628 research outputs found

    Procedural modeling of cities with semantic information for crowd simulation

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    En aquesta tesi de màster es presenta un sistema per a la generació procedural de ciutats poblades. Avui en dia poblar entorns virtuals grans tendeix a ser una tasca que requereix molt d’esforç i temps, i típicament la feina d’artistes o programadors experts. Amb aquest sistema es vol proporcionar una eina que permeti als usuaris generar entorns poblats d’una manera més fàcil i ràpida, mitjançat l’ús de tècniques procedurals. Les contribucions principals inclouen: la generació d’una ciutat virtual augmentada semànticament utilitzant modelat procedural basat en gramàtiques de regles, la generació dels seus habitants virtuals utilitzant dades estadístiques reals, i la generació d’agendes per a cada individu utilitzant també un mètode procedural basat en regles, el qual combina la informació semàntica de la ciutat amb les característiques i necessitats dels agents autònoms. Aquestes agendes individuals són usades per a conduir la simulació dels habitants, i poden incloure regles com a tasques d’alt nivell, l’avaluació de les quals es realitza al moment de començar-les. Això permet simular accions que depenguin del context, i interaccions amb altres agents.En esta tesis de máster se presenta un sistema para la generación procedural de ciudades pobladas. Hoy en día poblar entornos virtuales grandes tiende a ser una tarea que requiere de mucho tiempo y esfuerzo, y típicamente el trabajo de artistas o programadores expertos. Con este sistema se pretende proporcionar una herramienta que permita a los usuarios generar entornos poblados de un modo más fácil y rápido, mediante el uso de técnicas procedurales. Las contribuciones principales incluyen: la generación de una ciudad virtual aumentada semánticamente utilizando modelado procedural basado en gramáticas de reglas, la generación de sus habitantes virtuales utilizando datos estadísticos reales, y la generación de agendas para cada individuo utilizando también un método procedural basado en reglas, el cual combina la información semántica de la ciudad con las características y necesidades de los agentes autónomos. Estas agendas individuales son usadas para conducir la simulación de los habitantes, y pueden incluir reglas como tareas de alto nivel, la evaluación de las cuales se realiza cuando empiezan. Esto permite simular acciones que dependan del contexto, e interacciones con otros agentes.In this master thesis a framework for procedural generation of populated cities is presented. Nowadays, the population of large virtual environments tends to be a time-consuming task, usually requiring the work of expert artists or programmers. With this system we aim at providing a tool that can allow users to generate populated environments in an easier and faster way, by relying on the usage of procedural techniques. Our main contributions include: a generation of semantically augmented virtual cities using procedural modelling based on rule grammars, a generation of a virtual population using real-world data, and a generation of agendas for each individual inhabitant by using a procedural rule-based approach, which combines the city semantics with the autonomous agents characteristics and needs. The individual agendas are then used to drive a crowd simulation in the environment, and may include high-level rule tasks whose evaluation is delayed until they get triggered. This feature allows us to simulate context-dependant actions and interactions with other agents

    Designing and Developing Interactive Learning Multimedia Using 3D Game Engine

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    . This study mainly focuses on the process of designing and developing interactive learning media by using Unreal Development Kit, which basically consists of three main parts, i.e., designing 3D objects, designing 2D objects to be used as UI (User Interface), and arranging them into a level in UDK. The next stage is having subjects to test the level and fill out a questionnaire to find out their interest and response towards the use of this new type of learning media. The subjects are randomly-picked, they are 14 ninth-grade students from several junior high schools aged 14 to 15 years old. The results show that: (1) almost all subjects give positive response towards this type of learning media; (2) this new leaning media is rated 76.9 and 64,2 by media and material experts consecutively, meaning that the media is valid to be used; and (3) all subjects would like to use this media in mobile platforms

    A Classification of Scripting Systems for Entertainment and Serious Computer Games

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    The technology base for modern computer games is usually provided by a game engine. Many game engines have built-in dedicated scripting languages that allow the development of complete games that are built using those engines, as well as extensive modification of existing games through scripting alone. While some of these game engines implement proprietary languages, others use existing scripting systems that have been modified according to the game engine's requirements. Scripting languages generally provide a very high level of abstraction method for syntactically controlling the behaviour of their host applications and different types of scripting system allow different types of modification of their underlying host application. In this paper we propose a simple classification for scripting systems used in computer games for entertainment and serious purposes

    An authoring tool for educators to make virtual labs

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    This paper focuses on the design and implementation of a tool that allows educators to author 3D virtual labs. The methodology followed is based on web 3D frameworks such as three.js and WordPress that allowed us to develop simplified interfaces for modifying Unity3D templates. Two types of templates namely one for Chemistry and one for Wind Energy labs were developed that allow to test the generalization, user-friendliness and usefulness of such an approach. Results have shown that educators are much interested on the general concept, but several improvements should be made towards the user-friendliness and the intuitiveness of the interfaces in order to allow the inexperienced educators in 3D gaming to make such an attempt.peer-reviewe

    Architectures for developing multiuser, immersive learning scenarios

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    Nadolski, R. J., Hummel, H. G. K., Slootmaker, A., & Van der Vegt, W. (2012). Architectures for developing multiuser, immersive learning scenarios. Simulation & Gaming, 43(6), 825-852.Multi-user immersive learning scenarios hold strong potential for life long learning as they can support the acquisition of higher order skills in an effective, efficient and attractive way. Existing virtual worlds, game development platforms, and game engines only partly cater for the proliferation of such learning scenarios as they are often inadequately tuned for learning. First, this study aims to identify architectures that more effectively support the development of multi-user immersive learning scenarios. Second, this study takes up the challenge to define and assemble more flexible architectures that cater for fast and easy development, which will become important in the current period of economic breakdown. Third, this study describes how such architectures should enable research into guidelines for multi-user immersive learning scenario design and development. This study outlines a method for defining and setting up such architectures by using experts and existing literature

    XRSpotlight: Example-based Programming of XR Interactions using a Rule-based Approach

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    Research on enabling novice AR/VR developers has emphasized the need to lower the technical barriers to entry. This is often achieved by providing new authoring tools that provide simpler means to implement XR interactions through abstraction. However, novices are then bound by the ceiling of each tool and may not form the correct mental model of how interactions are implemented. We present XRSpotlight, a system that supports novices by curating a list of the XR interactions defined in a Unity scene and presenting them as rules in natural language. Our approach is based on a model abstraction that unifies existing XR toolkit implementations. Using our model, XRSpotlight can find incomplete specifications of interactions, suggest similar interactions, and copy-paste interactions from examples using different toolkits. We assess the validity of our model with professional VR developers and demonstrate that XRSpotlight helps novices understand how XR interactions are implemented in examples and apply this knowledge in their projects