7 research outputs found

    Timing-Synchronization Analysis for IEEE 802.11a Wireless LANs in Frequency-Nonselective Rician Fading Environments

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    This paper derives and computes the probability of synchronization failure Pfail for IEEE 802.11a wireless LANs on frequency-flat Rician fading channels. For a frequency offset within ±232 kHz, it is shown that its effect on the synchronization performance is minor. The Eds/N 0 ratios required to achieve Pfail = 10-3 and 10-4 are computed, where Eds is the data-symbol energy. We find that Eds/N0 ratios over 20 dB are generally required for channels with Rician factors K ≤ 6 dB. In particular, E ds/N0 ratios that yield Pfail = 10-4 exceed 30 dB for K ≤ 4 dB.published_or_final_versio

    A Robust and Low-Complexity Timing Synchronization Algorithm for ADSRC System

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    In this paper, a robust, low-complexity timing synchronization algorithm suitable for 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) system is proposed. The proposed method uses cross-correlation technique to detect the starting point of both a short training symbol and the guard interval of the first long training symbol. This allows the proposed algorithm to have low-complex architecture. Compared to the scheme proposed by Chang and Kelly, the proposed algorithm attains considerably higher timing synchronization performance and significantly reduced computational complexity. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is robust and efficient in high-mobility environments and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) conditions

    Algoritmos en transmisión y recepción para OFDM en entornos multi-usuario

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    Desde su incursión en la vida de los ciudadanos de forma cotidiana, las comunicaciones móviles han ido adquiriendo cada vez más protagonismo. Lo que hace unos años era un elemento de lujo o causa de envidias, hoy es algo tan habitual como coger el autobús. Este auge en las comunicaciones móviles ha llevado consigo un aumento del número de usuarios de estos servicios, así como una mayor exigencia por parte de éstos en cuanto a velocidad de transmisión, seguridad, servicios, calidad ... Por este motivo, se han ido introduciendo nuevas redes, así como mejoras en las ya existentes. Actualmente estamos asistiendo al inicio de la implantación de las redes denominadas de tercera generación (3G). No obstante, estas redes 3G fueron de nidas a mediados de los años 90. En la actualidad nos encontramos en la de nición de lo que será la cuarta generación móvil (4G) a la que probablemente preceda una intermedia, tal vez Super 3G. Muchas son las tecnologías candidatas para esta Super 3G o para la 4G, pero es OFDM (Multiplexación por División en Frecuencias Ortogonales - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) una de las más prometedoras para terminar siendo la tecnología elegida, debido principalmente a la robustez que ofrece frente al multi-trayecto, la flexibilidad que proporciona por el hecho de dividir el ancho de banda en sub-portadoras que pueden ser moduladas independientemente para adaptarse a las condiciones específicas de los canales móviles y al aprovechamiento de la diversidad multi-usuario cuando se combina en OFDMA (Acceso múltiple por división en frecuencias ortogonales - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access). Sin embargo, para que estos sistemas OFDMA sean una realidad en redes futuras como la Super 3G o la 4G, es preciso reducir la complejidad que ellos conllevan, en aspectos como la sincronización multi-usuario o la implementación de la modulación adaptativa. Esta Tesis está enfocada a reducir la complejidad de implementación para que la tecnología OFDMA pueda ser un hecho en las futuras redes inalámbricas. La sincronización en sistemas OFDMA, principalmente en escenarios ad-hoc plantea un reto importante a la hora de implementarla en este tipo de redes. Dado que existe una literatura extensa dedicada a resolver el problema de la sincronización en entornos OFDM mono-usuario, en esta Tesis se propone un procedimiento para reducir el problema de la sincronización multiusuario al caso mono-usuario, lo que permite la re-utilización de todas las técnicas propuestas en la literatura. Además de las buenas prestaciones incluso en situaciones de saturación de la red, permite un ahorro de la energía necesaria para la realización de las tareas de sincronización. Asimismo, a la vez que se resuelve la sincronización multi-usuario, también en esta Tesis se aporta un algoritmo para realizar el seguimiento de la desviación de frecuencia en sistemas tanto OFDM como OFDMA, de una forma sencilla y eficiente. Este algoritmo utiliza las sub-portadoras piloto de los símbolos, y ofrece unas prestaciones razonables, incluso cuando el número de estas sub-portadoras piloto es reducido. La modulación adaptativa u otras técnicas avanzadas de comunicaciones como MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) o el conformado de haz (beamforming), que se hacen más atractivas cuando se combinan con OFDM u OFDMA, requieren de cierta realimentación hacia el transmisor por parte del receptor, además de un conocimiento del canal bastante preciso. En esta Tesis se aportan algoritmos para la compresión de esta información (que puede ser muy elevada dependiendo de la granularidad de la adaptación y la variabilidad del canal), lo que permite un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos radio, y simpli ca la implementación de este tipo de sistemas. Se consiguen reducciones superiores a cuatro veces la tasa original, lo que implica grandes ventajas en todos los sentidos. Además, se realiza un estudio teórico sobre cómo afectan los errores en la estimación de canal en la capacidad del sistema, obteniéndose dos cotas numéricas para ésta. Gracias a estas cotas se puede concluir que las técnicas actuales de estimación de canal son su cientemente buenas como para que las pérdidas producidas por los errores en esta estimación no sean muy significativas; No obstante, estas pérdidas aumentan a medida que se incrementa la relación señal a ruido, y, por tanto, es conveniente seguir mejorando la estimación de canal si se pretende que estos sistemas trabajen a altas relaciones señal a ruido. Por último, destacar que las simulaciones llevadas a cabo para examinar las prestaciones de los algoritmos desarrollados han proporcionado datos prácticos que ayudarán al diseño e implementación de futuras redes móviles 4G.Nowadays mobile communications are common in our society. In less than two decades they have changed the way people understand personal communications. This interest is still growing and makes users (every day larger in number) ask for more and more services, speed, security and quality, at least comparable to the wired technologies. For this reason, new networks have been introduced in the scene, as well as improvements in the already existing ones. At the moment we are witnessing the beginning of the deployment of the so-called third generation networks (3G). However, these 3G networks were defined in the middle of years 90. At the present time we are in the definition of what will be the fourth mobile generation, which is called the 4G and probably an intermediate stage as Super 3G could be defined first. Many different technologies are in consideration, but OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Multiplexing Division) is one of most promising candidates to end up becoming the technology to be used, due mainly to the robustness that it others to the multi-path channel, the flexibility that it provides by the fact that it divides the bandwidth into sub-carriers which can be modulated independently to adapt the signal to the specific channel conditions and to the advantage of the multi-user diversity when it is used to multiplex several users in the form of OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access). Nevertheless, in order for these OFDMA systems to be a reality in future networks as Super 3G or 4G, the reduction in complexity has to be considered, in aspects such as the multi-user synchronization or the implementation of the Adaptive Modulation. This doctoral Thesis is focused on reducing the implementation complexity in both multi-user synchronization and Adaptive Modulation so that OFDMA technology can be a fact in the near future radio networks. The synchronization in OFDMA systems, specially in ad-hoc scenarios, raises an important challenge at the time of implementing this technology. Since an extensive literature is devoted to solve the problem of the synchronization in single-user OFDM systems, in this Thesis we have designed and proposed a procedure to reduce the multi-user synchronization problem to the single-user case, and therefore it allows the reuse of all the already proposed techniques in the literature. The procedure exhibits a good performance even in network saturation situations, and in addition it does not incur in a high power consumption when performing the synchronization tasks. Besides, solving the multi-user synchronization problem, the Thesis also proposes an algorithm for frequency offset tracking in an efficient and simple way, for both OFDM and OFDMA systems. This algorithm uses the pilot sub-carriers scattered in each OFDM symbol, and o ers reasonable performance, even when the number of these pilot sub-carriers is small. Adaptive Modulation and other advanced techniques as MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) or beamforming become more attractive when they are combined with OFDM or OFDMA. However they require certain feedback information from receiver to the transmitter, and in addition, a quite precise knowledge about channel conditions. In this Thesis several algorithms for compressing the feedback information have been developed. This feedback information can be very highly demanding (depending on the granularity of the adaptation and the variability of the channel), and therefore this compression allows a better use of the resources, and simplifies the implementation of this kind of systems. Reductions of more than four times the original flow are obtained, which implies great advantages. In addition, a theoretical study is made on how errors in channel estimation affect the channel capacity, and several upper-bounds (one of them very tight) for this effect are obtained. One of the conclusions is that the actual state of the art in channel estimation techniques is good enough to be used without too much loss; However, the loss increases as the signal to noise ratio increases, and therefore, it is suggested to continue improving channel estimation algorithms for improving performance in high signal to noise ratio scenarios. Finally, thanks to simulations and designs carried out in order to examine the performance of the developed algorithms, some practical data are provided that will help in the future design of new mobile networks as 4G

    Urban, suburban and rural channel models based on cellular and wireless area network signals for positioning purposes

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    Location information is becoming more and more useful in everyday life. The cellular- based and wireless area network based positioning are being used to predict the location of users in environments such as indoors and densely urban, where the Global Navigation Satellite Systems often fail. The Received Signal Strength (RSS) is used more and more due to its wide availability on any mobile device and based on various signals. However, studies about the availability of signal measurements in various urban and sub-urban scenarios and about the RSS fluctuations in various terrain types are still lacking in the current literature. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze method wide range of measurement-based RSS in urban, suburban and rural environments. The thesis is divided in two parts. In the literature study part, issues related to cellular and wireless local area networks (WLANs) such as frequency bands, system architectures, radio interfaces and RSS measurements are described. Also the propagation channel characteristics and the different path-loss models existing in the literature are exposed. The information explained in this part was useful in order to be able to process the available data measurements. In the measurements and analysis part, the collected results were evaluated. The different parameters of cellular and WLAN signals were studied and compared. Availability of signals in various scenarios, density of the transmitters and path loss coefficients were deeply analyzed, by dividing the measured scenarios into seven distinct environments: airport areas, Seaside or beach areas, Mountain or forest areas, suburban areas, densely urban areas, lake areas, and other urban areas. The obtained results provide more insight into the availability of RSS signal measurements on mobile devices nowadays and into the possibility of creating generic and unified RSS-based positioning algorithms (based on the similarities between different types of signals and different types of environments)