6 research outputs found

    Diverse Intrusion-tolerant Systems

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    Over the past 20 years, there have been indisputable advances on the development of Byzantine Fault-Tolerant (BFT) replicated systems. These systems keep operational safety as long as at most f out of n replicas fail simultaneously. Therefore, in order to maintain correctness it is assumed that replicas do not suffer from common mode failures, or in other words that replicas fail independently. In an adversarial setting, this requires that replicas do not include similar vulnerabilities, or otherwise a single exploit could be employed to compromise a significant part of the system. The thesis investigates how this assumption can be substantiated in practice by exploring diversity when managing the configurations of replicas. The thesis begins with an analysis of a large dataset of vulnerability information to get evidence that diversity can contribute to failure independence. In particular, we used the data from a vulnerability database to devise strategies for building groups of n replicas with different Operating Systems (OS). Our results demonstrate that it is possible to create dependable configurations of OSes, which do not share vulnerabilities over reasonable periods of time (i.e., a few years). Then, the thesis proposes a new design for a firewall-like service that protects and regulates the access to critical systems, and that could benefit from our diversity management approach. The solution provides fault and intrusion tolerance by implementing an architecture based on two filtering layers, enabling efficient removal of invalid messages at early stages in order to decrease the costs associated with BFT replication in the later stages. The thesis also presents a novel solution for managing diverse replicas. It collects and processes data from several data sources to continuously compute a risk metric. Once the risk increases, the solution replaces a potentially vulnerable replica by another one, trying to maximize the failure independence of the replicated service. Then, the replaced replica is put on quarantine and updated with the available patches, to be prepared for later re-use. We devised various experiments that show the dependability gains and performance impact of our prototype, including key benchmarks and three BFT applications (a key-value store, our firewall-like service, and a blockchain).Unidade de investigação LASIGE (UID/CEC/00408/2019) e o projeto PTDC/EEI-SCR/1741/2041 (Abyss

    Effective testing for concurrency bugs

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    In the current multi-core era, concurrency bugs are a serious threat to software reliability. As hardware becomes more parallel, concurrent programming will become increasingly pervasive. However, correct concurrent programming is known to be extremely challenging for developers and can easily lead to the introduction of concurrency bugs. This dissertation addresses this challenge by proposing novel techniques to help developers expose and detect concurrency bugs. We conducted a bug study to better understand the external and internal effects of real-world concurrency bugs. Our study revealed that a significant fraction of concurrency bugs qualify as semantic or latent bugs, which are two particularly challenging classes of concurrency bugs. Based on the insights from the study, we propose a concurrency bug detector, PIKE that analyzes the behavior of program executions to infer whether concurrency bugs have been triggered during a concurrent execution. In addition, we present the design of a testing tool, SKI, that allows developers to test operating system kernels for concurrency bugs in a practical manner. SKI bridges the gap between user-mode testing and kernel-mode testing by enabling the systematic exploration of the kernel thread interleaving space. Our evaluation shows that both PIKE and SKI are effective at finding concurrency bugs.Im gegenwärtigen Multicore-Zeitalter sind Fehler aufgrund von Nebenläufigkeit eine ernsthafte Bedrohung der Zuverlässigkeit von Software. Mit der wachsenden Parallelisierung von Hardware wird nebenläufiges Programmieren nach und nach allgegenwärtig. Diese Art von Programmieren ist jedoch als äußerst schwierig bekannt und kann leicht zu Programmierfehlern führen. Die vorliegende Dissertation nimmt sich dieser Herausforderung an indem sie neuartige Techniken vorschlägt, die Entwicklern beim Aufdecken von Nebenläufigkeitsfehlern helfen. Wir führen eine Studie von Fehlern durch, um die externen und internen Effekte von in der Praxis vorkommenden Nebenläufigkeitsfehlern besser zu verstehen. Diese ergibt, dass ein bedeutender Anteil von solchen Fehlern als semantisch bzw. latent zu charakterisieren ist -- zwei besonders herausfordernde Klassen von Nebenläufigkeitsfehlern. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen der Studie entwickeln wir einen Detektor (PIKE), der Programmausführungen daraufhin analysiert, ob Nebenläufigkeitsfehler aufgetreten sind. Weiterhin präsentieren wir das Design eines Testtools (SKI), das es Entwicklern ermöglicht, Betriebssystemkerne praktikabel auf Nebenläufigkeitsfehler zu überprüfen. SKI füllt die Lücke zwischen Testen im Benutzermodus und Testen im Kernelmodus, indem es die systematische Erkundung der Kernel-Thread-Verschachtelungen erlaubt. Unsere Auswertung zeigt, dass sowohl PIKE als auch SKI effektiv Nebenläufigkeitsfehler finden

    Autonomous storage management for low-end computing environments

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    To make storage management transparent to users, enterprises rely on expensive storage infrastructure, such as high end storage appliances, tape robots, and offsite storage facilities, maintained by full-time professional system administrators. From the user's perspective access to data is seamless regardless of location, backup requires no periodic, manual action by the user, and help is available to recover from storage problems. The equipment and administrators protect users from the loss of data due to failures, such as device crashes, user errors, or virii, as well as being inconvenienced by the unavailability of critical files. Home users and small businesses must manage increasing amounts of important data distributed among an increasing number of storage devices. At the same time, expert system administration and specialized backup hardware are rarely available in these environments, due to their high cost. Users must make do with error-prone, manual, and time-consuming ad hoc solutions, such as periodically copying data to an external hard drive. Non-technical users are likely to make mistakes, which could result in the loss of a critical piece of data, such as a tax return, customer database, or an irreplaceable digital photograph. In this thesis, we show how to provide transparent storage management for home and small business users We introduce two new systems: The first, PodBase, transparently ensures availability and durability for mobile, personal devices that are mostly disconnected. The second, SLStore, provides enterprise-level data safety (e.g. protection from user error, software faults, or virus infection) without requiring expert administration or expensive hardware. Experimental results show that both systems are feasible, perform well, require minimal user attention, and do not depend on expert administration during disaster-free operation. PodBase relieves home users of many of the burdens of managing data on their personal devices. In the home environment, users typically have a large number of personal devices, many of them mobile devices, each of which contain storage, and which connect to each other intermittently. Each of these devices contain data that must be made durable, and available on other storage devices. Ensuring durability and availability is difficult and tiresome for non-expert users, as they must keep track of what data is stored on which devices. PodBase transparently ensures the durability of data despite the loss or failure of a subset of devices; at the same time, PodBase aims to make data available on all the devices appropriate for a given data type. PodBase takes advantage of storage resources and network bandwidth between devices that typically goes unused. The system uses an adaptive replication algorithm, which makes replication transparent to the user, even when complex replication strategies are necessary. Results from a prototype deployment in a small community of users show that PodBase can ensure the durability and availability of data stored on personal devices under a wide range of conditions with minimal user attention. Our second system, SLStore, brings enterprise-level data protection to home office and small business computing. It ensures that data can be recovered despite incidents like accidental data deletion, data corruption resulting from software errors or security breaches, or even catastrophic storage failure. However, unlike enterprise solutions, SLStore does riot require professional system administrators, expensive backup hard- ware, or routine, manual actions on the part of the user. The system relies on storage leases, which ensure that data cannot be overwritten for a pre-determined period, and an adaptive storage management layer which automatically adapts the level of backup to the storage available. We show that this system is both practical, reliable and easy to manage, even in the presence of hardware and software faults