939 research outputs found

    Formal and efficient verification techniques for Real-Time UML models

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    The real-time UML profile TURTLE has a formal semantics expressed by translation into a timed process algebra: RT-LOTOS. RTL, the formal verification tool developed for RT-LOTOS, was first used to check TURTLE models against design errors. This paper opens new avenues for TURTLE model verification. It shows how recent work on translating RT-LOTOS specifications into Time Petri net model may be applied to TURTLE. RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns are presented. Their formal proof is the subject of another paper. These patterns have been implemented in a RT-LOTOS to TPN translator which has been interfaced with TINA, a Time Petri Net Analyzer which implements several reachability analysis procedures depending on the class of property to be verified. The paper illustrates the benefits of the TURTLE->RT-LOTOS->TPN transformation chain on an avionic case study

    Reachability Analysis of Communicating Pushdown Systems

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    The reachability analysis of recursive programs that communicate asynchronously over reliable FIFO channels calls for restrictions to ensure decidability. Our first result characterizes communication topologies with a decidable reachability problem restricted to eager runs (i.e., runs where messages are either received immediately after being sent, or never received). The problem is EXPTIME-complete in the decidable case. The second result is a doubly exponential time algorithm for bounded context analysis in this setting, together with a matching lower bound. Both results extend and improve previous work from La Torre et al

    An Approach for Minimizing Spurious Errors in Testing ADA Tasking Programs

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    We propose an approach for detecting deadlocks and race conditions in Ada tasking software. It is based on an extension to Petri net-based techniques, where a concurrent program is modeled as a Petri net and a reachability graph is then derived and analyzed for desired information. In this approach, Predicate-Action subnets representing Ada programming constructs are described, where predicates and actions are attached to transitions. Predicates are those found in decision statements. Actions involve updating the status of the variables that affect the tasking behavior of the program and updating the Read and Write sets of shared variables. The shared variables are those occurring in sections of the program, called concurrency zones, related to the transitions. Modeling of a tasking program is accomplished by using the basic subnets as building blocks in translating only tasking-related statements and connecting them to produce the total Predicate-Action net model augmented with sets of shared variables. An augmented reachability graph is then derived by executing the net model. Deadlocks and race conditions are detected by searching the nodes of this graph. The main advantage offered by this approach is that the Predicate-Action extension of the net leads to pruning infeasible paths in the reachability graph and, thus, reducing the spurious error reports encountered in previous approaches. Also, this approach enables a partial handling of loops in a practical way. Implementation issues are also discussed in the paper

    Analysis of Two-Layer Protocols: DCCP Simultaneous-Open and Hole Punching Procedures

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    The simultaneous-open procedure of the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP), RFC 5596, was published in September 2009. Its design aims to overcome DCCP weaknesses when the Server is behind a middle box, such as Network Address Translators or firewalls. The original DCCP specification, RFC 4340, only allows the Client to initiate the call. The call request cannot reach the Server behind the middle box. A widely used solution to address this problem is called the hole punching technique. This technique requires the Server to initiate sending packets. Using Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) this paper models and analyses the DCCP procedure specified in RFC 5596. However, the difficulty is that detailed modelling of the address translation is also required. This causes state space explosion. We alleviate the state explosion using prioritized transitions and the sweep-line technique. Modelling and analysis approaches are discussed in the hope that it is helpful for others who wish to analyse similar protocols. Analysis results are also obtained for the simultaneous-open procedure specified in RFC 5596

    From RT-LOTOS to Time Petri Nets new foundations for a verification platform

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    The formal description technique RT-LOTOS has been selected as intermediate language to add formality to a real-time UML profile named TURTLE. For this sake, an RT-LOTOS verification platform has been developed for early detection of design errors in real-time system models. The paper discusses an extension of the platform by inclusion of verification tools developed for Time Petri Nets. The starting point is the definition of RT-LOTOS to TPN translation patterns. In particular, we introduce the concept of components embedding Time Petri Nets. The translation patterns are implemented in a prototype tool which takes as input an RT-LOTOS specification and outputs a TPN in the format admitted by the TINA tool. The efficiency of the proposed solution has been demonstrated on various case studies

    Synthesis of Control Elements from Petri Net Models

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    Methods are presented for synthesizing delay-insensitive circuits whose behavior is specified by Petri net models of macromodular control elements. These control elements implement five natural functions used in asynchronous system design. Particular attention is paid to modules requiring mutual exclusion where metastability must be carefully controlled

    Towards efficient verification of systems with dynamic process creation

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    Modelling and analysis of dynamic multi-threaded state systems often encounters obstacles when one wants to use automated verification methods, such as model checking. Our aim in this paper is to develop a technical device for coping with one such obstacle, namely that caused by dynamic process creation. We first introduce a general class of coloured Petri nets-not tied to any particular syntax or approach-allowing one to capture systems with dynamic (and concurrent) process creation as well as capable of manipulating data. Following this, we introduce the central notion of our method which is a marking equivalence that can be efficiently computed and then used, for instance, to aggregate markings in a reachability graph. In some situations, such an aggregation may produce a finite representation of an infinite state system which still allows one to establish the relevant behavioural properties. We show feasibility of the method on an example and provide initial experimental results
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