране целта и задачите и проверка на хипотезата са приложени методи на сравнение на фотодокументационен материал с оценка на резултатите в краткосрочен и дългосрочен план. Резултативността на разглежданите въздействия се валидира чрез статистически анализ на психологични параметри след лазерно естетизиране и подмладяване на лицето върху контролна група от пациенти. Изведените приноси са от значимост за клиницистите, дерматолозите и хирурзите, студентите по дерматология и хирургия, както и за изследователи, инженери и конструктори на медицински лазерни системи

    Surgery-for-life:Aging, sexual fitness and self-management in Brazil

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    This article draws on ethnographic fieldwork on plastic surgery to explore tensions in aging norms and ideals for women in Brazil.  I situate my analysis in relation to debates about a “de-chronologized life course.”  Some scholars argue that the life course in late capitalism has become less standardized.  In this account, chronological age diminishes in importance as consumers are defined by life style choices available to all ages and the period of youth extends into middle age and beyond.  In Brazil consumers embrace plastic surgery as a means to “manage” aging, mental well-being, and reproductive and sexual health.  This promise of a flexible and optimized aging trajectory seems to echo the notion of a de-chronologized life course.  I argue, however, that medical discourse and patients’ accounts show ambivalence about aging and conflicts in the ideal of medically-managed sexual fitness for women.  Drawing on analysis of changes in family structure and women’s health regimes, I argue that passage through the life course, rather than becoming more flexible, is in some ways becoming more rigidly defined by biological processes

    Treatment of Skin Aging and Photoaging with Innovative Oral Dosage Forms of Non-Hydrolized Carnosine and Carcinine

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    Aging is a multifactorial process resulting in several functional and esthetic changes in the skin. Advances in research have yielded a tremendous amount of information on the molecular pathways involved in both intrinsic aging (natural) and extrinsic aging (including photoaging). Some of the characteristic features of aging skin, such as wrinkling, loss of elasticity, and atrophy, can largely be attributed to dermal changes. The amount of collagen in the skin decreases, while the cross linking increases, and the solubility of collagen is reduced. The role of fibroblasts in aging tissue has been most extensively studied in mammalian skin. The total number of fibroblasts decreases, and their metabolism shows characteristic alterations.The dermis is maintained in large part by fibroblasts, which secrete dermal collagens, elastin, and other extracellular matrix components. When the skin is wounded, fibroblasts secrete proteases to degrade the wounded matrix, and then synthesize new matrix. The fibroblasts also secrete growth factors to stimulate the keratinocytes to proliferate and close the wound and cytokines to attract macrophages to engulf and degrade debris. Stress-induced premature senescence (SIPS) occurs after many different sublethal stresses including a number of oxidation factors, such as H2 O2 , hyperoxia, or organic and lipid hydroperoxides. Fibroblast cells in replicative senescence share common features with cells in SIPS: morphology, senescence-associated beta-galactosidase activity, cell cycle regulation, gene expression and telomere shortening. Most human cells lack sufficient telomerase to maintain telomeres, hence these genetic elements shorten with time and stress, contributing to aging and disease. We systematically examine the evidence supporting the use of dosage forms of non-hydrolized carnosine or carcinine in oral formulations for skin beautification purposes and provide a summary of the biomarkers of intrinsic and extrinsic skin aging, including photoaging. Senescence phenotype of human diploid fibroblasts is related with the exhaustion of their proliferative potential. This work suggests that different cell types, such as human skin fibroblasts, may use specific cellular treatment strategies with imidazole-containing dipeptides to halt the accelerated senescence of the fibroblast cells in response to telomere attrition and thus prevent skin aging through the number of biologically viable and safe metabolic pathways. The published data demonstrate that telomerase is expressed in the epidermis in situ independent of age. The reason for the sustained telomere length or expression of telomerase activity in the epidermis is associated not only with an increased turnover of keratinocytes, but also occurs due to the fact that the formation of a well structured epidermis strictly depends on a tight balance between proliferation and differentiation. Oral dosage forms of non-hydrolized carnosine or carcinine induce cellular responses in human skin fibroblasts through the telomere-mediated pathway and redox signaling, supporting the view that carnosine or related imidazole-containing dipeptide based compound-induced hormetic stimulation of cellular antioxidant defenses can be a useful approach toward anti-aging intervention to the skin

    The Role of Exosomes Derived From Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Dermatology

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    This study has been funded by the Carlos III Health Institute of Spain through the PI13/02576 and PI17/02083 projects [cofunded by European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe" and Andalusian Regional Government Finance (SAS PI-0458-2016)]. The work of MQ-V was supported by a predoctoral fellowship (BOE 22/10/2019) from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. This study is part of her doctoral research in the Biomedicine program at the University of Granada.The skin is the largest organ of the human body and its main functions include providing protection from external harmful agents, regulating body temperature, and homeostatic maintenance. Skin injuries can damage this important barrier and its functions so research focuses on approaches to accelerate wound healing and treat inflammatory skin diseases. Due to their regenerative and immunomodulatory properties, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been reported to play a significant role in skin repair and regeneration. However, it seems that the secretome of these cells and exosomes in particular may be responsible for their functions in skin regeneration and the immunomodulation field. The present review aims to gather the available information about the role of MSC-derived exosomes for both in vitro and in vivo models of different skin conditions and to highlight the need for further research in order to overcome any limitations for clinical translation.Carlos III Health Institute of Spain [European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe"] PI13/02576 PI17/02083Carlos III Health Institute of Spain [Andalusian Regional Government Finance] PI13/02576 PI17/02083 SAS PI-0458-2016Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities BOE 22/10/201