17,136 research outputs found

    Demand response within the energy-for-water-nexus - A review. ESRI WP637, October 2019

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    A promising tool to achieve more flexibility within power systems is demand re-sponse (DR). End-users in many strands of industry have been subject to research up to now regarding the opportunities for implementing DR programmes. One sector that has received little attention from the literature so far, is wastewater treatment. However, case studies indicate that the potential for wastewater treatment plants to provide DR services might be significant. This review presents and categorises recent modelling approaches for industrial demand response as well as for the wastewater treatment plant operation. Furthermore, the main sources of flexibility from wastewater treatment plants are presented: a potential for variable electricity use in aeration, the time-shifting operation of pumps, the exploitation of built-in redundan-cy in the system and flexibility in the sludge processing. Although case studies con-note the potential for DR from individual WWTPs, no study acknowledges the en-dogeneity of energy prices which arises from a large-scale utilisation of DR. There-fore, an integrated energy systems approach is required to quantify system and market effects effectively

    Municipal wastewater treatment with pond technology : historical review and future outlook

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    Facing an unprecedented population growth, it is difficult to overstress the assets for wastewater treatment of waste stabilization ponds (WSPs), i.e. high removal efficiency, simplicity, and low cost, which have been recognized by numerous scientists and operators. However, stricter discharge standards, changes in wastewater compounds, high emissions of greenhouse gases, and elevated land prices have led to their replacements in many places. This review aims at delivering a comprehensive overview of the historical development and current state of WSPs, and providing further insights to deal with their limitations in the future. The 21st century is witnessing changes in the way of approaching conventional problems in pond technology, in which WSPs should no longer be considered as a low treatment technology. Advanced models and technologies have been integrated for better design, control, and management. The roles of algae, which have been crucial as solar-powered aeration, will continue being a key solution. Yet, the separation of suspended algae to avoid deterioration of the effluent remains a major challenge in WSPs while in the case of high algal rate pond, further research is needed to maximize algal growth yield, select proper strains, and optimize harvesting methods to put algal biomass production in practice. Significant gaps need to be filled in understanding mechanisms of greenhouse gas emission, climate change mitigation, pond ecosystem services, and the fate and toxicity of emerging contaminants. From these insights, adaptation strategies are developed to deal with new opportunities and future challenges

    Challenges of a feasible route towards sustainability in environmental protection

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    Anaerobic processes for treatment of low and high strength wastewaters and solid wastes constitute the core method in the natural biological mineralization (NBM) treatment concept. When adequately combined with the complementary NBM-systems and modern clean water saving practices in wastewater collection and transport, they represent a feasible route to sustainable environmental protection (EPsus), in essence even towards a more sustainable society. Despite the development and implementation of modern high rate Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment (AnWT-) systems and complementary innovative NBM-processes, the considerable progress made since the seventies in fundamental insights in microbiology, biochemistry and process technology, still numerous challenging improvements in the NBM-field can be realized. This contribution is mainly based on the insights attained from wide ranging literature evaluations and the results of experimental research conducted by numerous PhD students who participated in our group over the last four decades. An attempt is made here to identify major facets on which an improved insight can, and consequently should, be obtained in order to accomplish more optimal operation and design of various types of Anaerobic Degradation (AnDeg-) processes

    Coping with Water Scarcity: What Role for Biotechnologies?

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    At a conference of the FAO Biotechnology Forum in 2007, 78 participants from 24 countries offered their views on agricultural biotechnologies and water scarcity, addressing the pros and cons of various methods and their potential application. These viewpoints are represented in this discussion paper, along with an introductory section that defines the issues to be discussed. Funders in the WASH sector can use this document to educate themselves about the potential gains to be made in supporting different types of scientific research and agricultural technology development

    Feasibility study on manganese nodules recovery in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone

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    The sea occupies three quarters of the area on the earth and provides various kinds of resources to mankind in the form of minerals, food, medicines and even energy. “Seabed exploitation” specifically deals with recovery of the resources that are found on the seabed, in the form of solids, liquids and gasses (methane hydrates, oil and natural gas). The resources are abundant; nevertheless the recovery process from the seabed, poses various challenges to mankind. This study starts with a review on three types of resources: polymetallic manganese nodules, polymetallic manganese crusts and massive sulphides deposits. Each of them are rich in minerals, such as manganese, cobalt, nickel, copper and some rare earth elements. They are found at many locations in the deep seas and are potentially a big source of minerals. No commercial seabed mining activity has been accomplished to date due to the great complexities in recovery. This book describes the various challenges associated with a potential underwater mineral recovery operation, reviews and analyses the existing recovery techniques, and provides an innovative engineering system. It further identifies the associated risks and a suitable business model.Chapter 1 presents a brief background about the past and present industrial trends of seabed mining. A description of the sea, seabed and the three types of seabed mineral resources are also included. A section on motivations for deep sea mining follows which also compares the latter with terrestrial mining.Chapter 2 deals with the decision making process, including a market analysis, for selecting manganese nodules as the resource of interest. This is followed by a case study specific to the location of interest: West COMRA in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone. Specific site location is determined in order to estimate commercial risk, environmental impact assessment and logistic challenge.Chapter 3 lists the existing techniques for nodule recovery operation. The study identifies the main components of a nodules recovery system, and organizes them into: collector, propulsion and vertical transport systems.Chapter 4 discusses various challenges posed by manganese nodules recovery, in terms of the engineering and environment. The geo-political and legal-social issues have also been considered. This chapter plays an important role in defining the proposed engineering system, as addressing the identified challenges will better shape the proposed solution.Chapter 5 proposes an engineering system, by considering the key components in greater details. An innovative component, the black box is introduced, which is intended to be an environmentally-friendly solution for manganese nodules recovery. Other auxiliary components, such as the mother ship and metallurgical processing, are briefly included. A brief power supply analysis is also provided.Chapter 6 assesses the associated risks, which are divided into sections namely commercial viability, logistic challenges, environmental impact assessment and safety assessment. The feasibility of the proposed solution is also dealt with.Chapter 7 provides a business model for the proposed engineering system. Potential customers are identified, value proposition is determined, costumer relation is also suggested. Public awareness is then discussed and finally a SWOT analysis is presented. This business model serves as an important bridge to reach both industry and research institutes.Finally, Chapter 8 provides some conclusions and recommendation for future work

    Innovative Surveillance and Process Control in Water Resource Recovery Facilities

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    Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF), previously known as Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP), are getting increasingly complex, with the incorporation of sludge processing and resource recovery technologies. Along with maintaining a stringent effluent water quality standard, the focus is gradually shifting towards energy-efficient operations and recovery of resources. The new objectives of the WRRF demand an economically optimal operation of processes that are subjected to extreme variations in flowrate and composition at the influent. The application of online monitoring, process control, and automation in WRRF has already shown a steady increase in the past decade. However, the advanced model-based optimal control strategies, implemented in most process industries, are less common in WRRF. The complex nature of biological processes, the unavailability of simplified process models, and a lack of cost-effective surveillance infrastructure have often hindered the implementation of advanced control strategies in WRRF. The ambition of this research is to implement and validate cost-efficient monitoring alternatives and advanced control strategies for WRRF by fully utilizing the powerful Internet of Things (IoT) and data science tools. The first step towards implementing an advanced control strategy is to ensure the availability of surveillance infrastructure for monitoring nutrient compositions in WRRF processes. In Paper A, a soft sensor, based on Extended Kalman Filter, is developed for estimating water-quality parameters in a Sequential Batch MBBR process using reliable and inexpensive online sensors. The model used in the soft sensor combines the mechanistic understanding of the nutrient removal process with a statistical correlation between nutrient composition and easy-to-measure parameters. Paper B demonstrates the universality of the soft sensor through validation tests conducted in a Continuous Multistage MBBR pilot plant. The drift in soft-sensor estimation caused by a mismatch between the mathematical model and process behavior is studied in Paper B. The robustness of the soft sensor is assessed by observing estimated nutrient composition values for a period of three months. A systematic method to calibrate the measurement model and update model parameters using data from periodic lab measurements are discussed in Paper B. The term SCADA has been ubiquitous while mentioning online monitoring and control strategy deployment in WRRFs. The present digital world of affordable communication hardware, compact single board processors, and high computational power presents several options for remote monitoring and deployment of soft sensors. In Paper C, a cost-effective IoT strategy is developed by using an open-source programming language and inexpensive hardware. The functionalities of the IoT infrastructure are demonstrated by using it to deploy a soft sensor script in the ContinuousMultistage MBBR pilot plant. A cost-comparison between the commercially available alternatives presented in Paper A and the open-source IoT strategy in Paper B and Paper C highlights the benefits of the new monitoring infrastructure. Lack of reliable control models have often been the cause for the poor performance of advanced control strategies, such as Model Predictive Controls (MPC) when implemented to complex biological nutrient removal processes. Paper D attempts to overcome the inadequacies of the linear prediction model by combining a recursive model parameter estimator with the linear MPC. The new MPC variant, called the adaptive MPC (AMPC), reduces the dependency of MPC on the accuracy of its prediction model. The performance of the AMPC is compared with that of a linear MPC, nonlinear MPC, and the traditional proportional-integral cascade control through simulator-based evaluations conducted on the Benchmark Simulator platform(BSM2). The advantages of AMPC compared to its counterparts, in terms of reducing the aeration energy, curtailing the number of effluent ammonia violations, and the use of computational resources, are highlighted in Paper D. The complex interdependencies between different processes in a WRRF pose a significant challenge in defining constant reference points for WRRFs operations. A strategy that decides control outputs based on economic parameters rather than maintaining a fixed reference set-point is introduced in Paper E. The model-based control strategy presented in Paper D is further improved by including economic parameters in the MPC’s objective function. The control strategy known as Economic MPC (EMPC) is implemented for optimal dosage of magnesium hydroxide in a struvite recovery unit installed in a WRRF. A comparative study performed on the BSM2 platform demonstrates a significant improvement in overall profitability for the EMPC when compared to a constant or a feed-forward flow proportional control strategy. The resilience of the EMPC strategy to variations in the market price of struvite is also presented in Paper E. A combination of cost-effective monitoring infrastructure and advanced control strategies using advanced IoTs and data science tools have been documented to overcome some of the critical problems encountered in WRRFs. The overall improvement in process efficiency, reduction in operating costs, an increase in resource recovery, and a substantial reduction in the price of online monitoring infrastructure contribute to the overall aim of transitioning WRRFs to a self-sustaining facility capable of generating value-added products.Water Resource Recovery Facilities (WRRF), tidligere kjent som avlĂžpsrenseanlegg (WWTP), blir stadig mer komplekse ettersom flere prosess steg tillegges anleggene i form av slambehandling og ressursgjenvinningsteknologi. Foruten hovedmĂ„let om Ă„ imĂžtekomme strenge avlĂžpsvannskvalitetskrav, har anleggenes fokus gradvis skiftet mot energieffektiv drift og gjenvinning av ressurser. Slike nye mĂ„l krever Ăžkonomisk optimal drift av prosesser som er utsatt for ekstreme variasjoner i volum og sammensetning av tillĂžp. Bruk av online overvĂ„king, prosesskontroll og automatisering i WRRF har jevnt Ăžkt det siste tiĂ„ret. Likevel er avanserte modellbaserte kontrollstrategier for optimalisering ikke vanlig i WRRF, i motsetning til de fleste prosessindustrier. Komplekse forhold i biologiske prosesser, mangel pĂ„ tilgang til pĂ„litelige prosessmodeller og mangel pĂ„ kostnadseffektiv overvĂ„kingsinfrastruktur har ofte hindret implementeringen av avanserte kontrollstrategier i WRRF. Ambisjonen med denne avhandlingen er Ă„ implementere og validere kostnadseffektive overvĂ„kingsalternativer og avanserte kontrollstrategier somutnytter kraftige Internet of Things (IoT) og datavitenskapelige verktĂžy i WRRF sammenheng. Det fĂžrste steget mot implementering av en avansert kontrollstrategi er Ă„ sĂžrge for tilgjengelighet av overvĂ„kingsinfrastruktur for mĂ„ling av nĂŠringsstoffer i WRRF-prosesser. Paper A demonstrerer en virtuell sensor basert pĂ„ et utvidet Kalman filter, utviklet for Ă„ estimere vannkvalitetsparametere i en sekvensiell batch MBBR prosess ved hjelp av pĂ„litelige og rimelige online sensorer. Modellen som brukes i den virtuelle sensoren kombinerer en mekanistisk forstĂ„else av prosessen for fjerning av nĂŠringsstoffer fra avlĂžpsvann med et statistisk sammenheng mellom nĂŠringsstoffsammensetning i avlĂžpsvann og parametere som er enkle Ă„ mĂ„le. Paper B demonstrerer det universale bruksaspektet til den virtuelle sensoren gjennom valideringstester utfĂžrt i et kontinuerlig flertrinns MBBR pilotanlegg. Feilene i sensorens estimering forĂ„rsaket av uoverensstemmelse mellom den matematiske modellen og prosesseatferden er undersĂžkt i Paper B. Robustheten til den virtuelle sensoren ble vurdert ved Ă„ observere estimerte nĂŠringssammensetningsverdier i en periode pĂ„ tre mĂ„neder. En systematisk metode for Ă„ kalibrere mĂ„lemodellen og oppdatere modellparametere ved hjelp av data fra periodiske laboratoriemĂ„linger er diskutert i Paper B. Begrepet SCADA har alltid vĂŠrt til stede nĂ„r online overvĂ„king og kontrollstrategi innen WRRF er nevnt. Den nĂ„vĂŠrende digitale verdenen med god tilgjengelighet av rimelig kommunikasjonsmaskinvare, kompakte enkeltkortprosessorer og hĂžy beregningskraft presenterer flere muligheter for fjernovervĂ„king og implementering av virtuelle sensorer. Paper C viser til utvikling av en kostnadseffektiv IoT-strategi ved hjelp av et programmeringssprĂ„k med Ă„pen kildekode og rimelig maskinvare. Funksjonalitetene i IoT-infrastruktur demonstreres gjennom implementering av et virtuelt sensorprogram i et kontinuerlig flertrinns MBBR pilotanlegg. En kostnadssammenligning mellom de kommersielt tilgjengelige alternativene som presenteres i Paper A og Ă„pen kildekode-IoT-strategi i Paper B og Paper C fremhever fordelene med den nye overvĂ„kingsinfrastrukturen. Mangel pĂ„ pĂ„litelige kontrollmodeller har ofte vĂŠrt Ă„rsaken til svake resultater i avanserte kontrollstrategier, som for eksempel Model Predictive Control (MPC) nĂ„r de implementeres i komplekse biologiske prosesser for fjerning av nĂŠringsstoffer. Paper D prĂžver Ă„ lĂžse manglene i MPC ved Ă„ kombinere en rekursiv modellparameterestimator med lineĂŠr MPC. Den nye MPC-varianten, kalt Adaptiv MPC (AMPC), reduserer MPCs avhengighet av nĂžyaktigheten i prediksjonsmodellen. Ytelsen til AMPC sammenlignes med ytelsen til en lineĂŠr MPC, ikke-lineĂŠr MPC og tradisjonell proportionalintegral kaskadekontroll gjennom simulatorbaserte evalueringer utfĂžrt pĂ„ Benchmark Simulator plattformen (BSM2). Fordelene med AMPC sammenlignet med de andre kontrollstrategiene er fremhevet i Paper D og demonstreres i sammenheng redusering av energibruk ved lufting i luftebasseng, samt redusering i antall brudd pĂ„ utslippskrav for ammoniakk og bruk av beregningsressurser. De komplekse avhengighetene mellom forskjellige prosesser i en WRRF utgjĂžr en betydelig utfordring nĂ„r man skal definere konstante referansepunkter for WRRF under drift. En strategi som bestemmer kontrollsignaler basert pĂ„ Ăžkonomiske parametere i stedet for Ă„ opprettholde et fast referansesettpunkt introduseres i Paper E. Den modellbaserte kontrollstrategien fra PaperDforbedres ytterligere ved Ă„ inkludere Ăžkonomiske parametere iMPCs objektiv funksjon. Denne kontrollstrategien kalles Economic MPC (EMPC) og er implementert for optimal dosering av magnesiumhydroksid i en struvit utvinningsenhet installert i en WRRF. En sammenligningsstudie utfĂžrt pĂ„ BSM2 plattformen viste en betydelig forbedring i den totale lĂžnnsomheten ved bruk av EMPC sammenlignet med en konstant eller en flow proportional kontrollstrategi. Robustheten til EMPC-strategien for variasjoner i markedsprisen pĂ„ struvit er ogsĂ„ demonstrert i Paper E. En kombinasjon av kostnadseffektiv overvĂ„kingsinfrastruktur og avanserte kontrollstrategier ved hjelp av avansert IoT og datavitenskapelige verktĂžy er brukt for Ă„ lĂžse flere kritiske utfordringer i WRRF. Den samlede forbedringen i prosesseffektivitet, reduksjon i operasjonskostnader, Ăžkt ressursgjenvinning og en betydelig reduksjon i pris for online overvĂ„kningsinfrastruktur bidrar til det overordnede mĂ„let om Ă„ gĂ„ over til bĂŠrekraftige WRRF som er i stand til Ă„ generere verdiskapende produkter.DOSCON A

    Ion Exchange-Precipitation for Nutrient Recovery from Dilute Wastewater

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    Regulated phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) discharges and the cost of fertilizer provide economic drivers for nutrient removal and recovery from wastewater. This study used ion exchange (IX) in dilute (domestic) wastewater to concentrate nutrients with subsequent recovery by struvite precipitation. This is the first tertiary wastewater treatment study directly comparing P removal using a range of Fe, Cu, and Al-based media followed by clinoptilolite IX columns for N removal and precipitation using the combined regenerants. Phosphate removal prior to breakthrough was 0.5–2.0 g P Lmedia−1, providing effluent concentrations −1 PO4-P and −1 NH4-N for ≄80 bed volumes. Dow-FeCu resin provided effective P removal, efficient neutral pH regeneration and 560 mg P L−1 in the regeneration eluate (≄100× concentration factor). Exchange capacity of clinoptilolite in column mode was 3.9–6.1 g N Lmedia−1 prior to breakthrough. Precipitation using the combined cation and anion regenerants resulted in a maximum of 74% P removal using Dow-FeCu. Precipitates contained impurities, including Al3+, Ca2+, and Fe. Overall, the IX-precipitation recovery process removed ≄98% P and 95% N and precipitates contained 13% P and 1.6% N. This sequential process can satisfy increasingly stringent wastewater standards and offers an effective alternative to traditional treatment technologies that simply remove nutrients. Approximately 84% of total P and 97% of total Kjeldahl N entering a treatment plant can be captured (accounting for primary clarifier removal), whereas most existing technologies target side streams that typically contain only 20–30% of influent P and 15–20% of influent N

    Optimizing the Structure and Scale of Urban Water Infrastructure: Integrating Distributed Systems

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    Large-scale, centralized water infrastructure has provided clean drinking water, wastewater treatment, stormwater management and flood protection for U.S. cities and towns for many decades, protecting public health, safety and environmental quality. To accommodate increasing demands driven by population growth and industrial needs, municipalities and utilities have typically expanded centralized water systems with longer distribution and collection networks. This approach achieves financial and institutional economies of scale and allows for centralized management. It comes with tradeoffs, however, including higher energy demands for longdistance transport; extensive maintenance needs; and disruption of the hydrologic cycle, including the large-scale transfer of freshwater resources to estuarine and saline environments.While smaller-scale distributed water infrastructure has been available for quite some time, it has yet to be widely adopted in urban areas of the United States. However, interest in rethinking how to best meet our water and sanitation needs has been building. Recent technological developments and concerns about sustainability and community resilience have prompted experts to view distributed systems as complementary to centralized infrastructure, and in some situations the preferred alternative.In March 2014, the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread partnered with the Water Environment Federation and the Patel College of Global Sustainability at the University of South Florida to convene a diverse group of experts to examine the potential for distributed water infrastructure systems to be integrated with or substituted for more traditional water infrastructure, with a focus on right-sizing the structure and scale of systems and services to optimize water, energy and sanitation management while achieving long-term sustainability and resilience

    Stability and performance of two GSBR operated in alternating anoxic/aerobic or anaerobic/aerobic conditions for nutrient removal

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    Two granular sludge sequencing batch reactors (GSBR) with alternating anoxic/aerobic (R1) and anaerobic/aerobic (R2) conditions were operated with a 4-carbon-source synthetic influent. The physical properties of the granular sludge were very good (SVI≈20 mL g−1) and high solid concentrations (up to 35 g L−1) were obtained in the bioreactor operated with a pre-anoxic phase with additional nitrate (R1). In contrast, performance and granule settleability were lower in R2 due to the development of filamentous heterotrophic bacteria on the surface of granules. These disturbances were linked to the fact that a fraction of COD remained during the aerobic phase, which was not stored during the anaerobic period. To stabilize a GSBR with a mixture of organic carbon sources, it is thus necessary to maximize the amount of substrate used during the non-aerated, anaerobic or anoxic, phase. Comparable phosphate removal efficiency was observed in both systems; enhanced biological P removal being greater in anaerobic/aerobic conditions, while the contribution of precipitation (Ca–P) was more significant in anoxic/aerobic conditions
