1,005 research outputs found

    Post-truth, gender issues and sports entertainment: the setting in Ibero-America’s main digital media for the Super Bowl halftime show 2020

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    The subject of this research topic is the frameworks and the media representation of the role of women in mass sports events. The case study corresponds to the participation for the first time in the halftime show of the “Super Bowl 2020” of two of the main Latin pop artists: Shakira and Jennifer López. The objective of the study is to characterize the treatment of the event given by the media (both generalist and sports-themed) of the 22 countries that make up Ibero-America together with that on social networks. The assumptions that have guided the research seek to determine whether an objectification of women in the image that is built from the media and on social networks really exists; and whether the frames that occur in both are identical or different. The methodological design includes a content analysis and impact measurement with Big Data technology. The main results and conclusions include the objectification of women in all the generalist media; and 50% in sports-themed media. Similarly, it should be noted that social media reflect the impact of conventional media more than tenfold and most importantly, a change in trend and progress is foreseen in media frameworks with a gender perspective.Esta investigación aborda el análisis de los marcos y la representación mediática del papel de la mujer en los eventos deportivos de masas. El caso de estudio que concretamente analizamos se centra en la participación de dos de las principales artistas pop latinas: Shakira y Jennifer López, en el espectáculo de medio tiempo de la “Super Bowl 2020”, un hecho insólito en la historia de dicho macroevento. El objetivo del estudio es analizar el tratamiento que tanto los medios de comunicación (generalistas como deportivos) de los 22 países que componen Iberoamérica, como las redes sociales, dieron a este acontecimiento. Los supuestos que han guiado la investigación buscan determinar si existe realmente una cosificación de las mujeres en la imagen que se construye en los medios de comunicación y en las redes sociales; y si los marcos que ocurren en ambos son idénticos o diferentes. El diseño metodológico incluye el análisis de contenido y la medición de impacto con tecnología Big Data. Los principales resultados y conclusiones muestran la cosificación de las mujeres en todos los medios generalistas y en la mitad de los medios de temática deportiva. Del mismo modo, cabe señalar que el impacto de las redes sociales es diez veces superior al de los medios convencionales y, lo más importante, se observa un cambio de tendencia y un progreso en el framing de los medios de comunicación en perspectiva de género

    Empirical Examination of Lotka’s Law for Information Science and Library Science

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    The paper presents a bibliometric study on the fit of Lotka’s law on Information Science & Library Science journals indexed in Social Science Citation Index of Journal Citation Report from the period 1956 to 2014. The parameters of the Lotka's law model, C and α, were found using the linear least squares method and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to estimate the kindness of adjustment of the results to the Lotka’s distribution. It was found that the pattern of publication of the LIS category articles fits to Lotka’s law

    Empirical Examination of Lotka’s Law for Information Science and Library Science

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    The paper presents a bibliometric study on the fit of Lotka’s law on Information Science & Library Science journals indexed in Social Science Citation Index of Journal Citation Report from the period 1956 to 2014. The parameters of the Lotka's law model, C and α, were found using the linear least squares method and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied to estimate the kindness of adjustment of the results to the Lotka’s distribution. It was found that the pattern of publication of the LIS category articles fits to Lotka’s law

    Much More than a Metaphor: Translation in Anthropology

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    During the 1990s, theories of globalization spread as rapidly as neoliberalism. Their effects are widely recognized and continue to have a major influence on broad sectors of the social sciences and the humanities. These include attacks on scientific thought in the rationalist-universalist tradition and the proclamation of a New Era, recognizable in discourse distinguished by the use of the prefixes “pluri-,” “trans-” and “post-,” the use of neologisms, generally to demonstrate the increasing uniformity of human experiences, and a fascination with the metaphorical. If the Globish alluded to by Barbara Cassin in the epigraph is a sign of the new global communication, it was not until the start of this century that new areas of investigation were established to understand “the global cultural reality” from other perspectives. Like studies of the book and of publishing, studies of translation began to grow slowly in the mid-1980s but multiplied rapidly from 2000 onward. Today, it is beyond doubt that these areas constitute two of the most stimulating domains for the theoretical renewal of the social sciences and the humanities. Because they are rooted primarily in disciplines such as history and sociology, studies of the book and publishing have not been so greatly affected by the vogues of contemporary theory. This is not the case with translation studies, which has strong links to studies of literature, semiology and the communication sciences. The “actualist fascination” with translation is evidenced by an exaggeration of the virtues of the term itself as a metaphor, as a means of replacing symbols: the expression, in one language, of words written or spoken in another in the strict use or the replacement of one complex sign with another that is more effective for the purposes of comprehension in the broad sense.Fil: Sora, Gustavo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; Argentin

    Patterns of Authorship and Scientific Collaboration in Education: The Production of Colombia in ESCI

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    This paper aims to carry out a bibliometric study on the scientific production on Education that occurs in Colombia and it is indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) database. To carry out this study, the data related to the documents indexed in the ESCI database of WoS were downloaded and, by counting frequencies, the patterns of document production by journal and by year, the most productive institutions, the indicators of collaboration in authorship and the type of collaboration were identified. An increase in co-authorship and collaboration rates, as well as in international collaboration was detected for the examined period. The public universities were identified as the leading generators of scientific production in Education in Colombia. Likewise, the Bradford’s core of zones of dispersion of literature in the topic was identified, and it was found that more than 90% of these are journals edited by universities. The production of Colombia in Education has experienced a considerable increase in the period from 2005 to 2019. Although the collaboration rates have increased and are similar to those observed for example in Education in Spain, they are still lower than those of Social Sciences in Colombia

    The Faculty Notebook, September 2016

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    The Faculty Notebook is published periodically by the Office of the Provost at Gettysburg College to bring to the attention of the campus community accomplishments and activities of academic interest. Faculty are encouraged to submit materials for consideration for publication to the Associate Provost for Faculty Development. Copies of this publication are available at the Office of the Provost

    Historiografia da educación de las infancias na Iberoamérica: contribuições para a configuração da Pedagogia Infantil como campo de saber

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    The purpose of this review article is to analyze the tensions of knowledge and powerthat have been taking shape in Ibero-America, around the research that havedealt with the history of childhood education: the education of boys and girls frombirth to entrance into primary school. Methodologically, discursive reading wasused to account the discourses, institutions and subjects that have been historicallyproduced in Ibero-America to educate toddlers, the preschool child and earlychildhood, based on four knowledge practices: preschool education, infant education,toddler education and initial education. As results, the production of a historiographicknowledge produced since the end of the 20th century, is analyzed inorder to configure a field of knowledge for Childhood Pedagogy, in which new waysof relating the pedagogical knowledge, social history of education and the field ofchildhood studies from the relationships between teaching, development, learningand education, allow the articulation of concepts that have enabled the training ofboys and girls. This article ends by identifying the challenges that must be facedfor the invention of a field of knowledge, in which Childhood Pedagogy enables theintegration of schooling and comprehensive care for early childhood to carry outchildhood education in contemporary timesEl artículo de revisión tiene como propósito analizar las relaciones y tensiones de saber y poder que han venido configurando en Iberoamérica en torno a las investigaciones que se han ocupado de historiar la educación de las infancias; es decir de la educación de los niños y las niñas desde su nacimiento hasta el ingreso a la escuela primaria. Metodológicamente se empleó la lectura discursiva para dar cuenta de los discursos, instituciones y sujetos que se han objetivado para producir una naturaleza infantil para educar a los párvulos, al niño preescolar y a la primera infancia a partir de tres prácticas de saber: la educación preescolar, la educación infantil, la educación parvularia y la educación inicial. Como resultados se analiza la producción de un balance historiográfico en aras de ir configurando un campo de saber para la Pedagogía Infantil en el que se proponen y resignifican nuevos modos de relación entre el saber pedagógico, la historia social de la educación y el campo de estudios en infancias a partir de las relaciones entre la enseñanza, el desarrollo, el aprendizaje y la educación como conceptos articuladores que han posibilitado la formación de los niños y las niñas. Finaliza el artículo identificando los desafíos que deben afrontarse para la invención de un campo de experiencia en el que la Pedagogía Infantil posibilite la integración de la escolarización y la atención integral a la primera infancia para llevar a cabo la educación de las infancias en la contemporaneidad.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as tensões de saber e poder que vêm se formandona Ibero-América em torno das pesquisas que trataram da história da educaçãoinfantil; isto é, a educação de crianças desde o nascimento até a entrada na escolaprimária. Metodologicamente, utilizou-se a leitura discursiva para dar conta dosdiscursos, instituições e disciplinas que historicamente foram produzidas na Ibero-América para a formação de crianças, pré-escolares e primeira infância a partirde quatro práticas de saber: educação pré-escolar, educação parvularia, educaçãoinfantil e educação inicial. Como resultado, analisa-se a produção de um conhecimentohistoriográfico, desde o final do século xx, a fim de configurar um campo desaber na Pedagogia Infantil, no qual se propõem e se ressignificam novas formasde relacionar entre o conhecimento pedagógico, a história social da educação e ocampo dos estudos da infância a partir das relações entre ensino, desenvolvimento,aprendizagem e educação como conceitos articuladores que possibilitam a formaçãode crianças. O artigo termina identificando os desafios que devem ser enfrentadospara a invenção de um campo do saber em que a Pedagogia Infantil possibilitea integração da escolarização e do cuidado integral à primeira infância para levar acabo a educación de las infancias na contemporaneidade