235 research outputs found

    Stereopsis assessment at multiple distances with an iPad application

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    [EN] We present a new application for iPad for screening stereopsis at multiple distances that allows testing up to ten levels of stereoacuity at each distance. Our approach is based on a random dot stereogram viewable with anaglyph spectacles. Sixty-five subjects with no ocular diseases, wearing their habitual correction were measured at 3 m and 0.5 m. Results were compared with a standard stereoscopic test (TNO). We found not statistically significant differences between both tests, but our method achieved higher reproducibility. Applications in visual screening programs and to design and use of 3D displays, are suggested. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER (Grant DPI2015-71256-R) and by the Generalitat Valenciana (Grant PROMETEOII-2014-072), Spain. D. Montagud acknowledges financial support from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (PAID-01-16)Rodríguez-Vallejo, M.; Ferrando, V.; Montagud-Martínez, D.; Monsoriu Serra, JA.; Furlan, WD. (2017). Stereopsis assessment at multiple distances with an iPad application. Displays. 50:35-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.displa.2017.09.001S35405

    Development of new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements : application in visual health

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    Healthy visual function not only relies on good visual acuity. Other systems such as accommodation or binocular vision need to be effective. Binocular vision is the ability of the visual system to coordinate and integrate the information received separately from the two eyes into a single binocular percept. Anomalies in the binocular vision system lead to dysfunctions which are often associated with symptoms like asthenopia, diplopia, or ocular strain. The most prevalent non-strabismic binocular dysfunction is convergence insufficiency. The tests typically used to evaluate binocular vision and diagnose binocular dysfunctions essentially consist in eliciting eye movements and asking the patients to report when they perceive diplopia or single vision. In a conventional optometric clinical setting, they are generally run subjectively, as their results depend on the answers of the patients or on the examiner’s criteria. However, there exist instruments to determine the gaze position and measure ocular movements objectively, i.e. eye-trackers. These instruments are used as research tools in a wide range of applications (neuroscience, psychology, marketing, computer science, ophthalmology, etc.). Eye tracking systems are seldom used in optometric clinical practice, although it seems reasonable to think that the evaluation of binocular vision could better rely on eye tracking systems rather than subjective observations. In this context, the main objective of this thesis is to develop new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements. This thesis is divided in 4 studies. In the first study, new methods for an eye tracking system based on multiple corneal reflections are proposed. The other 3 studies aim to analyze ocular movements in clinically interesting situations for the objective and automated evaluation of binocular vision. The results of the first study showed that the light sources configurations that produced the reflections in the lower region of the cornea showed higher accuracy. Vertical accuracy was slightly better with a higher number of corneal reflections. However, the proposed normalization methods improved vertical accuracy and counteracted the tendency for increasing accuracy with the number of glints. As a result, if the light sources are optimally positioned to avoid the interference of the eyelids and the normalization methods are applied, there is no need for more than two light sources. In the second study, an automated and objective method to measure phoria was proposed. It was significantly more repeatable than two other conventional clinical methods. However, the phoria results of the three tests were not interchangeable. This study brings to light several advantages of using eye-trackers in optometric clinical settings. The third study analyzes the characteristics of saccadic movements that occur during the near point of convergence test. The results showed that saccadic amplitude increased and rate decrease at closer viewing distances. These changes might be explained by the more rapid change of vergence demand and the greater angular size of the fixation target at near than at far. In general, saccades contributed to correct vergence errors and fixation position errors of the dominant eye. Finally, the fourth study focuses on the effects of the stimulus’ predictability on the latency and response time of vergence step movements. The results confirmed that vergence movements to predictable stimulus had shorter latency and response time than when the stimulus was random. Latency of convergence and divergence movements was influenced by the direction of the phoria. Other factors such as attention or voluntary effort might also affect vergence responses. All these effects might influence the final result of the vergence facility test, although further research is needed to specify the impact on the clinical test.Una bona funció visual no és sinònim exclusivament de bona agudesa visual. Cal que altres sistemes com l’acomodatiu o la visió binocular siguin eficaços. La visió binocular és la capacitat del sistema visual per coordinar i integrar la informació que reben els dos ulls en una única percepció. Anomalies en el sistema de visió binocular poden donar lloc a disfuncions associades a símptomes com astenopia, o visió doble. La disfunció no estràbica de la visió binocular més prevalent és la insuficiència de convergència. Els tests que normalment es fan per avaluar la visió binocular es basen en estimular moviments oculars i demanar als pacients que indiquin quan veuen doble i quan fusionen. A la pràctica clínica convencional, aquests tests solen ser subjectius. No obstant, hi ha instruments que serveixen per determinar objectivament la posició de mirada i mesurar els moviments oculars: els eye-trackers o instruments de seguiment de mirada. Aquests instruments s’utilitzen en recerca en moltes disciplines (neurociència, psicologia, marketing, oftalmologia, etc.). Tot i que una aplicació directa dels eye-trackers podria ser en l’avaluació de la visió binocular, els sistemes de seguiment de mirada gairebé no s’utilitzen en la pràctica clínica optomètrica. En aquest context, l’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és desenvolupar noves metodologies per a l’avaluació clínica, objectiva i automatitzada de la funció visual basades en l’anàlisi dels moviments oculars. La tesi està estructurada en 4 estudis. En el primer, es proposen nous mètodes per a un eye-tracker basat en múltiples reflexos corneals. Els altres 3 estudis tenen com a objectiu analitzar els moviments oculars en situacions d’interès clínic per avaluar objectiva i automàticament la visió binocular. Els resultats del primer estudi demostren que les configuracions d’il·luminació dels eye-trackers que formen les reflexions corneals a la zona inferior de la còrnia són més precises. La precisió vertical és lleugerament millor amb més fonts de llum. Tot i això, els mètodes de normalització proposats milloren considerablement la precisió vertical i contraresten la tendència de més precisió amb més fonts de llum. D’aquesta manera, si les fonts de llum no interfereixen amb les parpelles i s’apliquen els mètodes de normalització, no cal que els eye-trackers tinguin més de dues fonts de llum. En el segon estudi s’ha proposat un mètode automàtic i objectiu per mesurar la fòria. Aquest mètode és significativament més repetitiu que dos altres mètodes clínics. Tot i això, els resultats amb els tres mètodes no són intercanviables. Aquest estudi posa de manifest avantatges que podrien tenir els eye-trackers a la pràctica clínica optomètrica. En el tercer estudi s’analitzen les característiques dels moviments sacàdics que es produeixen durant la prova del punt proper de convergència. Els resultats demostren que l’amplitud dels sacàdics augmenta i la freqüència disminueix a mesura que s’escurça la distància. Aquests canvis poden ser deguts a que la demanda de vergència canvia més ràpid a distàncies properes que llunyanes, i a l’increment de la mida angular de l’objecte de fixació. En general, els sacàdics contribueixen a corregir els errors de vergència i els errors de fixació de l’ull dominant. Finalment, el quart estudi se centra en els efectes de la predictibilitat de l’estímul en la latència i temps de resposta dels salts de vergència. Els resultats confirmen que els moviments de vergència tenen una latència i temps de resposta més curts quan l’estímul es predictible que quan és aleatori. La latència dels moviments de convergència i divergència està influenciada per la direcció de la fòria. Altres factors com el grau d’atenció o d’esforç voluntari pot ser que afectin els moviments de vergència. Tots aquests efectes probablement influencien en el resultat final de la prova de la instal·lació de vergència, encara que es necessiten més investigacions per especificar l'impacte en la prova clínica

    Development of new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements : application in visual health

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit de CiènciesHealthy visual function not only relies on good visual acuity. Other systems such as accommodation or binocular vision need to be effective. Binocular vision is the ability of the visual system to coordinate and integrate the information received separately from the two eyes into a single binocular percept. Anomalies in the binocular vision system lead to dysfunctions which are often associated with symptoms like asthenopia, diplopia, or ocular strain. The most prevalent non-strabismic binocular dysfunction is convergence insufficiency. The tests typically used to evaluate binocular vision and diagnose binocular dysfunctions essentially consist in eliciting eye movements and asking the patients to report when they perceive diplopia or single vision. In a conventional optometric clinical setting, they are generally run subjectively, as their results depend on the answers of the patients or on the examiner’s criteria. However, there exist instruments to determine the gaze position and measure ocular movements objectively, i.e. eye-trackers. These instruments are used as research tools in a wide range of applications (neuroscience, psychology, marketing, computer science, ophthalmology, etc.). Eye tracking systems are seldom used in optometric clinical practice, although it seems reasonable to think that the evaluation of binocular vision could better rely on eye tracking systems rather than subjective observations. In this context, the main objective of this thesis is to develop new methodologies for the clinical, objective and automated evaluation of visual function based on the analysis of ocular movements. This thesis is divided in 4 studies. In the first study, new methods for an eye tracking system based on multiple corneal reflections are proposed. The other 3 studies aim to analyze ocular movements in clinically interesting situations for the objective and automated evaluation of binocular vision. The results of the first study showed that the light sources configurations that produced the reflections in the lower region of the cornea showed higher accuracy. Vertical accuracy was slightly better with a higher number of corneal reflections. However, the proposed normalization methods improved vertical accuracy and counteracted the tendency for increasing accuracy with the number of glints. As a result, if the light sources are optimally positioned to avoid the interference of the eyelids and the normalization methods are applied, there is no need for more than two light sources. In the second study, an automated and objective method to measure phoria was proposed. It was significantly more repeatable than two other conventional clinical methods. However, the phoria results of the three tests were not interchangeable. This study brings to light several advantages of using eye-trackers in optometric clinical settings. The third study analyzes the characteristics of saccadic movements that occur during the near point of convergence test. The results showed that saccadic amplitude increased and rate decrease at closer viewing distances. These changes might be explained by the more rapid change of vergence demand and the greater angular size of the fixation target at near than at far. In general, saccades contributed to correct vergence errors and fixation position errors of the dominant eye. Finally, the fourth study focuses on the effects of the stimulus’ predictability on the latency and response time of vergence step movements. The results confirmed that vergence movements to predictable stimulus had shorter latency and response time than when the stimulus was random. Latency of convergence and divergence movements was influenced by the direction of the phoria. Other factors such as attention or voluntary effort might also affect vergence responses. All these effects might influence the final result of the vergence facility test, although further research is needed to specify the impact on the clinical test.Una bona funció visual no és sinònim exclusivament de bona agudesa visual. Cal que altres sistemes com l’acomodatiu o la visió binocular siguin eficaços. La visió binocular és la capacitat del sistema visual per coordinar i integrar la informació que reben els dos ulls en una única percepció. Anomalies en el sistema de visió binocular poden donar lloc a disfuncions associades a símptomes com astenopia, o visió doble. La disfunció no estràbica de la visió binocular més prevalent és la insuficiència de convergència. Els tests que normalment es fan per avaluar la visió binocular es basen en estimular moviments oculars i demanar als pacients que indiquin quan veuen doble i quan fusionen. A la pràctica clínica convencional, aquests tests solen ser subjectius. No obstant, hi ha instruments que serveixen per determinar objectivament la posició de mirada i mesurar els moviments oculars: els eye-trackers o instruments de seguiment de mirada. Aquests instruments s’utilitzen en recerca en moltes disciplines (neurociència, psicologia, marketing, oftalmologia, etc.). Tot i que una aplicació directa dels eye-trackers podria ser en l’avaluació de la visió binocular, els sistemes de seguiment de mirada gairebé no s’utilitzen en la pràctica clínica optomètrica. En aquest context, l’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és desenvolupar noves metodologies per a l’avaluació clínica, objectiva i automatitzada de la funció visual basades en l’anàlisi dels moviments oculars. La tesi està estructurada en 4 estudis. En el primer, es proposen nous mètodes per a un eye-tracker basat en múltiples reflexos corneals. Els altres 3 estudis tenen com a objectiu analitzar els moviments oculars en situacions d’interès clínic per avaluar objectiva i automàticament la visió binocular. Els resultats del primer estudi demostren que les configuracions d’il·luminació dels eye-trackers que formen les reflexions corneals a la zona inferior de la còrnia són més precises. La precisió vertical és lleugerament millor amb més fonts de llum. Tot i això, els mètodes de normalització proposats milloren considerablement la precisió vertical i contraresten la tendència de més precisió amb més fonts de llum. D’aquesta manera, si les fonts de llum no interfereixen amb les parpelles i s’apliquen els mètodes de normalització, no cal que els eye-trackers tinguin més de dues fonts de llum. En el segon estudi s’ha proposat un mètode automàtic i objectiu per mesurar la fòria. Aquest mètode és significativament més repetitiu que dos altres mètodes clínics. Tot i això, els resultats amb els tres mètodes no són intercanviables. Aquest estudi posa de manifest avantatges que podrien tenir els eye-trackers a la pràctica clínica optomètrica. En el tercer estudi s’analitzen les característiques dels moviments sacàdics que es produeixen durant la prova del punt proper de convergència. Els resultats demostren que l’amplitud dels sacàdics augmenta i la freqüència disminueix a mesura que s’escurça la distància. Aquests canvis poden ser deguts a que la demanda de vergència canvia més ràpid a distàncies properes que llunyanes, i a l’increment de la mida angular de l’objecte de fixació. En general, els sacàdics contribueixen a corregir els errors de vergència i els errors de fixació de l’ull dominant. Finalment, el quart estudi se centra en els efectes de la predictibilitat de l’estímul en la latència i temps de resposta dels salts de vergència. Els resultats confirmen que els moviments de vergència tenen una latència i temps de resposta més curts quan l’estímul es predictible que quan és aleatori. La latència dels moviments de convergència i divergència està influenciada per la direcció de la fòria. Altres factors com el grau d’atenció o d’esforç voluntari pot ser que afectin els moviments de vergència. Tots aquests efectes probablement influencien en el resultat final de la prova de la instal·lació de vergència, encara que es necessiten més investigacions per especificar l'impacte en la prova clínica.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    The visual standards for the selection and retention of astronauts

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    Literature search with abstracts on visual performance standards for selection and retention of astronaut

    Oculomotor responses and 3D displays

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    This thesis investigated some of the eye movement factors related to the development and use of eye pointing devices with three dimensional displays (stereoscopic and linear perspective). In order for eye pointing to be used as a successful device for input-control of a 3D display it is necessary to characterise the accuracy and speed with which the binocular point of foveation can locate a particular point in 3D space. Linear perspective was found to be insufficient to elicit a change in the depth of the binocular point of fixation except under optimal conditions (monocular viewing, accommodative loop open and constant display paradigm). Comparison of the oculomotor responses made between a stereoscopic 'virtual' and a 'real' display showed there were no differences with regards to target fixational accuracy. With one exception, subjects showed the same degree of fixational accuracy with respect to target direction and depth. However, close target proximity (in terms of direction) affected the accuracy of fixation with respect to depth (but not direction). No differences were found between fixational accuracy of large and small targets under either display conditions. The visual conditions eliciting fast changes in the location of the binocular point of foveation, i.e. saccade disconjugacy, were investigated. Target-directed saccade disconjugacy was confirmed, in some cases, between targets presented at different depths on a stereoscopic display. However, in general the direction of saccade disconjugacy was best predicted by the horizontal direction of the target. Leftward saccade disconjugacy was more divergent than rightward. This asymmetry was overlaid on a disconjugacy response, which when considered in relative terms, was appropriated for the level of vergence demand. Linear perspective depth cues did not elicit target-directed disconjugate saccades

    Visual discomfort whilst viewing 3D stereoscopic stimuli

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    3D stereoscopic technology intensifies and heightens the viewer s experience by adding an extra dimension to the viewing of visual content. However, with expansion of this technology to the commercial market concerns have been expressed about the potential negative effects on the visual system, producing viewer discomfort. The visual stimulus provided by a 3D stereoscopic display differs from that of the real world, and so it is important to understand whether these differences may pose a health hazard. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the effect of 3D stereoscopic stimulation on visual discomfort. To that end, four experimental studies were conducted. In the first study two hypotheses were tested. The first hypothesis was that the viewing of 3D stereoscopic stimuli, which are located geometrically beyond the screen on which the images are displayed, would induce adaptation changes in the resting position of the eyes (exophoric heterophoria changes). The second hypothesis was that participants whose heterophoria changed as a consequence of adaptation during the viewing of the stereoscopic stimuli would experience less visual discomfort than those people whose heterophoria did not adapt. In the experiment an increase of visual discomfort change in the 3D condition in comparison with the 2D condition was found. Also, there were statistically significant changes in heterophoria under 3D conditions as compared with 2D conditions. However, there was appreciable variability in the magnitude of this adaptation among individuals, and no correlation between the amount of heterophoria change and visual discomfort change was observed. In the second experiment the two hypotheses tested were based on the vergence-accommodation mismatch theory, and the visual-vestibular mismatch theory. The vergence-accommodation mismatch theory predicts that a greater mismatch between the stimuli to accommodation and to vergence would produce greater symptoms in visual discomfort when viewing in 3D conditions than when viewing in 2D conditions. An increase of visual discomfort change in the 3D condition in comparison with the 2D condition was indeed found; however the magnitude of visual discomfort reported did not correlate with the mismatch present during the watching of 3D stereoscopic stimuli. The visual-vestibular mismatch theory predicts that viewing a stimulus stereoscopically will produce a greater sense of vection than viewing it in 2D. This will increase the conflict between the signals from the visual and vestibular systems, producing greater VIMS (Visually- Induced Motion Sickness) symptoms. Participants did indeed report an increase in motion sickness symptoms in the 3D condition. Furthermore, participants with closer seating positions reported more VIMS than participants sitting farther away whilst viewing 3D stimuli. This suggests that the amount of visual field stimulated during 3D presentation affects VIMS, and is an important factor in terms of viewing comfort. In the study more younger viewers (21 to 39 years old) than older viewers (40 years old and older) reported a greater change in visual discomfort during the 3D condition than the 2D condition. This suggests that the visual system s response to a stimulus, rather than the stimulus itself, is a reason for discomfort. No influence of gender on viewing comfort was found. In the next experiment participants fusion capability, as measured by their fusional reserves, was examined to determine whether this component has an impact on reported discomfort during the watching of movies in the 3D condition versus the 2D condition. It was hypothesised that participants with limited fusional range would experience more visual discomfort than participants with a wide fusion range. The hypothesis was confirmed but only in the case of convergent and not divergent eye movement. This observation illustrates that participants capability to convergence has a significant impact on visual comfort. The aim of the last experiment was to examine responses of the accommodation system to changes in 3D stimulus position and to determine whether discrepancies in these responses (i.e. accommodation overshoot, accommodation undershoot) could account for visual discomfort experienced during 3D stereoscopic viewing. It was found that accommodation discrepancy was larger for perceived forwards movement than for perceived backwards movement. The discrepancy was slightly higher in the group susceptible to visual discomfort than in the group not susceptible to visual discomfort, but this difference was not statistically significant. When considering the research findings as a whole it was apparent that not all participants experienced more discomfort whilst watching 3D stereoscopic stimuli than whilst watching 2D stimuli. More visual discomfort in the 3D condition than in the 2D condition was reported by 35% of the participants, whilst 24% of the participants reported more headaches and 17% of the participants reported more VIMS. The research indicates that multiple causative factors have an impact on reported symptoms. The analysis of the data suggests that discomfort experienced by people during 3D stereoscopic stimulation may reveal binocular vision problems. This observation suggests that 3D technology could be used as a screening method to diagnose un-treated binocular vision disorder. Additionally, this work shows that 3D stereoscopic technology can be easily adopted to binocular vision measurement. The conclusion of this thesis is that many people do not suffer adverse symptoms when viewing 3D stereoscopic displays, but that if adverse symptoms are present they can be caused either by the conflict in the stimulus, or by the heightened experience of self-motion which leads to Visually-Induced Motion Sickness (VIMS)

    Virtually the same? How impaired sensory information in virtual reality may disrupt vision for action

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordVirtual reality (VR) is a promising tool for expanding the possibilities of psychological experimentation and implementing immersive training applications. Despite a recent surge in interest, there remains an inadequate understanding of how VR impacts basic cognitive processes. Due to the artificial presentation of egocentric distance cues in virtual environments, a number of cues to depth in the optic array are impaired or placed in conflict with each other. Moreover, realistic haptic information is all but absent from current VR systems. The resulting conflicts could impact not only the execution of motor skills in VR but also raise deeper concerns about basic visual processing, and the extent to which virtual objects elicit neural and behavioural responses representative of real objects. In this brief review, we outline how the novel perceptual environment of VR may affect vision for action, by shifting users away from a dorsal mode of control. Fewer binocular cues to depth, conflicting depth information and limited haptic feedback may all impair the specialised, efficient, online control of action characteristic of the dorsal stream. A shift from dorsal to ventral control of action may create a fundamental disparity between virtual and real-world skills that has important consequences for how we understand perception and action in the virtual world.Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE
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