334 research outputs found

    Relaxed lightweight assembly retrieval using vector space model

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    International audienceAssembly searching technologies are important for the improvement of design reusability. However, existing methods require that assemblies possess high-level information, and thus cannot be applied in lightweight assemblies. In this paper, we propose a novel relaxed lightweight assembly retrieval approach based on a vector space model (VSM). By decomposing the assemblies represented in a watertight polygon mesh into bags of parts, and considering the queries as a vague specification of a set of parts, the resilient ranking strategy in VSM is successfully applied in the assembly retrieval. Furthermore, we take the scale-sensitive similarities between parts into the evaluation of matching values, and extend the original VSM to a relaxed matching framework. This framework allows users to input any fuzzy queries, is capable of measuring the results quantitatively, and performs well in retrieving assemblies with specified characteristics. To accelerate the online matching procedure, a typical parts based matching process, as well as a greedy strategy based matching algorithm is presented and integrated in the framework, which makes our system achieve interactive performance. We demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach through various experiments on the prototype system

    Comparison of random variables from a game-theoretic perspective

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    This work consists of four related parts, divided into eight chapters. A ¯rst part introduces the framework of cycle-transitivity, developed by De Baets et al. It is shown that this framework is ideally suited for describing and compar- ing forms of transitivity of probabilistic relations. Not only does it encompass most already known concepts of transitivity, it is also ideally suited to describe new types of transitivity that are encountered in this work (such as isostochas- tic transitivity and dice-transitivity). The author made many non-trivial and sometimes vital contributions to the development of this framework. A second part consists of the development and study of a new method to compare random variables. This method, which bears the name generalized dice model, was developed by De Meyer et al. and De Schuymer et al., and can be seen as a graded alternative to the well-known concept of ¯rst degree stochastic dominance. A third part involves the determination of the optimal strategies of three game variants that are closely related to the developed comparison scheme. The de¯nitions of these variants di®er from each other solely by the copula that is used to de¯ne the payo® matrix. It turns out however that the characterization of the optimal strategies, done by De Schuymer et al., is completely di®erent for each variant. A last part includes the study of some combinatorial problems that orig- inated from the investigation of the transitivity of probabilistic relations ob- tained by utilizing the developed method to compare random variables. The study, done by De Schuymer et al., includes the introduction of some new and interesting concepts in partition theory and combinatorics. A more thorough discussion, in which each section of this work is taken into account, can be found in the overview at the beginning of this manuscript. Although this work is oriented towards a mathematical audience, the intro- duced concepts are immediately applicable in practical situations. Firstly, the framework of cycle-transitivity provides an easy means to represent and compare obtained probabilistic relations. Secondly, the generalized dice model delivers a useful alternative to the concept of stochastic dominance for comparing random variables. Thirdly, the considered dice games can be viewed in an economical context in which competitors have the same resources and alternatives, and must choose how to distribute these resources over their alternatives. Finally, it must be noted that this work still leaves opportunities for future research. As immediate candidates we see, ¯rstly the investigation of the tran- sitivity of generalized dice models in which the random variables are pairwisely coupled by a di®erent copula. Secondly, the characterization of the transitivity of higher-dimensional dice models, starting with dimension 4. Thirdly, the study of the applicability of the introduced comparison schemes in areas such as mar- ket e±ciency, portfolio selection, risk estimation, capital budgeting, discounted cash °ow analysis, etc

    Object reational data base management systems and applications in document retrieval

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    Symbolic and Visual Retrieval of Mathematical Notation using Formula Graph Symbol Pair Matching and Structural Alignment

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    Large data collections containing millions of math formulae in different formats are available on-line. Retrieving math expressions from these collections is challenging. We propose a framework for retrieval of mathematical notation using symbol pairs extracted from visual and semantic representations of mathematical expressions on the symbolic domain for retrieval of text documents. We further adapt our model for retrieval of mathematical notation on images and lecture videos. Graph-based representations are used on each modality to describe math formulas. For symbolic formula retrieval, where the structure is known, we use symbol layout trees and operator trees. For image-based formula retrieval, since the structure is unknown we use a more general Line of Sight graph representation. Paths of these graphs define symbol pairs tuples that are used as the entries for our inverted index of mathematical notation. Our retrieval framework uses a three-stage approach with a fast selection of candidates as the first layer, a more detailed matching algorithm with similarity metric computation in the second stage, and finally when relevance assessments are available, we use an optional third layer with linear regression for estimation of relevance using multiple similarity scores for final re-ranking. Our model has been evaluated using large collections of documents, and preliminary results are presented for videos and cross-modal search. The proposed framework can be adapted for other domains like chemistry or technical diagrams where two visually similar elements from a collection are usually related to each other

    Contribution to the organization of ground handling management at airports

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    La croissance du trafic aérien a rendu critique l’opération de la gestion des plateformes aéroportuaires. Celle-ci fait appel à de nombreux acteurs (autorités aéroportuaires, compagnies aériennes, contrôle du trafic aérien, prestataires de services, …). Le concept d’Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) développé depuis une dizaine d’années est basé sur un partage d’informations opérationnelles en temps réel entre les différents acteurs de la plate-forme, permettant de prendre des décisions en commun pour rechercher une utilisation optimale, en toutes conditions, des capacités de l’aéroport. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de contribuer à l’organisation de la gestion des opérations d’escale dans une plateforme aéroportuaire. Il s’agit de proposer une structure d’organisation de cette opération qui soit compatible avec l’approche A-CDM. La structure proposée introduit un coordinateur des opérations d’escale (GHC) qui joue le rôle d’interface de communication entre les partenaires de l’A-CDM et les différents gestionnaires des opérations d’escale (GHM). Cette structure hiérarchique permet d’une part de partager des informations avec les partenaires de l’A-CDM et d’autre part d’interagir avec les gestionnaires des opérations d’escale (GHM). Les processus de prise de décision basés sur des heuristiques ont été développés à chaque niveau de l’organisation proposée et sont évalués aussi bien dans le cas de conditions nominales que dans le cas de la présence de perturbations majeures. ABSTRACT : The increase of the world air traffic growth of the last decades has generated a permanent challenge for civil aviation authorities, airlines and airports to supply sufficient capacity to provide a safe transportation service with acceptable quality standards. New traffic management practices, such as A-CDM, based on multi-agent and collaborative decision making concepts have been introduced at airports. However, within the turnaround process of aircraft at airports, ground handling management of aircraft has not been developed specifically in the A-CDM approach, even if it has an important role in the fluidity of aircraft operations at airports. The main objective of this thesis dissertation is to contribute to the organisation of the ground handling management at airports. It consists to provide a structure organize the ground handling management compatible with the A -CDM concept. The proposed structure introduces a ground handling coordinator (GHC) which is considered as an interface for communication between the partners of the A -CDM and the different ground handling managers (GHM). This hierarchical structure allows sharing information with partners in the A -CDM on the one side and on the other side, interacting with ground handling managers (GHM). Decision making processes based on heuristics have been developed at each level of the proposed organization and have been also evaluated in the case of nominal conditions and in the case of the presence of major disruptions
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