3,014 research outputs found

    The experimental analysis of problematic video gaming and cognitive skills: a systematic review

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    There is now a growing literature demonstrating the excessive gaming can have negative detrimental effects on a small minority of gamers. This has led to much debate in the psychological literature on both the positive and negative effects of gaming. One specific area that has been investigated is the effect of gaming on different types of cognitive skills. The present study carried a systematic review examining the studies that have examined the impact of problematic gaming on cognitive skills. Following a number of inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 18 studies were identified that had investigated three specific cognitive skills: (i) multi-second time perception (4 studies), inhibition (7 studies), and decision-making (7 studies). Based on the studies reviewed, the findings demonstrate that the pathological and/or excessive use of videogames leads to more negative consequences on cognitive processes. Contexte et objectifs: Jouer aux jeux vidéo est devenu l’une des activités mondiales majeures avec des millions de personnes y jouant tous les jours. Suivant ce succès, les jeux vidéo ont grandement évolué, multipliant les genres (p.ex., MMORPG, MOBA, FPS); certains de ces jeux demandant un grand investissement de la part des joueurs. Cet investissement peut devenir excessif, voire pathologique, et de nombreuses études ont exploré ce risque, menant à l’inclusion de l’« Usage pathologique des jeux sur Internet » dans l’appendice du DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Cependant, malgré les risques sous-jacents d’une addiction (p.e.x., pertes de relations, difficultés scolaires), il a également été démontré que le jeu vidéo pouvait significativement améliorer les performances des joueurs (p.ex., performances sur un simulateur de chirurgie, Fanning, Fenton, Johnson, Johnson, & Rehman, 2011; meilleure recherche visuelle, Sims & Mayer, 2002). De plus, il a été démontré que le fait de jouer à ces jeux pouvait impacter les capacités cognitives des joueurs (p.ex., Durlach, Kring, & Bowens, 2009). Une revue systématique sur l’impact d’une utilisation pathologique/excessive sur ces capacités a donc été menée. Méthode: La recherche d’articles a été menée sur quatre bases de données (p.ex., Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, PsychINFO). Afin d’être inclus dans cette revue, les articles revus par les pairs devaient: (i) dater d’au moins 2000 (les jeux vidéo ayant grandement évolué depuis), (ii) inclure au moins une étude expérimentale sur les processus cognitifs des joueurs, (iii) inclure des joueurs excessifs/pathologiques, (iv) être publiés en anglais, et (v) Ne pas avoir été utilisés dans une revue de littérature auparavant (p.ex., études en fMRI). Après sélection des articles et tri des doublons, la recherche a mené à 18 résultats dans 3 sections différentes (c.-à-d., Perception du temps supérieur à la seconde, Inhibition, et Prise de décision). Résultats: Les expériences sur la perception du temps montrent des résultats hétérogènes, certaines études ne montrant aucun résultat (p.ex.., Rivero, Covre, Reyes, & Bueno, 2012), d’autres des résultats partiels (Rau, Peng, & Yang, 2006), voire des résultats significatifs (Tobin & Grondin, 2009). Cependant, les études démontrant des résultats (potentiellement) significatifs incluaient des utilisateurs pathologiques, contrairement aux études sans résultats significatifs. Cette différence de population pouvant potentiellement expliquer cette différence. Les études sur l’inhibition montrent le même type de résultats hétérogènes, cependant, une fois ces études classées par type d’inhibition, il apparaîtrait que les joueurs montrent une inhibition de la réponse prépotente réduite (p.ex., au travers de tâches Go/Nogo, Littel et al., 2012), celle-ci étant aggravée lorsque des stimuli liés aux jeux étaient inclus dans la tâche (p.ex., Liu et al., 2014). Cependant, la seule étude ayant exploré l’annulation d’une réponse prépotente n’a pas démontré d’inhibition réduite, les joueurs de jeux-vidéos d’action présentant des temps de réactions réduits (Colzato, van den Wildenberg, Zmigrod, & Hommel, 2013). Finalement, Les études sur la prise de décision montrent des résultats similaires au travers des études, c’est-à-dire des lacunes à prendre des décisions dans des contextes de risque (p.ex., Pawlikowski & Brand, 2011), une prise de décision intacte dans les tâches à contextes ambigus (p.ex., Nuyens et al., 2016), et une tendance à préférer une récompense moindre immédiate à une récompense plus importante après un délai variable (Weinstein, Abu, Timor, & Mama, 2016). Discussion: Malgré les divers résultats contraires, et le peu d’étude sur certains processus, il est clair qu’une utilisation pathologique des jeux vidéo peut mener à des difficultés cognitives. Cependant, sachant que les études sur les performances susmentionnées ne recrutaient que des participants sains, il est supposable qu’une utilisation normale mènerait à des performances améliorées, sans aucune contrepartie négative. Plus d’études seraient donc nécessaires afin de déterminer l’impact différent des jeux vidéo sur les processus cognitifs en fonction du degré et type d’utilisation de ceux-ci (c.-à-d., utilisation occasionnelle, fréquente, ou pathologique)

    Effect of increase in allotted time on game playing performance: Case study of an online word game

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    Online game players tend to differ in the duration of time they play. However, no matter whether the time on playing an online game is spent positively or negatively, we may assume that when the duration of each online-game round is increased, players tend to engage in more interaction with their opponents. Though there are a significant number of research studies on time usage in computer games, there is no research exploring the direct effect of time on online game playing performance. As a result, this research aims to investigate the effect of time on player performance based on the case of an online word game. Ninety-three online word games (186 players) were randomly observed via the biggest online board game website in Thailand. The results show that an increase in time does not have effect on players’ performance. The managerial implication for further development is that webmasters may consider offering only time restricted games for players to avoid high traffic in websites; which, in effect will certainly solve the problem of lag time in online gaming.Time; computer game; online game; game playing performance; word game; online word game

    Flow and immersion in video games: The aftermath of a conceptual challenge

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    One of the most pleasurable aspects of video games is their ability to induce immersive experiences. However, there appears to be a tentative conceptualization of what an immersive experience is. In this short review, we specifically focus on the terms of flow and immersion, as they are the most widely used and applied definitions in the video game literature, whilst their differences remain disputable. We critically review the concepts separately and proceed with a comparison on their proposed differences. We conclude that immersion and flow do not substantially differ in current studies and that more evidence is needed to justify their separatio

    Constructing a gazebo: supporting teamwork in a tightly coupled, distributed task in virtual reality

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    Many tasks require teamwork. Team members may work concurrently, but there must be some occasions of coming together. Collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) allow distributed teams to come together across distance to share a task. Studies of CVE systems have tended to focus on the sense of presence or copresence with other people. They have avoided studying close interaction between us-ers, such as the shared manipulation of objects, because CVEs suffer from inherent network delays and often have cumbersome user interfaces. Little is known about the ef-fectiveness of collaboration in tasks requiring various forms of object sharing and, in particular, the concurrent manipu-lation of objects. This paper investigates the effectiveness of supporting teamwork among a geographically distributed group in a task that requires the shared manipulation of objects. To complete the task, users must share objects through con-current manipulation of both the same and distinct at-tributes. The effectiveness of teamwork is measured in terms of time taken to achieve each step, as well as the impression of users. The effect of interface is examined by comparing various combinations of walk-in cubic immersive projection technology (IPT) displays and desktop devices

    DeReFrame: a design-research framework to study game mechanics and game aesthetics in an engineering design process

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    The main aim of this research is to study gaming techniques and elements that may potentially be beneficial to the future development of CAD systems for engineering design, in particular to maintain cognitive engagement. A design-research framework, called DeReFrame, was employed to construct an experimental game-based CAD framework exploring this. This research is based on reviews from the literature and experimental studies and include quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods measuring engineers’ performance and emotional responses. The thesis presents the construction process of the framework (DeReframe) to study a set of game mechanics and game aesthetics in an engineering design process and compare this with the traditional CAD. The framework was used to design and implement a game-based CAD system, called ICAD which was embedded with the following game mechanics of Directional Goals, Progression, Performance-Feedback and Rewards-Achievement. The DeReFrame and ICAD evolved through the experimental studies. In each case, selected game mechanics were at the core of each interaction and iteration which gave rise to feelings of progress, competence and mastery. The final results from the DeReFrame framework and ICAD indicated that gamified approaches should be included in engineering design with CAD: in particular the game mechanics of performance feedback and rewards-achievements influence engineers’ behaviour by supporting them within the problem-solving process creating an engaging-challenging interaction. In conclusion, this research has shown that a framework, that includes both engineering requirements and gamified aspects into consideration, cam serve as a basis for implementing game-based CAD to facilitate performance by providing engaging experiences for engineers