60,779 research outputs found

    La formación de docentes en TIC: aportaciones desde diferentes modelos de formación

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    Training the teaching staff in Information and Communication Technologies comes implicitly with the study of its different dimensions and principles, regarding the indications that have been pointed from a variety of studies and works. In our current society, it is clear that the significance of ICT to improve quality and educational performance is not exclusively determined by its presence, but also by the variety of transformations that involves not only using them as a way of consuming knowledge but also seeing them as tools to enrich, create and generate said knowledge. From this perspective, investment in professional development is more important than investment in resources associated with technology. ftis is an important aspect for incorporation of ITC, not considering only its use to do better things than we do without it, but to do things in a complete different manner. We present this article which describes a tour of some of the bases and models, analyzing the problematic of training in digital skills that teachers might face when they incorporate them into their teaching and professional practice.Hablar de la formación del profesorado en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, implica el estudio de diferentes dimensiones y principios, contemplando las indicaciones que han apuntado distintos estudios y trabajos. En la sociedad actual, es claro que la significación de las TIC para mejorar la calidad y el rendimiento educativo, no viene exclusivamente determinado por su presencia, sino también por diferentes transformaciones que implican pasar de utilizarlas únicamente como una forma de consumir conocimientos, a verlas como herramientas para enriquecerlos, crearlos y generarlos. Desde esta perspectiva, la inversión en desarrollo profesional es más importante que la inversión en recursos asociados a la tecnología, siendo unaspecto importantepara su incorporación, el noplantearse únicamente su utilización para hacer mejor las cosas que hacemos sin ellas, sino para hacer cosas completamente distintas. Desde esta óptica, planteamos el presente artículo en el que se describe un recorrido por algunas de las bases y modelos, analizando la problemática de la formación en las competencias digitales que debe poseer el profesorado a la hora de incorporarlas en su práctica docente y profesional

    What Do Preservice Teachers Think about Teaching Media Literacy?: An Exploratory Study Using the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Despite the numerous benefits of media & information literacy for students in today’s digital society, the lack of teacher preparation in teaching media & information literacy skills suggests that the societal rationale for students becoming media literate and the sustainable preparation of teachers in that area may differ. The purpose of this exploratory study was to explore the factors and beliefs underlying preservice teachers’ intention to teach media & information literacy in their future classroom according to the Theory of Planned Behavior. Findings suggest that preservice teachers’ have positive attitudes towards media & information literacy as an essential skill for students, yet do not feel that it is highlighted in their teacher education program, and that they would benefit from learning about media literacy pedagogies from faculty and instructors. We provide recommendations for teacher educators and researchers to improve preservice teacher’s intention to teach media & information literacy in their future classroom