650 research outputs found

    Wood modification in Slovenia

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    This study examines the effect of pre-heat treatment on laser engraving of aspen thermowood. We used an infrared CO2 laser with a wavelength of 10640 nm to engrave aspen thermowood samples with different pre-treatment temperatures, including one non-treated sample (base). The samples had a similar moisture content of about 6 - 8%, but exhibited different shades of brown depending on the pre-treatment temperature. The engraving depth and width were measured for each sample, and 8 graphs were constructed to analyze the results. Our findings show that pre-treatment temperature has a significant effect on the efficiency of laser engraving, with higher pre-treatment temperatures resulting in deeper engraving lines. The study provides valuable insights into the optimization of laser engraving parameters for aspen thermowood, and demonstrates the potential of pre-heat treatment to improve the quality of laser-engraved wooden products.

    Wood modification in Switzerland

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    Lämpöpuun käyttö ikkunateollisuudessa

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    Opinnäytetyössä tarkasteltiin aikaisempia puun lämpökäsittelyyn keskittyneitä tutkimuksia sekä tutkittiin kokeellisesti lämpökäsitellyn Thermo-D -männyn (Pinus sylvestris) soveltuvuutta ikkunateollisuuden materiaaliksi. Lämpökäsittelyllä puulle saadaan useita ominaisuuksia, joita myös ikkunateollisuus voisi hyödyntää. Lämpökäsitelty puu johtaa lämpöä jopa 30 % heikommin kuin käsittelemätön puu, mikä tekee siitä mielenkiintoisen energiatehokkaiden ikkunoiden materiaaliksi. Myös lahonkesto-ominaisuudet ovat erittäin hyvät verrattuna käsittelemättömään puuhun. Toisaalta lämpökäsittely heikentää puun lujuusominaisuuksia.The main goal of this thesis was to find out how thermally modified Thermo-D pine (Pinus sylvestis) functions as material for the window industry. Heat treatment changes the properties of wood in a way that it can be useful for the window industry. For example thermal modification decreases the thermal conductivity of the wood up to 30 %. Heat treated wood is also less susceptible to rot. On the other hand, thermal modification decreases the mechanical properties of the wood

    Hardness Values for Thermally Treated Black Ash

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of a thermal treatment on the hardness of a Boreal hardwood species. As an undervalued and underutilized tree in Canada, black ash (Fraxinus nigra Marsh.) was selected as one that could potentially benefit from this process. The wood was processed runs in a new high-temperature kiln system being developed in northwestern Ontario, Canada, by Superior Thermowood®. During the processing, the wood deepened in color from a light brown to a darker brown, similar to that of walnut wood. Defect-free samples of Thermowood black ash were collected from two high-temperature runs (200°C wood temperature) and tested for hardness. Using the Janka ball hardness test, thermally modified black ash displayed average hardness values at 8% MC (5700 N), 43% greater than the controls and in the same range as published for untreated wood (5400 - 6000 N). With an improvement in the black ash aesthetic appearance combined with the slight increase in hardness, this species is well suited to be utilized in high-value markets, including flooring and fine furniture

    Technologies Applied to Wood Heat Treatments, a Review: Tecnologías aplicadas a los tratamientos térmicos en madera, una revisión

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    Heat treatments are carried out on the wood to modify the hygroscopic properties and its dimensional stability. This allows low-grade wood to be used in exposed applications. This document provides a systematized bibliographic review related to the available technologies that allow heat treatment of wood. For this, scientific databases were consulted where previous studies with high temperature drying were found that served as the basis for the development of technologies that are used today. Patent databases were also consulted making the systematic use of the International Patent Classification (IPC) and Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC), the most promising codes were selected according to the histogram analysis. Finally, a marked trend was observed in recent years in the study and development of heat treatments applied to different timber species.Los tratamientos térmicos se realizan a la madera con el fin de modificar las propiedades higroscópicas y su estabilidad dimensional. Esto permite que madera de baja calidad pueda ser usada en aplicaciones de libre exposición. Este documento proporciona una revisión bibliográfica sistematizada relacionada con las tecnologías disponibles que permiten realizar tratamientos térmicos en madera. Para esto se consultaron bases de datos científicas en donde se encontraron estudios previos con secado a alta temperatura que sirvió de base para el desarrollo de las tecnologías que se usan en la actualidad. También se consultaron bases de datos de patentes haciendo el uso sistematizado de la Clasificación Internacional de Patentes (CIP) y la Clasificación cooperativa de Patentes (CCP), se seleccionaron los códigos más prometedores de acuerdo con el análisis del histograma. Por último, se observó una tendencia marcada para los últimos años en el estudio y desarrollo de los tratamientos térmicos aplicados a diferentes especies maderables

    Technologies Applied to Wood Heat Treatments, a Review: Tecnologías aplicadas a los tratamientos térmicos en madera, una revisión

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    Heat treatments are carried out on the wood to modify the hygroscopic properties and its dimensional stability. This allows low-grade wood to be used in exposed applications. This document provides a systematized bibliographic review related to the available technologies that allow heat treatment of wood. For this, scientific databases were consulted where previous studies with high temperature drying were found that served as the basis for the development of technologies that are used today. Patent databases were also consulted making the systematic use of the International Patent Classification (IPC) and Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC), the most promising codes were selected according to the histogram analysis. Finally, a marked trend was observed in recent years in the study and development of heat treatments applied to different timber species.Los tratamientos térmicos se realizan a la madera con el fin de modificar las propiedades higroscópicas y su estabilidad dimensional. Esto permite que madera de baja calidad pueda ser usada en aplicaciones de libre exposición. Este documento proporciona una revisión bibliográfica sistematizada relacionada con las tecnologías disponibles que permiten realizar tratamientos térmicos en madera. Para esto se consultaron bases de datos científicas en donde se encontraron estudios previos con secado a alta temperatura que sirvió de base para el desarrollo de las tecnologías que se usan en la actualidad. También se consultaron bases de datos de patentes haciendo el uso sistematizado de la Clasificación Internacional de Patentes (CIP) y la Clasificación cooperativa de Patentes (CCP), se seleccionaron los códigos más prometedores de acuerdo con el análisis del histograma. Por último, se observó una tendencia marcada para los últimos años en el estudio y desarrollo de los tratamientos térmicos aplicados a diferentes especies maderables

    Wood Modification in Europe

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    This report is a result of a questionnaire and subsequent collation of data, which outlines the current status of wood modification across Europe in terms of national inventories and groups that have reported current activity in the respective research areas covered in this report