69 research outputs found

    The use of power gyrator structures as energy processing cells in photovoltaic solar facilities

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    This paper will provide a classification of high efficiency switching power-gyrator structures and their use as cells for energy processing in photovoltaic solar facilities. Having into account the properties of these topologies presented in the article, their inclusion in solar facilities allows increasing the performance of the whole installation. Thus, the design, simulation and implementation of a G-type power gyrator are carried out throughout the text. In addition, in order to obtain the maximum power from the photovoltaic solar panel, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is mandatory in the energy processing path. Therefore, the practical implementation carried out includes a control loop of the power gyrator in order to track the aforementioned maximum power point of the photovoltaic solar panel.Postprint (published version

    The use of power DC-DC converters and gyrator structures for energy processing

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    This article provides a classification of high efficiency switching power-gyrator structures and their use as cells for energy processing in photovoltaic solar facilities. Having into account the properties of these topologies presented in the article, their inclusion in solar facilities allows increasing the performance of the whole installation. Thus, the design, simulation and implementation of a G-type power gyrator are carried out throughout the text. In addition, in order to obtain the maximum power from the photovoltaic solar panel, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is mandatory in the energy processing path. Therefore, the practical implementation carried out includes a control loop of the power gyrator in order to track the aforementioned maximum power point of the photovoltaic solar panel.Postprint (published version

    The inclusion of power gyrator topologies as energy processing cells in photovoltaic solar conversion

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    This paper will provide a classification of high efficiency switching power-gyrator structures and their use as cells for energy processing in photovoltaic solar facilities. Having into account the properties of these topologies presented in the article, their inclusion in solar facilities allows increasing the performance of the whole installation. Therefore, the design, simulation and implementation of a G-type power gyrator are carried out throughout the text. In addition, in order to obtain the maximum power from the photovoltaic solar panel, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is mandatory in the energy processing path. Therefore, the practical implementation carried out includes a control loop of the power gyrator in order to track the aforementioned maximum power point of the photovoltaic solar panel.Postprint (published version

    The inclusion of power gyrator topologies as energy processing cells in photovoltaic solar conversion

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    This paper will provide a classification of high efficiency switching power-gyrator structures and their use as cells for energy processing in photovoltaic solar facilities. Having into account the properties of these topologies presented in the article, their inclusion in solar facilities allows increasing the performance of the whole installation. Therefore, the design, simulation and implementation of a G- type power gyrator are carried out throughout the text. In addition, in order to obtain the maximum power from the photovoltaic solar panel, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is mandatory in the energy processing path. Therefore, the practical implementation carried out includes a control loop of the power gyrator in order to track the aforementioned maximum power point of the photovoltaic solar panel.Postprint (published version

    The use of power DC-DC converters and gyrator structures for energy processing in photovoltaic solar facilities

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    This article provides a classification of high efficiency switching power-gyrator structures and their use as cells for energy processing in photovoltaic solar facilities. Having into account the properties of these topologies presented in the article, their inclusion in solar facilities allows increasing the performance of the whole installation. Thus, the design, simulation and implementation of a G-type power gyrator are carried out throughout the text. In addition, in order to obtain the maximum power from the photovoltaic solar panel, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is mandatory in the energy processing path. Therefore, the practical implementation carried out includes a control loop of the power gyrator in order to track the aforementioned maximum power point of the photovoltaic solar panel.Postprint (published version

    The use of power DC-DC converters and gyrators structures for energy processing in photovotaic solar facilities

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    This article provides a classification of high efficiency switching power-gyrator structures and their use as cells for energy processing in photovoltaic solar facilities. Having into account the properties of these topologies presented in the article, their inclusion in solar facilities allows increasing the performance of the whole installation. Thus, the design, simulation and implementation of a G-type power gyrator are carried out throughout the text. In addition, in order to obtain the maximum power from the photovoltaic solar panel, a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is mandatory in the energy processing path. Therefore, the practical implementation carried out includes a control loop of the power gyrator in order to track the aforementioned maximum power point of the photovoltaic solar panel.Postprint (published version

    The use of power DC-DC converters and gyrator structures for Energy Processing in Photovoltaic Solar Facilities

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    Este artículo ofrece una clasificación de las estructuras giradoras de potencia conmutadas de alta eficiencia (high efficiency switching power-gyrator structures), y su uso como células para el procesado de energía en instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas. Teniendo en cuenta las propiedades de estas topologías presentadas en el artículo, su inclusión en instalaciones solares, permite aumentar el rendimiento de toda la instalación. Así pues, el diseño, simulación e implementación de un girador de potencia de tipo G se lleva a cabo a lo largo de todo el texto. Además, con el fin de obtener la máxima potencia del panel solar fotovoltaico, un sistema de seguimiento del punto de máxima potencia (MPPT, maximum power point tracking) es necesario en el camino de procesado de energía. Por lo tanto, la aplicación práctica llevada a cabo incluye un circuito de control del girador de potencia con el fin de realizar el seguimiento del punto de máxima potencia antes mencionado del panel solar fotovoltaico al que está conectado


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    En aquesta tesis, es proposarà, com a solució per al disseny d’etapes d’elevat guany en aplicacions fotovoltaiques, la connexió en cascada d’elements canònics per al processat de potència basats en el convertidor elevador boost treballant sota un control en mode lliscant. Els tres elements canònics per al processat de potència són el transformador de corrent continu (CC), el girador de CC i el Loss-Free Resistor (LFR) o resistor lliure de pèrdues. La connexió en cascada de dos convertidors elevadors s’ha realitzat mitjançant diferents enfocs: dos elements canònics idèntics, dos elements canònics diferents i també mitjançant una única superfície de lliscament per controlar els dos convertidors. Les diferents connexions s’han comparat en termes de prestacions dinàmiques, estabilitat y temps d’establiment. Es podrà veure que la connexió en cascada de dos LFR és la millor opció per les aplicacions citades en termes de prestacions dinàmiques i estabilitat. La connexió en cascada de dos LFR s’aplicarà per la implementació d’una etapa d’adaptació d’impedàncies entre un generador fotovoltaic i un bus de tensió continua de 380 V. Per fer-ho s’utilitzarà un sistema MPPT basat en un algoritme de control extremal. Es modelarà la dinàmica ideal en mode lliscant d’ordre reduït a partir del model complet commutat tenint en compte les restriccions del mode lliscant, la característica no lineal del generador fotovoltaic i la dinàmica del control MPPT. A més a més, la connexió en cascada de dos LFR s’utilitzarà per inyectar la potència provinent d’un generador PV a una xarxa de corrent altern . A continuació, es durà a terme una comparació entre la connexió en cascada de dos LFR i dos convertidors amb guany elevat: el convertidor Z-source i un convertidor basat amb inductors acoblats. Aquests convertidors s’analitzaran per tal d’identificar els avantatges i els desavantatges de cada topologia en front a la connexió en cascada de dos LFR. La comparació es farà en termes de volum, nombre de components, prestacions dinàmiques, estabilitat i rendiment. Finalment, els dos LFR connectats en cascada s’utilitzaran per dissenyar una nanoxarxa formada per n LFR connectats en paral•lel que actuaran com etapa adaptadora entre n generadors fotovoltaics i un bus de CC de 380 V. Cada generador fotovoltaic es connectarà al bus de CC utilitzant dos LFR en cascada de forma que els n sistemes tindran els seus ports de sortida connectats en paral•lel. A més a més, es connectarà una bateria al sistema a través d’un convertidor bidireccional que serà l’encarregat de regular la tensió del bus de CC de la nanoxarxa. En el marc d’aquesta tesis s’han implementat diferents prototipus experimentals per tal de validar els anàlisis teòrics i les simulacions numèriques efectuades.En esta tesis, se propondrá, como solución para el diseño de etapas de elevada ganancia en aplicaciones fotovoltaicas, la conexión en cascada de elementos canónicos para el procesado de potencia basados en el convertidor elevador boost trabajando bajo un control en modo deslizante. Los tres elementos canónicos para el procesado de potencia son el transformador de corriente continua (CC), el girador de CC y el Loss-Free Resistor (LFR) o resistor libre de pérdidas. La conexión en cascada de dos convertidores elevadores se ha realizado mediante diferentes enfoques: dos elementos canónicos idénticos, dos elementos canónicos diferentes y también mediante una única superficie de deslizamiento para controlar los dos convertidores. Las diferentes conexiones se han comparado en términos de prestaciones dinámicas, estabilidad y tiempo de establecimiento. Se podrá ver que la conexión en cascada de dos LFR es la mejor opción para las aplicaciones citadas en términos de prestaciones dinámicas y estabilidad. La conexión en cascada de dos LFR se utilizará en la implementación de una etapa de adaptación de impedancias entre un generador fotovoltaico y un bus de CC de 380 V. Para ello se utilizará un sistema MPPT basado en un algoritmo de control extremal. Se modelará la dinámica ideal deslizante de orden reducido a partir del modelo completo conmutado teniendo en cuenta les restricciones del modo deslizante, la característica no lineal del generador fotovoltaico y la dinámica del control MPPT. Además, la conexión en cascada de dos LFR se utilizará para inyectar la potencia proporcionada por un generador PV a una red de corriente alterna. A continuación, se llevará a cabo una comparación entre la conexión en cascada de dos LFR y dos convertidores con ganancia elevada: el convertidor Z-source y un convertidor basado en inductores acoplados. Estos convertidores se analizarán para identificar las ventajas y desventajas de cada topología frente a la conexión en cascada de dos LFR. La comparación se hará en términos de volumen, número de componentes, prestaciones dinámicas, estabilidad y rendimiento. Finalmente, los dos LFR conectados en cascada se utilizarán para diseñar una nano-red formada por n LFR conectados en paralelo que actuarán como etapa adaptadora entre n generadores fotovoltaicos y un bus de CC de 380 V. Cada generador fotovoltaico se conectará al bus de CC utilizando dos LFR conectados en cascada de forma que los n sistemas tendrán sus puertos de salida conectados en paralelo. Además, se conectará una batería al sistema a través de un convertidor bidireccional que será el encargado de regular la tensión del bus de CC de la nano-red. En el marco de esta tesis se han implementado diferentes prototipos experimentales para validar los análisis teóricos y las simulaciones numéricas efectuadas.In this thesis, cascaded boost converters based on canonical elements under Sliding Mode Control (SMC) will be used as a solution for the high gain conversion ratio in PV applications. The three basic canonical elements for power processing are the DC-transformer, the DC-gyrator and the Loss Free resistor (LFR). Two cascaded boost converters will be synthesized based on one or two canonical elements using single or double sliding surfaces respectively. Different connections will be compared in terms of dynamic performance, stability, and settling time. It will be shown that the two cascaded LFRs is the best candidate for these kinds of applications in terms of dynamic performance and stability. The two cascaded LFRs will be applied to make an impedance matching between a PV generator and a DC voltage bus of 380 V. Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) that employs an extremum-seeking control algorithm will be used. The ideal reduced-order sliding-mode dynamics model will be derived from the full-order switched model taking into account the sliding constraints, the nonlinear characteristic of the PV module and the dynamics of the MPPT controller. Moreover, the two cascaded LFRs will be used to connect a PV panel and AC distribution system. A comparison with other alternative converters for high gain conversion ratio will be carried out. The Z-source converter and the high step-up converter based on coupled-inductor are selected in order to make this comparison. These converters will be analyzed in order to address the advantages and disadvantages of each topology to be compared with the two cascaded LFRs in terms of volume, number of components, dynamic performance, stability and efficiency. Then, the two cascaded LFRs system will be used to synthesize a nanogrid consisting of n output paralleled two-stage boost converters which are used to connect n PV panels to a DC voltage bus of 380 V. Each PV panel is connected to the DC bus using two-stage cascaded LFRs and the n systems are connected in parallel at the output side which is then used as an interface between the panels and the DC grid. Moreover, a storage battery will be connected to the grid as a backup for the DC bus through a bidirectional converter and also for regulating the voltage of the DC bus. The thesis includes experimental implementations for validating the theoretical analysis and the numerical simulations

    NASA Tech Briefs Index, 1977, volume 2, numbers 1-4

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    Announcements of new technology derived from the research and development activities of NASA are presented. Abstracts, and indexes for subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief number are presented for 1977

    NASA Tech Briefs, Fall 1977

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    Topics include: NASA TU Services: Technology Utilization services that can assist you in learning about and applying NASA technology; New Product Ideas: A summary of selected Innovations of value to manufacturers for the development of new products; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Life Sciences; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences