3,011 research outputs found

    Spartan Daily, November 13, 1962

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    Volume 50, Issue 39https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/4360/thumbnail.jp

    Open Data for Public Administration: Exploitation and semantic organization of institutional web content

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    The project presented has been financed by Government of Aragon and is part of the ''Open Data'' initiative promoted by that organization. Given the amount of unstructured information related to the Government of Aragon currently published on the Internet, with slightly or no standardization and decentralized, it emerges the need to gather it systematically to be offered to all interested collectives from a single access point in a public and structured way. Within this context, ''Aragon Open Data'' project aims to collect, organize, store and maintain updated, Administration''s web information by means of human language and semantic technologies. Firstly, crawling is performed over websites in order to retrieve textual data over which Natural Language Processing (NLP) and ontology-based techniques are applied. Thereafter, results are stored into NoSQL databases, allowing future open access and simple data exploitation. NLP techniques used in the project involve named-entities recognition and classification (NERC) and texts semantic classification and summarization

    A Short Method of Calculating Torsional Stresses in an Airplane Fuselage

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    This report deals with an investigation carried out in the Civil Engineering Laboratory of the University of California, to determine the accuracy of existing methods of computing the stresses in an airplane fuselage when subjected to torsion, and to derive a simple approximate formula for the rapid calculation of these stresses

    The School of Jurisprudence (Academic 1925-1926)

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    Modelización Basada en Agentes aplicada a sociedades cazadoras recolectoras patagónicas

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    Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica, JIA (3as : 5-7 de mayo 2010 : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). Sesión 4. Cultura material y transdisciplinariedad en la investigación arqueológica de Latinoamérica.En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta metodológica basada en la simulación de poblaciones artificiales con el fin de abordar el análisis de la conformación de los límites étnicos de poblaciones patagónicas. La aplicación de modelos basados en sociedades artificiales es utilizada para comprender y explicar las sociedades reales. La aplicación de esta metodología supone que el comportamiento individual sigue reglas específicas, esperando que la sociedad concebida exhiba algunas propiedades particulares o regularidades estructurales. El modelo computacional propuesto no es una forma de validar teorías, es una herramienta que permite rastrear las implicaciones de las hipótesis con el fin de detectar donde se encuentra inconsistencias y contradicciones y así construir nuevas estructuras teóricas de explicación de los datos empíricos. La articulación de datos etnográficos sobre los grupos patagónicos históricos junto a las diferentes teorías de formación cazadora recolectora, constituyen el cuerpo básico sobre el que se intenta derivar la simulación de la emergencia de la etnicidad y las fronteras entre las sociedades patagónicas.This work proposes an artificial simulation methodology based on artificial social simulation in order to approach the development of ethnic boundaries in Patagonian populations. The application of models based on artificial societies is used to understand and explain the real societies. This methodology assumes that individual behavior follows specific rules, hoping that the designed society exhibits some particular properties or structural regularities. The proposed computational model is not a way to validate theories, is a tool to trace the implications of the scenarios in order to detect inconsistencies and contradictions and build new structures and theoretical explanation of empirical data. The articulation of ethnographic and historical data from Patagonian groups with different theories of hunter-gatherer, is the statement from which it attempts to derive the simulation of the emergence of ethnicity and boundaries between patagonic-societies.Aquest treball presenta una proposta metodològica basada en la simulació de poblacions artificials per tal d'abordar l'anàlisi de la conformació dels límits ètnics de poblacions patagòniques. L'aplicació de models basats en societats artificials és utilitzada per a comprendre i explicar les societats reals. L'aplicació d'aquesta metodologia suposa que el comportament individual segueix regles específiques, esperant que la societat concebuda que es mostri algunes propietats particulars o regularitats estructurals. El model computacional proposat no és una forma de validar teories, és una eina que permet rastrejar les implicacions de les hipòtesis per tal de detectar on hi ha inconsistències i contradiccions i així construir noves estructures teòriques d'explicació de les dades empíriques. L'articulació de dades etnogràfics sobre els grups patagònics històrics al costat de les diferents teories de formació caçadora-recol·lectora, constitueixen el cos bàsic sobre el qual s'intenta derivar la simulació de l'emergència de l'etnicitat i les fronteres entre les societats patagòniques


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    Index de les obres ressenyades: Nick HEYNEN ; James MCCARTHY ; Scott PRUDHAM ; Paul ROBBINS, Neoliberal environments : false promises and unnatural consequence

    Design or Extinction

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    L’ultimo capitolo di Vers une architecture s’intitola Architecture ou Révolution. Per Le Corbusier, nel 1923, le cose sono chiare: c’è una possibile rivoluzione e una architettura che potrebbe evitarla. La narrazione è una, il processo è uno, e i suoi possibili sviluppi sono due: una ottusa resistenza che provocherà una catastrofe, oppure una consapevole adesione. È lo stesso paradigma che definisce la storia europea dal 1789 al 1989: la reazione allo spirito del tempo distingue progressisti e conservatori, chi abbraccia le trasformazioni della modernità contro chi tenta di resistervi. L’urgenza delle scelte è tutta basata sul tempo: qualcosa di nuovo s’a accia sulla scena, e a questa novità bisogna reagire. La soluzione corretta si riduce a una sola mossa, un solo progetto, sempre nettamente opposto a un’alternativa in tut- to contraria.The last chapter of “Vers une architecture” is titled “Architecture ou Révolution”. For Le Corbusier, in 1923, matters were clear : there was a possible revolution and an architecture that could avert it. There was one narration, one process, with two possible developments: an obtuse resist- ance that would cause a catastrophe, or a conscious acceptance. It was the same paradigm that defines European history from 1789 to 1989: the reaction to the spirit of the times distinguished progressives from conservatives, those who embraced the trans- formations of modernity, and those who attempted to resist them. The urgency of these choices was all based on time: something new that would appear on the scene, a novelty calling for a reaction. The correct solution boiled down to one move and one design only, always sharply opposed to a totally contrary alternative