29,128 research outputs found


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    In this thesis, the writer is interested to analyze colonialism in William Somerset Maugham’s The Painted Veil. The purposes of the thesis are to analyze how the British colonization works during the cholera epidemic in China, to analyze how the response of China society about British colonization, and to analyze the perspective of the Western toward the Eastern which is implied in The Painted Veil. In doing this research, the writer uses method of library research. The object of the thesis is William Somerset Maugham’s The Painted Veil and the supporting data are any information related to the analysis of the object which are taken from the library or internet. The writer also uses postcolonial approach to help explain the issues in The Painted Veil. To investigate the issues, the writer uses colonialism theory by Ania Loomba. The results of the thesis is that British colonialism in China has three purposes. Those are: gold which is related to the economy domination, gospel or christianization, and glory which is related to domination of a nation. The colonialism results in positive and negative response from the Chinese. There is also the view from the Western toward the Eastern. The negative views from the West are stereotypes on how the West looks at the East. The Western thinks that their culture, appearance, manner, belief, and education are better than the Eastern. There is a line boundary between the West and the East. The line boundary makes a nation is different from the other

    Archaeological Connexions Between Lyres, Poetry and Power in Barbarian Europe

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    Wenngleich Musik heutzutage überwiegend der Entspannung dient, kann sie auch Rituale begleiten und Hinweise auf soziale und politische Zugehörigkeiten liefern. Musizierende können in die unmittelbare Nähe zur politischen Führung geraten und so politischen Absichten dienen. Neue Instrumentenfunde in Gräbern des 5. bis 8. Jhd. aus dem nördlichen und atlantischen Europa lassen auf die politische Bedeutung antiker Leiermusik schließen. Während in historischen Berichten über Sänger, ihre politischen Verbindungen und diplo-matischen Handlungen alte Lieder mit Politik in Verbindung gebracht werden, fungieren archäologische Funde als materielle Repräsentanten politischer agency. Könnten analog da-zu recht ähnliche, aus der frühen Eisenzeit stammende Funde als Ausdruck politischen Handelns in schriftlosem Umfeld verstanden werden

    The Rouen Post, August 1936

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    Treasure Hunt

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    Pure ones: the WˁB AND WˁBT from the old Kingdom to the end of the middle kingdom

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    This thesis explores the development of the wˁb-title from the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. During the Old Kingdom, 59% of title-holders are linked to the royal mortuary cult, many of whom were promoted to the upper-ranking office of ḥm-nṯr. Of all of the known title-holders of the Old Kingdom, 46% were promoted to ḥm-nṯr. Although some wˁb.w continue to be linked to the royal mortuary cult in the Middle Kingdom, the majority of title-holders are now linked to the cult of a deity. Few wˁb-priests were promoted to (or served within) other priestly grades, e.g. ḥm-nṯr, ḥm-k3, ẖry-ḥbt, or s(t)m-priest. There is, however, a remarkable increase (4%) in the number of female title-holders during the Middle Kingdom. An investigation into issues of heredity and transfer of office revealed that the most common filial relationships for all historical periods were father-and-son and brother-and-brother. The information compiled within this study provides insight into the role of the wˁb in cult and society from the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom. A chronological index, containing the names and title-strings of 524 men and women that held this title from the 3rd Dynasty to the 13th Dynasty concludes this study

    Untangling Late-Victorian Anxieties: Hair Symbolism in Drcula

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    The Invention

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    Ellalou Dimmock Honors Voice Recital, November 15, 2011

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    This is the concert program of the Ellalou Dimmock Honors Voice Recital performance on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at 8:00 p.m., at the Boston University Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts. Works performed were I am in Need of Music by Lori Laitman; I Saw and I Never Saw a Moor by Thomas Pasatieri; At the Moated Grange and If You Were Coming In the Fall by Henry Mollicone; Poème d'Octobre by Jules Massenet; Three Poems of Oscar Wilde by Thomas Pasatieri; All mein gedanken, Op. 21 No. 1, Ich schwebe, Op. 48 No. 2, Ich trage meine Minne, Op. 32 No. a, Schlagende Herzen, Op. 29 No. 2, and Ständchen, Op. 17 No. 2 by Richard Strauss; and Dreaming by Lori Laitman. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Spirits on Stage Rosicrucian Magic in \u3ci\u3eThe Countless Children\u3c/i\u3e

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