16,102 research outputs found

    Genetic algorithms with elitism-based immigrants for dynamic shortest path problem in mobile ad hoc networks

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    This article is posted here with permission from the IEEE - Copyright @ 2009 IEEEIn recent years, the static shortest path (SP) problem has been well addressed using intelligent optimization techniques, e.g., artificial neural networks (ANNs), genetic algorithms (GAs), particle swarm optimization (PSO), etc. However, with the advancement in wireless communications, more and more mobile wireless networks appear, e.g., mobile ad hoc network (MANET), wireless sensor network (WSN), etc. One of the most important characteristics in mobile wireless networks is the topology dynamics, that is, the network topology changes over time due to energy conservation or node mobility. Therefore, the SP problem turns out to be a dynamic optimization problem (DOP) in MANETs. In this paper, we propose to use elitism-based immigrants GA (EIGA) to solve the dynamic SP problem in MANETs. We consider MANETs as target systems because they represent new generation wireless networks. The experimental results show that the EIGA can quickly adapt to the environmental changes (i.e., the network topology change) and produce good solutions after each change.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/1

    Evolutionary Synthesis of Analog Electronic Circuits Using EDA Algorithms

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    Disertační práce je zaměřena na návrh analogových elektronických obvodů pomocí algoritmů s pravěpodobnostními modely (algoritmy EDA). Prezentované metody jsou na základě požadovaných charakteristik cílových obvodů schopny navrhnout jak parametry použitých komponent tak také jejich topologii zapojení. Tři různé metody využití EDA algoritmů jsou navrženy a otestovány na příkladech skutečných problémů z oblasti analogových elektronických obvodů. První metoda je určena pro návrh pasivních analogových obvodů a využívá algoritmus UMDA pro návrh jak topologie zapojení tak také hodnot parametrů použitých komponent. Metoda je použita pro návrh admitanční sítě s požadovanou vstupní impedancí pro účely chaotického oscilátoru. Druhá metoda je také určena pro návrh pasivních analogových obvodů a využívá hybridní přístup - UMDA pro návrh topologie a metodu lokální optimalizace pro návrh parametrů komponent. Třetí metoda umožňuje návrh analogových obvodů obsahujících také tranzistory. Metoda využívá hybridní přístup - EDA algoritmus pro syntézu topologie a metoda lokální optimalizace pro určení parametrů použitých komponent. Informace o topologii je v jednotlivých jedincích populace vyjádřena pomocí grafů a hypergrafů.Dissertation thesis is focused on design of analog electronic circuits using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA). Based on the desired characteristics of the target circuits the proposed methods are able to design the parameters of the used components and theirs topology of connection as well. Three different methods employing EDA algorithms are proposed and verified on examples of real problems from the area of analog circuits design. The first method is capable to design passive analog circuits. The method employs UMDA algorithm which is used for determination of the parameters of the used components and synthesis of the topology of their connection as well. The method is verified on the problem of design of admittance network with desired input impedance function which is used as a part of chaotic oscillator circuit. The second method is also capable to design passive analog circuits. The method employs hybrid approach - UMDA for synthesis of the topology and local optimization method for determination of the parameters of the components. The third method is capable to design analog circuits which include also ac- tive components such as transistors. Hybrid approach is used. The topology is synthesized using EDA algorithm and the parameters are determined using a local optimization method. In the individuals of the population information about the topology is represented using graphs and hypergraphs.

    Multi-criteria Evolution of Neural Network Topologies: Balancing Experience and Performance in Autonomous Systems

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    Majority of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) implementations in autonomous systems use a fixed/user-prescribed network topology, leading to sub-optimal performance and low portability. The existing neuro-evolution of augmenting topology or NEAT paradigm offers a powerful alternative by allowing the network topology and the connection weights to be simultaneously optimized through an evolutionary process. However, most NEAT implementations allow the consideration of only a single objective. There also persists the question of how to tractably introduce topological diversification that mitigates overfitting to training scenarios. To address these gaps, this paper develops a multi-objective neuro-evolution algorithm. While adopting the basic elements of NEAT, important modifications are made to the selection, speciation, and mutation processes. With the backdrop of small-robot path-planning applications, an experience-gain criterion is derived to encapsulate the amount of diverse local environment encountered by the system. This criterion facilitates the evolution of genes that support exploration, thereby seeking to generalize from a smaller set of mission scenarios than possible with performance maximization alone. The effectiveness of the single-objective (optimizing performance) and the multi-objective (optimizing performance and experience-gain) neuro-evolution approaches are evaluated on two different small-robot cases, with ANNs obtained by the multi-objective optimization observed to provide superior performance in unseen scenarios

    Genetic algorithms with immigrants and memory schemes for dynamic shortest path routing problems in mobile ad hoc networks

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    This article is posted here with permission of IEEE - Copyright @ 2010 IEEEIn recent years, the static shortest path (SP) problem has been well addressed using intelligent optimization techniques, e.g., artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms (GAs), particle swarm optimization, etc. However, with the advancement in wireless communications, more and more mobile wireless networks appear, e.g., mobile networks [mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)], wireless sensor networks, etc. One of the most important characteristics in mobile wireless networks is the topology dynamics, i.e., the network topology changes over time due to energy conservation or node mobility. Therefore, the SP routing problem in MANETs turns out to be a dynamic optimization problem. In this paper, we propose to use GAs with immigrants and memory schemes to solve the dynamic SP routing problem in MANETs. We consider MANETs as target systems because they represent new-generation wireless networks. The experimental results show that these immigrants and memory-based GAs can quickly adapt to environmental changes (i.e., the network topology changes) and produce high-quality solutions after each change.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of U.K. underGrant EP/E060722/
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