91,411 research outputs found

    Edge Clique Cover of Claw-free Graphs

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    The smallest number of cliques, covering all edges of a graph G G , is called the (edge) clique cover number of G G and is denoted by cc(G) cc(G) . It is an easy observation that for every line graph G G with n n vertices, cc(G)ncc(G)\leq n . G. Chen et al. [Discrete Math. 219 (2000), no. 1--3, 17--26; MR1761707] extended this observation to all quasi-line graphs and questioned if the same assertion holds for all claw-free graphs. In this paper, using the celebrated structure theorem of claw-free graphs due to Chudnovsky and Seymour, we give an affirmative answer to this question for all claw-free graphs with independence number at least three. In particular, we prove that if G G is a connected claw-free graph on n n vertices with α(G)3 \alpha(G)\geq 3 , then cc(G)n cc(G)\leq n and equality holds if and only if G G is either the graph of icosahedron, or the complement of a graph on 1010 vertices called twister or the pthp^{th} power of the cycle Cn C_n , for 1p(n1)/31\leq p \leq \lfloor (n-1)/3\rfloor .Comment: 74 pages, 4 figure

    The Lambrechts-Stanley Model of Configuration Spaces

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    We prove the validity over R\mathbb{R} of a commutative differential graded algebra model of configuration spaces for simply connected closed smooth manifolds, answering a conjecture of Lambrechts--Stanley. We get as a result that the real homotopy type of such configuration spaces only depends on the real homotopy type of the manifold. We moreover prove, if the dimension of the manifold is at least 44, that our model is compatible with the action of the Fulton--MacPherson operad (weakly equivalent to the little disks operad) when the manifold is framed. We use this more precise result to get a complex computing factorization homology of framed manifolds. Our proofs use the same ideas as Kontsevich's proof of the formality of the little disks operads.Comment: 61 pages. To appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    A model for configuration spaces of points

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    The configuration space of points on a DD-dimensional smooth framed manifold may be compactified so as to admit a right action over the framed little DD-disks operad. We construct a real combinatorial model for these modules, for compact smooth manifolds without boundary

    Configuration Spaces of Manifolds with Boundary

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    We study ordered configuration spaces of compact manifolds with boundary. We show that for a large class of such manifolds, the real homotopy type of the configuration spaces only depends on the real homotopy type of the pair consisting of the manifold and its boundary. We moreover describe explicit real models of these configuration spaces using three different approaches. We do this by adapting previous constructions for configuration spaces of closed manifolds which relied on Kontsevich's proof of the formality of the little disks operads. We also prove that our models are compatible with the richer structure of configuration spaces, respectively a module over the Swiss-Cheese operad, a module over the associative algebra of configurations in a collar around the boundary of the manifold, and a module over the little disks operad.Comment: 107 page