21 research outputs found

    Early Detection of Cerebral Infarction With Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion With Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Pilot Study

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    Background: NIRSIT, a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) device with 204 channels, can measure oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) and deoxyhemoglobin (HbR) in non-pulsatile blood flow non-invasively using the absorption difference between HbO2 and HbR at a wavelength of 700–1,000 nm and can display the perfusion status in real time.Objective: We applied NIRSIT to patients with stroke to evaluate the usefulness of NIRSIT as an fNIRS device for the early detection of stroke.Methods: We performed a prospective pilot study in an emergency department (ED). Adult patients who had suspected symptoms and signs of stroke within 12 h of the first abnormal time and who underwent intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) or intra-arterial thrombectomy with acute middle cerebral artery (MCA) or internal carotid artery (ICA) infarction were enrolled. NIRSIT was applied to the patients before the imaging study, and the perfusion status of the brain was displayed in real time at the bedside. We compared the NIRSIT results with the mean transit time (MTT) map from perfusion computed tomography (PCT) and the time-to-peak (TTP) map from perfusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (PWI).Results: Six male and three female patients were enrolled, and the median age was 74 years. The most common symptom was unilateral extremity weakness (77.8%), followed by dysarthria (33.3%) and aphasia (11.1%). The median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score was 17. All cases of MCA infarction showed different cerebral oxygen saturation values between bilateral lobes of the brain in fNIRS imaging, and these values matched the PCT and PWI results.Conclusions: The brain hemisphere with low oxygen saturation on fNIRS showed hypoperfusion on PCT or PWI. The fNIRS device could be useful in assessing the perfusion status of the brain and detecting MCA or ICA infarction in real time at the bedside

    Review of recent progress toward a fiberless, whole-scalp diffuse optical tomography system

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    The development of a whole-scalp, high sampling-density diffuse optical tomography (DOT) system is a critical next step in the evolution of the field of diffuse optics. To achieve this with optical fiber bundles is extremely challenging, simply because of the sheer number of bundles required, and the associated challenges of weight and ergonomics. Dispensing with optical fiber bundles and moving to head-mounted optoelectronics can potentially facilitate the advent of a new generation of wearable, whole-scalp technologies that will open up a range of new experimental and clinical applications for diffuse optical measurements. Here, we present a concise review of the significant progress that has been made toward achieving a wearable, fiberless, high-density, whole-scalp DOT system. We identify the key limitations of current technologies and discuss the possible opportunities for future development

    Functional imaging of the human brain using a modular, fibre-less, high-density diffuse optical tomography system

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    We present the first three-dimensional, functional images of the human brain to be obtained using a fibre-less, high-density diffuse optical tomography system. Our technology consists of independent, miniaturized, silicone-encapsulated DOT modules that can be placed directly on the scalp. Four of these modules were arranged to provide up to 128, dual-wavelength measurement channels over a scalp area of approximately 60 × 65 mm2. Using a series of motor-cortex stimulation experiments, we demonstrate that this system can obtain high-quality, continuous-wave measurements at source-detector separations ranging from 14 to 55 mm in adults, in the presence of hair. We identify robust haemodynamic response functions in 5 out of 5 subjects, and present diffuse optical tomography images that depict functional haemodynamic responses that are well-localized in all three dimensions at both the individual and group levels. This prototype modular system paves the way for a new generation of wearable, wireless, high-density optical neuroimaging technologies

    Towards neuroscience of the everyday world (NEW) using functional near infrared spectroscopy

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    Published in final edited form as: Curr Opin Biomed Eng. 2021 June ; 18: doi:10.1016/j.cobme.2021.100272.Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) assesses human brain activity by noninvasively measuring changes of cerebral hemoglobin concentrations caused by modulation of neuronal activity. Recent progress in signal processing and advances in system design, such as miniaturization, wearability, and system sensitivity, have strengthened fNIRS as a viable and cost-effective complement to functional magnetic resonance imaging, expanding the repertoire of experimental studies that can be performed by the neuroscience community. The availability of fNIRS and electroencephalography for routine, increasingly unconstrained, and mobile brain imaging is leading toward a new domain that we term “Neuroscience of the Everyday World” (NEW). In this light, we review recent advances in hardware, study design, and signal processing, and discuss challenges and future directions.U01EB029856 - National Institutes of HealthAccepted manuscrip

    Puettavat lÀhi-infrapunaspektroskopialaitteet aivotutkimuksen tarpeisiin

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    TiivistelmÀ. TÀssÀ työssÀ tutustutaan toiminnalliseen lÀhi-infrapunaspektroskopiaan eli fNIRS:iin ja sitÀ hyödyntÀviin nykyaikaisiin laitteisiin aivotutkimuksessa. Työ aloitetaan yleiskatsauksella fNIRS-tekniikkaan ja siihen, kuinka se vertautuu yleisimpiin aivojen kuvantamistekniikoihin. TÀtÀ seuraavassa teoriaosuudessa pureudutaan lyhyesti lÀhi-infrapunaspektroskopian perusteisiin, mittausperiaatteisiin, mittausmenetelmiin, laitekomponentteihin ja sovelluskohteisiin. PÀÀosassa työtÀ kuitenkin esitellÀÀn fNIRS-laitteita, joista 12 on viimeaikaisessa kirjallisuudessa julkaistuja. Laitteiden tÀrkeimpiÀ ominaisuuksia nostetaan esille ja vertaillaan taulukoiden avulla. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen esitellÀÀn kolme testiprotokollaa, joita yleisesti kÀytetÀÀn fNIRS-laitteen testaamisessa.Wearable Near-infrared Spectroscopy Devices for brain research. Abstract. This work introduces functional near-infrared spectroscopy, i.e., fNIRS, and devices that use this technique for brain monitoring. The work begins with an overview of the fNIRS and compares it with other brain imaging techniques. The following theory section covers, in brief, fNIRS fundamentals, measurement principles, measurement methods, device components, and applications. The main part of the work, however, focuses on presenting 12 wearable fNIRS devices published in recent literature. The most important features of the devices are highlighted and compared with the help of tables. Furthermore, there are three test protocols presented that are commonly used in NIRS device testing

    Efficacy of smartphone application-based multi-domain cognitive training in older adults without dementia

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    BackgroundAs the population ages and the prevalence of dementia increases, there is a growing emphasis on the importance of cognitive training to prevent dementia. A smartphone application-based cognitive training software program, BeauBrain Trainer (BBT), has been developed to provide better access to cognitive training for older adults. Numerous studies have revealed the effectiveness of cognitive training using a cognitive assessment tool. However, relatively few studies have evaluated brain activation using brain imaging as a result of improved cognitive function.MethodsAll participants were required to download the BBT, an Android-based application for cognitive training, onto their own smartphone or tablet computer and to engage in cognitive training at home. Older adults without dementia were enrolled in this study, including 51 participants in the intervention group and 50 participants in the control group. The BBT comprised a set of 12 cognitive tasks, including two tasks in each of the following six cognitive domains: attention, language, calculation, visuospatial function, memory, and frontal/executive function. Each cognitive task was divided into four blocks based on its level of difficulty. A 16-week cognitive training was designed to carry out cognitive tasks using a total of 48 blocks (12 tasks × 4 levels) for at least 1.5 h per day, 5 days per week. All participants in the intervention group were given BBT tasks that gradually increased in difficulty level, which they submitted through a smartphone application daily for 16 weeks. The researchers monitored the participants’ task performance records on the website and encouraged participants to engage in cognitive training through regular contact. This study was conducted to investigate the improvement in cognitive function and the activation pattern of the frontal cortex in older adults participating in smartphone application-based cognitive training. The cognitive assessment tool was the BeauBrain cognitive screening test (CST), a tablet-based computerized cognitive screening test. The activation pattern of the frontal cortex was measured using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Additionally, this study aimed to determine the positive effects of cognitive training on everyday functioning and psychological states using a questionnaire.ResultsOf 101 participants, 85 older adults without dementia (84.1%) who completed the study protocol were included in the statistical analysis. There were 41 participants (80.3%) in the intervention group and 44 participants (88.0%) in the control group. A two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the cognitive scores over a 16-week period between the intervention and control groups. According to the CST results, the intervention group exhibited a statistically significant increase in the language subtest scores, specifically the phonemic word fluency test, compared to those of the control group. The fNIRS results revealed greater activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during the STROOP incongruent task in the intervention group than did the control group. However, the effectiveness of cognitive training was not observed across a variety of rating scales, including everyday functioning, depression, self-efficacy, attention, and subjective memory complaints.ConclusionThis study revealed that a smartphone-based cognitive training application led to improvements in phonemic generative naming ability and activation of the prefrontal cortex in older adults without dementia. This study is meaningful because it confirmed that cognitive training is partially effective in enhancing frontal lobe function. It also provided information on the brain mechanisms related to the effects of cognitive training using fNIRS

    Miniaturized Optical Probes for Near Infrared Spectroscopy

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    RÉSUMÉ L’étude de la propagation de la lumiĂšre dans des milieux hautement diffus tels que les tissus biologiques (imagerie optique diffuse) est trĂšs attrayante, car elle offre la possibilitĂ© d’explorer de maniĂšre non invasive le milieu se trouvant profondĂ©ment sous la surface, et de retrouver des informations sur l’absorption (liĂ©e Ă  la composition chimique) et sur la diffusion (liĂ©e Ă  la microstructure). Dans la gamme spectrale 600-1000 nm, Ă©galement appelĂ©e gamme proche infrarouge (NIR en anglais), l'attĂ©nuation de la lumiĂšre par le tissu biologique (eau, lipides et hĂ©moglobine) est relativement faible, ce qui permet une pĂ©nĂ©tration de plusieurs centimĂštres dans le tissu. En spectroscopie proche infrarouge (NIRS en anglais), de photons sont injectĂ©s dans les tissus et le signal Ă©mis portant des informations sur les constituants tissulaires est mesurĂ©. La mesure de trĂšs faibles signaux dans la plage de longueurs d'ondes visibles et proche infrarouge avec une rĂ©solution temporelle de l'ordre de la picoseconde s'est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e une technique efficace pour Ă©tudier des tissus biologiques en imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale fonctionnelle, en mammographie optique et en imagerie molĂ©culaire, sans parler de l'imagerie de la durĂ©e de vie de fluorescence, la spectroscopie de corrĂ©lation de fluorescence, informations quantiques et bien d’autres. NIRS dans le domaine temporel (TD en anglais) utilise une source de lumiĂšre pulsĂ©e, gĂ©nĂ©ralement un laser fournissant des impulsions lumineuses d'une durĂ©e de quelques dizaines de picosecondes, ainsi qu'un appareil de dĂ©tection avec une rĂ©solution temporelle infĂ©rieure Ă  la nanoseconde. Le point essentiel de ces mesures est la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’augmenter la sensibilitĂ© pour de plus grandes profondeurs d’investigation, en particulier pour l’imagerie cĂ©rĂ©brale fonctionnelle, oĂč la peau, le crĂąne et le liquide cĂ©phalo-rachidien (LCR) masquent fortement le signal cĂ©rĂ©bral. À ce jour, l'adoption plus large de ces techniques optique non invasives de surveillance est surtout entravĂ©e par les composants traditionnels volumineux, coĂ»teux, complexes et fragiles qui ont un impact significatif sur le coĂ»t et la dimension de l’ensemble du systĂšme. Notre objectif est de dĂ©velopper une sonde NIRS compacte et miniaturisĂ©e, qui peut ĂȘtre directement mise en contact avec l'Ă©chantillon testĂ© pour obtenir une haute efficacitĂ© de dĂ©tection des photons diffusĂ©s, sans avoir recours Ă  des fibres et des lentilles encombrantes pour l'injection et la collection de la lumiĂšre. Le systĂšme proposĂ© est composĂ© de deux parties: i) une unitĂ© d’émission de lumiĂšre pulsĂ©e et ii) un module de dĂ©tection Ă  photon unique qui peut ĂȘtre activĂ© et dĂ©sactivĂ© rapidement. L'unitĂ© d'Ă©mission de lumiĂšre utilisera une source laser pulsĂ©e Ă  plus de 80 MHz avec une largeur d'impulsion de picoseconde.----------ABSTRACT The study of light propagation into highly diffusive media like biological tissues (Diffuse Optical Imaging) is highly appealing due to the possibility to explore the medium non-invasively, deep beneath the surface and to recover information both on absorption (related to chemical composition) and on scattering (related to microstructure). In the 600–1000 nm spectral range also known as near-infrared (NIR) range, light attenuation by the biological tissue constituents (i.e. water, lipid, and hemoglobin) is relatively low and allows for penetration through several centimeters of tissue. In near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), a light signal is injected into the tissues and the emitted signal carrying information on tissue constituents is measured. The measurement of very faint light signals in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range with picosecond timing resolution has proven to be an effective technique to study biological tissues in functional brain imaging, optical mammography and molecular imaging, not to mention fluorescence lifetime imaging, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, quantum information and many others. Time Domain (TD) NIRS employs a pulsed light source, typically a laser providing light pulses with duration of a few tens of picoseconds, and a detection circuit with temporal resolution in the sub-nanosecond scale. The key point of these measurements is the need to increase the sensitivity to higher penetration depths of investigation, in particular for functional brain imaging, where skin, skull, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) heavily mask the brain signal. To date, the widespread adoption of the non-invasive optical monitoring techniques is mainly hampered by the traditional bulky, expensive, complex and fragile components which significantly impact the overall cost and dimension of the system. Our goal is the development of a miniaturized compact NIRS probe, that can be directly put in contact with the sample under test to obtain high diffused photon harvesting efficiency without the need for cumbersome optical fibers and lenses for light injection and collection. The proposed system is composed of two parts namely; i) pulsed light emission unit and ii) gated single-photon detection module. The light emission unit will employ a laser source pulsed at over 80MHz with picosecond pulse width generator embedded into the probe along with the light detection unit which comprises single-photon detectors integrated with other peripheral control circuitry. Short distance source and detector pairing, most preferably on a single chip has the potential to greatly expedites the traditional method of portable brain imaging

    Physiology, Psychoacoustics and Cognition in Normal and Impaired Hearing

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    otorhinolaryngology; neurosciences; hearin

    Physiology, Psychoacoustics and Cognition in Normal and Impaired Hearing

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