523 research outputs found

    The benefits of using a walking interface to navigate virtual environments

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    Navigation is the most common interactive task performed in three-dimensional virtual environments (VEs), but it is also a task that users often find difficult. We investigated how body-based information about the translational and rotational components of movement helped participants to perform a navigational search task (finding targets hidden inside boxes in a room-sized space). When participants physically walked around the VE while viewing it on a head-mounted display (HMD), they then performed 90% of trials perfectly, comparable to participants who had performed an equivalent task in the real world during a previous study. By contrast, participants performed less than 50% of trials perfectly if they used a tethered HMD (move by physically turning but pressing a button to translate) or a desktop display (no body-based information). This is the most complex navigational task in which a real-world level of performance has been achieved in a VE. Behavioral data indicates that both translational and rotational body-based information are required to accurately update one's position during navigation, and participants who walked tended to avoid obstacles, even though collision detection was not implemented and feedback not provided. A walking interface would bring immediate benefits to a number of VE applications

    Automatic Speed Control For Navigation in 3D Virtual Environment

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    As technology progresses, the scale and complexity of 3D virtual environments can also increase proportionally. This leads to multiscale virtual environments, which are environments that contain groups of objects with extremely unequal levels of scale. Ideally the user should be able to navigate such environments efficiently and robustly. Yet, most previous methods to automatically control the speed of navigation do not generalize well to environments with widely varying scales. I present an improved method to automatically control the navigation speed of the user in 3D virtual environments. The main benefit of my approach is that automatically adapts the navigation speed in multi-scale environments in a manner that enables efficient navigation with maximum freedom, while still avoiding collisions. The results of a usability tests show a significant reduction in the completion time for a multi-scale navigation task

    Walking in Place Through Virtual Worlds

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    Freehand-Steering Locomotion Techniques for Immersive Virtual Environments: A Comparative Evaluation

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    Virtual reality has achieved significant popularity in recent years, and allowing users to move freely within an immersive virtual world has become an important factor critical to realize. The user’s interactions are generally designed to increase the perceived realism, but the locomotion techniques and how these affect the user’s task performance still represent an open issue, much discussed in the literature. In this article, we evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of, and user preferences relating to, freehand locomotion techniques designed for an immersive virtual environment performed through hand gestures tracked by a sensor placed in the egocentric position and experienced through a head-mounted display. Three freehand locomotion techniques have been implemented and compared with each other, and with a baseline technique based on a controller, through qualitative and quantitative measures. An extensive user study conducted with 60 subjects shows that the proposed methods have a performance comparable to the use of the controller, further revealing the users’ preference for decoupling the locomotion in sub-tasks, even if this means renouncing precision and adapting the interaction to the possibilities of the tracker sensor

    Redirected Free Exploration with Distractors: A Large-Scale Real-Walking Locomotion Interface

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    Immersive Virtual Environments (VEs) enable user controlled interactions within the environment such as head-controlled point-of-view and user-controlled locomotion. In the real world people usually locomote by walking; walking is simple and natural, and enables people not only to move between locations, but also to develop cognitive maps, or mental representations, of environments. People navigate every day in the real world without problem, however users navigating VEs often become disoriented and frustrated, and find it challenging to transfer spatial knowledge acquired in the VE to the real world. In this dissertation I develop and demonstrate the effectiveness of a new locomotion interface, Redirected Free Exploration with Distractors (RFED) that enables people to freely walk in large scale VEs. RFED is the combination of distractors--objects, sounds, or combinations of objects and sounds in the VE that encourage people to turn their heads, and redirection--making the user turn herself by interactively and imperceptibly rotating the virtual scene about her while she is turning her head. I demonstrate through user studies that compare RFED to a real-walking locomotion interface that RFED does not diminish user ability to navigate. I further demonstrate that users navigate better in RFED than with joystick and walking-in-place locomotion interfaces. Additionally, RFED does not significantly increase simulator sickness when compared to real walking, walking-in-place, and joystick interfaces.Doctor of Philosoph

    An expandable walking in place platform

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    The control of locomotion in 3D virtual environments should be an ordinary task, from the user point-of-view. Several navigation metaphors have been explored to control locomotion naturally, such as: real walking, the use of simulators, and walking in place. These have proven that the more natural the approach used to control locomotion, the more immerse the user will feel inside the virtual environment. Overcoming the high cost and complexity for the use of most approaches in the field, we introduce a walking in place platform that is able to identify orientation, speed for displacement, as well as lateral steps, of a person mimicking walking pattern. The detection of this information is made without use of additional sensors attached to user body. Our device is simple to mount, inexpensive and allows almost natural use, with lazy steps, thus releasing the hands for other uses. Also, we explore and test a passive, tactile surface for safe use of our platform. The platform was conceived to be utilized as an interface to control navigation in virtual environments, and augmented reality. Extending our device and techniques, we have elaborated a redirection walking metaphor, to be used together with a cave automatic virtual environment. Another metaphor allowed the use of our technique for navigating in point clouds for tagging of data. We tested the use of our technique associated with two different navigation modes: human walking and vehicle driving. In the human walking approach, the virtual orientation inhibits the displacement when sharp turns are made by the user. In vehicle mode, the virtual orientation and displacement occur together, more similar to a vehicle driving approach. We applied tests to detect preferences of navigation mode and ability to use our device to 52 subjects. We identified a preference for the vehicle driving mode of navigation. The use of statistics revealed that users learned easily the use of our technique for navigation. Users were faster walking in vehicle mode; but human mode allowed precise walking in the virtual test environment. The tactile platform proved to allow safe use of our device, being an effective and simple solution for the field. More than 200 people tested our device: UFRGS Portas Abertas in 2013 and 2014, which was a event to present to local community academic works; during 3DUI 2014, where our work was utilized together with a tool for point cloud manipulation. The main contributions of our work are a new approach for detection of walking in place, which allows simple use, with naturalness of movements, expandable for utilization in large areas (such as public spaces), and that efficiently supply orientation and speed to use in virtual environments or augmented reality, with inexpensive hardware.O controle da locomoção em ambientes virtuais 3D deveria ser uma tarefa simples, do ponto de vista do usuário. Durante os anos, metáforas para navegação têm sido exploradas para permitir o controle da locomoção naturalmente, tais como: caminhada real; uso de simuladores e imitação de caminhada. Estas técnicas provaram que, quanto mais natural à abordagem utilizada para controlar a locomoção, mais imerso o usuário vai se sentir dentro do ambiente virtual. Superando o alto custo e complexidade de uso da maioria das abordagens na área, introduzimos uma plataforma para caminhada no lugar, (usualmente reportado como wal king in place), que é capaz de identificar orientação, velocidade de deslocamento, bem como passos laterais, de uma pessoa imitando a caminhada. A detecção desta informação é feita sem o uso de sensores presos no corpo dos usuários, apenas utilizando a plataforma. Nosso dispositivo é simples de montar, barato e permite seu uso por pessoas comuns de forma quase natural, com passos pequenos, assim deixando as mãos livres para outras tarefas. Nós também exploramos e testamos uma superfície táctil passiva para utilização segura de nossa plataforma. A plataforma foi concebida para ser utilizada como uma interface para navegação em ambientes virtuais. Estendendo o uso de nossa técnica e dis positivo, nós elaboramos uma metáfora para caminhada redirecionada, para ser utilizada em conjunto com cavernas de projeção, (usualmente reportado como Cave automatic vir tual environment (CAVE)). Criamos também uma segunda metáfora para navegação, a qual permitiu o uso de nossa técnica para navegação em nuvem de pontos, auxiliando no processo de etiquetagem destes, como parte da competição para o 3D User Interface que ocorreu em Minessota, nos Estados Unidos, em 2014. Nós testamos o uso da técnica e dispositivos associada com duas nuances de navegação: caminhada humana e controle de veiculo. Na abordagem caminhada humana, a taxa de mudança da orientação gerada pelo usuário ao utilizar nosso dispositivo, inibia o deslocamento quando curvas agudas eram efetuadas. No modo veículo, a orientação e o deslocamento ocorriam conjuntamente quando o usuário utilizava nosso dispositivo e técnicas, similarmente ao processo de controle de direção de um veículo. Nós aplicamos testes para determinar o modo de navegação de preferencia para uti lização de nosso dispositivo, em 52 sujeitos. Identificamos uma preferencia pelo modo de uso que se assimila a condução de um veículo. Testes estatísticos revelaram que os usuários aprenderam facilmente a usar nossa técnica para navegar em ambientes virtuais. Os usuários foram mais rápidos utilizando o modo veículo, mas o modo humano garantiu maior precisão no deslocamento no ambiente virtual. A plataforma táctil provou permi tir o uso seguro de nosso dispositivo, sendo uma solução efetiva e simples para a área. Mais de 200 pessoas testaram nosso dispositivo e técnicas: no evento Portas Abertas da UFRGS em 2013 e 2014, um evento onde são apresentados para a comunidade local os trabalhos executados na universidade; e no 3D User Interface, onde nossa técnica e dis positivos foram utilizados em conjunto com uma ferramenta de seleção de pontos numa competição. As principais contribuições do nosso trabalho são: uma nova abordagem para de tecção de imitação de caminhada, a qual permite um uso simples, com naturalidade de movimentos, expansível para utilização em áreas grandes, como espaços públicos e que efetivamente captura informações de uso e fornece orientação e velocidade para uso em ambientes virtuais ou de realidade aumentada, com uso de hardware barato

    Locomotion in virtual reality in full space environments

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    Virtual Reality is a technology that allows the user to explore and interact with a virtual environment in real time as if they were there. It is used in various fields such as entertainment, education, and medicine due to its immersion and ability to represent reality. Still, there are problems such as virtual simulation sickness and lack of realism that make this technology less appealing. Locomotion in virtual environments is one of the main factors responsible for an immersive and enjoyable virtual reality experience. Several methods of locomotion have been proposed, however, these have flaws that end up negatively influencing the experience. This study compares natural locomotion in complete spaces with joystick locomotion and natural locomotion in impossible spaces through three tests in order to identify the best locomotion method in terms of immersion, realism, usability, spatial knowledge acquisition and level of virtual simulation sickness. The results show that natural locomotion is the method that most positively influences the experience when compared to the other locomotion methods.A Realidade Virual é uma tecnologia que permite ao utilizador explorar e interagir com um ambiente virtual em tempo real como se lá estivesse presente. E utilizada em diversas áreas como o entretenimento, educação e medicina devido à sua imersão e capacidade de representar a realidade. Ainda assim, existem problemas como o enjoo por simulação virtual e a falta de realismo que tornam esta tecnologia menos apelativa. A locomoção em ambientes virtuais é um dos principais fatores responsáveis por uma experiência em realidade virtual imersiva e agradável. Vários métodos de locomoção foram propostos, no entanto, estes têm falhas que acabam por influenciar negativamente a experiência. Este estudo compara a locomoção natural em espaços completos com a locomoção por joystick e a locomoção natural em espaços impossíveis através de três testes de forma a identificar qual o melhor método de locomoção a nível de imersão, realismo, usabilidade, aquisição de conhecimento espacial e nível de enjoo por simulação virtual. Os resultados mostram que a locomoção natural é o método que mais influencia positivamente a experiência quando comparado com os outros métodos de locomoção