6 research outputs found

    Ekstraksi Fitur Produk dan Bug Potensial dari Data Opini Pengguna

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    Proses evolusi dan pemeliharaan ini dikenal sebagai proses yang memiliki biaya dan waktu tinggi. Maka dari itu sangat penting untuk dapat mengidentifikasi masalah yang ada pada perangkat lunak guna meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi proses. Salah satu sumber yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah data opini pengguna. Timbal balik yang diberikan oleh pengguna ini merepresentasikan keinginan pengguna dan dapat digunakan untuk membantu mengarahkan alokasi usaha pengembangan dan pemeliharaan perangkat lunak serta meningkatkan kualitas produk. Metode terbaru yang bisa dimanfaatkan adalah metode collocation finding. Akan tetapi, metode ini belum mampu menangkap fitur-fitur yang jarang disebutkan seperti pada opini pengguna yang termasuk saran fitur baru. Peningkatan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan aturan bahasa dalam mendapatkan fitur yang jarang disebutkan. Penelitian menganalisa pola linguistik yang umumnya terdapat pada data opini untuk mendapatkan aturan ekstraksi fitur. Selain itu juga ditambahkan proses pruning untuk menghilangkan hasil ekstraksi yang kurang relevan. Data yang digunakan merupakan data opini dari Application distribution platform atau app store. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode ini mampu meningkatkan nilai presisi dan recall dari metode collocation. Dengan pendekatan tersebut diharapkan rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih lengkap pada pengembang perangkat lunak. =============================================================================================== Evolution and maintenance process are known by the huge cost and slow implementation. It is important for developers to determine what features that should be improved and new features that should be built. For this purpose, developer can utilize user opinion data. Opinion provided by user represents user requirement and can be used to direct the allocation of development and maintenance effort as well as improving the quality of software. One of the most recent method that can be used is collocation finding. However, this method is not able to capture the features that are rarely mentioned as in the new feature suggestions. We built a model to improve the quality of product features extraction by utilizing the dependency rules. We analyzed common linguistic pattern of opinion data to construct the extraction rule. Beside that, we also perform pruning process to eliminate unrelevant result from the extraction process. We use data review from application distribution platform or app store. The result shows that the proposed method is better in recall and precision compared to collocation method itself. This approach is expected to provide more information for the developer

    Towards a first digital edition of the oldest surviving manuscript of St Augustine's De civitate Dei

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    This thesis describes the creation of a pilot digital edition of MS XXVIII(26), the oldest surviving manuscript of Saint Augustine’s (354-430 AD) monumental De civitate Dei (The City of God). Also known as Manuscript V[eronensis], MS XXVIII(26) dates back to the early fifth century AD and is housed in the chapter library of Verona, Italy. As contemporary to Saint Augustine himself, it is a particularly treasured object of study. This thesis reassesses extant research about this manuscript, collecting information about its disputed provenance, historical context, materiality, tradition, and conservation. In doing so, it investigates how the manuscript can be best reproduced as a digital edition by way of two surveys designed to better understand how digital editions are respectively being created and used. The survey devoted to the study of how digital editions are being built has become a publicly available digital resource in collaboration with the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The resource, known as the Catalogue of Digital Editions, aggregates and catalogues a large number of digital editions in an effort to delineate the field’s status quo and spawn new quantitative and qualitative research. The community survey devoted to the study of how digital editions are being used is one of the very few as well as the largest in the field yet. The over 200 responses received give detailed information regarding the expectations of digital editions provided by the Digital Humanities community and point to many areas for further improvement. A comparative analysis of the results from the two surveys suggests that while creators are aware of and adhere to standards of creation, much work remains to be done to address the needs of a diverse range of users. With this information, digital editors in the Digital Humanities can better shape future projects and thus contribute to the production of ever-useful digital cultural resources. This information is also guiding the creation of a pilot digital edition of MS XXVIII(26), which remains to be user-tested but serves as the first digital reproduction of the oldest surviving manuscript of Saint Augustine’s De civitate Dei. The research described in this thesis has led to the formulation of recommendations for those embarking on the creation of a digital edition. Specifically, creators are advised to get access to the original documents and to high resolution images, to provide transcriptions of the text in multiple formats so as to enable further research and data reuse in a variety of academic contexts, to provide detailed documentation of the editorial and technological components of the project, to make as much data available under open licences and, finally, to conduct, and report on, user studies of the digital edition

    Cross-border Investigative Journalism: a critical perspective

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    Focusing on power relationships in the context of Cross-Border Journalistic Investigations (CBIJ) this study takes into account a critical approach of the emerging field. The thesis differs from other accounts on CBIJ, be it from practitioners or academics. Although studies in global media have examined new frameworks and developments, as well as emerging new practices in global investigative journalism in a digitally networked society, this has usually come from a positivist view of strengthening democracy, with an added techno-euphoria. This research presents an analysis of the power relationships in CBIJ as well as its challenges in the global context. Going beyond the usual positive tech-determinist approach the thesis explores how journalistic practices in this field are shaped in two different CBIJ networks when their two major CBIJ projects overlap, through the study of data generated by participatory observation, autoethnography and archival research. The analysis is giving a special attention to both technology communication infrastructures and non-profit funding models and is showing power inequalities and limitations of CBIJ networks as well as implications of contemporary platform investigative journalism and their unintended consequences. As such, this study is providing the insight of an Eastern-European journalist, a long-time practitioner and CBIJ network facilitator, so the analytic focus on the backstages of managing access control in two major cross-border investigations enables another contribution. This thesis finds that CBIJ has been building up based on a (white male) elitist identity for investigative journalists, first in the US in the ’70s and then in Europe and beyond in the context of Post-Cold War globalisation. To add credibility to this identity, scientific techniques have been replicated in what was called 'precision journalism ' which later became data journalism and now has been used in the mega-leaks CBIJ projects. Such data-sets have been building up to such an extent that they create the authoritative source many journalists would like to have access to (i.e. Panama Papers or Football Leaks data). While shifting CBIJ to rely heavy on big data-sets (leaks) and expensive software and computing power (to process data and to share information securely across borders), statistical techniques do not reveal main stories and most of the data work is done by engineers to index and clean data and make it available for the easiest search operations possible (type and click). Because of this dependency, this research shows that today CBIJ networks incur high costs which, in the case of the largest CBIJ organisations, are not paid by media partners of such organisations but are subsidised by media assistance or philanthropy, both governmental and private. This double capture in the technology and non-profit realms gives an unusual strong leverage to the few financial donors and platforms owners, without any accountability, on influencing the CBIJ field at a global level. Contrary to the public claim, this thesis finds that investigative platforms can act as amplifying agents of national commercial (and non-profit) competitive interests at an international network level. Furthermore, journalists accepted as members of a given investigative platform work for free in the platform realm; such network technological infrastructures and the hosted data-sets are not co-owned (in some cases not even co-managed) by all participants in the network. Without decentralised technology design and without governance documents, such platform are totalitarian governance systems (surveillance and control build in) putting access control for collaborations in the hand of a few people. Thus modern CBIJ systems re-create the past pain points of commercial news industry, creating even less gatekeepers than before. I conclude that CBIJ network centralization of socio-tech access control, bankrolled by philanthropy, are building more walls and barriers contrary to current claims and past configurations. As such, the current combination of data journalism, network structures, non-profit and commercial models, and the contemporary 'precariat' indicates that cross-border investigative networks are in the data feudalism realm. Combined with the standardising of the field to be platform ready, CBIJ becomes also ready for its own colonisations. This research makes an original contribution to existing literature, especially in the global media studies, more specifically in journalism studies with a focus on collaborative journalistic practices from a political economy angle. Last but not least, I hope this thesis contributes to the de-Westernizing process of journalism studies

    Adventures in software engineering : plugging HCI & acessibility gaps with open source solutions

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    There has been a great deal of research undertaken in the field of Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI), input devices, and output modalities in recent years. From touch-based and voice control input mechanisms such as those found on modern smart-devices to the use of touch-free input through video-stream/image analysis (including depth streams and skeletal mapping) and the inclusion of gaze tracking, head tracking, virtual reality and beyond - the availability and variety of these I/O (Input/Output) mechanisms has increased tremendously and progressed both into our living rooms and into our lives in general. With regard to modern desktop computers and videogame consoles, at present many of these technologies are at a relatively immature stage of development - their use often limited to simple adjuncts to the staple input mechanisms of mouse, keyboard, or joystick / joypad inputs. In effect, we have these new input devices - but we're not quite sure how best to use them yet; that is, where their various strengths and weaknesses lie, and how or if they can be used to conveniently and reliably drive or augment applications in our everyday lives. In addition, much of this technology is provided by proprietary hardware and software, providing limited options for customisation or adaptation to better meet the needs of specific users. Therefore, this project investigated the development of open source software solutions to address various aspects of innovative user I/O in a flexible manner. Towards this end, a number of original software applications have been developed which incorporate functionality aimed at enhancing the current state of the art in these areas and making that software freely available for use by any who may find it beneficial.Doctor of Philosoph

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