84 research outputs found


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    We introduce the monitoring of trace properties under assumptions. An assumption limits the space of possible traces that the monitor may encounter. An assumption may result from knowledge about the system that is being monitored, about the environment, or about another, connected monitor. We define monitorability under assumptions and study its theoretical properties. In particular, we show that for every assumption A, the boolean combinations of properties that are safe or co-safe relative to A are monitorable under A. We give several examples and constructions on how an assumption can make a non-monitorable property monitorable, and how an assumption can make a monitorable property monitorable with fewer resources, such as integer registers

    The Best a Monitor Can Do

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    Existing notions of monitorability for branching-time properties are fairly restrictive. This, in turn, impacts the ability to incorporate prior knowledge about the system under scrutiny - which corresponds to a branching-time property - into the runtime analysis. We propose a definition of optimal monitors that verify the best monitorable under- or over-approximation of a specification, regardless of its monitorability status. Optimal monitors can be obtained for arbitrary branching-time properties by synthesising a sound and complete monitor for their strongest monitorable consequence. We show that the strongest monitorable consequence of specifications expressed in Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion is itself expressible in this logic, and present a procedure to find it. Our procedure enables prior knowledge to be optimally incorporated into runtime monitors

    Distinguishing Hidden Markov Chains

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    Hidden Markov Chains (HMCs) are commonly used mathematical models of probabilistic systems. They are employed in various fields such as speech recognition, signal processing, and biological sequence analysis. We consider the problem of distinguishing two given HMCs based on an observation sequence that one of the HMCs generates. More precisely, given two HMCs and an observation sequence, a distinguishing algorithm is expected to identify the HMC that generates the observation sequence. Two HMCs are called distinguishable if for every ε>0\varepsilon > 0 there is a distinguishing algorithm whose error probability is less than ε\varepsilon. We show that one can decide in polynomial time whether two HMCs are distinguishable. Further, we present and analyze two distinguishing algorithms for distinguishable HMCs. The first algorithm makes a decision after processing a fixed number of observations, and it exhibits two-sided error. The second algorithm processes an unbounded number of observations, but the algorithm has only one-sided error. The error probability, for both algorithms, decays exponentially with the number of processed observations. We also provide an algorithm for distinguishing multiple HMCs. Finally, we discuss an application in stochastic runtime verification.Comment: This is the full version of a LICS'16 pape

    Adventures in monitorability: From branching time to linear time and back again.

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    This paper establishes a comprehensive theory of runtime monitorability for Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion, a very expressive variant of the modal µ-calculus. It investigates the monitorability of that logic with a linear-time semantics and then compares the obtained results with ones that were previously presented in the literature for a branching-time setting. Our work establishes an expressiveness hierarchy of monitorable fragments of Hennessy-Milner logic with recursion in a linear-time setting and exactly identifies what kinds of guarantees can be given using runtime monitors for each fragment in the hierarchy. Each fragment is shown to be complete, in the sense that it can express all properties that can be monitored under the corresponding guarantees. The study is carried out using a principled approach to monitoring that connects the semantics of the logic and the operational semantics of monitors. The proposed framework supports the automatic, compositional synthesis of correct monitors from monitorable properties

    Four-valued monitorability of ω-regular languages

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    The use of runtime verification has led to interest in deciding whether a property is monitorable: whether it is always possible for the satisfaction or violation of the property to be determined after a finite future continuation during system execution. However, classical two-valued monitorability suffers from two inherent limitations, which eventually increase runtime overhead. First, no information is available regarding whether only one verdict (satisfaction or violation) can be detected. Second, it does not tell us whether verdicts can be detected starting from the current monitor state during system execution. This paper proposes a new notion of four-valued monitorability for ω -languages and applies it at the state-level. Four-valued monitorability is more informative than two-valued monitorability as a property can be evaluated as a four-valued result, denoting that only satisfaction, only violation, or both are active for a monitorable property. We can also compute state-level weak monitorability, i.e., whether satisfaction or violation can be detected starting from a given state in a monitor, which enables state-level optimizations of monitoring algorithms. Based on a new six-valued semantics, we propose procedures for computing four-valued monitorability of ω -regular languages, both at the language-level and at the state-level. Experimental results show that our tool implementation Monic can correctly, and quickly, report both two-valued and four-valued monitorability
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