466 research outputs found

    Constructivismo y metodología colaborativa mediada por TIC en educación superior usando webquest

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    The present article presents an experience of educational innovation framed in the constructivist approach and the collaborative methodology conducted with students of the Degree in Primary Education, in the module “ICT Applied to Education”. The experience consisted of making the students competent in the design, creation and evaluation of WebQuests and Scavenger Hunts. To this end, globalising and competence-based strategies were used, with which the students learn, through a work project, to perform specific tasks designed by the teacher and carried out in collaborative groups based on constructivist models from an active learning. In this case, the students are taught what a WebQuest is by using a WebQuest designed by the teacher, who then gives them the task of creating a WebQuest or Scavenger Hunt designed for students in primary education. This experience is structured in three learning phases, as well as an initial evaluation (pretest) and a final evaluation (post-test) to verify the extent of learning of the students. During the process, instruments of self-evaluation, heteroevaluation and coevaluation were used to enhance learning. The results show that the learning of these students increased, both in their didactic competence and in the use of ICT, using an alternative methodology to the traditional one.En este artículo queremos dar a conocer una experiencia de innovación docente enmarcada en el enfoque constructivista y la metodología colaborativa, realizada con alumnos del Grado de Maestro de Educación Primaria en la Asignatura de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación aplicadas a la Educación. Se trata de hacer a los alumnos competentes en el diseño, elaboración y evaluación de Webquest y “caza del tesoro”. Para ello utilizamos, estrategias de aprendizaje globalizador y de tipo competencial, donde los alumnos aprenden, a través de un proyecto de trabajo, a realizar unas determinadas tareas diseñadas por el profesor y llevadas a cabo en grupos colaborativos basado en modelos constructivistas desde un aprendizaje activo. En el caso que nos ocupa se enseña a los estudiantes qué es una Webquest utilizando una Webquest diseñada por la profesora, y que exige en la tarea la realización de una Webquest o “caza del tesoro” dirigida a alumnos de Educación Primaria. Esta experiencia se estructura en 3 fases de aprendizaje, además de una evaluación inicial (pre-test) y otra final (post-test) para verificar el grado de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Durante el proceso también se utilizan instrumentos de autoevaluación, heteroevaluación y coevaluación que favorecen el aprendizaje. Los resultados demuestran el incremento superior del aprendizaje de los estudiantes tanto en su competencia didáctica, como en el uso de las TIC, utilizando una metodología alternativa a la tradicional

    Revisión de la producción científica sobre webquest en los últimos 20 años: análisis bibliométrico en scopus y web of science

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    Tras la primera formulación en 1995 sobre qué es una Web Quest ¿cuál es el estado de su desarrollo en el campo de la educación? Esta pregunta exige muchas miradas y respuestas. Este trabajo busca ser parte de esta evaluación poniendo en evidencia el desarrollo de la producción científica sobre WebQuest en las dos principales bases de datos científicas: WOS (Web of Science) y Scopus desde su formulación hasta la actualidad (1995-2014). El método es el análisis bibliométrico en base a las siguientes variables: número de artículos publicados, número de citas recibidas, principales revistas citantes, promedio de citas por año, nombre y país de los autores más citados y palabras clave. Se ha procedido a la identificación del perfil y las características de las publicaciones científicas que lo tratan, sobre la conclusión de una evidente dispersión y atomización de resultados, destacando la existencia de una significativa comunidad científica sobre Webquest en Españ


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    This qualitative study\u27s purpose was to integrate virtual classroom assignments with traditional classroom activities. The integration of these virtual classroom assignments were used to assess the benefits of technology integration in a science classroom. Thirteen fifth and sixth grade students learned about the evolution and traits of organisms in accordance to the State of Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations. This unit followed a unit on animal systems. Students were given a pretest and posttest (in concept map form and unit test in essay form). Objectives were taught using a combination of lecture, discussion, and in class activities. The unit also contained three virtual world activities. Following each virtual world activity, students were given a questionnaire to give feedback regarding the retention of subject matter and presentation of material. The virtual world activities enhanced the animal systems unit. Students were able to learn the objectives and then extend their knowledge through interactive simulations and presenting their creations. Students also greatly benefitted from the social aspect of Biome. Students were able to understand big picture ideas and make real world connections through social expression, artistic expression and the sharing of their ideas

    WebQuest: 20 años utilizando internet como recurso para el aula

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    Se cumplen 20 años desde la aparición de la primera WebQuest. Es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre lo que han aportado a la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en los procesos de enseñanza‐aprendizaje en los diversos niveles educativos y sobre cuáles pueden ser las futuras líneas de investigación. El presente monográfico intenta ser una muestra de la investigación en tecnología educativa sobre la WebQuest y de su uso en la práctica educativa

    Revolutionizing Nutrition Education: Trends, Innovations, and Prospects in Learning Media

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    This comprehensive study conducts an in-depth analysis to explore the dynamic landscape of nutrition learning media research, aiming to delineate evolving trends, developmental trajectories, and their consequential implications. Employing bibliometric analysis and content analysis approaches, this research uncovers distinct publication patterns and citation behaviors, spotlighting pronounced trends catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic, a testament to the adaptability of educational systems. The study identifies a spectrum of learning media formats, encompassing applications, websites, and game-based platforms, while emphasizing the prevalence of experimental and design methodologies within the research paradigm. Keyword clusters elucidate strategies integrating technology and catering to diverse target audiences. In conclusion, nutrition education media plays a pivotal role in addressing health and sustainability challenges. The study advocates for ensuring equitable access to digital resources and advocates for fostering interdisciplinary collaboration as pivotal facets for future research endeavors. Ultimately, this research significantly contributes to enhancing nutrition literacy and underscores the transformative potential of technology-driven education in empowering informed dietary decisions and augmenting overall health outcomes.

    Capturing organisational knowledge from educational enhancement: identifying patterns for curriculum innovation

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    On-line and blended learning is much fêted, particularly by university management as part of the solution to many issues currently facing higher education. However, experienced academics lack examples of suitable pedagogically engaging on-line activities, and remain sceptical or resistant to change. This paper describes a case study of an initiative taken by a newly formed centre with responsibility for introducing such change within a university. It uses a single module to demonstrate a range of on-line activities blended with conventional face-to-face approaches which may then be presented to staff as reusable patterns with generic applicability. At the same time we show how these approaches can meet the requirements of the university management

    Using WebQuest in Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language

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    WebQuests have become a useful didactic method to explore resources through the use of the Internet, and to guide students in the selection, organization and transformation of information and in the knowledge construction. This study aims at showing the importance of information technologies in the classroom, particularly the use of WebQuests. A case study was carried out between February and June 2020, focusing on 59 students divided in two classes from different grades: - a 7th grade class with 29 students and a 10th grade class with 30 students. The study focused on how these students handled the use of technologies in the classroom and how they interacted during the WebQuest. Particular attention was given to group work organization in a collaborative and cooperative learning environment and to students’ motivation and engagement in their learning and in accomplishing the task. These goals were achieved through class observations, researcher’s notes and self- and hetero-assessments. The findings show that the WebQuest encouraged cooperative and collaborative learning and actively engaged students in the use of technological tools. This was found to be paramount for enhancing students’ motivation to learn English as a foreign language. Additionally, the great majority of students recognized the success of their activity and considered the WebQuest a fun, easy and relevant experience in their learning. All in all, results suggest that WebQuests are an effective methodology to explore the Web’s resources and to guide students to learn collaboratively. Furthermore, they also suggest that WebQuests can be used to work outside the classroom. The singular situation caused by the pandemics showed the potential of using technology and WebQuests to teach English as a Foreign Language.A WebQuest tornou-se uma metodologia didática deveras relevante no que diz respeito à exploração de recursos através do uso da Internet e no auxílio dos alunos na seleção, organização e transformação de informação, bem como, na construção do seu próprio conhecimento. O presente estudo tentará demonstrar a importância das tecnologias de informação na sala de aula, com particular enfoque na utilização de WebQuests. Foi efetuado um estudo entre fevereiro e junho de 2020, que contou com a participação de 59 alunos divididos por duas turmas de dois anos distintos: - uma turma do 7º ano, composta por 29 alunos, e uma turma de 10º ano, com 30 alunos. O estudo enfocou-se na forma como os alunos encararam o uso de tecnologias na sala de aula e na forma como interagiram durante a aplicação da WebQuest. Foi dada particular atenção à organização do trabalho em grupo, num ambiente colaborativo e cooperativo, bem como à motivação dos alunos e ao empenho nas suas aprendizagens e na conclusão da tarefa. Tais objetivos foram alcançados através da observação de aulas, de notas de pesquisa e auto e heteroavaliação. Os resultados demonstraram que a metodologia WebQuest encoraja um ensino cooperativo e colaborativo, envolvendo ativamente os alunos na utilização de ferramentas tecnológicas. Estes fatores foram de extrema importância no aumento significativo da motivação dos alunos para aprender Inglês como língua estrangeira. De salientar que a maioria dos estudantes reconheceu o sucesso da atividade e considerou a WebQuest divertida e uma experiência relevante no seu percurso de aprendizagem. Podemos concluir que os resultados sugerem que a metodologia WebQuest é uma mais valia na exploração dos recursos da Web e uma forma de conduzir os alunos a uma experiência colaborativa de ensino e aprendizagem. Não obstante, os resultados sugerem também que a WebQuest pode ser utilizada fora da sala de aula. A situação única causada pela pandemia demonstrou o potencial da tecnologia e da metodologia WebQuest no ensino do Inglês como língua estrangeira

    Mobile learning application: Infusing critical thinking in the EFL classroom.

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    The emergence of mobile learning applications facilitates the pedagogical approach to developing students’ critical thinking. However, there is a scarcity of investigation on mobile learning applications’ impact on developing critical thinking as the learning outcome. Thus, this study reports the effect of a mobile learning application, ‘English with Noni’, designed to infuse critical thinking instruction in EFL classes on students’ critical thinking level by employing a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach. A quasi-experimental study was conducted to examine the critical thinking level of 65 students of a junior high school in Jakarta, Indonesia, by administering a post-test assessed using a SOLO rubric. Semi-structured interviews to explore students’ responses from using the ‘English with Noni’ application and class observation contributed to the qualitative findings. The quantitative result showed that the critical thinking level of the experimental group using this application improved significantly more than the controlled group did. The qualitative result suggested that the experimental group had positive responses to using it. They confirmed that it was interesting. They also admitted that it contributed to developing their critical thinking (i.e., predicting, providing reasons, expressing viewpoints, finding alternatives, and making conclusions), language skills (i.e., listening, reading, and writing), and sub-skill (vocabulary). The findings imply that critical thinking activities and learning affordances provided in the ‘English with Noni’ application is a potential tool to enhance students’ critical thinking infused in the EFL class, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic situation, by emphasizing self-regulated learning


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    Era Big Data merupakan perkembangan zaman dimana terdapat banyak data yang tersedia di Internet. Data yang sangat banyak di Internet dapat dimanfaatkan untuk digunakan dalam pendidikan. Jumlah data yang sangat banyak menimbulkan beberapa kebingungan bagi siswa karena terdapat informasi yang benar dan informasi yang salah. Salah satu perkembanganya adalah pembelajaran menggunakan Website. Banyak sekali metode pembelajaran menggunakan Website salah satunya adalah WebQuest. WebQuest merupakan model pembelajaran berbasis Inquiry yang memanfaatkan website sebagai sumber informasi yang. Dalam penggunaanya WebQuest memiliki beberapa kendala yang berhubungan dengan Aksesbilitas. Kendala tersebut berhubungan dengan perangkat yang digunakan untuk mengakses Website. Kendala Aksesbilitas dapat di detailkan dalam bentuk perangkat dan koneksi yang digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi dari website yang digunakan. Perangkat Mobile juga bisa digunakan untuk mengakses Website. Perangkat ini dapat memberikan aksesbilitas kepada pengguna dengan mempermudah penggunaanya dimana pun dan kapan pun. Dalam penerepanya menurut Ahli Materi WebQuest Mobile layak di gunakan dalam pembelajaran. WebQuest Mobile merupakan suatu solusi untuk mempermudah aksesbilitas penggunaan WebQuest karena pembelajaran menggunakan WebQuest dapat dilakukan dimanapun dan Kapanpun