59 research outputs found

    Integration of analysis techniques in security and fault-tolerance

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    This thesis focuses on the study of integration of formal methodologies in security protocol analysis and fault-tolerance analysis. The research is developed in two different directions: interdisciplinary and intra-disciplinary. In the former, we look for a beneficial interaction between strategies of analysis in security protocols and fault-tolerance; in the latter, we search for connections among different approaches of analysis within the security area. In the following we summarize the main results of the research

    Logical concepts in cryptography

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    This thesis is about a breadth-first exploration of logical concepts in cryptography and their linguistic abstraction and model-theoretic combination in a comprehensive logical system, called CPL (for Cryptographic Protocol Logic). We focus on two fundamental aspects of cryptography. Namely, the security of communication (as opposed to security of storage) and cryptographic protocols (as opposed to cryptographic operators). The primary logical concepts explored are the following: the modal concepts of belief, knowledge, norms, provability, space, and time. The distinguishing feature of CPL is that it unifies and refines a variety of existing approaches. This feature is the result of our wholistic conception of property-based (modal logics) and model-based (process algebra) formalisms

    A Survey of Verification Techniques for Security Protocols

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    Security protocols aim to allow secure electronic communication despite the potential presence of eavesdroppers. Guaranteeing their correctness is vital in many applications. This report briefly surveys the many formal specification and verification techniques proposed for describing and analysing security protocols

    Union, intersection, and refinement types and reasoning about type disjointness for security protocol analysis

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    In this thesis we present two new type systems for verifying the security of cryptographic protocol models expressed in a spi-calculus and, respectively, of protocol implementations expressed in a concurrent lambda calculus. In this thesis we present two new type systems for verifying the security of cryptographic protocol models expressed in a spi-calculus and, respectively, of protocol implementations expressed in a concurrent lambda calculus. The two type systems combine prior work on refinement types with union and intersection types and with the novel ability to reason statically about the disjointness of types. The increased expressivity enables the analysis of important protocol classes that were previously out of scope for the type-based analyses of cryptographic protocols. In particular, our type systems can statically analyze protocols that are based on zero-knowledge proofs, even in scenarios when certain protocol participants are compromised. The analysis is scalable and provides security proofs for an unbounded number of protocol executions. The two type systems come with mechanized proofs of correctness and efficient implementations.In dieser Arbeit werden zwei neue Typsysteme vorgestellt, mit denen die Sicherheit kryptographischer Protokolle, modelliert in einem spi-KalkĂŒl, und Protokollimplementierungen, beschrieben in einem nebenlĂ€ufigen LambdakalkĂŒl, verifiziert werden kann. Die beiden Typsysteme verbinden vorausgehende Arbeiten zu Verfeinerungstypen mit disjunktiven und konjunktiven Typen, und ermöglichen außerdem, statisch zu folgern, dass zwei Typen disjunkt sind. Die AusdrucksstĂ€rke der Systeme erlaubt die Analyse wichtiger Klassen von Protokollen, die bisher nicht durch typbasierte Protokollanalysen behandelt werden konnten. Insbesondere ist mit den vorgestellten Typsystemen auch die statische Analyse von Protokollen möglich, die auf Zero-Knowledge-Beweisen basieren, selbst unter der Annahme, dass einige Protokollteilnehmer korrumpiert sind. Die Analysetechnik skaliert und erlaubt Sicherheitsbeweise fĂŒr eine unbeschrĂ€nkte Anzahl von ProtokollausfĂŒhrungen. Die beiden Typsysteme sind formal korrekt bewiesen und effizient implementiert

    Conception Assistée des Logiciels Sécurisés pour les SystÚmes Embarqués

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    A vast majority of distributed embedded systems is concerned by security risks. The fact that applications may result poorly protected is partially due to methodological lacks in the engineering development process. More specifically, methodologies targeting formal verification may lack support to certain phases of the development process. Particularly, system modeling frameworks may be complex-to-use or not address security at all. Along with that, testing is not usually addressed by verification methodologies since formal verification and testing are considered as exclusive stages. Nevertheless, we believe that platform testing can be applied to ensure that properties formally verified in a model are truly endowed to the real system. Our contribution is made in the scope of a model-driven based methodology that, in particular, targets secure-by-design embedded systems. The methodology is an iterative process that pursues coverage of several engineering development phases and that relies upon existing security analysis techniques. Still in evolution, the methodology is mainly defined via a high level SysML profile named Avatar. The contribution specifically consists on extending Avatar so as to model security concerns and in formally defining a model transformation towards a verification framework. This contribution allows to conduct proofs on authenticity and confidentiality. We illustrate how a cryptographic protocol is partially secured by applying several methodology stages. In addition, it is described how Security Testing was conducted on an embedded prototype platform within the scope of an automotive project.Une vaste majoritĂ© de systĂšmes embarquĂ©s distribuĂ©s sont concernĂ©s par des risques de sĂ©curitĂ©. Le fait que les applications peuvent ĂȘtre mal protĂ©gĂ©es est partiellement Ă  cause des manques mĂ©thodologiques dans le processus d’ingĂ©nierie de dĂ©veloppement. ParticuliĂšrement, les mĂ©thodologies qui ciblent la vĂ©rification formelle peuvent manquer de support pour certaines Ă©tapes du processus de dĂ©veloppement SW. Notamment, les cadres de modĂ©lisation peuvent ĂȘtre complexes Ă  utiliser ou ne pas adresser la sĂ©curitĂ© du tout. Avec cela, l’étape de tests n’est pas normalement abordĂ©e par les mĂ©thodologies de vĂ©rification formelle. NĂ©anmoins, nous croyons que faire des tests sur la plateforme peut aider Ă  assurer que les propriĂ©tĂ©s vĂ©rifiĂ©es dans le modĂšle sont vĂ©ritablement prĂ©servĂ©es par le systĂšme embarquĂ©. Notre contribution est faite dans le cadre d’une mĂ©thodologie nommĂ©e Avatar qui est basĂ©e sur les modĂšles et vise la sĂ©curitĂ© dĂšs la conception du systĂšme. La mĂ©thodologie est un processus itĂ©ratif qui poursuit la couverture de plusieurs Ă©tapes du dĂ©veloppement SW et qui s’appuie sur plusieurs techniques d’analyse de sĂ©curitĂ©. La mĂ©thodologie compte avec un cadre de modĂ©lisation SysML. Notre contribution consiste notamment Ă  Ă©tendre le cadre de modĂ©lisation Avatar afin d’aborder les aspects de sĂ©curitĂ© et aussi Ă  dĂ©finir une transformation du modĂšle Avatar vers un cadre de vĂ©rification formel. Cette contribution permet d’effectuer preuves d’authenticitĂ© et confidentialitĂ©. Nous montrons comment un protocole cryptographique est partiellement sĂ©curisĂ©. Aussi, il est dĂ©crit comment les tests de sĂ©curitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s sur un prototype dans le cadre d’un projet vĂ©hiculaire

    Development of security strategies using Kerberos in wireless networks

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    Authentication is the primary function used to reduce the risk of illegitimate access to IT services of any organisation. Kerberos is a widely used authentication protocol for authentication and access control mechanisms. This thesis presents the development of security strategies using Kerberos authentication protocol in wireless networks, Kerberos-Key Exchange protocol, Kerberos with timed-delay, Kerberos with timed-delay and delayed decryption, Kerberos with timed-delay, delayed decryption and password encryption properties. This thesis also includes a number of other research works such as, frequently key renewal under pseudo-secure conditions and shut down of the authentication server to external access temporarily to allow for secure key exchange. A general approach for the analysis and verification of authentication properties as well as Kerberos authentication protocol are presented. Existing authentication mechanisms coupled with strong encryption techniques are considered, investigated and analysed in detail. IEEE 802.1x standard, IEEE 802.11 wireless communication networks are also considered. First, existing security and authentication approaches for Kerberos authentication protocol are critically analysed with the discussions on merits and weaknesses. Then relevant terminology is defined and explained. Since Kerberos exhibits some vulnerabilities, the existing solutions have not treated the possibilities of more than one authentication server in a strict sense. A three way authentication mechanism addresses possible solution to this problem. An authentication protocol has been developed to improve the three way authentication mechanism for Kerberos. Dynamically renewing keys under pseudo-secure situations involves a temporary interruption to link/server access. After describing and analysing a protocol to achieve improved security for authentication, an analytical method is used to evaluate the cost in terms of the degradation of system performability. Various results are presented. An approach that involves a new authentication protocol is proposed. This new approach combines delaying decryption with timed authentication by using passwords and session keys for authentication purposes, and frequent key renewal under secure conditions. The analysis and verification of authentication properties and results of the designed protocol are presented and discussed. Protocols often fail when they are analysed critically. Formal approaches have emerged to analyse protocol failures. Abstract languages are designed especially for the description of communication patterns. A notion of rank functions is introduced for analysing purposes as well. An application of this formal approach to a newly designed authentication protocol that combines delaying the decryption process with timed authentication is presented. Formal methods for verifying cryptographic protocols are created to assist in ensuring that authentication protocols meet their specifications. Model checking techniques such as Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) and Failure Divergence Refinement (FDR) checker, are widely acknowledged for effectively and efficiently revealing flaws in protocols faster than most other contemporaries. Essentially, model checking involves a detailed search of all the states reachable by the components of a protocol model. In the models that describe authentication protocols, the components, regarded as processes, are the principals including intruder (attacker) and parameters for authentication such as keys, nonces, tickets, and certificates. In this research, an automated generation tool, CASPER is used to produce CSP descriptions. Proposed protocol models rely on trusted third parties in authentication transactions while intruder capabilities are based on possible inductions and deductions. This research attempts to combine the two methods in model checking in order to realise an abstract description of intruder with enhanced capabilities. A target protocol of interest is that of Kerberos authentication protocol. The process of increasing the strength of security mechanisms usually impacts on performance thresholds. In recognition of this fact, the research adopts an analytical method known as spectral expansion to ascertain the level of impact, and which resulting protocol amendments will have on performance. Spectral expansion is based on state exploration. This implies that it is subject, as model checking, to the state explosion problem. The performance characteristics of amended protocols are examined relative to the existing protocols. Numerical solutions are presented for all models developed

    Scyther : semantics and verification of security protocols

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    Recent technologies have cleared the way for large scale application of electronic communication. The open and distributed nature of these communications implies that the communication medium is no longer completely controlled by the communicating parties. As a result, there has been an increasing demand for research in establishing secure communications over insecure networks, by means of security protocols. In this thesis, a formal model for the description and analysis of security protocols at the process level is developed. At this level, under the assumption of perfect cryptography, the analysis focusses on detecting aws and vulnerabilities of the security protocol. Starting from ??rst principles, operational semantics are developed to describe security protocols and their behaviour. The resulting model is parameterized, and can e.g. capture various intruder models, ranging from a secure network with no intruder, to the strongest intruder model known in literature. Within the security protocol model various security properties are de??ned, such as secrecy and various forms of authentication. A number of new results about these properties are formulated and proven correct. Based on the model, an automated veri??cation procedure is developed, which signi ??cantly improves over existing methods. The procedure is implemented in a prototype, which outperforms other tools. Both the theory and tool are applied in two novel case studies. Using the tool prototype, new results are established in the area of protocol composition, leading to the discovery of a class of previously undetected attacks. Furthermore, a new protocol in the area of multiparty authentication is developed. The resulting protocol is proven correct within the framework

    Equivalences and calculi for formal verification of cryptographic protocols

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    Security protocols are essential to the proper functioning of any distributed system running over an insecure network but often have flaws that can be exploited even without breaking the cryptography. Formal cryptography, the assumption that the cryptographic primitives are flawless, facilitates the construction of formal models and verification tools. Such models are often based on process calculi, small formal languages for modelling communicating systems. The spi calculus, a process calculus for the modelling and formal verification of cryptographic protocols, is an extension of the pi calculus with cryptography. In the spi calculus, security properties can be formulated as equations on process terms, so no external formalism is needed. Moreover, the contextual nature of observational process equivalences takes into account any attacker/environment that can be expressed in the calculus. We set out to address the problem of automatic verification of observational equivalence in an extension of the spi calculus: A channel-passing calculus with a more general expression language. As a first step, we study existing non-contextual proof techniques for a particular canonical contextual equivalence. In contrast to standard process calculi, reasoning on cryptographic processes must take into account the partial knowledge of the environment about transmitted messages. In the setting of the spi calculus, several notions of environment-sensitive bisimulation has been developed to treat this environment knowledge. We exhibit distinguishing examples between several of these notions, including ones previously believed to coincide. We then give a general framework for comparison of environment-sensitive relations, based on a comparison of the corresponding kinds of environment and notions of environment consistency. Within this framework we perform an exhaustive comparison of the different bisimulations, where every possible relation that is not proven is disproven. For the second step, we consider the question of which expression languages are suitable. Extending the expression language to account for more sophisticated cryptographic primitives or other kinds of data terms quickly leads to decidability issues. Two important problems in this area are the knowledge problem and an indistinguishability problem called static equivalence. It is known that decidability of static equivalence implies decidability of knowledge in many cases; we exhibit an expression language where knowledge is decidable but static equivalence is not. We then define a class of constructor-destructor expression languages and prove that environment consistency over any such language directly corresponds to static equivalence in a particular extension thereof. We proceed to place some loose constraints on deterministic expression evaluation, and redefine the spi calculus in this more general setting. Once we have chosen an expression language, we encounter a third problem, which is inherent in the operational semantics of message-passing process calculi: The possibility to receive arbitrary messages gives rise to infinite branching on process input. To mitigate this problem, we define a symbolic semantics, where the substitution of received messages for input variables never takes place. Instead, input variables are only subject to logical constraints. We then use this symbolic semantics to define a symbolic bisimulation that is sound and complete with respect to its concrete counterpart, extending the possibilities for automated bisimulation checkers

    Analysis of security protocols as open systems

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    We propose a methodology for the formal analysis of security protocols. This originates from the observation that the verification of security protocols can be conveniently treated as the verification of open systems, i.e. systems which may have unspecified components. These might be used to represent a hostile environment wherein the protocol runs and whose behavior cannot be predicted a priori. We define a language for the description of security protocols, namely Crypto-CCS, and a logical language for expressing their properties. We provide an effective verification method for security protocols which is based on a suitable extension of partial model checking. Indeed, we obtain a decidability result for the secrecy analysis of protocols with a finite number of sessions, bounded message size and new nonce generation

    Naming and sharing resources across administrative boundaries

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    I tackle the problem of naming and sharing resources across administrative boundaries. Conventional systems manifest the hierarchy of typical administrative structure in the structure of their own mechanism. While natural for communication that follows hierarchical patterns, such systems interfere with naming and sharing that cross administrative boundaries, and therefore cause headaches for both users and administrators. I propose to organize resource naming and security, not around administrative domains, but around the sharing patterns of users. The dissertation is organized into four main parts. First, I discuss the challenges and tradeoffs involved in naming resources and consider a variety of existing approaches to naming. Second, I consider the architectural requirements for user-centric sharing. I evaluate existing systems with respect to these requirements. Third, to support the sharing architecture, I develop a formal logic of sharing that captures the notion of restricted delegation. Restricted delegation ensures that users can use the same mechanisms to share resources consistently, regardless of the origin of the resource, or with whom the user wishes to share the resource next. A formal semantics gives unambiguous meaning to the logic. I apply the formalism to the Simple Public Key Infrastructure and discuss how the formalism either supports or discourages potential extensions to such a system. Finally, I use the formalism to drive a user-centric sharing implementation for distributed systems. I show how this implementation enables end-to-end authorization, a feature that makes heterogeneous distributed systems more secure and easier to audit. Conventionally, gateway services that bridge administrative domains, add abstraction, or translate protocols typically impede the flow of authorization information from client to server. In contrast, end-to-end authorization enables us to build gateway services that preserve authorization information, hence we reduce the size of the trusted computing base and enable more effective auditing. I demonstrate my implementation and show how it enables end-to-end authorization across various boundaries. I measure my implementation and argue that its performance tracks that of similar authorization mechanisms without end-to-end structure. I conclude that my user-centric philosophy of naming and sharing benefits both users and administrators
