22 research outputs found

    The effects of separate and merged indexes and word normalization in multilingual CLIR

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    Multilingual IR may be performed in two environments: there may exist a separate index for each target language, or all the languages may be indexed in a merged index. In the first case, retrieval must be performed separately in each index, after which the result lists have to be merged. In the case of the merged index, there are two alternatives: either to perform retrieval with a merged query (all the languages in the same query), or to perform distinct retrievals in each language, and merge the result lists. Further, there are several indexing approaches concerning word normalization. The present paper examines the impact of stemming compared with inflected retrieval in multilingual IR when there are separate indexes / a merged index. Four different result list merging approaches are compared with each other. The best result was achieved when retrieval was performed in separate indexes and result lists were merged. Stemming seems to improve the results compared with inflected retrieval

    The effects of separate and merged indexes and word normalization in multilingual CLIR

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    Multilingual IR may be performed in two environments: there may exist a separate index for each target language, or all the languages may be indexed in a merged index. In the first case, retrieval must be performed separately in each index, after which the result lists have to be merged. In the case of the merged index, there are two alternatives: either to perform retrieval with a merged query (all the languages in the same query), or to perform distinct retrievals in each language, and merge the result lists. Further, there are several indexing approaches concerning word normalization. The present paper examines the impact of stemming compared with inflected retrieval in multilingual IR when there are separate indexes / a merged index. Four different result list merging approaches are compared with each other. The best result was achieved when retrieval was performed in separate indexes and result lists were merged. Stemming seems to improve the results compared with inflected retrieval

    Information retrieval on turkish texts

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    In this study, we investigate information retrieval (IR) on Turkish texts using a large-scale test collection that contains 408,305 documents and 72 ad hoc queries. We examine the effects of several stemming options and query-document matching functions on retrieval performance. We show that a simple word truncation approach, a word truncation approach that uses language-dependent corpus statistics, and an elaborate lemmatizer-based stemmer provide similar retrieval effectiveness in Turkish IR. We investigate the effects of a range of search conditions on the retrieval performance; these include scalability issues, query and document length effects, and the use of stop-word list in indexing. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Luonnollisen kielen käsittelyn menetelmät sanojen samankaltaisuuden mittaamisessa

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    An artificial intelligence application considered in this thesis was harnessed to extract competencies from job descriptions and higher education curricula written in natural language. Using these extracted competencies, the application is able to visualize the skills supply of the schools and the skills demand of the labor market. However, to understand natural language, computer must learn to evaluate the relatedness between words. The aim of the thesis is to propose the best methods for open text data mining and measuring the semantic similarity and relatedness between words. Different words can have similar meanings in natural language. The computer can learn the relatedness between words mainly by two different methods. We can construct an ontology from the studied domain, which models the concepts of the domain as well as the relations between them. The ontology can be considered as a directed graph. The nodes are the concepts of the domain and the edges between the nodes describe their relations. The semantic similarity between the concepts can be computed based on the distance and the strength of the relations between them. The other way to measure the word relatedness is based on statistical language models. The model learns the similarity between words relying on their probability distribution in large corpora. The words appearing in similar contexts, i.e., surrounded by similar words, tend to have similar meanings. The words are often represented as continuous distributed word vectors, each dimension representing some feature of the word. The feature can be either semantic, syntactic or morphological. However, the feature is latent, and usually not under understandable to a human. If the angle between the word vectors in the feature space is small, the words share same features and hence are similar. The study was conducted by reviewing available literature and implementing a web scraper for retrieving open text data from the web. The scraped data was fed into the AI application, which extracted the skills from the data and visualized the result in semantic maps

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018 : 10-12 December 2018, Torino

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Text–to–Video: Image Semantics and NLP

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    When aiming at automatically translating an arbitrary text into a visual story, the main challenge consists in finding a semantically close visual representation whereby the displayed meaning should remain the same as in the given text. Besides, the appearance of an image itself largely influences how its meaningful information is transported towards an observer. This thesis now demonstrates that investigating in both, image semantics as well as the semantic relatedness between visual and textual sources enables us to tackle the challenging semantic gap and to find a semantically close translation from natural language to a corresponding visual representation. Within the last years, social networking became of high interest leading to an enormous and still increasing amount of online available data. Photo sharing sites like Flickr allow users to associate textual information with their uploaded imagery. Thus, this thesis exploits this huge knowledge source of user generated data providing initial links between images and words, and other meaningful data. In order to approach visual semantics, this work presents various methods to analyze the visual structure as well as the appearance of images in terms of meaningful similarities, aesthetic appeal, and emotional effect towards an observer. In detail, our GPU-based approach efficiently finds visual similarities between images in large datasets across visual domains and identifies various meanings for ambiguous words exploring similarity in online search results. Further, we investigate in the highly subjective aesthetic appeal of images and make use of deep learning to directly learn aesthetic rankings from a broad diversity of user reactions in social online behavior. To gain even deeper insights into the influence of visual appearance towards an observer, we explore how simple image processing is capable of actually changing the emotional perception and derive a simple but effective image filter. To identify meaningful connections between written text and visual representations, we employ methods from Natural Language Processing (NLP). Extensive textual processing allows us to create semantically relevant illustrations for simple text elements as well as complete storylines. More precisely, we present an approach that resolves dependencies in textual descriptions to arrange 3D models correctly. Further, we develop a method that finds semantically relevant illustrations to texts of different types based on a novel hierarchical querying algorithm. Finally, we present an optimization based framework that is capable of not only generating semantically relevant but also visually coherent picture stories in different styles.Bei der automatischen Umwandlung eines beliebigen Textes in eine visuelle Geschichte, besteht die größte Herausforderung darin eine semantisch passende visuelle Darstellung zu finden. Dabei sollte die Bedeutung der Darstellung dem vorgegebenen Text entsprechen. Darüber hinaus hat die Erscheinung eines Bildes einen großen Einfluß darauf, wie seine bedeutungsvollen Inhalte auf einen Betrachter übertragen werden. Diese Dissertation zeigt, dass die Erforschung sowohl der Bildsemantik als auch der semantischen Verbindung zwischen visuellen und textuellen Quellen es ermöglicht, die anspruchsvolle semantische Lücke zu schließen und eine semantisch nahe Übersetzung von natürlicher Sprache in eine entsprechend sinngemäße visuelle Darstellung zu finden. Des Weiteren gewann die soziale Vernetzung in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung, was zu einer enormen und immer noch wachsenden Menge an online verfügbaren Daten geführt hat. Foto-Sharing-Websites wie Flickr ermöglichen es Benutzern, Textinformationen mit ihren hochgeladenen Bildern zu verknüpfen. Die vorliegende Arbeit nutzt die enorme Wissensquelle von benutzergenerierten Daten welche erste Verbindungen zwischen Bildern und Wörtern sowie anderen aussagekräftigen Daten zur Verfügung stellt. Zur Erforschung der visuellen Semantik stellt diese Arbeit unterschiedliche Methoden vor, um die visuelle Struktur sowie die Wirkung von Bildern in Bezug auf bedeutungsvolle Ähnlichkeiten, ästhetische Erscheinung und emotionalem Einfluss auf einen Beobachter zu analysieren. Genauer gesagt, findet unser GPU-basierter Ansatz effizient visuelle Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Bildern in großen Datenmengen quer über visuelle Domänen hinweg und identifiziert verschiedene Bedeutungen für mehrdeutige Wörter durch die Erforschung von Ähnlichkeiten in Online-Suchergebnissen. Des Weiteren wird die höchst subjektive ästhetische Anziehungskraft von Bildern untersucht und "deep learning" genutzt, um direkt ästhetische Einordnungen aus einer breiten Vielfalt von Benutzerreaktionen im sozialen Online-Verhalten zu lernen. Um noch tiefere Erkenntnisse über den Einfluss des visuellen Erscheinungsbildes auf einen Betrachter zu gewinnen, wird erforscht, wie alleinig einfache Bildverarbeitung in der Lage ist, tatsächlich die emotionale Wahrnehmung zu verändern und ein einfacher aber wirkungsvoller Bildfilter davon abgeleitet werden kann. Um bedeutungserhaltende Verbindungen zwischen geschriebenem Text und visueller Darstellung zu ermitteln, werden Methoden des "Natural Language Processing (NLP)" verwendet, die der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache dienen. Der Einsatz umfangreicher Textverarbeitung ermöglicht es, semantisch relevante Illustrationen für einfache Textteile sowie für komplette Handlungsstränge zu erzeugen. Im Detail wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der Abhängigkeiten in Textbeschreibungen auflöst, um 3D-Modelle korrekt anzuordnen. Des Weiteren wird eine Methode entwickelt die, basierend auf einem neuen hierarchischen Such-Anfrage Algorithmus, semantisch relevante Illustrationen zu Texten verschiedener Art findet. Schließlich wird ein optimierungsbasiertes Framework vorgestellt, das nicht nur semantisch relevante, sondern auch visuell kohärente Bildgeschichten in verschiedenen Bildstilen erzeugen kann

    Proceedings of the Conference on Natural Language Processing 2010

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    This book contains state-of-the-art contributions to the 10th conference on Natural Language Processing, KONVENS 2010 (Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache), with a focus on semantic processing. The KONVENS in general aims at offering a broad perspective on current research and developments within the interdisciplinary field of natural language processing. The central theme draws specific attention towards addressing linguistic aspects ofmeaning, covering deep as well as shallow approaches to semantic processing. The contributions address both knowledgebased and data-driven methods for modelling and acquiring semantic information, and discuss the role of semantic information in applications of language technology. The articles demonstrate the importance of semantic processing, and present novel and creative approaches to natural language processing in general. Some contributions put their focus on developing and improving NLP systems for tasks like Named Entity Recognition or Word Sense Disambiguation, or focus on semantic knowledge acquisition and exploitation with respect to collaboratively built ressources, or harvesting semantic information in virtual games. Others are set within the context of real-world applications, such as Authoring Aids, Text Summarisation and Information Retrieval. The collection highlights the importance of semantic processing for different areas and applications in Natural Language Processing, and provides the reader with an overview of current research in this field