15 research outputs found

    Temporal Logic of Minkowski Spacetime

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    We present the proof that the temporal logic of two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime is decidable, PSPACE-complete. The proof is based on a type of two-dimensional mosaic. Then we present the modification of the proof so as to work for slower-than-light signals. Finally, a subframe of the slower-than-light Minkowski frame is used to prove the new result that the temporal logic of real intervals with during as the accessibility relation is also PSPACE-complete

    The Temporal Logic of two dimensional Minkowski spacetime is decidable

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    We consider Minkowski spacetime, the set of all point-events of spacetime under the relation of causal accessibility. That is, x{\sf x} can access y{\sf y} if an electromagnetic or (slower than light) mechanical signal could be sent from x{\sf x} to y{\sf y}. We use Prior's tense language of F{\bf F} and P{\bf P} representing causal accessibility and its converse relation. We consider two versions, one where the accessibility relation is reflexive and one where it is irreflexive. In either case it has been an open problem, for decades, whether the logic is decidable or axiomatisable. We make a small step forward by proving, for the case where the accessibility relation is irreflexive, that the set of valid formulas over two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime is decidable, decidability for the reflexive case follows from this. The complexity of either problem is PSPACE-complete. A consequence is that the temporal logic of intervals with real endpoints under either the containment relation or the strict containment relation is PSPACE-complete, the same is true if the interval accessibility relation is "each endpoint is not earlier", or its irreflexive restriction. We provide a temporal formula that distinguishes between three-dimensional and two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime and another temporal formula that distinguishes the two-dimensional case where the underlying field is the real numbers from the case where instead we use the rational numbers.Comment: 30 page

    The temporal logic of two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime with slower-than-light accessibility is decidable

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    We work primarily with the Kripke frame consisting of two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime with the irreflexive accessibility relation 'can reach with a slower-than-light signal'. We show that in the basic temporal language, the set of validities over this frame is decidable. We then refine this to PSPACE-complete. In both cases the same result for the corresponding reflexive frame follows immediately. With a little more work we obtain PSPACE-completeness for the validities of the Halpern-Shoham logic of intervals on the real line with two different combinations of modalities.Comment: 20 page

    The Asymmetric Nature of Time

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    This open access monograph offers a detailed study and a systematic defense of a key intuition we typically have, as human beings, with respect to the nature of time: the intuition that the future is open, whereas the past is fixed. For example, whereas it seems unsettled whether there will be a fourth world war, it is settled that there was a first world war. The book contributes, in particular, three major and original insights. First, it provides a coherent, non-metaphorical, and metaphysically illuminating elucidation of the intuition. Second, it determines which model of the temporal structure of the world is most appropriate to accommodate the intuition, and settles on a specific version of the Growing Block Theory of time (GBT). Third, it puts forward a naturalistic foundation for GBT, by exploiting recent results of our best physics (viz. General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and Quantum Gravity). Three main challenges are addressed: the dismissal of temporal asymmetries as non-fundamental phenomena only (e.g., thermodynamic or causal phenomena), the epistemic objection against GBT, and the apparent tension between GBT and relativistic physics. It is argued that the asymmetry between the open future and the fixed past must be grounded in the temporal structure of the world, and that this is neither precluded by our epistemic device, nor by the latest approaches to Quantum Gravity (​e.g., the Causal Set Theory). Aiming at reconciling time as we find it in ordinary experience and time as physics describes it, this ​innovative book ​will raise the interest of both academic researchers and ​graduate students working on the philosophy of time. More generally, it ​presents contents of interest for all metaphysicians and non-dogmatic philosophers of physics. This is an open access book

    The Asymmetric Nature of Time

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    This open access monograph offers a detailed study and a systematic defense of a key intuition we typically have, as human beings, with respect to the nature of time: the intuition that the future is open, whereas the past is fixed. For example, whereas it seems unsettled whether there will be a fourth world war, it is settled that there was a first world war. The book contributes, in particular, three major and original insights. First, it provides a coherent, non-metaphorical, and metaphysically illuminating elucidation of the intuition. Second, it determines which model of the temporal structure of the world is most appropriate to accommodate the intuition, and settles on a specific version of the Growing Block Theory of time (GBT). Third, it puts forward a naturalistic foundation for GBT, by exploiting recent results of our best physics (viz. General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and Quantum Gravity). Three main challenges are addressed: the dismissal of temporal asymmetries as non-fundamental phenomena only (e.g., thermodynamic or causal phenomena), the epistemic objection against GBT, and the apparent tension between GBT and relativistic physics. It is argued that the asymmetry between the open future and the fixed past must be grounded in the temporal structure of the world, and that this is neither precluded by our epistemic device, nor by the latest approaches to Quantum Gravity (​e.g., the Causal Set Theory). Aiming at reconciling time as we find it in ordinary experience and time as physics describes it, this ​innovative book ​will raise the interest of both academic researchers and ​graduate students working on the philosophy of time. More generally, it ​presents contents of interest for all metaphysicians and non-dogmatic philosophers of physics. This is an open access book

    Temporal logic of Minkowski spacetime

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    We present the proof that the temporal logic of two-dimensional Minkowski spacetime is decidable, PSPACE-complete. The proof is based on a type of two-dimensional mosaic. Then, we present the modification of the proof so as to work for slower-than-light signals. Finally, a subframe of the slower-than-light Minkowski frame is used to prove the new result that the temporal logic of real intervals with during as the accessibility relation is also PSPACE-complete

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    PSA 2020

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    These preprints were automatically compiled into a PDF from the collection of papers deposited in PhilSci-Archive in conjunction with the PSA 2020