1,013 research outputs found

    Analysis of Ethernet Powerlink network and development of a wireless extension based on the IEEE 802.11n WLAN

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    In questa tesi si analizza inizialmente Ethernet POWERLINK (EPL), una delle reti Ethernet Real-Time piĂč popolari grazie alle sue caratteristiche e prestazioni. Viene poi proposta l'estensione wireless della rete POWERLINK basata sulla rete IEEE 802.11n (WLAN), con quest'ultima opportunamente ottimizzata per la comunicazione industriale attraverso l'algoritmo di dynamic rate adaptation RSIN

    An Energy-efficient Rate Adaptive Media Access Protocol (RA-MAC) for Long-lived Sensor Networks

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    We introduce an energy-efficient Rate Adaptive Media Access Control (RA-MAC) algorithm for long-lived Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Previous research shows that the dynamic and lossy nature of wireless communications is one of the major challenges to reliable data delivery in WSNs. RA-MAC achieves high link reliability in such situations by dynamically trading off data rate for channel gain. The extra gain that can be achieved reduces the packet loss rate which contributes to reduced energy expenditure through a reduced numbers of retransmissions. We achieve this at the expense of raw bit rate which generally far exceeds the application’s link requirement. To minimize communication energy consumption, RA-MAC selects the optimal data rate based on the estimated link quality at each data rate and an analytical model of the energy consumption. Our model shows how the selected data rate depends on different channel conditions in order to minimize energy consumption. We have implemented RA-MAC in TinyOS for an off-the-shelf sensor platform (the TinyNode) on top of a state-of-the-art WSN Media Access Control Protocol, SCP-MAC, and evaluated its performance by comparing our implementation with the original SCP-MAC using both simulation and experiment

    Contributions to bluetooth low energy mesh networks

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    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has become a popular Internet of Things (IoT) technology. However, it was originally designed to only support the star topology. This PhD thesis investigates and evaluates different Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mesh network approaches, including existing ones (such as the Bluetooth Mesh standard), and our own solution for IPv6-based BLE mesh networking (6BLEMesh). The thesis comprises 6 main contributions: 1.- A comprehensive survey on existing BLE mesh networking proposals and a taxonomy for BLE mesh network solutions. 2.- An energy consumption model for Bluetooth Mesh. The model allows to predict useful performance parameters, such as device average current consumption, device lifetime and energy efficiency, considering the impact of the most relevant Bluetooth Mesh parameters, i.e. PollTimeout and ReceiveWindow, as well as application parameters (e.g. the data interval for a sensor that periodically reports its readings). 3.- A new proposed IPv6-based BLE mesh networking IETF standard (in progress), called 6BLEMesh. After defining the characteristics and properties of 6BLEMesh, we evaluated it in terms of connectivity, latency, RTT, and energy consumption. 4.- For the connectivity evaluation of 6BLEMesh, we developed an analytical model that takes a set of network and scenario characteristics as inputs, and provides two main results: i) the probability of no isolation of a node, and ii) the k-connectivity of the considered network. We validated the model by simulation. 5.- An implementation, and an experimental evaluation, of 6BLEMesh. We built a three-node testbed consisting of all node types (i.e. 6LN, 6LR and 6LBR). We used three different popular commercial hardware platforms. We evaluated a number of performance parameters on the testbed, related with latency and energy consumption. Next, we characterized the current consumption patterns of the complete life cycle for different node types in the three-node testbed. We also evaluated the energy performance of a 6LN on three different platforms. We presented a 6LN current consumption model for different connInterval settings. To this end, we experimentally characterized each current consumption state in terms of its duration time and average current consumption value. We illustrated the impact of connInterval on energy performance. 6.- A comparison between Bluetooth Mesh and 6BLEMesh, in terms of protocol stack, protocol encapsulation overhead, end-toend latency, energy consumption, message transmission count, end-to-end reliability, variable topology robustness and Internet connectivity. Bluetooth Mesh and 6BLEMesh offer fundamentally different BLE mesh networking solutions. Their performance depends significantly on their parameter configuration. Nevertheless, the following conclusions can be obtained. Bluetooth Mesh exhibits slightly greater protocol encapsulation overhead than 6BLEmesh. Both Bluetooth Mesh and 6BLEMesh offer flexibility to configure per-hop latency. For a given latency target, 6BLEMesh offers lower energy consumption. In terms of message transmission count, both solutions may offer relatively similar performance for small networks; however, BLEMesh scales better with network size and density. 6BLEMesh approaches ideal packet delivery probability in the presence of bit errors for most parameter settings (at the expense of latency increase), whereas Bluetooth Mesh requires path diversity to achieve similar performance. Bluetooth Mesh does not suffer the connectivity gaps experimented by 6BLEMesh due to topology changes. Finally, 6BLEMesh naturally supports IP-based Internet connectivity, whereas Bluetooth Mesh requires a protocol translation gateway.Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ha esdevingut una tecnologia popular per a Internet of Things (loT). Ara bĂ©, va ser originalment dissenyada per suportar nomĂ©s la topologia en estrella. Aquesta tesi doctoral investiga i avalua diferents alternatives de xarxa mesh BLE, incloent alternatives existents (com l'estandard Bluetooth Mesh), i la nostra propia soluciĂł basada en IPv6, 6BLEMesh. Aquesta tesi comprĂ©n 6 contribucions·principals: 1.- Una revisiĂł exhaustiva de l'estat de l'art i una taxonomia de les xarxes mesh BLE. 2.- Un model de consum d'energia per Bluetooth Mesh. El model permet predir parametres de rendiment Ăștils, tals com consum de corrent, temps de vida del dispositiu i eficiĂ©ncia energĂ©tica, considerant !'impacte deis principals parametres de Bluetooth Mesh (PollTimeout i ReceiveWindow) i a nivell d'aplicaciĂł. 3.- Un nou estandard (en progrĂ©s) anomenat 6BLEMesh. DesprĂ©s de definir les caracterĂ­stiques de 6BLEMesh, aquesta soluciĂł ha estat avaluada en termes de connectivitat, latĂ©ncia, RTT i consum d'energia. 4.- Per a l'avaluaciĂł de connectivitat de 6BLEMesh, hem desenvolupat un model analĂ­tic que proporciona dos resultats principals: i) probabilitat de no arllament d'un node i ii) k-connectivitat de la xarxa considerada. Hem validat el model mitjani;:ant simulaciĂł. .- Una imP.lementaciĂł, i una avaluaciĂł experimental, de 6BLEMesh. S'ha construrt un testbed de tres nodes, que comprĂ©n 5tots els tipus de node principals (6LN, 6LR i 6LBR). S'han usat tres plataformes hardware diferents. S'han avaluat diversos parametres de rendiment en el testbed, relacionats amb latĂ©ncia i consum d'energia. A continuaciĂł, s'ha caracteritzat els patrons de consum de corren! d'un ciclde de vida complet per als diferents tipus de nodes en el testbed. TambĂ© s'han avaluat les prestacions d'energia d'un 6LN en tres plataformes diferents. S'ha presenta! un model de consum de corren! d'un 6LN per a diferents valors de connlnterval. Per aquest fi, s'ha caracteritzat emplricament cada estat de consum de corrent en termes de la seva durada i consum de corrent. 6.- Una comparativa entre Bluetooth Mesh i 6BLEMesh, en termes de pila de protocols, overhead d'encapsulament de protocol, latĂ©ncia extrem a extrem, consum d'energia, nombre de missatges transmesos, fiabilitat extrem a extrem, robustesa davant de topologies variables, i connexiĂł a Internet. Bluetooth Mesh i 6BLEMesh sĂłn solucions de BLE mesh networking fonamentalment diferents. Les seves prestacions depenen de la seva configuraciĂł de parametres. Ara bĂ©, es poden extreure les segĂŒents conclusions. Bluetooth Mesh mostra un overhead d'encapsulament de protocol lleugerament superior al de 6BLEmesh. Tots dos, Bluetooth Mesh i 6BLEMesh, ofereixen flexibilitat per configurar la latĂ©ncia per cada salt. Per un target de latĂ©ncia doniÂĄit, 6BLEMesh ofereix un consum d'energia inferior. En termes de nombre de missatges transmesos, les dues solucions ofereixen prestacions relativament similars per a xarxes petites. Ara bĂ©, 6BLEMesh escala millor amb la mida i la densitat de la xarxa. 6BLEMesh s'aproxima a una probabilitat d'entrega de paquets ideal en presĂ©ncia d'errors de bit (amb un increment en la latĂ©ncia), mentre que Bluetooth Mesh requereix diversitat de caml per assolir unes prestacions similars. Bluetooth Mesh no pateix els gaps de connectivitat que experimenta 6BLLEMesh a causa de canvis en la topologĂ­a. Finalment, 6BLEMesh suporta de forma natural la connectivitat amb Internet basada en IP, mentre que Bluetooth Mesh requereix un gateway de traducciĂł de protocols.Postprint (published version

    Contributions to bluetooth low energy mesh networks

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    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) has become a popular Internet of Things (IoT) technology. However, it was originally designed to only support the star topology. This PhD thesis investigates and evaluates different Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mesh network approaches, including existing ones (such as the Bluetooth Mesh standard), and our own solution for IPv6-based BLE mesh networking (6BLEMesh). The thesis comprises 6 main contributions: 1.- A comprehensive survey on existing BLE mesh networking proposals and a taxonomy for BLE mesh network solutions. 2.- An energy consumption model for Bluetooth Mesh. The model allows to predict useful performance parameters, such as device average current consumption, device lifetime and energy efficiency, considering the impact of the most relevant Bluetooth Mesh parameters, i.e. PollTimeout and ReceiveWindow, as well as application parameters (e.g. the data interval for a sensor that periodically reports its readings). 3.- A new proposed IPv6-based BLE mesh networking IETF standard (in progress), called 6BLEMesh. After defining the characteristics and properties of 6BLEMesh, we evaluated it in terms of connectivity, latency, RTT, and energy consumption. 4.- For the connectivity evaluation of 6BLEMesh, we developed an analytical model that takes a set of network and scenario characteristics as inputs, and provides two main results: i) the probability of no isolation of a node, and ii) the k-connectivity of the considered network. We validated the model by simulation. 5.- An implementation, and an experimental evaluation, of 6BLEMesh. We built a three-node testbed consisting of all node types (i.e. 6LN, 6LR and 6LBR). We used three different popular commercial hardware platforms. We evaluated a number of performance parameters on the testbed, related with latency and energy consumption. Next, we characterized the current consumption patterns of the complete life cycle for different node types in the three-node testbed. We also evaluated the energy performance of a 6LN on three different platforms. We presented a 6LN current consumption model for different connInterval settings. To this end, we experimentally characterized each current consumption state in terms of its duration time and average current consumption value. We illustrated the impact of connInterval on energy performance. 6.- A comparison between Bluetooth Mesh and 6BLEMesh, in terms of protocol stack, protocol encapsulation overhead, end-toend latency, energy consumption, message transmission count, end-to-end reliability, variable topology robustness and Internet connectivity. Bluetooth Mesh and 6BLEMesh offer fundamentally different BLE mesh networking solutions. Their performance depends significantly on their parameter configuration. Nevertheless, the following conclusions can be obtained. Bluetooth Mesh exhibits slightly greater protocol encapsulation overhead than 6BLEmesh. Both Bluetooth Mesh and 6BLEMesh offer flexibility to configure per-hop latency. For a given latency target, 6BLEMesh offers lower energy consumption. In terms of message transmission count, both solutions may offer relatively similar performance for small networks; however, BLEMesh scales better with network size and density. 6BLEMesh approaches ideal packet delivery probability in the presence of bit errors for most parameter settings (at the expense of latency increase), whereas Bluetooth Mesh requires path diversity to achieve similar performance. Bluetooth Mesh does not suffer the connectivity gaps experimented by 6BLEMesh due to topology changes. Finally, 6BLEMesh naturally supports IP-based Internet connectivity, whereas Bluetooth Mesh requires a protocol translation gateway.Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) ha esdevingut una tecnologia popular per a Internet of Things (loT). Ara bĂ©, va ser originalment dissenyada per suportar nomĂ©s la topologia en estrella. Aquesta tesi doctoral investiga i avalua diferents alternatives de xarxa mesh BLE, incloent alternatives existents (com l'estandard Bluetooth Mesh), i la nostra propia soluciĂł basada en IPv6, 6BLEMesh. Aquesta tesi comprĂ©n 6 contribucions·principals: 1.- Una revisiĂł exhaustiva de l'estat de l'art i una taxonomia de les xarxes mesh BLE. 2.- Un model de consum d'energia per Bluetooth Mesh. El model permet predir parametres de rendiment Ăștils, tals com consum de corrent, temps de vida del dispositiu i eficiĂ©ncia energĂ©tica, considerant !'impacte deis principals parametres de Bluetooth Mesh (PollTimeout i ReceiveWindow) i a nivell d'aplicaciĂł. 3.- Un nou estandard (en progrĂ©s) anomenat 6BLEMesh. DesprĂ©s de definir les caracterĂ­stiques de 6BLEMesh, aquesta soluciĂł ha estat avaluada en termes de connectivitat, latĂ©ncia, RTT i consum d'energia. 4.- Per a l'avaluaciĂł de connectivitat de 6BLEMesh, hem desenvolupat un model analĂ­tic que proporciona dos resultats principals: i) probabilitat de no arllament d'un node i ii) k-connectivitat de la xarxa considerada. Hem validat el model mitjani;:ant simulaciĂł. .- Una imP.lementaciĂł, i una avaluaciĂł experimental, de 6BLEMesh. S'ha construrt un testbed de tres nodes, que comprĂ©n 5tots els tipus de node principals (6LN, 6LR i 6LBR). S'han usat tres plataformes hardware diferents. S'han avaluat diversos parametres de rendiment en el testbed, relacionats amb latĂ©ncia i consum d'energia. A continuaciĂł, s'ha caracteritzat els patrons de consum de corren! d'un ciclde de vida complet per als diferents tipus de nodes en el testbed. TambĂ© s'han avaluat les prestacions d'energia d'un 6LN en tres plataformes diferents. S'ha presenta! un model de consum de corren! d'un 6LN per a diferents valors de connlnterval. Per aquest fi, s'ha caracteritzat emplricament cada estat de consum de corrent en termes de la seva durada i consum de corrent. 6.- Una comparativa entre Bluetooth Mesh i 6BLEMesh, en termes de pila de protocols, overhead d'encapsulament de protocol, latĂ©ncia extrem a extrem, consum d'energia, nombre de missatges transmesos, fiabilitat extrem a extrem, robustesa davant de topologies variables, i connexiĂł a Internet. Bluetooth Mesh i 6BLEMesh sĂłn solucions de BLE mesh networking fonamentalment diferents. Les seves prestacions depenen de la seva configuraciĂł de parametres. Ara bĂ©, es poden extreure les segĂŒents conclusions. Bluetooth Mesh mostra un overhead d'encapsulament de protocol lleugerament superior al de 6BLEmesh. Tots dos, Bluetooth Mesh i 6BLEMesh, ofereixen flexibilitat per configurar la latĂ©ncia per cada salt. Per un target de latĂ©ncia doniÂĄit, 6BLEMesh ofereix un consum d'energia inferior. En termes de nombre de missatges transmesos, les dues solucions ofereixen prestacions relativament similars per a xarxes petites. Ara bĂ©, 6BLEMesh escala millor amb la mida i la densitat de la xarxa. 6BLEMesh s'aproxima a una probabilitat d'entrega de paquets ideal en presĂ©ncia d'errors de bit (amb un increment en la latĂ©ncia), mentre que Bluetooth Mesh requereix diversitat de caml per assolir unes prestacions similars. Bluetooth Mesh no pateix els gaps de connectivitat que experimenta 6BLLEMesh a causa de canvis en la topologĂ­a. Finalment, 6BLEMesh suporta de forma natural la connectivitat amb Internet basada en IP, mentre que Bluetooth Mesh requereix un gateway de traducciĂł de protocols

    MAC protocol for location systems

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    Mestrado em Engenharia ElectrĂłnica e TelecomunicaçÔesNa ultima dĂ©cada as redes de comunicaçÔes sem fios sofreram uma evolução sem precedentes, e as suas caracterĂ­sticas particulares potenciaram a sua aplicação em vĂĄrios contextos. No caso caso especĂ­fico da localização em ambientes interiores, pretende-se que atravĂ©s de dados recolhidos por um conjunto de sensores sem fios, seja possĂ­vel detectar com relativa precisĂŁo um objecto mĂłvel devidamente identificado. Este tipo de sistemas permitem por exemplo, monitorizar um paciente de risco num hospital, dando informação precisa do seu paradeiro no momento da ocorrĂȘncia de algum incidente. Outra possĂ­vel aplicação serĂĄ, por exemplo, dentro de uma empresa ou instituição, recolher informação precisa sobre o paradeiro de cada trabalhador, visitante ou produto. Isto permite melhorar a logĂ­stica a gestĂŁo dos recursos. As soluçÔes comuns de localização nĂŁo endereçam devidamente a problemĂĄtica de acesso ao meio para a realização de transmissĂ”es. Isto tem impacto na eficiĂȘncia de utilização do canal de comunicaçÔes e resulta num nĂșmero inferior de localizaçÔes por unidade de tempo. Estes sistemas revelam assim a necessidade de um protocolo de acesso ao meio especĂ­fico que permita reduzir o tempo necessĂĄrio Ă  localização de cada dispositivo mĂłvel permitindo a integração de um nĂșmero mais elevado dispositivos mĂłveis ou fixos numa rede de localização. Esta tese explora a utilização de Zigbee para implementar um protocolo master/multi-slave (FTT-L) aplicado a um sistema de localização. Este protocolo bem como a sua implementação Ă© descrita neste documento. SĂŁo tambĂ©m conduzidos vĂĄrios testes para determinar alguns parĂąmetros chave. Os resultados sĂŁo utilizados para derivar o tempo mĂ­nimo de localização que Ă© validado experimentalmente. ABSTRACT: In the last decade the proliferation of wireless communication networks has reached unprecedented values, and their features empowered the application of wireless networks to the most varied contexts. In the specific case of indoor location, the target is to detect with relative precision an identified mobile object with the data collected from a wireless sensor network. This system allows us to monitor a risk patient in an hospital, giving the precise information about its location at the moment of a possible accident. Other possible application is, for example, to gather inside a company or institution the precise location of every worker, visitor or product. This can improve the logistics and the management of the personnel. The common location solutions do not address the problematic of medium access for transmitting messages. This has impact on the transmission channel occupation and indirectly lowers the system efficiency, which results on a smaller number of locations per unit of time. These systems reveal the necessity of a specific protocol for accessing the medium to reduce the necessary time to locate each mobile device, allowing the integration of a larger number of mobile devices or fixed devices in a location network. This thesis explores the use of ZigBee to implement a master/multi-slave protocol (FTT-L) supporting a localization system. This protocol as well as its implementation are described throughout the thesis and an assessment of several key parameters is conducted. Results are used to derive the delay of a localization round, which was validated experimentally

    Real-time wireless networks for industrial control systems

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    The next generation of industrial systems (Industry 4.0) will dramatically transform manyproductive sectors, integrating emerging concepts such as Internet of Things, artificialintelligence, big data, cloud robotics and virtual reality, to name a few. Most of thesetechnologies heavily rely on the availability of communication networks able to offernearly–istantaneous, secure and reliable data transfer. In the industrial sector, these tasks are nowadays mainly accomplished by wired networks, that combine the speed ofoptical fiber media with collision–free switching technology. However, driven by the pervasive deployment of mobile devices for personal com-munications in the last years, more and more industrial applications require wireless connectivity, which can bring enormous advantages in terms of cost reduction and flex-ibility. Designing timely, reliable and deterministic industrial wireless networks is a complicated task, due to the nature of the wireless channel, intrinsically error–prone andshared among all the devices transmitting on the same frequency band. In this thesis, several solutions to enhance the performance of wireless networks employed in industrial control applications are proposed. The presented approaches differ in terms of achieved performance and target applications, but they are all characterized by an improvement over existing industrial wireless solutions in terms of timeliness, reliability and determinism. When possible, an experimental validation of the designed solutions is provided. The obtained results prove that significant performance improvements are already possible, often using commercially available devices and preserving compliance to existing standards. Future research efforts, combined with the availability of new chipsets and standards, could lead to a world where wireless links effectively replace most of the existing cables in industrial environments, as it is already the case in the consumer market

    Application and Control Aware Communication Strategies for Transportation and Energy Cyber-Physical Systems

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    Cyber--Physical Systems (CPSs) are a generation of engineered systems in which computing, communication, and control components are tightly integrated. Some important application domains of CPS are transportation, energy, and medical systems. The dynamics of CPSs are complex, involving the stochastic nature of communication systems, discrete dynamics of computing systems, and continuous dynamics of control systems. The existence of communication between and among controllers of physical processes is one of the basic characteristics of CPSs. Under this situation, some fundamental questions are: 1) How does the network behavior (communication delay, packet loss, etc.) affect the stability of the system? 2) Under what conditions is a complex system stabilizable?;In cases where communication is a component of a control system, scalability of the system becomes a concern. Therefore, one of the first issues to consider is how information about a physical process should be communicated. For example, the timing for sampling and communication is one issue. The traditional approach is to sample the physical process periodically or at predetermined times. An alternative is to sample it when specific events occur. Event-based sampling requires continuous monitoring of the system to decide a sample needs to be communicated. The main contributions of this dissertation in energy cyber-physical system domain are designing and modeling of event-based (on-demand) communication mechanisms. We show that in the problem of tracking a dynamical system over a network, if message generation and communication have correlation with estimation error, the same performance as the periodic sampling and communication method can be reached using a significantly lower rate of data.;For more complex CPSs such as vehicle safety systems, additional considerations for the communication component are needed. Communication strategies that enable robust situational awareness are critical for the design of CPSs, in particular for transportation systems. In this dissertation, we utilize the recently introduced concept of model-based communication and propose a new communication strategy to address this need. Our approach to model behavior of remote vehicles mathematically is to describe the small-scale structure of the remote vehicle movement (e.g. braking, accelerating) by a set of dynamic models and represent the large-scale structure (e.g. free following, turning) by coupling these dynamic models together into a Markov chain. Assuming model-based communication approach, a novel stochastic model predictive method is proposed to achieve cruise control goals and investigate the effect of new methodology.;To evaluate the accuracy and robustness of a situational awareness methodology, it is essential to study the mutual effect of the components of a situational awareness subsystem, and their impact on the accuracy of situational awareness. The main components are estimation and networking processes. One possible approach in this task is to produce models that provide a clear view into the dynamics of these two components. These models should integrate continuous physical dynamics, expressed with ordinary differential equations, with the discrete behaviors of communication, expressed with finite automata or Markov chain. In this dissertation, a hybrid automata model is proposed to combine and model both networking and estimation components in a single framework and investigate their interactions.;In summary, contributions of this dissertation lie in designing and evaluating methods that utilize knowledge of the physical element of CPSs to optimize the behavior of communication subsystems. Employment of such methods yields significant overall system performance improvement without incurring additional communication deployment costs
