13 research outputs found

    Naturally Rehearsing Passwords

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    We introduce quantitative usability and security models to guide the design of password management schemes --- systematic strategies to help users create and remember multiple passwords. In the same way that security proofs in cryptography are based on complexity-theoretic assumptions (e.g., hardness of factoring and discrete logarithm), we quantify usability by introducing usability assumptions. In particular, password management relies on assumptions about human memory, e.g., that a user who follows a particular rehearsal schedule will successfully maintain the corresponding memory. These assumptions are informed by research in cognitive science and validated through empirical studies. Given rehearsal requirements and a user's visitation schedule for each account, we use the total number of extra rehearsals that the user would have to do to remember all of his passwords as a measure of the usability of the password scheme. Our usability model leads us to a key observation: password reuse benefits users not only by reducing the number of passwords that the user has to memorize, but more importantly by increasing the natural rehearsal rate for each password. We also present a security model which accounts for the complexity of password management with multiple accounts and associated threats, including online, offline, and plaintext password leak attacks. Observing that current password management schemes are either insecure or unusable, we present Shared Cues--- a new scheme in which the underlying secret is strategically shared across accounts to ensure that most rehearsal requirements are satisfied naturally while simultaneously providing strong security. The construction uses the Chinese Remainder Theorem to achieve these competing goals

    Improving the Eco-system of Passwords

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    Password-based authentication is perhaps the most widely used method for user authentication. Passwords are both easy to understand and use, and easy to implement. With these advantages, password-based authentication is likely to stay as an important part of security in the foreseeable future. One major weakness of password-based authentication is that many users tend to choose weak passwords that are easy to guess. In this dissertation, we address the challenge and improve the eco-system of passwords in multiple aspects. Firstly, we provide methodologies that help password research. To be more specific, we propose Probability Threshold Graphs, which is superior to Guess Number Graphs when comparing password models and password datasets. We also introduce rich literature of statistical language modeling into password modeling and show that if used correctly, whole-string Markov models outperform Probabilistic Context Free Grammar models. Secondly, we improve password policies and practice used by websites by studying how to best check weak passwords. We model different password strength checking methods as Password Ranking Algorithms (PRAs), and introduce two methods for comparing different PRAs: the β-Residual Strength Graph and the Normalized β-Residual Strength Graph. Finally, we examine the security and usability of commonly suggested password generation strategies. We find that for mnemonic sentence-based strategies, differences in the exact instructions have a tremendous impact on the security level of the resulting passwords. For word-based strategies, security of the resulting passwords mainly depends on the number of words required, and requiring at least 3 words is likely to result in passwords stronger than the general passwords chosen by typical users

    Supporting users in password authentication with persuasive design

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    Activities like text-editing, watching movies, or managing personal finances are all accomplished with web-based solutions nowadays. The providers need to ensure security and privacy of user data. To that end, passwords are still the most common authentication method on the web. They are inexpensive and easy to implement. Users are largely accustomed to this kind of authentication but passwords represent a considerable nuisance, because they are tedious to create, remember, and maintain. In many cases, usability issues turn into security problems, because users try to work around the challenges and create easily predictable credentials. Often, they reuse their passwords for many purposes, which aggravates the risk of identity theft. There have been numerous attempts to remove the root of the problem and replace passwords, e.g., through biometrics. However, no other authentication strategy can fully replace them, so passwords will probably stay a go-to authentication method for the foreseeable future. Researchers and practitioners have thus aimed to improve users' situation in various ways. There are two main lines of research on helping users create both usable and secure passwords. On the one hand, password policies have a notable impact on password practices, because they enforce certain characteristics. However, enforcement reduces users' autonomy and often causes frustration if the requirements are poorly communicated or overly complex. On the other hand, user-centered designs have been proposed: Assistance and persuasion are typically more user-friendly but their influence is often limited. In this thesis, we explore potential reasons for the inefficacy of certain persuasion strategies. From the gained knowledge, we derive novel persuasive design elements to support users in password authentication. The exploration of contextual factors in password practices is based on four projects that reveal both psychological aspects and real-world constraints. Here, we investigate how mental models of password strength and password managers can provide important pointers towards the design of persuasive interventions. Moreover, the associations between personality traits and password practices are evaluated in three user studies. A meticulous audit of real-world password policies shows the constraints for selection and reuse practices. Based on the review of context factors, we then extend the design space of persuasive password support with three projects. We first depict the explicit and implicit user needs in password support. Second, we craft and evaluate a choice architecture that illustrates how a phenomenon from marketing psychology can provide new insights into the design of nudging strategies. Third, we tried to empower users to create memorable passwords with emojis. The results show the challenges and potentials of emoji-passwords on different platforms. Finally, the thesis presents a framework for the persuasive design of password support. It aims to structure the required activities during the entire process. This enables researchers and practitioners to craft novel systems that go beyond traditional paradigms, which is illustrated by a design exercise.Heutzutage ist es möglich, mit web-basierten Lösungen Texte zu editieren, Filme anzusehen, oder seine persönlichen Finanzen zu verwalten. Die Anbieter müssen hierbei Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit von Nutzerdaten sicherstellen. Dazu sind Passwörter weiterhin die geläufigste Authentifizierungsmethode im Internet. Sie sind kostengünstig und einfach zu implementieren. NutzerInnen sind bereits im Umgang mit diesem Verfahren vertraut jedoch stellen Passwörter ein beträchtliches Ärgernis dar, weil sie mühsam zu erstellen, einzuprägen, und verwalten sind. Oft werden Usabilityfragen zu Sicherheitsproblemen, weil NutzerInnen Herausforderungen umschiffen und sich einfach zu erratende Zugangsdaten ausdenken. Daneben verwenden sie Passwörter für viele Zwecke wieder, was das Risiko eines Identitätsdiebstals weiter erhöht. Es gibt zahlreiche Versuche die Wurzel des Problems zu beseitigen und Passwörter zu ersetzen, z.B. mit Biometrie. Jedoch kann bisher kein anderes Verfahren sie vollkommen ersetzen, so dass Passwörter wohl für absehbare Zeit die Hauptauthentifizierungsmethode bleiben werden. ExpertInnen aus Forschung und Industrie haben sich deshalb zum Ziel gefasst, die Situation der NutzerInnen auf verschiedene Wege zu verbessern. Es existieren zwei Forschungsstränge darüber wie man NutzerInnen bei der Erstellung von sicheren und benutzbaren Passwörtern helfen kann. Auf der einen Seite haben Regeln bei der Passworterstellung deutliche Auswirkungen auf Passwortpraktiken, weil sie bestimmte Charakteristiken durchsetzen. Jedoch reduziert diese Durchsetzung die Autonomie der NutzerInnen und verursacht Frustration, wenn die Anforderungen schlecht kommuniziert oder übermäßig komplex sind. Auf der anderen Seite stehen nutzerzentrierte Designs: Hilfestellung und Überzeugungsarbeit sind typischerweise nutzerfreundlicher wobei ihr Einfluss begrenzt ist. In dieser Arbeit erkunden wir die potenziellen Gründe für die Ineffektivität bestimmter Überzeugungsstrategien. Von dem hierbei gewonnenen Wissen leiten wir neue persuasive Designelemente für Hilfestellung bei der Passwortauthentifizierung ab. Die Exploration von Kontextfaktoren im Umgang mit Passwörtern basiert auf vier Projekten, die sowohl psychologische Aspekte als auch Einschränkungen in der Praxis aufdecken. Hierbei untersuchen wir inwiefern Mental Modelle von Passwortstärke und -managern wichtige Hinweise auf das Design von persuasiven Interventionen liefern. Darüber hinaus werden die Zusammenhänge zwischen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und Passwortpraktiken in drei Nutzerstudien untersucht. Eine gründliche Überprüfung von Passwortregeln in der Praxis zeigt die Einschränkungen für Passwortselektion und -wiederverwendung. Basierend auf der Durchleuchtung der Kontextfaktoren erweitern wir hierauf den Design-Raum von persuasiver Passworthilfestellung mit drei Projekten. Zuerst schildern wir die expliziten und impliziten Bedürfnisse in punkto Hilfestellung. Daraufhin erstellen und evaluieren wir eine Entscheidungsarchitektur, welche veranschaulicht wie ein Phänomen aus der Marketingpsychologie neue Einsichten in das Design von Nudging-Strategien liefern kann. Im Schlussgang versuchen wir NutzerInnen dabei zu stärken, gut merkbare Passwörter mit Hilfe von Emojis zu erstellen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Herausforderungen und Potenziale von Emoji-Passwörtern auf verschiedenen Plattformen. Zuletzt präsentiert diese Arbeit ein Rahmenkonzept für das persuasive Design von Passworthilfestellungen. Es soll die benötigten Aktivitäten während des gesamten Prozesses strukturieren. Dies erlaubt ExpertInnen neuartige Systeme zu entwickeln, die über traditionelle Ansätze hinausgehen, was durch eine Designstudie veranschaulicht wird

    Secure and Usable User Authentication

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    Authentication is a ubiquitous task in users\u27 daily lives. The dominant form of user authentication are text passwords. They protect private accounts like online banking, gaming, and email, but also assets in organisations. Yet, many issues are associated with text passwords, leading to challenges faced by both, users and organisations. This thesis contributes to the body of research enabling secure and usable user authentication, benefiting both, users and organisations. To that end, it addresses three distinct challenges. The first challenge addressed in this thesis is the creation of correct, complete, understandable, and effective password security awareness materials. To this end, a systematic process for the creation of awareness materials was developed and applied to create a password security awareness material. This process comprises four steps. First, relevant content for an initial version is aggregated (i.e. descriptions of attacks on passwords and user accounts, descriptions of defences to these attacks, and common misconceptions about password and user account security). Then, feedback from information security experts is gathered to ensure the correctness and completeness of the awareness material. Thereafter, feedback from lay-users is gathered to ensure the understandability of the awareness material. Finally, a formal evaluation of the awareness material is conducted to ensure its effectiveness (i.e. whether the material improves participant\u27s ability to assess the security of passwords as well as password-related behaviour and decreases the prevalence of common misconceptions about password and user account security). The results of the evaluation show the effectiveness of the awareness material: it significantly improved the participants\u27 ability to assess the security of password-related behaviour as well as passwords and significantly decreased the prevalence of misconceptions about password and user account security. The second challenge addressed in this thesis is shoulder-surfing resistant text password entry with gamepads (as an example of very constrained input devices) in shared spaces. To this end, the very first investigation of text password entry with gamepads is conducted. First, the requirements of authentication in the gamepad context are described. Then, these requirements are applied to assess schemes already deployed in the gamepad context and shoulder-surfing resistant authentication schemes from the literature proposed for non-gamepad contexts. The results of this assessment show that none of the currently deployed and only four of the proposals in the literature fulfil all requirements. Furthermore, the results of the assessment also indicate a need for an empirical evaluation in order to exactly gauge the shoulder-surfing threat in the gamepad context and compare alternatives to the incumbent on-screen keyboard. Based on these results, two user studies (one online study and one lab study) are conducted to investigate the shoulder-surfing resistance and usability of three authentication schemes in the gamepad context: the on-screen keyboard (as de-facto standard in this context), the grid-based scheme (an existing proposal from the literature identified as the most viable candidate adaptable to the gamepad context during the assessment), and Colorwheels (a novel shoulder-surfing resistant authentication scheme specifically designed for the gamepad context). The results of these two user studies show that on-screen keyboards are highly susceptible to opportunistic shoulder-surfing, but also show the most favourable usability properties among the three schemes. Colorwheels offers the most robust shoulder-surfing resistance and scores highest with respect to participants\u27 intention to use it in the future, while showing more favourable usability results than the grid-based scheme. The third challenge addressed in this thesis is secure and efficient storage of passwords in portfolio authentication schemes. Portfolio authentication is used to counter capture attacks such as shoulder-surfing or eavesdropping on network traffic. While usability studies of portfolio authentication schemes showed promising results, a verification scheme which allows secure and efficient storage of the portfolio authentication secret had been missing until now. To remedy this problem, the (t,n)-threshold verification scheme is proposed. It is based on secret sharing and key derivation functions. The security as well as the efficiency properties of two variants of the scheme (one based on Blakley secret sharing and one based on Shamir secret sharing) are evaluated against each other and against a naive approach. These evaluations show that the two (t,n)-threshold verification scheme variants always exhibit more favourable properties than the naive approach and that when deciding between the two variants, the exact application scenario must be considered. Three use cases illustrate as exemplary application scenarios the versatility of the proposed (t,n)-threshold verification scheme. By addressing the aforementioned three distinct challenges, this thesis demonstrates the breadth of the field of usable and secure user authentication ranging from awareness materials, to the assessment and evaluation of authentication schemes, to applying cryptography to craft secure password storage solutions. The research processes, results, and insights described in this thesis represent important and meaningful contributions to the state of the art in the research on usable and secure user authentication, offering benefits for users, organisations, and researchers alike

    Passwords and the evolution of imperfect authentication

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    Theory on passwords has lagged practice, where large providers use back-end smarts to survive with imperfect technology.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACM via http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/269939

    Users’ perceptions regarding password policies

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    Information is considered a valuable asset to most organisations and is often exposed to various threats which exploit its confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA). Identification and Authentication are commonly used to help ensure the CIA of information. This research study specifically focused on password-based authentication. Passwords are used to log into personal computers, company computers, email accounts, bank accounts and various software systems and mobile applications. Passwords act like a protective barrier between a user and their personal and company information, and remain the most cost-effective and most efficient method to control access to computer systems. An extensive content analysis was conducted regarding the security of passwords, as well as users’ password management coping strategies. It was determined that very little research has been conducted in relation to users’ perceptions towards password policies. The problem identified by this research is that organisations often implement password policy guidelines without taking into consideration users’ perceptions regarding such guidelines. This could result in users adopting various password management coping strategies. This research therefore aimed to determine users’ perceptions with regard to current password-related standards and best practices (password policy guidelines). Standards and best practices such as ISO/IEC 27002 (2013), NIST SP 800-118 (2009), NIST SP 800-63-2 (2013), NIST SP 800-63B (2016) and the SANS Password Protection Policy (2014b) were studied in order to determine the common elements of password policies. This research argued that before organisations implement password policy guidelines, they need to determine users’ perceptions towards such guidelines. It was identified that certain human factors such as human memory, attitude and apathy often cause users to adopt insecure coping strategies such as Reusing Passwords, Writing Down Passwords and Not Changing Passwords. This research included a survey which took the form of a questionnaire. The aim of the survey was to determine users’ perceptions towards common elements of password policies and to determine the coping strategies users commonly adopt. The survey included questions related to the new NIST SP 800-63B (2016) that sought to determine users’ perceptions towards these new NIST password policy iii guidelines. Findings from the survey indicated that respondents found the new NIST guidelines to be helpful, secure and easier to adhere to. Finally, recommendations regarding password policies were presented based on the common elements of password policies and users’ perceptions of the new NIST password guidelines. These recommendations could help policy makers in the implementation of new password policies or the revision of current password policies

    Access Control In and For the Real World

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    Access control is a core component of any information-security strategy. Researchers have spent tremendous energy over the past forty years defining abstract access-control models and proving various properties about them. However, surprisingly little attention has been paid to how well these models work in real socio-technical systems (i.e., real human organizations). This dissertation describes the results of two qualitative studies (involving 52 participants from four companies, drawn from the financial, software, and healthcare sectors) and observes that the current practice of access control is dysfunctional at best. It diagnoses the broken assumptions that are at the heart of this dysfunction, and offers a new definition of the access-control problem that is grounded in the requirements and limitations of the real world

    Building trust around password managers

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    Passwords are considered to be the first line of defence in protecting online accounts and data. However, there are problems when people handle their own passwords such as password reuse and difficulty to memorize. Password managers appear to be a promising solution to help people handle their own passwords, but there is a low adoption of password managers even though they are widely available. Therefore, the issues that cause people not to use password managers must be investigated and, more generally, what users think about password managers in terms of usability and trust, and the user interfaces of password managers. In this thesis, I conducted the following three studies: (1) an evaluation of the user interface and usability of three password managers using Nielsen’s heuristics; (2) a user study about the usability of and user trust in password managers; and (3) an online questionnaire about users and non-users of password managers. The findings show that usability is only a minor issue for non-users while lack of trust is the main reason for not using password managers. Users of password managers have trust issues and security concerns with password managers. Also, cloud password managers offer useful features but there is a need to improve specific aspects, such as computer jargon and difficulty in account recovery. So, in order to enhance trust and bridge the gap between people and password managers, I built and implemented a multi-platform prototype, which can be accessible from all popular web browsers on different devices, to improve transparency and control in iv password managers. I conducted two user studies to evaluate it and the results show that improving transparency in password managers leads to a better understanding of the system and enhances trust in password managers

    Authentication Aura: A cooperative and distributed approach to user authentication on mobile devices

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    As information technology pervades our lives we have increasingly come to rely on these evermore sophisticated and ubiquitous items of equipment. Portability and the desire to be connected around the clock has driven the rapid growth in adoption of mobile devices that enable us to talk, message, tweet and inform at will, whilst providing a means to shop and administer bank accounts. These high value, high risk, desirable devices are increasingly the target of theft and improvement in their protection is actively sought by Governments and security agencies. Although forms of security are in place they are compromised by human reluctance and inability to administer them effectively. With typical users operating across multiple devices, including traditional desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones, they can regularly find themselves having a variety of devices open concurrently. Even if the most basic security is in place, there is a resultant need to repeatedly authenticate, representing a potential source of hindrance and frustration. This thesis explores the need for a novel approach to user authentication, which will reduce the authentication burden whilst providing a secure yet adaptive security mechanism; a so called Authentication Aura. It proposes that the latent security potential contained in surrounding devices and possessions in everyday life can be leveraged to augment security, and provides a framework for a distributed and cooperative approach. An experiment was performed to ascertain the technological infrastructure, devices and inert objects that surround individuals throughout the day. Using twenty volunteers, over a fourteen-day period a dataset of 1.57 million recorded observations was gathered, which confirmed that between 6am and 12pm a significant device or possession is in near proximity 97.84% of the time. Using the data provided by the experiment as the basis for a simulation of the framework, it suggests a reduction of up to 80.36% in the daily number of required authentications for a user operating a device once every 30 minutes, with a 10 minute screen lock in place. Examining the influence of location alone indicated a reduction of 50.74% in user interventions lowering the average from 32 to 15.76, the addition of the surroundings reducing this further to 13.00. The analysis also investigated how a user’s own authentication status could be used to negate the need to repeatedly manually authenticate and it was found that it delayed the process for up to 90 minutes for an individual user. Ultimately, it confirms that during device activation it is possible to remove the need to authenticate with the Authentication Aura providing sufficient assurance.Orange/France Teleco

    Verificaciónn de firma y gráficos manuscritos: Características discriminantes y nuevos escenarios de aplicación biométrica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: Febrero 2015The proliferation of handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets brings a new scenario for biometric authentication, and in particular to automatic signature verification. Research on signature verification has been traditionally carried out using signatures acquired on digitizing tablets or Tablet-PCs. This PhD Thesis addresses the problem of user authentication on handled devices using handwritten signatures and graphical passwords based on free-form doodles, as well as the effects of biometric aging on signatures. The Thesis pretends to analyze: (i) which are the effects of mobile conditions on signature and doodle verification, (ii) which are the most distinctive features in mobile conditions, extracted from the pen or fingertip trajectory, (iii) how do different similarity computation (i.e. matching) algorithms behave with signatures and graphical passwords captured on mobile conditions, and (iv) what is the impact of aging on signature features and verification performance. Two novel datasets have been presented in this Thesis. A database containing free-form graphical passwords drawn with the fingertip on a smartphone is described. It is the first publicly available graphical password database to the extent of our knowledge. A dataset containing signatures from users captured over a period 15 months is also presented, aimed towards the study of biometric aging. State-of-the-art local and global matching algorithms are used, namely Hidden Markov Models, Gaussian Mixture Models, Dynamic Time Warping and distance-based classifiers. A large proportion of features presented in the research literature is considered in this Thesis. The experimental contribution of this Thesis is divided in three main topics: signature verification on handheld devices, the effects of aging on signature verification, and free-form graphical password-based authentication. First, regarding signature verification in mobile conditions, we use a database captured both on a handheld device and digitizing tablet in an office-like scenario. We analyze the discriminative power of both global and local features using discriminant analysis and feature selection techniques. The effects of the lack of pen-up trajectories on handheld devices (when the stylus tip is not in contact with the screen) are also studied. We then analyze the effects of biometric aging on the signature trait. Using three different matching algorithms, Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), and distance-based classifiers, the impact in verification performance is studied. We also study the effects of aging on individual users and individual signature features. Template update techniques are analyzed as a way of mitigating the negative impact of aging. Regarding graphical passwords, the DooDB graphical password database is first presented. A statistical analysis is performed comparing the database samples (free-form doodles and simplified signatures) with handwritten signatures. The sample variability (inter-user, intra-user and inter-session) is also analyzed, as well as the learning curve for each kind of trait. Benchmark results are also reported using state of the art classifiers. Graphical password verification is afterwards studied using features and matching algorithms from the signature verification state of the art. Feature selection is also performed and the resulting feature sets are analyzed. The main contributions of this work can be summarized as follows. A thorough analysis of individual feature performance has been carried out, both for global and local features and on signatures acquired using pen tablets and handheld devices. We have found which individual features are the most robust and which have very low discriminative potential (pen inclination and pressure among others). It has been found that feature selection increases verification performance dramatically, from example from ERRs (Equal Error Rates) over 30% using all available local features, in the case of handheld devices and skilled forgeries, to rates below 20% after feature selection. We study the impact of the lack of trajectory information when the pen tip is not in contact with the acquisition device surface (which happens when touchscreens are used for signature acquisitions), and we have found that the lack of pen-up trajectories negatively affects verification performance. As an example, the EER for the local system increases from 9.3% to 12.1% against skilled forgeries when pen-up trajectories are not available. We study the effects of biometric aging on signature verification and study a number of ways to compensate the observed performance degradation. It is found that aging does not affect equally all the users in the database and that features related to signature dynamics are more degraded than static features. Comparing the performance using test signatures from the first months with the last months, a variable effect of aging on the EER against random forgeries is observed in the three systems that are evaluated, from 0.0% to 0.5% in the DTW system, from 1.0% to 5.0% in the distance-based system using global features, and from 3.2% to 27.8% in the HMM system. A new graphical password database has been acquired and made publicly available. Verification algorithms for finger-drawn graphical passwords and simplified signatures are compared and feature analysis is performed. We have found that inter-session variability has a highly negative impact on verification performance, but this can be mitigated performing feature selection and applying fusion of different matchers. It has also been found that some feature types are prevalent in the optimal feature vectors and that classifiers have a very different behavior against skilled and random forgeries. An EER of 3.4% and 22.1% against random and skilled forgeries is obtained for free-form doodles, which is a promising performance