58 research outputs found

    Approximate F_2-Sketching of Valuation Functions

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    We study the problem of constructing a linear sketch of minimum dimension that allows approximation of a given real-valued function f : F_2^n - > R with small expected squared error. We develop a general theory of linear sketching for such functions through which we analyze their dimension for most commonly studied types of valuation functions: additive, budget-additive, coverage, alpha-Lipschitz submodular and matroid rank functions. This gives a characterization of how many bits of information have to be stored about the input x so that one can compute f under additive updates to its coordinates. Our results are tight in most cases and we also give extensions to the distributional version of the problem where the input x in F_2^n is generated uniformly at random. Using known connections with dynamic streaming algorithms, both upper and lower bounds on dimension obtained in our work extend to the space complexity of algorithms evaluating f(x) under long sequences of additive updates to the input x presented as a stream. Similar results hold for simultaneous communication in a distributed setting

    Efficient quantum protocols for XOR functions

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    We show that for any Boolean function f on {0,1}^n, the bounded-error quantum communication complexity of XOR functions ff\circ \oplus satisfies that Qϵ(f)=O(2d(logf^1,ϵ+lognϵ)log(1/ϵ))Q_\epsilon(f\circ \oplus) = O(2^d (\log\|\hat f\|_{1,\epsilon} + \log \frac{n}{\epsilon}) \log(1/\epsilon)), where d is the F2-degree of f, and f^1,ϵ=ming:fgϵf^1\|\hat f\|_{1,\epsilon} = \min_{g:\|f-g\|_\infty \leq \epsilon} \|\hat f\|_1. This implies that the previous lower bound Qϵ(f)=Ω(logf^1,ϵ)Q_\epsilon(f\circ \oplus) = \Omega(\log\|\hat f\|_{1,\epsilon}) by Lee and Shraibman \cite{LS09} is tight for f with low F2-degree. The result also confirms the quantum version of the Log-rank Conjecture for low-degree XOR functions. In addition, we show that the exact quantum communication complexity satisfies QE(f)=O(2dlogf^0)Q_E(f) = O(2^d \log \|\hat f\|_0), where f^0\|\hat f\|_0 is the number of nonzero Fourier coefficients of f. This matches the previous lower bound QE(f(x,y))=Ω(logrank(Mf))Q_E(f(x,y)) = \Omega(\log rank(M_f)) by Buhrman and de Wolf \cite{BdW01} for low-degree XOR functions.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    Sensitivity Conjecture and Log-rank Conjecture for functions with small alternating numbers

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    The Sensitivity Conjecture and the Log-rank Conjecture are among the most important and challenging problems in concrete complexity. Incidentally, the Sensitivity Conjecture is known to hold for monotone functions, and so is the Log-rank Conjecture for f(xy)f(x \wedge y) and f(xy)f(x\oplus y) with monotone functions ff, where \wedge and \oplus are bit-wise AND and XOR, respectively. In this paper, we extend these results to functions ff which alternate values for a relatively small number of times on any monotone path from 0n0^n to 1n1^n. These deepen our understandings of the two conjectures, and contribute to the recent line of research on functions with small alternating numbers

    Fourier sparsity, spectral norm, and the Log-rank conjecture

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    We study Boolean functions with sparse Fourier coefficients or small spectral norm, and show their applications to the Log-rank Conjecture for XOR functions f(x\oplus y) --- a fairly large class of functions including well studied ones such as Equality and Hamming Distance. The rank of the communication matrix M_f for such functions is exactly the Fourier sparsity of f. Let d be the F2-degree of f and D^CC(f) stand for the deterministic communication complexity for f(x\oplus y). We show that 1. D^CC(f) = O(2^{d^2/2} log^{d-2} ||\hat f||_1). In particular, the Log-rank conjecture holds for XOR functions with constant F2-degree. 2. D^CC(f) = O(d ||\hat f||_1) = O(\sqrt{rank(M_f)}\logrank(M_f)). We obtain our results through a degree-reduction protocol based on a variant of polynomial rank, and actually conjecture that its communication cost is already \log^{O(1)}rank(M_f). The above bounds also hold for the parity decision tree complexity of f, a measure that is no less than the communication complexity (up to a factor of 2). Along the way we also show several structural results about Boolean functions with small F2-degree or small spectral norm, which could be of independent interest. For functions f with constant F2-degree: 1) f can be written as the summation of quasi-polynomially many indicator functions of subspaces with \pm-signs, improving the previous doubly exponential upper bound by Green and Sanders; 2) being sparse in Fourier domain is polynomially equivalent to having a small parity decision tree complexity; 3) f depends only on polylog||\hat f||_1 linear functions of input variables. For functions f with small spectral norm: 1) there is an affine subspace with co-dimension O(||\hat f||_1) on which f is a constant; 2) there is a parity decision tree with depth O(||\hat f||_1 log ||\hat f||_0).Comment: v2: Corollary 31 of v1 removed because of a bug in the proof. (Other results not affected.

    Linear Sketching over F_2

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    We initiate a systematic study of linear sketching over F_2. For a given Boolean function treated as f : F_2^n -> F_2 a randomized F_2-sketch is a distribution M over d x n matrices with elements over F_2 such that Mx suffices for computing f(x) with high probability. Such sketches for d << n can be used to design small-space distributed and streaming algorithms. Motivated by these applications we study a connection between F_2-sketching and a two-player one-way communication game for the corresponding XOR-function. We conjecture that F_2-sketching is optimal for this communication game. Our results confirm this conjecture for multiple important classes of functions: 1) low-degree F_2-polynomials, 2) functions with sparse Fourier spectrum, 3) most symmetric functions, 4) recursive majority function. These results rely on a new structural theorem that shows that F_2-sketching is optimal (up to constant factors) for uniformly distributed inputs. Furthermore, we show that (non-uniform) streaming algorithms that have to process random updates over F_2 can be constructed as F_2-sketches for the uniform distribution. In contrast with the previous work of Li, Nguyen and Woodruff (STOC\u2714) who show an analogous result for linear sketches over integers in the adversarial setting our result does not require the stream length to be triply exponential in n and holds for streams of length O(n) constructed through uniformly random updates

    On the communication complexity of XOR functions

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    An XOR function is a function of the form g(x,y) = f(x + y), for some boolean function f on n bits. We study the quantum and classical communication complexity of XOR functions. In the case of exact protocols, we completely characterise one-way communication complexity for all f. We also show that, when f is monotone, g's quantum and classical complexities are quadratically related, and that when f is a linear threshold function, g's quantum complexity is Theta(n). More generally, we make a structural conjecture about the Fourier spectra of boolean functions which, if true, would imply that the quantum and classical exact communication complexities of all XOR functions are asymptotically equivalent. We give two randomised classical protocols for general XOR functions which are efficient for certain functions, and a third protocol for linear threshold functions with high margin. These protocols operate in the symmetric message passing model with shared randomness.Comment: 18 pages; v2: minor correction