13 research outputs found

    Topologies of wireless mesh networks with inband backhauling

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    Proceedings of: PIMRC 2010: 21st Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications took place from 26-30 Sep. 2010 in Istanbul, TurkeyWireless mesh networks (WMNs) with in band backhauling use the same antennas for the backhaul as well as for the access. Therefore antennas of next hop neighbours need to be directed to each other. However, such a configuration is not possible in a three-sectorized hexagonal cell deployment. In this paper we derive several alternative topologies that are suitable for WMNs with in band backhauling. We show that a topology with four directional antennas per node and backhaul connectivity between indirect neighbours outperforms competing topologies in terms of handover rate, optimal maximum power, and system capacity.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad

    Disseny, construcció i avaluació d'una xarxa mesh wireless gestionada per software (SDW)

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    [ENGLISH] Software Defined Wireless Backhaul for Small Cells (SESAME), our project, pretends to give an answer to mobile network saturation through the introduction of dense networks formed by software-controlled small cells to address the forecasted exponential traffic increase in future Mobile networks. Using small cells we increase capacity by means of reducing cell size and densifying access networks. However, a massive deployment of this technology poses significant technical hurdles to current network architectures. In particular, backhauling outdoor Small Cells, which may be mounted on lamp posts or street furniture, is a challenging problem that needs to be addressed with efficient wireless technologies. The main goal is to improve the quality of service offered to the users through the use of SDN technology. We developed a custom forwarding algorithm which allows us the management of the routing of a wireless backhaul network in function of the radio link conditions. In order to implement this control effectively, the controller must be aware of radio conditions. We demonstrate our architecture in two different testbed prototypes, where we analyze the costs incurred in the additional processing and the centralization of state imposed by SDN, while motivating the benefits of our architecture in terms of improved network management and control. In order to build our environment we used the following technologies: Open vSwitch to manage the nodes -switchs - in the network controlled by OpenDaylight. The protocol used to exchange the messages is Openflow. Our solution has been simulated under a Linux environment due to the flexibility that it provides in terms of hardware implementation. We have emulated a wireless network in order to develop our architecture and perform appropriate tests to verify its performance in comparison with the mesh extension of 802.11 protocol.[CATALÀ] Software Defined Wireless Backhaul for Small Cells(SESAME), el nostre projecte, pretén donar resposta a la imminent saturació de les xarxes mòbils a través de la introducció de xarxes denses formades per small cells controlades per software, que permetrien assumir el creixent tràfic de dades. Fent ús de les small cells, incrementem la capacitat reduint la mida de la cel·la i densificant les xarxes d’accés. No obstant, un desplegament massiu de small cells planteja obstacles tècnics importants a les arquitectures de xarxa actuals. En concret, "backhauling outdoor small cells" que poden ésser muntats en fanals o mobiliari ì urbà, és un problema difícil que ha de ser abordat amb tecnologies wireless eficients. Per tant, el propòsit és dissenyar, implementar i avaluar un sistema que permeti a un controlador de SDN (Software Defined Network) controlar el pla d'encaminament en una xarxa Wireless que esta connectada a una xarxa cablejada –o core- per diferents punts físics (Wireless Backhaul Network). L'objectiu principal és la millora de la qualitat de servei oferta als usuaris mitjançant l’ús de la tecnologia SDN. S'introdueix la funcionalitat d'un algorisme d'encaminament propi, que permet la gestió de les rutes de sortida d'una xarxa wireless backhaul, en funció de les condicions dels enllaços radio. Per tal d'implementar aquest control de manera efectiva, cal que el controlador sigui conscient d'aquestes condicions. Demostrarem la nostra arquitectura en dos entorns de proves diferents, on analitzarem els costos implicats en el processat addicional i la centralització imposada per l'SDN, mentre motivem els beneficis de la nostra arquitectura en termes de millora de la gestió i control de la xarxa. Per tal de construir el nostre entorn, hem utilitzat: Open vSwitch per poder gestionar els nodes –switch-, mitjançant el controlador OpenDaylight. El protocol utilitzat per a l'intercanvi de missatges és OpenFlow. La solució proposada s'ha simulat sota un entorn Linux degut a la flexibilitat que ens proporciona en quant a l’ús del hardware. S'ha emulat una xarxa wireless per tal de poder desenvolupar la nostra arquitectura i així, realitzar les proves [CATALÀ] pertinents per a verificar el seu rendiment en comparació amb l’extensió mesh del protocol 802.1

    Integrated Access and Backhaul for 5G and Beyond (6G)

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    Enabling network densification to support coverage-limited millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies is one of the main requirements for 5G and beyond. It is challenging to connect a high number of base stations (BSs) to the core network via a transport network. Although fiber provides high-rate reliable backhaul links, it requires a noteworthy investment for trenching and installation, and could also take a considerable deployment time. Wireless backhaul, on the other hand, enables fast installation and flexibility, at the cost of data rate and sensitivity to environmental effects. For these reasons, fiber and wireless backhaul have been the dominant backhaul technologies for decades. Integrated access and backhaul (IAB), where along with celluar access services a part of the spectrum available is used to backhaul, is a promising wireless solution for backhauling in 5G and beyond. To this end, in this thesis we evaluate, analyze and optimize IAB networks from various perspectives. Specifically, we analyze IAB networks and develop effective algorithms to improve service coverage probability. In contrast to fiber-connected setups, an IAB network may be affected by, e.g., blockage, tree foliage, and rain loss. Thus, a variety of aspects such as the effects of tree foliage, rain loss, and blocking are evaluated and the network performance when part of the network being non-IAB backhauled is analysed. Furthermore, we evaluate the effect of deployment optimization on the performance of IAB networks.First, in Paper A, we introduce and analyze IAB as an enabler for network densification. Then, we study the IAB network from different aspects of mmWave-based communications: We study the network performance for both urban and rural areas considering the impacts of blockage, tree foliage, and rain. Furthermore, performance comparisons are made between IAB and networks of which all or part of small BSs are fiber-connected. Following the analysis, it is observed that IAB may be a good backhauling solution with high flexibility and low time-to-market. The second part of the thesis focuses on improving the service coverage probability by carrying out topology optimization in IAB networks focusing on mmWave communication for different parameters, such as blockage, tree foliage, and antenna gain. In Paper B, we study topology optimization and routing in IAB networks in different perspectives. Thereby, we design efficient Genetic algorithm (GA)-based methods for IAB node distribution and non-IAB backhaul link placement. Furthermore, we study the effect of routing in the cases with temporal blockages. Finally, we briefly study the recent standardization developments, i.e., 3GPP Rel-16 as well as the\ua0Rel-17 discussions on routing. As the results show, with a proper planning on network deployment, IAB is an attractive solution to densify the networks for 5G and beyond. Finally, we focus on improving the performance of IAB networks with constrained deployment optimization. In Paper C, we consider various IAB network models while presenting different algorithms for constrained deployment optimization. Here, the constraints are coming from either inter-IAB distance limitations or geographical restrictions. As we show, proper network planning can considerably improve service coverage probability of IAB networks with deployment constraints

    Feasibility of wireless mesh for LTE-Advanced small cell access backhaul

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    Mobiilidatan määrä on muutaman viime vuoden aikana kasvanut voimakkaasti ja nykyiset ennustukset arvioivat eksponentiaalista kasvukäyrää tulevien vuosien aikana. Matkapuhelinjärjestelmät ovat kehittyneet nopeasti tämän trendin ohjaamana. Neljännen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkkostandardien myötä, uudet innovaatiot kuten heterogeeniset verkkoratkaisut tarjoavat ratkaisun nykyisiin skaalautuvuus- ja kapasiteettiongelmiin. Joitain ilmeisiä ongelmakohtiakin kuitenkin esiintyy kuten heterogeenisten verkkojen runkokytkennän toteuttaminen. Yksi lupaavimmista tavoista toteuttaa heterogeenisten verkkojen runkokytkentä on langaton ja itseorganisoituva mesh-verkko. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on varmistaa ja testata Nokia Siemens Networksin kehittämän mesh-runkokytkentäverkkokonseptin toteutettavuutta ja toiminnallisuutta soveltuvan validointijärjestelmän avulla. Kaiken kaikkiaan validointijärjestelmä ja sen päälle toteutettu mesh-protokolla toimivat moitteettomasti koko kehitys- ja testausprosessin ajan. Konseptin eri ominaisuudet ja mekanismit todistettiin täysin toteutettaviksi ja toimiviksi. Muutamalla lisäominaisuudella ja konseptiparannuksella mesh-konsepti tarjoaa houkuttelevan ja innovatiivisen ratkaisun heterogeenisten verkkojen runkokytkentään tulevaisuudessa.Mobile traffic demands and volumes are increasing and will dramatically keep increasing in the future. Along with this, mobile networks have evolved to better match this growth. Fourth generation cellular network standard introduced a set of new innovations for mobile communications, including support for heterogeneous network deployments. Heterogeneous networking is the likely answer for future mobile data capacity shortage but also poses some challenges, the most evident being how to implement the backhauling. One of the most promising heterogeneous network backhaul solutions is a meshed radio system with self-organizing features. The main scope of this master's thesis is the verification of functionality and feasibility of a wireless mesh backhaul concept developed by Nokia Siemens Networks through a proof-of-concept system. All in all, the wireless mesh proof-of-concept system performed strongly throughout the development and testing process. The different functionalities were proven to work successfully together. With further development and enhancement, the system concept displays extreme potential for a state-of-the-art heterogeneous network backhaul technology

    Heterogeneous Cellular Networks: From Resource Allocation To User Association

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    Heterogeneous networking paradigm addresses the ever growing need for capacity and coverage in wireless networks by deploying numerous low power base stations overlaying the existing macro cellular coverage. Heterogeneous cellular networks encompass many deployment scenarios, with different backhauling techniques (wired versus wireless backhauling), different transmission coordination mechanisms and resource allocation schemes, different types of links operating at different bands and air-interface technologies, and different user association schemes. Studying these deployment scenarios and configurations, and understanding the interplay between different processes is challenging. In the first part of the thesis, we present a flow-based optimization framework that allows us to obtain the throughput performance of a heterogeneous network when the network processes are optimized jointly. This is done under a given system ``snapshot'', where the system parameters like the channel gains and the number of users are fixed and assumed known. Our framework allows us to configure the network parameters to allocate optimal throughputs to these flows in a fair manner. This is an offline-static model and thus is intended to be used at the engineering and planning phase to compare many potential configurations and decide which ones to study further. Using the above-mentioned formulation, we have been able to study a large set of deployment scenarios and different choices of resource allocation, transmission coordination, and user association schemes. This has allowed us to provide a number of important engineering insights on the throughput performance of different scenarios and their configurations. The second part of our thesis focuses on understanding the impact of backhaul infrastructure's capacity limitation on the radio resource management algorithms like user scheduling and user association. Most existing studies assume an ideal backhaul. This assumption, however, needs to be revisited as backhaul considerations are critical in heterogeneous networks due to the economic considerations. In this study, we formulate a global α\alpha-fair user scheduling problem under backhaul limitations, and show how this limitation has a fundamental impact on user scheduling. Using results from convex optimization, we characterize the solution of optimal backhaul-aware user scheduling and show that simple heuristics can be used to obtain good throughput performance with relatively low complexity/overhead. We also study the related problem of user association under backhaul-limitations. This study is a departure from our ``snapshot'' approach. We discuss several important design considerations for an online user association scheme. We present a relatively simple backhaul-unaware user association scheme and show that it is very efficient as long as the network has fine-tuned the resource allocation

    D3.2 First performance results for multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies

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    This deliverable describes the current results of the multi-node/multi-antenna technologies investigated within METIS and analyses the interactions within and outside Work Package 3. Furthermore, it identifies the most promising technologies based on the current state of obtained results. This document provides a brief overview of the results in its first part. The second part, namely the Appendix, further details the results, describes the simulation alignment efforts conducted in the Work Package and the interaction of the Test Cases. The results described here show that the investigations conducted in Work Package 3 are maturing resulting in valuable innovative solutions for future 5G systems.Fantini. R.; Santos, A.; De Carvalho, E.; Rajatheva, N.; Popovski, P.; Baracca, P.; Aziz, D.... (2014). D3.2 First performance results for multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/7675

    D 3. 3 Final performance results and consolidated view on the most promising multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies

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    This document provides the most recent updates on the technical contributions and research challenges focused in WP3. Each Technology Component (TeC) has been evaluated under possible uniform assessment framework of WP3 which is based on the simulation guidelines of WP6. The performance assessment is supported by the simulation results which are in their mature and stable state. An update on the Most Promising Technology Approaches (MPTAs) and their associated TeCs is the main focus of this document. Based on the input of all the TeCs in WP3, a consolidated view of WP3 on the role of multinode/multi-antenna transmission technologies in 5G systems has also been provided. This consolidated view is further supported in this document by the presentation of the impact of MPTAs on METIS scenarios and the addressed METIS goals.Aziz, D.; Baracca, P.; De Carvalho, E.; Fantini, R.; Rajatheva, N.; Popovski, P.; Sørensen, JH.... (2015). D 3. 3 Final performance results and consolidated view on the most promising multi -node/multi -antenna transmission technologies. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/7675

    Optimisation de la capacité et de la consommation énergétique dans les réseaux maillés sans fil

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    Les réseaux maillés sans fil sont une solution efficace, de plus en plus mise en œuvre en tant qu infrastructure, pour interconnecter les stations d accès des réseaux radio. Ces réseaux doivent absorber une croissance très forte du trafic généré par les terminaux de nouvelle génération. Cependant, l augmentation du prix de l énergie, ainsi que les préoccupations écologiques et sanitaires, poussent à s intéresser à la minimisation de la consommation énergétique de ces réseaux. Ces travaux de thèse s inscrivent dans les problématiques d optimisation de la capacité et de la minimisation de la consommation énergétique globale des réseaux radio maillés. Nous définissons la capacité d un réseau comme la quantité de trafic que le réseau peut supporter par unité de temps. Ces travaux s articulent autour de quatre axes. Tout d abord, nous abordons le problème d amélioration de la capacité des réseaux radio maillés de type WIFI où l accès au médium radio se base sur le protocole d accès CSMA/CA. Nous mettons en lumière, les facteurs déterminants qui impactent la capacité du réseau, et l existence d un goulot d étranglement qui limite cette capacité du réseau. Ensuite, nous proposons une architecture de communication basée sur l utilisation conjointe de CSMA/CA et de TDMA afin de résoudre ce problème de goulot d étranglement. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux réseaux maillés sans fil basés sur un partage des ressources temps-fréquence. Afin de calculer des bornes théoriques sur les performances du réseau, nous développons des modèles d optimisation basés sur la programmation linéaire et la technique de génération de colonnes. Ces modèles d optimisation intègrent un modèle d interférence SINR avec contrôle de puissance continue et variation de taux de transmission. Ils permettent, en particulier, de calculer une configuration optimale du réseau qui maximise la capacité ou minimise la consommation d énergie. Ensuite, dans le troisième axe de recherche, nous étudions en détail le compromis entre la capacité du réseau et la consommation énergétique. Nous mettons en évidence plusieurs résultats d ingénierie nécessaires pour un fonctionnement optimal d un réseau maillé sans fil. Enfin, nous nous focalisons sur les réseaux cellulaires hétérogènes. Nous proposons des outils d optimisation calculant une configuration optimale des stations de base qui maximise la capacité du réseau avec une consommation efficace d énergie. Ensuite, afin d économiser l énergie, nous proposons une heuristique calculant un ordonnancement des stations et leur mise en mode d endormissement partiel selon deux stratégies différentes, nommées LAFS et MAFS.Wireless mesh networks (WMN) are a promising solution to support high data rate and increase the capacity provided to users, e.g. for meeting the requirements of mobile multimedia applications. However, the rapid growth of traffic load generated by the terminals is accompanied by an unsustainable increase of energy consumption, which becomes a hot societal and economical challenges. This thesis relates to the problem of the optimization of network capacity and energy consumption of wireless mesh networks. The network capacity is defined as the maximum achievable total traffic in the network per unit time. This thesis is divided into four main parts. First, we address the problem of improvement of the capacity of 802.11 wireless mesh networks. We highlight some insensible properties and deterministic factors of the capacity, while it is directly related to a bottleneck problem. Then, we propose a joint TDMA/CSMA scheduling strategy for solving the bottleneck issue in the network. Second, we focus on broadband wireless mesh networks based on time-frequency resource management. In order to get theoretical bounds on the network performances, we formulate optimization models based on linear programming and column generation algorithm. These models lead to compute an optimal offline configuration which maximizes the network capacity with low energy consumption. A realistic SINR model of the physical layer allows the nodes to perform continuous power control and use a discrete set of data rates. Third, we use the optimization models to provide practical engineering insights on WMN. We briefly study the tradeoff between network capacity and energy consumption using a realistic physical layer and SINR interference model. Finally, we focus on capacity and energy optimization for heterogeneous cellular networks. We develop, first, optimization tools to calculate an optimal configuration of the network that maximizes the network capacity with low energy consumption. We second propose a heuristic algorithm that calculates a scheduling and partial sleeping of base stations in two different strategies, called LAFS and MAFS.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    D6.6 Final report on the METIS 5G system concept and technology roadmap

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    This deliverable presents the METIS 5G system concept which was developed to fulfil the requirements of the beyond-2020 connected information society and to extend today’s wireless communication systems to include new usage scenarios. The METIS 5G system concept consists of three generic 5G services and four main enablers. The three generic 5G services are Extreme Mobile BroadBand (xMBB), Massive Machine- Type Communications (mMTC), and Ultra-reliable Machine-Type Communication (uMTC). The four main enablers are Lean System Control Plane (LSCP), Dynamic RAN, Localized Contents and Traffic Flows, and Spectrum Toolbox. An overview of the METIS 5G architecture is given, as well as spectrum requirements and considerations. System-level evaluation of the METIS 5G system concept has been conducted, and we conclude that the METIS technical objectives are met. A technology roadmap outlining further 5G development, including a timeline and recommended future work is given.Popovski, P.; Mange, G.; Gozalvez -Serrano, D.; Rosowski, T.; Zimmermann, G.; Agyapong, P.; Fallgren, M.... (2014). D6.6 Final report on the METIS 5G system concept and technology roadmap. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/7676

    Research on Reliable Low-Power Wide-Area Communications Utilizing Multi-RAT LPWAN Technologies for IoT Applications

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    Předkládaná disertační práce je zaměřena na „Výzkum spolehlivé komunikace pro IoT aplikace v bezdrátových sítích využívajících technologie Multi-RAT LPWAN“. Navzdory značnému pokroku v oblasti vývoje LPWA technologií umožňující masivní komunikace mezi zařízeními (mMTC), nemusí tyto technologie výkonnostně dostačovat pro nově vznikající aplikace internetu věcí. Hlavním cílem této disertační práce je proto nalezení a vyhodnocení limitů současných LPWA technologií. Na základě těchto dat jsou nevrženy nové mechanismy umožňující snazší plánování a vyhodnocování síťového pokrytí. Navržené nástroje jsou vyladěny a validovány s využitím dat získaných z rozsáhlých měřících kampaních provedených v zákaznických LPWA sítích. Tato disertační práce dále obsahuje návrh LPWA zařízení vybavených více komunikačními rozhraními (multi-RAT) které mohou umožnit překonání výkonnostních limitů jednotlivých LPWA technologií. Současná implementace se zaměřuje zejména na snížení spotřeby zařízení s více rádiovými rozhraními, což je jejich největší nevýhodou. K tomuto účelu je využito algoritmů strojového učení, které jsou schopné dynamicky vybírat nejvhodnější rozhraní k přenosu.This doctoral thesis addresses the “Research on Reliable Low-Power Wide-Area Communications Utilizing Multi-RAT LPWAN Technologies for IoT Applications”. Despite the immense progress in massive Machine-Type Communication (mMTC) technology enablers such as Low-Power Wide-Area (LPWA) networks, their performance does not have to satisfy the requirements of novelty Internet of Things (IoT) applications. The main goal of this Ph.D. work is to explore and evaluate the limitations of current LPWA technologies and propose novel mechanisms facilitating coverage planning and assessment. Proposed frameworks are fine-tuned and cross-validated by the extensive measurement campaigns conducted in public LPWA networks. This doctoral thesis further introduces the novelty approach of multi-RAT LPWA devices to overcome the performance limitation of individual LPWA technologies. The current implementation primarily focuses on diminishing the greatest multi-RAT solutions disadvantage, i.e., increased power consumption by employing a machine learning approach to radio interface selection.