661 research outputs found

    Theoretically Motivated Treebank Coverage

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    Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007. Editors: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit. University of Tartu, Tartu, 2007. ISBN 978-9985-4-0513-0 (online) ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7 (CD-ROM) pp. 152-159

    From treebank resources to LFG F-structures

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    We present two methods for automatically annotating treebank resources with functional structures. Both methods define systematic patterns of correspondence between partial PS configurations and functional structures. These are applied to PS rules extracted from treebanks, or directly to constraint set encodings of treebank PS trees

    Better training for function labeling

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    Function labels enrich constituency parse tree nodes with information about their abstract syntactic and semantic roles. A common way to obtain function-labeled trees is to use a two-stage architecture where first a statistical parser produces the constituent structure and then a second component such as a classifier adds the missing function tags. In order to achieve optimal results, training examples for machine-learning-based classifiers should be as similar as possible to the instances seen during prediction. However, the method which has been used so far to obtain training examples for the function labeling classifier suffers from a serious drawback: the training examples come from perfect treebank trees, whereas test examples are derived from parser-produced, imperfect trees. We show that extracting training instances from the reparsed training part of the treebank results in better training material as measured by similarity to test instances. We show that our training method achieves statistically significantly higher f-scores on the function labeling task for the English Penn Treebank. Currently our method achieves 91.47% f-score on the section 23 of WSJ, the highest score reported in the literature so far

    Treebanks gone bad: generating a treebank of ungrammatical English

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    This paper describes how a treebank of ungrammatical sentences can be created from a treebank of well-formed sentences. The treebank creation procedure involves the automatic introduction of frequently occurring grammatical errors into the sentences in an existing treebank, and the minimal transformation of the analyses in the treebank so that they describe the newly created ill-formed sentences. Such a treebank can be used to test how well a parser is able to ignore grammatical errors in texts (as people can), and can be used to induce a grammar capable of analysing such sentences. This paper also demonstrates the first of these uses

    Automatic F-Structure Annotation from the AP Treebank

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    We present a method for automatically annotating treebank resources with functional structures. The method defines systematic patterns of correspondence between partial PS configurations and functional structures. These are applied to PS rules extracted from treebanks. The set of techniques which we have developed constitute a methodology for corpus-guided grammar development. Despite the widespread belief that treebank representations are not very useful in grammar development, we show that systematic patterns of c-structure to f-structure correspondence can be simply and successfully stated over such rules. The method is partial in that it requires manual correction of the annotated grammar rules

    Experiments in Structure-Preserving Grammar Compaction

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    Structure preserving grammar compaction (SPC) is a simple CFG compaction technique originally described in (van Genabith et al., 1999a, 1999b). It works by generalising category labels and in so doing plugs holes in the grammar. To date the method has been tested on small corpra only. In the present research we apply SPC to a large grammar extracted from the Penn Treebank and examine its effects on rule treebank grammar size and on rule accession rates (as an indicator of grammar completeness) . 1 Introduction Tree banks and resources compiled from treebanks are potentially very useful in NLP. Grammars extracted from treebanks --- so called treebank grammars (Charniak, 1996) --- can form the basis of large coverage NLP systems. Such treebank grammars, however, can suffer from several shortcomings: they commonly feature a large number of flat, highly specific rules that may be rarely used, with ensuing costs for processing (load) under the grammar

    Using percolated dependencies for phrase extraction in SMT

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    Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) systems rely heavily on the quality of the phrase pairs induced from large amounts of training data. Apart from the widely used method of heuristic learning of n-gram phrase translations from word alignments, there are numerous methods for extracting these phrase pairs. One such class of approaches uses translation information encoded in parallel treebanks to extract phrase pairs. Work to date has demonstrated the usefulness of translation models induced from both constituency structure trees and dependency structure trees. Both syntactic annotations rely on the existence of natural language parsers for both the source and target languages. We depart from the norm by directly obtaining dependency parses from constituency structures using head percolation tables. The paper investigates the use of aligned chunks induced from percolated dependencies in French–English SMT and contrasts it with the aforementioned extracted phrases. We observe that adding phrase pairs from any other method improves translation performance over the baseline n-gram-based system, percolated dependencies are a good substitute for parsed dependencies, and that supplementing with our novel head percolation-induced chunks shows a general trend toward improving all system types across two data sets up to a 5.26% relative increase in BLEU

    Conference Program

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    Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics NODALIDA-2007. Editors: Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri Muischnek and Mare Koit. University of Tartu, Tartu, 2007. ISBN 978-9985-4-0513-0 (online) ISBN 978-9985-4-0514-7 (CD-ROM) pp. xiii-xviii