346 research outputs found


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    O objetivo do artigo é investigar a ocorrência e as causas do efeito chicote na cadeia de suprimentos de produtos de luxo. Foi realizado o método do estudo de caso, que foi conduzido por meio de entrevistas com gestores responsáveis pelos processos de suprimentos e previsão de vendas e também por meio da análise dos dados históricos de vendas e suprimentos em uma empresa que distribui produtos de luxo no Brasil. O estudo identificou que o efeito chicote também pode ocorrer nas cadeias de suprimentos de produtos de luxo e que existem causas específicas associadas à esse tipo de produto que potencializam a sua ocorrência, prejudicando as estratégias comerciais, financeiras e de suprimentos de uma empresa. O estudo fornece subsídios para que os gestores de marcas de luxo possam identificar riscos da ocorrência do efeito chicote em suas operações, minimizando os impactos na estratégica competitiva das empresas

    Climate Justice: Its Meanings, Its Struggles, and Its Prospects Under Liberal Democracy and Capitalism

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    The term climate justice, despite wide usage, defies easy definition. I argue that in order to appreciate it in its full complexity, climate justice is best understood as a moral framework with 2 facets. Facet 1 allows us to identify the various moral wrongs or concerns that are either causing, caused by, or raised by climate change while facet 2 allows us to understand how struggles to win responses to climate change that address those moral concerns are being organized. It is this second facet that I explore at length in this dissertation by identifying different fronts in the struggle for climate justice. A first front I refer to as (a) climate justice as climate ethics, in which rigorous moral philosophical reasoning is deployed to shape the creation of a just global agreement governing the distribution of climate burdens and benefits among nations. A second front is (b) the climate justice of the climate movement, which uses several prominent social movement strategies to attempt to make governing elites democratically accountable to moral demands for climate action. However, progress on both of these fronts is constrained by the logics of capitalism and liberal representative democracy (liberalism or the liberal order), which together filter out all but a narrow range of climate responses. I therefore argue that it is necessary to turn to a third front, (c) climate justice as just society, which seeks to disrupt liberalisms ideological hold in order to justify alternative institutional arrangements that can form the basis of a society that is simultaneously more just and better able to respond to the climate crisis. I identify political projects in the Leap Manifesto and in a capabilities approach to justice that can potentially make progress on this third front

    Pandemic Media: Preliminary Notes Toward an Inventory

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    With its unprecedented scale and consequences the COVID-19 pandemic has generated a variety of new configurations of media. Responding to demands for information, synchronization, regulation, and containment, these "pandemic media" reorder social interactions, spaces, and temporalities, thus contributing to a reconfiguration of media technologies and the cultures and polities with which they are entangled. Highlighting media’s adaptability, malleability, and scalability under the conditions of a pandemic, the contributions to this volume track and analyze how media emerge, operate, and change in response to the global crisis and provide elements toward an understanding of the post-pandemic world to come

    The Leadership Catalyst: A New Paradigm for Helping Leadership Flourish in Organizations

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    This thesis codifies a leadership paradigm that was born out of my experience as a naval officer, a corporate manager, and a director in a non-profit program and is informed by my study of leadership over the last 30 years—culminating in my completion of the Organizational Dynamics program. The basis for my model is a declaration that a good leader is someone who develops, creates, or otherwise inspires leadership abilities or improved performance in others—a leadership catalyst. My premise is that by becoming leadership catalysts, people can become force multipliers in their organizations by helping to exponentially improve the organization’s leadership capability. In a chemical solution, the catalyst creates a reaction that enables the original materials to become more than they are capable of becoming by themselves. Likewise, a person who is being a leadership catalyst enables others to become more than they are capable of becoming by themselves. My model melds concepts from neuroscience, cognitive psychology, ontology, and even quantum physics to describe how a person can become a leadership catalyst by being mindful, connected, intentional, generative, and heretical. Each of these five components represents particular intentions by the leader and serves as a guide for the leader to be authentic, generous, and effective at producing results

    Three-level inventory deployment for a luxury watch company facing various perturbations

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    A well-known Swiss watch brand, active in the top-end luxury market, is facing a complex inventory deployment problem where watches of different models (more than 100 different models) must be dispatched first to wholesalers to finally reach the shops where consumers come in. Along the way, different perturbations are expected at three levels (production plan, demand, and dispatching), and accurate reactions must be taken to fit to these uncertainties. Solution methods are proposed to solve realistic instances. Results show the relevance of the methods and the robustness of the solutions

    Grammar problems of translation of scientific and technical literature

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    Навчальний матеріал складається з автентичних науково-технічних англомовних та україномовних текстів для перекладу, а також низки завдань на переклад граматичних конструкцій та закріплення вокабуляру. Призначено для студентів факультетів іноземних мов, філологів широкого профілю, перекладачів, викладачів та інших фахівців у галузі гуманітарних дисциплін, що цікавляться проблемами перекладу.The teaching and training material consists of authentic scientific and technical English and Ukrainian texts for translation on the up-to-date topics corresponding to the social and age interests as well as the level of students' linguistic competences with a number of tasks for translating grammatical constructions and consolidating vocabulary. It is intended for students of faculties of foreign languages, general philologists, translators, lecturers and other specialists in the field of humanities, who are interested in translation problems

    The contexts of use and the innovation of TV-centric network technologies: as viewers become consumer-users

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    This thesis seeks to explore something of the current nature of human, social and business contingencies constituting and motivating design, production, consumption and the use of technologies. It places a particular emphasis on the innovation of TV-centric network technologies - 'new' media technologies, particularly interactive television (i-Tv), intended to link, enhance or otherwise augment existing television technology and content. The empirical work in the thesis studied the development and implementation of a complex large-scale i-Tv trial in Cambridge, UK. Issues arising from the research led to the development of a general research framework - Contextual Usability (CU) - whose central aim is to draw awareness to the complex and multiple dimensions of the use process as a social and organisational construction, and also to redefine its place as an intrinsic experiential dimension in the domestication of products and services.Various senior managers and designers were interviewed within the company designing and producing the i-Tv technology and interface for the trial, as were 11 participant households. The author concludes with an overview suggesting the interconnected and interdependent nature of trials, technology, users, design, designers and organisation. For this he uses CU in relation to Molina's notion of Sociotechnical Constituencies to illustrate how social, cultural and organisational elements of trials both rely and impinge upon the implementation and interpretation of user and consumer research, and thus working 'images'of the user and the use process

    Scientific visualization of multi-temporal remotely-sensed data for monitoring drought-related famine conditions : nutritional, socio-economic & climatic vulnerability in Sudan's Gezira

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 1999.Vita.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 186-202).This study addresses the design and deployment constraints and potential utility of an emerging analytical concept for planning adaptive response and mitigation of the regional impact of global climate change, within the context of a complex region in Sudan, with multiple biogenic and anthropogenic vulnerabilities. The specific conceptualization is referred to herein as the Temporal Analysis, Reconnaissance, and Decision Integration System (TARDIS). TARDIS is conceived as a composite planning tool, incorporating virtual temporal analysis, virtual spatial analysis, change detection for archival remotely-sensed data, trend extrapolation, generation of alternative future what-if scenarios and integration with both quantitative and rule-based decision-support. The rationale for developing the specifications for the TARDIS proof-of-concept is the observation that decisions concerning complex phenomena, involving multiple intractable problems, deserve to be made in an information-rich environment. Moreover, it is contended that such decisions could benefit both from an historical perspective and from the luxury of a comparative visualization of possible future outcomes of past trends, current policies and putative what-if constructs. The broad parameters for multi-variable factors affecting food security and the potentially significant regional impact of global climate change on Sudan's Gezira are presented. Also described are the potential contributions of the TARDIS in supporting planners and decision-makers, whose decisions might benefit from visualization of archival satellite data and from visualization of alternative future scenarios. I am primarily concerned with a triad of issues, in the order presented, and their interaction with one another: > FOOD SECURITY, WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO THE SUDAN > GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACT ON FOOD PRODUCING REGIONS, SUCH AS SUDAN'S GEZIRA > VISUALIZATION TECHNIQUES FOR TIME-SERIES SATELLITE DATA TO SUPPORT DECISION ANALYSIS, UNDER CONDITIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLEXITY, TYPIFIED BY THE SUDAN CASE STUDY Under this broad rubric, I seek to define a discrete area of concentration, namely, the articulation of design specifications for a proof-of-concept composite prototype decision support tool, incorporating scientific visualization of remotely sensed data. Although this tool potentially has generic applicability to decision-making and planning within diverse disciplines and geographic locations, the intended application, herein, is as a tool supporting decisions regarding future food security for Sudan's Gezira agricultural area, with specific reference to food crop, dhurra, (Sorghum bicolor) and cash crop, long staple cotton, (Gossypium Barakatensis) sustainability, under anticipated hotter and more arid climate conditions. The objective of applying this tool to the Sudanese context is to facilitate long-term planning and decision-making related to food security issues in the Gezira, given the climatological threat of future increased temperature and decreased precipitation. Accordingly, the first demonstration of the TARDIS proof-of-concept will be a simulated test run (STR) of data pertinent to Sudan's Gezira. The results of this STR will be evaluated in Chapter 4, and, based upon the outcome, recommendations for regional adaptive response are offered and refinements and modifications will be suggested to improve TARDIS utility and functionality. This research seeks to establish a role for state-of-the-science visualization of remotelysensed data, as a tool for planning adaptive responses to impending climatic change and to food insecurity. Moreover, the study hypothesizes that informed decision-making and policy formulation can be facilitated, through an analysis of the archival satellite and meteorological data for Sudan's Gezira, combined with an assessment of selected current conditions (e.g. civil war, political instability and international isolation, insect infestation in the irrigated agricultural schemes, prevalence of diseases such as schistosomiasis, malaria and cholera), and with an analysis of alternative future what-if scenarios. Potential vested constituents for such technology include various bi-lateral and multi-lateral entities with trade, aid or oversight relationships with Sudan. For purposes of this study, one such agency has been selected, namely, the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS), a newly established umbrella entity within the United Nations, whose mission is "to provide policy makers, resource managers and researchers with the data they need to detect, quantify, locate and understand changes (especially reductions) in the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to support sustainable development." Accordingly, GTOS has been identified as a potential TARDIS enduser, under the proposed auspices of the prototypical joint Food and Agricultural Organizattion (FAO)/ World Food Programme (WFP) annual Crop Survey and Nutritional Needs Assessment Mission to Sudan.by Gilbert Leonard Rochon, III.Ph.D

    How do Smart watches influence the market of luxury watches with particular regard of the buying-reasons.

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    Ya no es necesario mirar el reloj de pulsera para saber la hora exacta. Los teléfonos inteligentes, el reloj del ordenador o el reloj del automóvil nos informan también sobre la hora. La gente paga miles de euros por un reloj de lujo, aunque podría comprar relojes mucho más económicos, que además cumplen la función de indicar la hora exacta. Hace unos años, los relojes inteligentes entraron en el mercado y ahora la gente puede obtener además datos como la distancia que recorren a pie por día o controlar su sueño... La pregunta es: ¿cómo reaccionarán los clientes de relojes de lujo? La intención de esta tesis, entre otros objetivos, es establecer los diferentes tipos de razones por las que los consumidores tienden a comprar relojes de lujo. Las diferentes razones pueden ser explicadas con la ayuda de modelos y variables psicológicas que facilitan la comprensión de los motivos del comportamiento de compra. En el estudio se trata de explicar la importancia y el significado de identidad de la marca con referencia a la compra de relojes inteligentes y relojes de lujo, iden-tificando los beneficios y características de los relojes inteligentes, que se entienden como productos sustitutivos de los relojes de lujo. Además, se pretende explicar las razones de compra de los relojes inteligentes en comparación con los motivos para comprar relojes de lujo, y averiguar si el cliente típico de relojes de lujo tiene los mismos motivos y razones de compra que el cliente de relojes inteligentes. A través del análisis de la teoría de la actitud y la teoría de la congruencia, con referencia al comportamiento de compra y su influencia en la elección de marca, se establece un modelo de ecuación estructural que responde a los objetivos mencionados. La intención es obtener una comprensión profunda del efecto psico-lógico de las marcas para poder explicar la toma de decisiones de compra de este tipo de productos. Para ello, se han realizado estudios empíricos basados en cues-tionarios anónimos sobre las marcas Apple Watch y Rolex. Se comprueba que la influencia de la intención de elección de marca es mayor en Apple, en comparación con los clientes de Rolex. La norma subjetiva tiene la mayor relevancia con referencia a la intención de elección de marca en Rolex. Además, la congruencia real no es positivamente relevante con respecto a la in-tención de elegir relojes de la marca Rolex; de hecho, la congruencia real del cliente de Rolex es insignificante en comparación con la congruencia ideal. Con referencia a Apple Watch, la congruencia ideal juega el papel más im-portante para la intención de la elección de la marca. La personalidad de la marca del Apple Watch está más cerca del ideal de la persona de prueba, en comparación con la persona de prueba de Rolex. Según este estudio, la congruencia funcional no tiene relevancia positiva con referencia a la intención de elección de marca de Apple Watch. Los criterios rele-vantes para la congruencia funcional para la muestra que se aplican en este estudio son: cómo de bien está fabricado el producto, si es un producto duradero, cómo de alta es la calidad del material de fabricación y cómo se percibe el diseño del producto. Estos criterios,Administración y Dirección de Empresa